I am now turning off contest mode from the original thread here so you can all see the results...
And the winners of a free month of reddit gold are....
Most Thought-Provoking Submission
What submission was really insightful and caused the best conversation to take place?
/u/FleetingWish Ponderings on "Maturity"
Most Insightful Advice
Which comment gave the best, most insightful advice to another member?
/u/Whisper The Slut, and how not to be one.
Best Overall Submitter
Who has submitted the best, most consistent quality content this year?
Because dana is a mod, we are awarding the gold to the runner up:
Best Red Pill Girl Game
Which submission or comment demonstrates or explains the best red pill girl game?
/u/Chawlston My girl game field report
Best Off-Topic Submission
Which submission isn't strictly about red pill but was awesome and made for great conversation?
/u/MrsStrom "Adventures in Female Hypergamy", or "I Went to a Male Strip Show, Kill Me Now"
Congratulations to our winners!
[deleted] 11y ago
These posts are great!
OccamsUsername 11y ago
Congratulations, ladies. Look forward to the next year of contributions.
PhantomDream09 11y ago
Thank you kindly, losing to dana is nothing to be ashamed of, and I'm happy to win by default. :0)
[deleted] 11y ago
Phantom deserves it, im just funnier :)
secularist42 11y ago
The real question is did you get her that Xbox One? :-)