Dedicated to exposing all the women who complain about wanting a "good man", to show women's poor dating behavior and unreasonable standards while offering little to no value themselves.
Seagram7 Single Mom Tears
The manosphere has been screaming this for years: Men don't give a fuck about her socioeconomic standing. The kind of man she wants all the other women also want, so he can afford to date the ones younger than her and without kids. She's in her 30s and with a kid, She needs to get real. (
MentORPHEUS Single Mom Tears
Got the full custody I wanted, found it's actual work; all of this is MENS fault and amounts to sexism!!! (
mustangfrank1 Single Mom Tears
DNA proves Kids (plural) are not his, man bolts, woman is devastated, but will not admit truth (
polishknight Single Mom Tears
I’m a Single Mom Who Is Ready To Give Up On Men Because They All Want Sex (
DextroShade Single Mom Tears
Post-wall single mother with zero sex drives complains that she doesn't get offered anything more than dick. (
kevin32 Single Mom Tears
Single mom leaves the room in tears after learning how low value and risky she is to wealthy men. (