Hello guys. We all know this situation, don't we? We want to ask a young girl (texting) out but the response to our invitation is: maybe, maybe I don't know, maybe I'll have time, maybe I don't know I'll call you and blah blah blah...
So, we get this shit as answers most often from young girls aged 18-25 (I know it can vary slightly by country or culture). The answers from women who are 30 and over are usually quite clear, you know ...
I know that in the case of these stupid answers from young girls it is best to move on, but I would like to know your opinion and your reaction guys???
Thx ;)
orbilius 2mo ago
Are you making plans too far in advance? Asking a young girl out for a weekend is tricky because she has a big social circle and there is always 20 other things she could choose to do. For you to get a weekend date, there has to be nothing better going on.
Have you tried hitting them up during the week? It helps if you have other friends that go out during the week. Basically on a Tuesday night at around 4:00 (when the girl will be just finished with class) you text, “hey, I’m going with some friends to hear a band play later. You should come out. It’ll be fun”
Also, for a young girl, Saturday and Sunday mornings are likely freer than Friday and Saturday night. So, use the same strategy (the no lead time strategy) to ask them out on a weekend. “Morning. There’s a seafood festival downtown. Let’s go check it out” - send that at 10:00 am on a Saturday.
It’ll also help if you have several irons in the fire. Text your A girl, give her 30 minutes, then text the B girl. If B girl agrees to go, don’t read any texts from A girl until the next morning, and post pics of B on social media. When you read A the next day, respond with single words or even just a thumbs up emoji.
SwarmShawarma 3mo ago
3-4 y ago I proposed to a FWB to move in after she helped me, which I have casually mentioned .
She said ' I need to think about it '.
I had visceral, but calm reaction. I just knew she wants to keep shopping.
I have never considered it again, although she had done 10fold of how she helped before and continues doing.
I have explained to her that she had every right to think about it but I dont see a reason to.come back to it anytime soon.
I think it comes hardwired in you, and if you wont let others shame you for doing the shit that is good for you, then you will find an animal in you.
Justanaverageguy 3mo ago
I know plenty of women in their late 30’s and 40’s that still say maybe. Can’t communicate for shit. Age doesn’t have anything to do with it.
Micr0feet 3mo ago
You're absolutely right. I like young girls best, though, so I get this shit from them. If I ask out a woman who's over 30, if she doesn't say no right away it's a clear "yes, fuck me now".
[deleted] 3mo ago
MrSupreme 3mo ago
Rephrase the whole invitation, don't give em a chance to say it. Instead of asking her "so do you wanna go out?" just tell her "I'll meet you in (place) at (hour) or "I'll pick you up at 8pm". Works better if there is enough attraction and she really wants to go out, if there's not enough attraction she may still hit you with denial , or a "Maybe". Build attraction and interest
Micr0feet 3mo ago
Good point. I always use phrases like "Hey, meet me in the square at 8" and stuff like that. We regularly get a "maybe" response to that too. Yes interest and attraction is of course the key.
redhawkes 2 3mo ago
Maybe = No
This is why polarization is key. Never dwell in the gray area. Be clear, time/place/date. I've never had a fuck yea bitch answer with maybe. The timewasters on the other hand..They want to keep you in the orbit or on the back burner. Free attention, but as you should know, the only attention you should give them is when she's choking on your dick.
Don't be that guy, always think abundance bruv. Read Rollo's "The medium is the message".
Micr0feet 3mo ago
Sorry, I'm not a native English speaker. I wrote it wrong, with women in their 30s I get either a no or a straight yes and sex on the second date at the latest. You are right 100%. Abundance is a key.
Justanaverageguy 3mo ago
I’ve had women say “absolutely!” and then flake when you try to nail down a time or day or ghost you after saying “absolutely we can!”
redhawkes 2 3mo ago
It happens. That's how these hoes weed out themselves. Actions>words
Micr0feet 3mo ago
Yes, this is an absolutely common situation. Ghost you on social media platforms is probably their " easy way" say no.
mattyanon Admin 3mo ago
Ok. Regardless of motive, you can't accept this shit or you'll lose respect / control.
Best plan is to shift to a maybe yourself. This does not have to make logical sense and you don't need to justify it. Just shift things so that she's no longer in control and you are committed to something she's being stupid about.
For example:
You: "Hi girl... you, me, Friday, 7.30, Dog and Boner bar, wear something nice". [Generally bad to offer so much up front, but let's assume you fucked up]
Flakey girl: "Mayyyyyyyybe"
You: "Yeah, I'm not sure what I'm doing Friday, I've got a lot on at the moment, I'll get back to you".
Micr0feet 3mo ago
That's interesting. How many times did it happen after you wrote this response that didn't make much sense that the girl finally accepted your invitation?
mattyanon Admin 3mo ago
My general experience is that this is all part of the dance..... you over extend yourself with too much commitment.... girl backs off..... I back off...... girl generally shows renewed interest and we start over.