Hey boys - got a high paying job, gym 3/4 days a week, heavy sports / cardio to keep me lean.

Im RP in most things, my relationship, keeping fit, not taking shit & a high paying job. The only thing holding my back is my gambling "addiction" i have quite significant savings in the six figures, im only 28 bang hot 19-25 year olds.

But my issue is last week i lost $2k gambling on the NBA finals. I originally lost about 20k 2 years ago and went cold turkey. This year in total i lost around $8k. Given my level of savings this its only about 4-5% and something i can take. However i always have the thought in my mind i will win that money back in future and some more. To the point where i don't want to spend money on my personal life (clothes, physio, holidays) but spending $1-2k per bet isn't an issue. I also have this issue where im fixated on how much i have in savings account (protecting / growing it - via betting only at this point)

How can i get around this and start thinking in a different way? i have virtually blocked all access to gambling, only way i can gamble now is a physical bookie. Thanks in advance bois.