So I have a couple of friends who explain to me how they got sucked off or met with a girl to fuck when acting lovey-dovey.

A friend told me how he and his friend met up with 2 girls. His friend immediately claimed a girl and starter acting lile that. He hadn’t met her before that and said things like “you’re mine” and he told my friend “hey, don’t speak to her, she’s mine” (not really meaning it of course but still) when he tried to talk to her.

But when I read trp I kind of pick up that this behavior is not rewarded and it will make you get pissed over..

But why does it work in such situations then? Could it just be the girl likes him too? But I mean they hadn’t met before so she would just know him as mister lovey-dovey which “should” be a turn off, no? Even if she thinks he’s pretty, or not?