Just hoping I can get some outside perspective. I'm mid 20s

I found TRP about 4 years ago and at the time I was extremely BP. I then focused grinding my career and studying for my bachelor's. I grinded working full time, full time class load, and nightlife in my free time.

A lot of ups and downs. Including making spinning plates/women my focus in life outside job and school.

Now that I've stopped drinking/partying, have a stable career, a great LTR, and graduated I feel like I am just spinning my wheels. I don't have anything to work towards.

I already go to the gym. My other hobbies are just around the house. Rarely catch up with my friends since they just mainly want to party still.

I don't know what to do with all my time.

I see people talk about finding something they put all their focus into but I can't seem to find anything like that. Has anyone been in a similar situation or have any ideas.

I know this is long shot since everyone is different, but I've been like for awhile so thought I'd try.