Hi I am 38M and have recently started dating someone (33F) and while its newish (3 or so months), I wanted to potentially start introducing her to the ideas of relationships that come from TRP, and getting her thoughts. We are both aligned on future goals like wanting both marriage and children. I've also asked what her thoughts were about being a stay at home mother and she's said she wouldn't be against it.
While still getting to know each other I've already floated the idea around of having male and female specific "roles" in relationships and she seems to be pretty aligned. I'm getting the sense that she's pretty game but I do have some hesitancy around how she can be sometimes get critical in her nature, until I shut it down or call her out. I've read a little bit on the subreddit of "The Red Pill Woman" and seen some examples of women who were very unhappy until they sort of bought into the idea of gender based roles. Part of me was thinking about showing her sort of an FAQ of the philosophy and kind of getting her thoughts and then also let her know what I think makes a good relationship.
Do folks here have any recommendations on doing a soft intro into the concepts from TRP to a newish relationship?
Edit: One thing I forgot to mention is I have lent her my book "The Evolution of Desire" by David Buss as a means to get her to understand men and women's biological nature a little better.
Problematic_Browser 1 3d ago
Lol you don't.
The fact is that most women cannot handle TRP and trying to introduce them to it only has negative consequences for you.
Imagine a game, and opposing players have spent a great deal of time and energy deceiving you about the rules so that the game always remains in their favor. What do you think would happen if you let on that not only do you know this, but you also understand the rules? Do you think they will say "oh good, you figured it out!"
You will be met with outright hostility.
That's what TRP is - it's the rules to the game that women dont want you to know you're even playing.
Typo-MAGAshiv 2 2d ago
Hey, you're alive!
I second this as strongly as possible, @ginoman1234.
And like Rollo Tomassi frequently says: women want you to play the game with them. They don't want you to explain the rules of the game to them. They just want to play.
It's a terrible idea to discuss this shit with a chick you want to fuck.
mattyanon Admin 3d ago
Marriage is blue pill as fuck
Women love female roles because they are fucking easy.
Meanwhile you're the breadwinner. Your obligation is legally mandated. Hers is not.
Man: player Girl: dick sucker
Nothing else works.
throwaway415 2d ago
I don't completely disagree but Isn't Rollo Tomassi married? He doesn't seem very beta to me
Typo-MAGAshiv 2 2d ago
There are exceptions to everything. My wife and I are exceptions to a lot of generalities as well.
This still doesn't mean marriage is a good idea for men.
It's nothing but legally-enforced obligations for the man, with no legally-enforced benefits for the man.
mattyanon Admin 1d ago
and critically: it's legally enforced obligations on the man ONLY
there are no enforced obligations on the woman
Typo-MAGAshiv 2 1d ago
Didn't realize I wasn't clear on that; edited accordingly.
SpiritualEnema 4d ago
You don’t. Red pill is for you and you alone. It will just lead to resentment. Young millennials/Gen Z women are the ones that are least likely to be receptive to this line of thinking. They came of age during peak feminism.
ginoman1234 4d ago
Thanks for the context on why not. I guess that makes sense given the time she grew up. So do I just get buy-in on things by telling her what I think works best and seeing her response?
One of the things I would love for her to read is the article "The Essential Duties of the First Mate". https://www.trp.red/p/fleetingwish/795
Would that also be a bad idea?? I'm guessing so
Vermillion-Rx Admin 2d ago
Fleetingwish is a woman. Take anything she's written with a grain of salt
Musicgoon78 2 4d ago
Don't do it. That's a bad idea.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 4d ago
No-Stress-Cat 4d ago
Don't talk about Fight Club.
MrSupreme 4d ago
Funny enough, when i started finding TRP it was a woman that gave me certain clues of gender roles and stuff, while my exwife never even gave a hint.
I dont think you should, discuss female psychology if you have the understanding and she has the IQ, if you must.But really,dont
pofkaf 4d ago
You don't "introduce" anybody to the red pill. Instead you just live according to your personal philosophy, and everybody else can either fall into your frame or get lost.
Women do not think the same way as men. So lending her books, explaining. TRP concepts, etc is counterproductive. She'll interpret that as you trying to manipulate her. And she will argue with every point you make.
Stop trying to force it. Just lead the relationship as an alpha male should. If done correctly, her feminine nature will prevail.
First-light 4d ago
Don't talk about the concept. It gives women less benefits than many other philosophies. It is inherently unattractive to them and devalues you as relationship material. Its like them saying "I am a feminist" -think what that would do to how you would think of them.
You can just talk about the truths of the world a bit in a non evangelical way. So you point out how unfair the laws are to men when that unfairness comes up, you explain that you expect her to pay her way. When she hints at marriage you will have to say its not for you because of the laws but you could have a commitment ceremony if you liked. Then just act assertively with kindness and understanding. Red pill is just what our fathers should have taught us so we can get the best from this world today. In some tribes around the world young men are taught some of these things (and others more specific to their own world) at initiation but the initiation of men and the secrets of men are not for women.
redhawkes 2 4d ago
Read Whisper and HSP posts on the mains sub. Trying to redpill women is beyond retarded. You train them and create your slut.
First, you'll dry her pussy, then she'll branch swing to someone who gets it, since you're fake. It's pretty simple, you lead she follows. Telling a woman about her nature only going to repulse her.
At her age, she's probably been trained (heh) by someone else. TRPW are bunch of wall hitting roasties who use TRP to manipulate betas since they can't catch a Chad. There's a reason why there aren't any young chicks on there.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 2d ago
Do you have any posts? Your voicing is good would love to see more OC from you
redhawkes 2 2d ago
I'll compile some shit post when I get free time. Currently busy af
It seems like oneitis and captain save a hoe are the eternal topics on here.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 2d ago
I'll look at these
I mean do you have any original redhawkes posts that you've written, i don't believe I've come across one before and you're comments are always good
redhawkes 2 2d ago
This one lmaoo. As you already know, every TRP tenet and idea is already beaten to death, that's why I try to contribute in the comment section. Comments are like a cartilage tissue, it connects the post to the IRL experience.
This is why many still miss the reddit's asktrp. It was a goldmine of experience and wisdom.