I am now turning off contest mode from the original thread here so you can all see the results...

And the winners of a free month of reddit gold are....

Most Thought-Provoking Submission

What submission was really insightful and caused the best conversation to take place?

/u/FleetingWish Ponderings on "Maturity"

Most Insightful Advice

Which comment gave the best, most insightful advice to another member?

/u/Whisper The Slut, and how not to be one.

Best Overall Submitter

Who has submitted the best, most consistent quality content this year?


Because dana is a mod, we are awarding the gold to the runner up:


Best Red Pill Girl Game

Which submission or comment demonstrates or explains the best red pill girl game?

/u/Chawlston My girl game field report

Best Off-Topic Submission

Which submission isn't strictly about red pill but was awesome and made for great conversation?

/u/MrsStrom "Adventures in Female Hypergamy", or "I Went to a Male Strip Show, Kill Me Now"

Congratulations to our winners!