I have a desk job, and I have to say, the men at my job are complete kissasses. To be clear, I don't mean being respectful. The three other men working here kiss serious ass. They go above and beyond for all the female employees, always on their beck and call, even if their position is over them. One guy in particular talks more than any of the women, asking about her coffee and bs like that. You would swear this guy plays for the other team, but he has a wife and kids.

In the first month of my employment, the women here understood I would keep it respectful but I wouldn't kiss their asses. I quickly lost their interest. Prospects of moving up gone, all their goodwill gone. It kinda sickens me how the men here act, since in the end, they accept this sort of treatment.

Tell me, is this normal? Is this how I have to act to move up in the corporate world? its like Im living in another dimension.