I have personally witnessed a girl describing sex with a beta as casual. The guy is 5’ 4” or so and looks like a skinny-fat gerbil, who spent months pursuing before even getting one date. She described the guy as a rebound from her first ex, and her first ex sounded much closer to a Chad than this midget.

So, my question is, do girls ‘casually’ fuck safe guys, as some kind of distraction? It seems like this guy was the recurring rebound and she was never that into him, yet the red pill had me believing that casual = hot steamy sex with Chads, every time, since they’re “breaking their rules for” the guy.

Edit: He might be as tall as 5’ 6” but she described him as “a couple” inches taller than her, and I know he’s shorter than girls so I think he’s probably 5’ 4”.

Edit # 2: I also don’t mean to degrade shorter guys; if a short guy has a good face and/or muscle then he’s fine.. this guy had neither.