When asking a question, please keep the following things in mind:

New users, do not use a throwaway account - if you want to post on the RPW sub and be a part of our community then please pick an appropriate name. If you truly want to remain anonymous for one reason or another, then message the moderating team. One of the mods may feel inclined to post a thread on your behalf. Keep in mind that you will need a legitimate reason for wanting to remain anonymous.

When you do post a thread, make sure that you actually check back in and respond to the comments people are making. If you are a new user, please take the time to participate on other threads and interact on the sub. Posts made by random users that never participate again on the RPW sub is becoming tiresome. Take the time to participate and contribute to conversations on other threads. Give back to the community before you ask other subscribers to help you out.

When you are creating a thread, be sure to consider and address the following questions:

  1. What is the problem? (Neutral phrasing: use words like "we," and "our" so that you aren't trying to off-load problems at your SO's feet when there's actually plenty of blame to go around)

  2. What are your faults? How have you contributed to the creation of these issues?

  3. Why do you think this (these) problem(s) manifested?

  4. What steps have you already taken to try and resolve the problem?

  5. How long has this been an issue?

  6. Are you making a mountain out of a mole-hill? If a woman you really despised came to you with this issue, would you still think it's a legitimate concern? Or would you tell her she's throwing things out of proportion?

  7. How's your bedroom life right now? Are you taking care of his needs emotionally and physically?

All threads asking for advice and feedback will need to address this information. Understand that additional questions may be added to this list. We are trying to help users provide more well-rounded and insightful background information. Hopefully this will also cut back on instances of trolling and baiting.

This information has been added to the Posting Rules thread, but this will exist as a separate post so that anyone can quickly and easily provide a link to users that have not covered all the appropriate information when asking for advice.


  • Bad-mouthing TRP, or any RP sub will result in an immediate ban.

  • Any terms and insults stated for no reason other than to offend and demean another user will be grounds for banning as well.

  • Do not concern troll or tone police.