/u/conflagratorX asks:
I am wondering why there is so much contempt for {tradcon pundit}. The only difference between {tradcon pundit} and TRP is that {tradcon pundit} thinks current civilization can revert back to traditional values while TRP prefer to enjoy the decline. Not everyone is cynical and nihilistic enough to enjoy the decline while almost every men can benefit from other TRP concepts. Why making so much fuss about guy whose core concepts align with TRP?
I've been asked this fair amount... "What the hell do you have against Tradcons, Whisper? Why not stop the decline instead of just learning to prosper within it?"
Since we've already had enough ragebait and shit tests to smoke out the cucks among us, we'll just talk about the answers.
Their utopia is not your utopia.
They lost the fight, why would you think they'll win the rematch?
Tradconism was destroyed by a non-reversible process.
- They're not offering to save society for you. They're demanding you save it for their kids.
So, to lump it all together, they want you in a fight you can't win, against a foe you can't defeat, for a prize you don't want, in a future you will never live to see.
I'll give them credit for a nice sales pitch, though.
Their utopia is not your utopia.
The reason that tradcon societies are so economically successful in general is that they hitch the wagon of productivity to the strongest horse there is... the male sex drive. Civilization itself was, after all, built by dudes trying to get laid. If men have to be financially successful to get laid, they have to work hard and be productive. That's great for society, and great for women... but for you? Are you really that sure you want the price of pussy raised?
How thirsty would you have to be to consider marrying a woman you hadn't fucked yet? (Especially in a society that expected monogamy of you.)
Remember that Baby Boomer men enthusiastically helped to dismantle the tradcon way of life. If marriage was so great for them, why did they kick over the traces for the vague promise of some hairy free-love snatch?
Which brings us to...
They lost the fight, why would you think they'll win the rematch?
Tradconism pays lip-service respect to men, rather than insulting them, but remember that it, too, is in service to the female imperative. Instead of helping men to overcome and control their protective instinct towards women, it plays to that instinct, and raises men who are slaves to it.
This is why feminism ate tradcon's lunch. Feminism is nothing, after all, but a massive exploitation of the male protective instinct. Chivalry-type polkamans will always be weak to girl-type polkamans.
Especially when their victory condition is unattainable because...
Tradconism was destroyed by a non-reversible process.
Nuff said.
They're not offering to save society for you. They're demanding you save it for their kids.
Anytime someone comes to you with a plan for society, there is always a price to pay. If they don't tell you upfront who will pay, and how much it will cost, then the answers are you, and a whole hell of a lot, respectively.
Are tradcons going to smooth the way for you by abolishing alimony and no-fault divorce, banning abortion or legalizing paternal severance, getting young women to marry at 16 before going to college? Are they going to restore fatherhood as a position of respect and veneration? Are they going to take ANY action to eliminate any of the risks and drawbacks of marriage and raising children?
No, they want YOU to do that work starting the crusade yourself. They want you to dive on the grenade so that the next generation of their kids can reap the benefits created by the survivors.
They can't fix western civilization in time to make a difference in your life. You are going to live the rest of your life in Upside Down Clown World.
What they want is for you to stop trying to make the best of it and start taking a bullet for the same western civilization that abandoned you.
What they promise will happen might sound wonderful to you, if you are thirsty enough to trade your glorious freedom to game sluts for a lifetime of guaranteed starfish sex and nagging... but the tradcon "return to traditional values" is no more a real prospect for improving your existence than the "pie in the sky when die" offered by Christians, or communist's glorious utopia of the proletariat.
That's why I'm not telling you a plan, and not recruiting you for a movement. I do not have a glorious vision of hope to sell you. I am not asking for your trust. If I met you in person, I would eat your lunch and steal your girl. I am telling you that you are on your own. The only person with your best interests at heart is you.
Don't get suckered.
tolerantman 6y ago
"Why won't you sacrifice yourself for me like a REAL man!" - Typical western woman
"Why won't you sacrifice yourself for women like a REAL man!" - Typical tradcon man
_0W0_ 6y ago
weimar changed why can't we. The sacrifice I see, but I feel in our life time blood, conquest and a regret-less death bed is a payment that could be afforded to those who fought.
Entropy-7 6y ago
I married a nice trad con Catholic girl from the Philippines. I have a wife and blow jobs on tap.
Lucky me.
mattizie 6y ago
It all comes down to economic policy and government.
While you live in what is practically socialism, and big government has the power to intervene in affairs regarding marriage, tradcon is naught but a pipe dream.
Flintblood 6y ago
The tradcons paradise from the 1940s to roughly the mid 1970s was short lived. Men only had to worry about one thing: putting bread on the table. They were still slaves to the tradcuck expectations, but they could have pretty wives that watched their figures and ran the house while the men could just work then come home and crash and ignore their figures. Men outside Hollywood and entertainment didn’t have to be pretty or fashionable.
popthatpill 6y ago
Great post. One quibble:
By "kids", I would have said "daughters". I've never seen a tradcon care about sons.
ImaRussianBotAMA 6y ago
Let me know when you finally get your first blowjob. They are glorious!
lurkinglimabean 6y ago
https://youtu.be/2mmIEZKWi3A Thought I needed to share this. Literally women preaching red pill ideals.
stwop 6y ago
I had never heard the term tradcon before, but from finding its definition just now I think it's a good description of what I've been for a long time, so I'd like to share my perspective on this if you don't mind. There seems to be a consensus among TRP mods and Vanguard about your views so I won't deny that you have accurately described what this sub is supposed to be about. But I also remember reading one of the posts from the sidebar where it said that TRP is a tool and how one uses it, is entirely up to him.
The way I see it, that's ultimately what me and the others (tradcons?) do. I've personally always felt that I wanted to serve a purpose higher than myself by leaving my mark in the world, and I've found the knowledge shared here to be a fundamental tool in that regard. I disagree that this idea makes me (us) bluepill(s). Indeed in the original Matrix triology, the ultimate and sole purpose of the red pill was to destroy the matrix and make things go back to what they were, to whatever extent possible. To me, the idea of just sitting back and enjoying the decline would make me feel like a coward.
You are right that things will never go back to being exactly like they were in the 20s or 30s. The sluts who've had a taste of life on easy mode at the cost of men, would never want to go back to the normal natural standard. But that unwavering conclusion does not diminish my desire to fight back one bit. If someone forcefully put you into a ring with a tank twice your size, would you cower like a little bitch just because you had no chance of winning the fight or making out of it intact? Me, I'd be
happyhappier if I could at least assure he wouldn't be smiling with his full teeth afterwards. And if there was a chance to win, no matter how small, then I'd try.I believe there is a chance to win. 15 years ago, nobody thought that it would be possible for a man who talked about grabbing women by the pussy, to be elected president against a feminist woman. Nobody thought fervently anti-feminist personalities such as Milo Yiannopoulos, would attain worldwide fame and be able to make a living out of mocking feminists.
Undeniably, there is a cultural shift taking place in the west. Time will tell what we'll make of it.
There is truth to your idea that "tradcons" are doing it for their kids. But is our biological purpose in life not to survive and replicate? If one is to reject his biological purpose for the sake of avoiding future hardships, how is that any different than MGTOW?
rayraytime 6y ago
The title of this post makes sense to me. The rest, doesn't. Heard about this sub via Twitter. Looks like I'll need a translation guide to under the conversation here. No thanks.
Flintblood 6y ago
Respond here with your questions and read the sidebar
rayraytime 6y ago
I'm not interested enough to ask questions. Just pointing the difficulty of needing to read a translation guide to converse on a forum.
EscapeTheGoat 6y ago
This is the problem I've always had with tradcons. They seem to be aware of the decline of western civ but they still adhere to the retarded weaknesses of the past. They still adhere to gender myths and the feminine imperative designed for a world where women had to have 7 children to have 3 survive, had no birth control, and would only live until 40, had a high probability of dying in childbirth etc. I no longer have any sympathy because that's simply not the world we live in anymore.
BurnoutRS 6y ago
I keep finding it odd that people have such an issue with JBP and such but then I remind myself theres a lot of people that will still participate in idol worship and pedestalize anyone who espouses anything remotely RP in a public setting.
People need to stop having such a personal attatchment to ideas. Forced monogamy is an important concept that people should be aware of. If you dont understand the systems that we employed in the past and why they worked, we can never hope to make sense of the situation now and determine a new solution. Saying "this is why forced monogamy worked" is also opening the counterpoint of "here's why its not working now"
The women of today's society are utterly unsuitable for that type of fantasy utopia. Its predicated on their reward circuitry (among other neurological shit im not totally qualified to comment on) not being corrupted by the introduction of the reward of giving in to her hypergamous nature before she's paired bonded through marriage to a man who, ideally is her only sexual partner.
The gateway theory is more applicable to the first enjoyable substance you try than it is to weed alone. once you break the seal and cross the threshold from sobriety into your first real drug experience, it makes a fundamental change in the person you are. Alcohol can be just as much of a gateway in breaking down the barriers that inhibit a person from taking the risk of using a substance.
Sex mirrors substance abuse and vice versa. the most addictive drugs are the ones that most strongly effect the same pathways responsible for sexual reward. Forced monogamy only works when you get girls addicted to your dick and then pair bond through a social contract. The girls of today are much less suscept to addicting to just one dick when theyve been fed a healthy and diverse diet containing all the dick groups, since an early age.
She can only wonder what another man is like when youve been her only partner her whole life. Its a favourable state. She can, with greater ease, dismiss the notion that another man might fuck her better, having no supporting evidence
RivenHalf 6y ago
I disagree. I feel like if anything this would just entice her more. There is not a single thing more arousing to a woman than the mysterious and unknown. This is the same reason I dismiss the young brides theory. If you've ever known anything who got married before 20, the wife is just as likely if not more likely to stray than a women who had her fill of the cock carousel and then "settled down." The wife feels cheated of her CC days and aims to reclaim them.
re4d3 6y ago
N count is in direct relation to divorce rate. Who wants to wife up an ex-cc slut?
BurnoutRS 6y ago
It depends on the historical context as well. Im really glad you brought this point up.
I have it in my head that at certain times the mentality would have been put forth to a woman that she "doesnt hold true power in society, is beholden to the rules of men to protect her, especially, from her own hypergamous nature, and that, to violate those rules, would be devastating to all aspects of her life"
If you can convince a person that they are happy being a slave and that freedom is a true burden, they might toil in blissful ignorance until the end of their days.
thats the issue, and what you highlight is much more likely to happen in this day and age. When you could be publicly shamed for being an adulterer, when prostitution was viewed as the lowest and most vile position for a woman.
Women value their reputations highly. Social status is intrinsic to their survival. When society as a whole adopts the mentality that being a slut is essentially an exilable offense, that the true and pure path is to be married off to a man, it puts a lot more pressure on a woman to stay faithful.
The times before birth control, before womens sexual liberation. And this isnt me saying "well lets go back to the times when we married a 40 year old man to a 13 year old girl" just merely looking at why a system worked (or might have worked) in the past, and why it wont work now
Another reason we cant return to that is that men are already hypersexualized and our society doubles down on that. there is a huge industry in preying on lonely beta males who cant get laid. The media pushes the mentality that if you arent getting laid you arent a man, you arent cool. Beta niceguys feel the pressure and double down on their nice guy tactics. then you get someone like me at 23 who realizes there was like 10 good years of fucking I wasted chasing something that wasnt real.
Fuck forced monogamy. A man, divided against himself, cannot stand. As much as my brain might be able to romanticize it my dick is like "dude you aint gonna get tied down to one bitch, thats fuckin crazy"
I wonder if there might be a binary here. 2 types of women, those that would shut out the thought of infidelity at the risk of losing her social status, and those who feel they can get away with it, hamster it. Maybe theres been a shift in that we were quicker to clamp down on the hamster before, no rationalizing, dont let the wheel spin at all. What stops a hamster from running in a wheel? The Muslims use stones. Ahahah damn thats pretty fucked up but I mean, thats another societal strategy that was implemented to deal with the nature of women.
Equate reputational suicide and tarnishing your name with the brand of a slut, with actual suicide. Ought to make a girl think twice. and yet, we see examples today of women in muslim countries going against their culture and being punished heavily for it. Which still makes me wonder, would they be less likely to rebel in the absence of any feminist/western influence? Like, in the past before the internet, or before television... oh well
RivenHalf 6y ago
I agree with you on all fronts here. The reason the system worked back then was because if a woman was found to be cheating it could be the end of life society wise, not to mention the man was usually the bread winner and unless the unfair and female centered courts of the present, she would not have received any benefits for her misstep. Exiled from society and your income, it truly would be a form of suicide. You could debate of course if these women were truly happy with their circumstances or just going with it because they literally had no choice at some point. Hypergamy is a monstrous beast though and even at the risk of literal death as you laid out in your stoning example, some women still can't contain their primal urges even a the cost or potential cost of their very lives.
Incel9876 6y ago
Putin's Russia. Eventually, America and the rest of EU/NATO will collapse and get their own versions of Putin, autocracy, and the Orthodox Christian revival. Why would you think history is going to stop at the current status quo?
re4d3 6y ago
This will make a nice civilization epitaph: Their men just wanted blowjobs.
Tl;dr Who has more kids, wins.
TheRedPike Senior Endorsed 6y ago
What's the prize?
UrsusG 6y ago
Again with this argument. Yes, let's get into a breeding competition with the Negro and the Arab.
They have 6 children? Let's have 8! They have 8? Let's have 10!
After all, we must secure the existence of our...
Who benefits from this?
Is your idea of a fulfilled life working 16 hours a day and having exactly 3 minutes to yourself on the shitter (because at the 5 minute mark someone from your herd of 10 is bound to need the bathroom)?
Rian_Stone 6y ago
the puritan work ethic isn't compatable with the current automation of gainful employment
UrsusG 6y ago
Yes, future job availability is another can of automated worms.
Flintblood 6y ago
another automated can of automated worms
0-InAmberClad-0 6y ago
Why not? White people are currently at the top of humanity's hierarchy. If white people don't reproduce, the lesser humans take over.
UrsusG 6y ago
I didn't say 'don't reproduce'.
We should reproduce in peace and quiet just around replacement levels (sometimes higher, sometimes lower) without political pressures to let in the rapefugees, and without being forced into breeding contests with other ethnicities like that guy suggested when he said:
No, who has more kids lives a low quality life of poverty.
"Either have as many kids as Ahmed or go extinct" is a bullshit choice.
re4d3 6y ago
My country has a birthrate 1.4 per woman. We are not even around sustainable reproduction levels. I do not propose competing with rabbits in sheer numbers.
[deleted] 6y ago
I can't really argue with any of this, but I just can't give up on Western Civilization yet either. I guess there's some parts of my programming I'll never be able to ditch. It's called programming for a reason.
redpillbanana 6y ago
This is one of the most important points in this great submission IMAO.
If you think that traditional conservatism, feminism, or TBP are the only movements trying to hoodwink you in order to serve someone else's goals then you've got another thing coming.
TRP is all about questioning the bullshit in the sexual marketplace. If it doesn't lead you to question the bullshit in all aspects of your life then something is wrong.
expansion101 6y ago
I was reading this and understanding it. Then I read:
No strings attached, full honesty: thank you. What a fucking wake up call.
OfficerWade 6y ago
Be right back, on my way to steal ur gurl
[deleted] 6y ago
Many think that it's nihilism but it's not. The key word is "ENJOY" the decline.
Trenned_out 6y ago
exactly m9-1. if there truly is a hope for things to be "fixed" on a whole societal level it will be long after i'm able to benefit from it. Same goes for most of the red pillers commenting here. And I'm only currently 25. The world has broken any optimisim I have a guess. I got #metood and it's rendered my doctarte worthless. It has forever changed my perspective on life.
Hussy68 6y ago
Yeah its called existential freedom-"enjoy the decline"-and its a dangerous principle to live by. Too many exoteric normies take this shit literally(like yourself and 99% of TRP) and its a highway to depression, anguish and existential angst. This leads to a situation where you have a 9mm pressed against your head in the car as you blow your brains out. Obviously your a hedonistic splerg and aren't bothered to read up on Sartre. He points out that the act of volition entails no more freedom than the impassioned act, than surrendering or obeying oneself to instinct-->Main principle of "Enjoy the Decline-You and other normies of TRP. He sees freedom as a nihilating act of human being, which expresses freedom and constitutes meaning of every notion directed at a goal. What he and you don't understand is that this leads to a situtation of nothingness and thus your stuck in a prison without walls, where you question your own being. Sure you might be alive to the sense of being-here but your in the dark as to whence and whither. You think your free but you only find yourself free in a world where god is dead. Your so called freedom is a burden. Enjoy the decline bro hope it goes well.
OfficerWade 6y ago
Woah bro. I like what your saying. I hope you don’t mind if I add something to it.
While we should all be able to understand the heart of the red pill is transforming men’s life’s from a slave in the world to freedom. You should still be asking your brother for help along the way and be pursuing relationships. Don’t stop doing what your doing just because you’re not “there” yet. Don’t leave your family’s because their not spiritual enough. Don’t do all the things people do when they meet their maker. Especially young guys in this community. We need to highlight what is working and isn’t working with different modes of speech so they can be taught the difference.
UncleChido 6y ago
Well written.
Determinism and free will have been in mortal kombat for ages.
While Sartre argues against free-will others support it.
[deleted] 6y ago
My take on 'enjoy the decline' is not indulging in something that I cannot directly control. My focus is on myself not on community or what' happening in society even though it's affecting me some way or another.
The real change always happens in an individual, not in society. Most people just wanna be "saviors" to inflate their ego. They attach themselves with liberal, conservative or religious dogmas.
However, It doesn't mean you shouldn't contribute to society but it must come naturally. First, help yourself then think about others. I like the way TRP mods, Vanguards or ECs are helping, because what they are getting in return? I'm not paying anything to them, I'll never meet them in my life.
I think you are taking things too literally.
Anyways, God wasn't alive in the first place so he never died.
Trenned_out 6y ago
This is the best comment i've seen that expresses the "enjoy the decline" sentiment yet still doenst crossover into nihilism. I try to walk the line between the two and this was some good insight into that balance.
Invalidity 6y ago
So where do you stand then, if not to "enjoy the decline"?
Rian_Stone 6y ago
[deleted] 6y ago
You are lying to yourself. There is no satisfaction or purpose in leading a hedonistic or nihilistic life, even if it is by all rights the rational thing to do given the reality that is presented to us. It's really no different from the 33 year post wall woman who tells everyone again and again how satisfied she is with her career, and doesn't need a family and kids.
That came off more aggressively than I wanted it to. I actually don't know what the right answer is. Rationally, I know that the west cannot be saved, marriage is a horrible decision, and nothing you do matters. Personally though, enjoying the decline does nothing but depress me. I've slept with lots of women and had my fun but I don't want to grow old and alone with no wife or children. I guess there really is no right answer. It's an impossible dilemma.
I think part of it is that Americans, we're kind of raised to believe that there are problems but in the end everything will work out if you just do what you're supposed to and live a virtuous life. And historically, this really has been true for most. Now that it may not longer be true, it's very unsettling.
0-InAmberClad-0 6y ago
Do both. Indulge in hedonism. Have a drive or purpose like a business. ENJOY the small things. Appreciate life for what it is.
RivenHalf 6y ago
In my 29 years of life, I just recently came to that epiphany and it was the most earth shattering realization I ever came to. In my early 20's I strongly believed everything would be okay because I was told it would be. By mid 20's the unease started setting in but I press on in my belief. Not at the end of my 20's about to enter my 30's I realize that I have been living a lie and stand before the task of completely rewriting my life. It was depressing and honestly I am not taking it well at all after living this long with this belief. Fearful even but slowly I am building the courage to face my new reality.
growingstronk 6y ago
You can’t save society but if you work hard enough you can at least save yourself. Then maybe your friends. Then maybe your kids. Then maybe your community...
That’s probably as far as most of us go. But if you work hard to create utopia within yourself, it’ll naturally begin to emanate outwards to the rest of the world.
And this time it’ll be your little slice of society, built your way and under your rules. Maybe it’s just you or maybe it’s an entire state.
Be glad that at the very least with TRP, there’s a power vacuum in your brain. Seize that first before you can move on to “society.”
DancesWithPugs 6y ago
Once you realize you have been lied to, you have an opportunity to seek the truth. That can be more exciting than the usual distractions.
Trenned_out 6y ago
For my personal experience this is spot on. n count nearing 100 and each 10 of those being progressively hotter HBB's than the past 10. I find myself not caring anymore about the girls I can fuck. The happiest I've been is the "good times" I had with a 7/10 LTR. truly some experiences that fufilled me on a level I hadn't imagined before experiencing them. The irony of that is that is what finally made me get the fact how "love" comes and goes. Since those feeligns eventually dissipated due to a variety of reasons. Had my life not imploded from a side bitch pullign some me too shit I truly think my OLTR and I would have been a fucked up one sided (me) open relationship fairytale type of happy for life.
But thenwhen it all came crashingdown I saw how even the best of women who struggle against their biological programming with everything they have eventually break and succum to it.
trees_away 6y ago
Another one will come along. That’s the best part about this, now you get to have that kind of connection with a different woman someday and enjoy her in a similar but different way. I’m in, what I’d consider, an absolutely perfect arrangement relationship-wise right now. 21-yo, zero drama obedient cock gobbler who doesn’t fuck other dudes but doesn’t give a shit about me fucking other women because I was up front with her about it from the get-go. I don’t take her too seriously, but I love her to the degree I’ll allow myself to. We have great adventure after great adventure together, and are always planning the next one. I love having her around because she’s a magnet for other hot chicks. Hell, I keep a picture of us riding my motorcycle on my Tinder profile and 90% of the women I match with are completely cool with me having a girlfriend (and want to fuck her too).
Eventually feelings will degrade, and while I’ll continue to mix things up and be the man she got the feelz for, statistics say the wheels will fall off at some point. But I can look back and see a progression in my relationships and plates and be satisfied in seeing the progress in quality (both in temperament and looks) and know that it’s only going to continue to improve as I keep working on myself. So, I love her, but I’m not attached. I know another younger, hotter one will come along. And she’ll be great in a different way.
In my opinion, this is the best way to enjoy the decline. I get to be a positive influence and contribute meaningfully to someone I also receive great benefit from for a while, and then someday I’ll do it all over again.
[deleted] 6y ago
Rian_Stone 6y ago
I made a comment below about using a longtitudal argument for a snapshot, see if that jives with your analysis
[deleted] 6y ago
Can you clarify? I don't understand that comment.
Rian_Stone 6y ago
Self-honest 6y ago
That's beautiful.
AmazingAstronaut 6y ago
Surely you jest
Rian_Stone 6y ago
It's to kill outdated moral frameworks to build new ones. Not a cry for hedonism or despair.
How we gonna do this then, go from Nietzsche into Marshal McLuhans discussion of youth being able to see systems without the lens of the past, and switching from. Cold. Mediums to hot?
or the Jung way, where this is all Manifestations of inner shadows or some shit then do some More coke?
If you want to use the longtitudal to argue against snapshots...
SexdictatorLucifer 6y ago
Ubermenschen are the future if there still will be one. The first ones to strip down every last scrap of the old order and reach a totality of inner freedom (and emptyness) will be the ones that will create the new order that rule the future.
In a way, this is what the Nazis were actually trying to force on a world not ready for it. They were smart in observing the collapse early, but innaffective in dealing with it. A reflection of the German genious that goes hand and hand with German impatience and hasty approach to solving problems.
scissor_me_timbers00 6y ago
Freud was the one doing coke. Pretty sure Jung wasn’t on that train.
Rian_Stone 6y ago
Sure, ever meet two friends where only one is a coke head?
scissor_me_timbers00 6y ago
They had a breakup at one point I know
Hussy68 6y ago
hahahahaha "you call yourself free? Let me hear your ruling thoughts, and not that you have escaped bondage"
Rian_Stone 6y ago
Can you frame your question in such a way that you don't sound like a wet dripping faggot?
Trying to figure out how sincere an answer to give
Hussy68 6y ago
not my fault ur an illiterate splerg
TheRedPike Senior Endorsed 6y ago
What's a splerg?
BostonPillParty 6y ago
Sounds like some type of wet dripping faggot
Proto_Sigma 6y ago
Sounds like a less pleasant version of a 'sperg'. It may even be a misspelling of that word, judging by the level literacy displayed by u/Hussy68.
ChrimsonChin988 6y ago
Could've been much shorter.
You can't help anyone until you've helped yourself. It would be idiotic to help you fix your leaking ship while mine is sinking.
Anyway, if you've fixed your own ship you're leading by example which can be considered "paying it forward" also.
TheRedPike Senior Endorsed 6y ago
And you could have written it on a piece of cardboard with crayon too.
foot_odor 6y ago
There is no need to save anything because all the liberal/progressist/SJW/58 genders bullshit is going to eat itself. Brexit and Trump are their political failures, and their societal end product are millions of "accomplished" but depressed post-wall women with double or triple digits N-counts as well as frustrated cucks and suicidal transgenders. Blessed will be the day when this degenerate nonsense will wipe itself out of the surface of Earth.
[deleted] 6y ago
I think this is the worst fallacy of all - this idea many conservatives have that everything is just going just fix itself somehow because we are right and they are wrong. I've seen absolutely no evidence that this is going to happen.
scissor_me_timbers00 6y ago
Eh I think in the long run it actually does happen. Catastrophe eventually hits and then as a matter of survival everyone is forced to return to sanity.
0-InAmberClad-0 6y ago
I have many conservative values but I'm not religious and I don't worship a diety. But I will say this - society and civilization wouldn't exist without the laws and red pill framework that the Bible or Torah lays out.
Whisper 6y ago
And then what?
Fire, when it destroys an old building, does not build a shiny new one in its place. Throwing off the shackles of communism does not magically create prosperity. Quitting meth doesn't make your teeth grow back.
foot_odor 6y ago
No but it lays a clean ground for strong and wise builders.
Auvergnat 6y ago
aka tradcons using the beta horses to rebuild and thrive, thus repeating the cycle of masters who do not have your interest at heart. The king is dead, long live the king!
max_peenor 6y ago
This is where I understand that humans are just upgraded monkeys rather than some sort of mystical super species that transcends our meat packages. This story has been told so many times. This play has been acted out in real history so many times. It call can be summed up in this one powerful statement:
Yet the lesson is lost on 99.99999% of the human race, including a bunch of commenters in this very thread.
Lib3rtarianSocialist 6y ago
Can you explain that further so I may understand it fully? It's possible that the lesson is also lost on me.
MadScientist356 6y ago
Building gets demolished just so that a different building can be put in its place. A kingdom falls (presumably from the citizens' doing) and immediately the citizens look for a new ruler. /u/max_peenor is trying to say that this cycle continues with no progress. Whether or not that 'no progress' is factually true, that could be debated, but that's the gist. I would add also maybe that the whole assumption that we are
was a leap to begin with. You can't jump from the 10th floor because you thought you could fly and then blame the ground for being too hard.
RivenHalf 6y ago
This is profound and deep on another level. Accurate.
0-InAmberClad-0 6y ago
Hopefully the next generation grows and learns from it. But history repeats itself. Humanity probably will just go in cycles. Like a swinging pendulum. Until we go extinct or hit the great filter.
KeffirLime 6y ago
Everything is just ideas, The Left, The Right, Petersonism, Feminism, America, Russia, Money. Ideas Spawned from the minds of other men/women. People love to fall into some group or another so they feel like they're a part of something bigger. Tribalism. This is not unplugging. You're just another pawn in another mans scheme. Unplugging is seeing the facade that it is. Only then are you free.
That's not to say you can't enjoy fragments from the Left, or the right, or American food, or Russian woman or even Peterson's view on feminism. But only when you transcend the System can you think for yourself and manipulate it to work for you.
Self-honest 6y ago
This is the truth. Stop picturing a future that's any different from the ridiculous world we live in today. It's only going to get crazier.
My dad always told me, "look out for number one".
It's the most important thing you can do. You aren't effecting shit but your own fortune or misfortune. Stop trying to be a hero. Stop picturing a utopia. Accept things for what they are and start making moves that benefit your life.
UncleChido 6y ago
Thanks for stating that. I always tell people that the world would never get better. As long as there are people in this world, there would always be evil.
We should always look out for ourselves. You’re the only thing that matters. Don’t try to be a hero as you said. Just succeed or keep trying to.
KeffirLime 6y ago
The idea they can fix the West, or save anyone is ludicrous. It's simply replacing one idea with another. One system out another in.
It's Feminism vs Tradcon, 40 years ago it was capitalism vs communism, before that it was Islam vs Christianity.
This is why TRP isn't trying to save humanity. It only saves you. The world is the way it is. You can either climb inside a box and try fight for some cause. Or you can just accept that the world is the way it is, and all you can do is make it work in the best possible way for yourself.
UFO_mechanic_AMA 6y ago
Just because human history is continuous conflict doesn’t mean you have to equivocate all competing ideologies. If you’re only invested in your personal well being, consider that some societies will benefit you and others will oppress you. Consider that a possible replacement system right now wants you in a gulag, and consider that you’ve personally benefited because engaged men in the past stymied these politics.
KeffirLime 6y ago
Absolutely. I'm simply saying invest your energy wisely. You could spend your days begrudging how this society wants you in a gulag, and that past ones would have idolized you. Or you could simply understand the way it works, accept it, and use that knowledge to manipulate it in your favor.
TruthSeeker07 6y ago
At the very least, it will take decades to make large scale societal/cultural changes. So even if you live to see the return of the “good old days” you will be in your last presidential administration.
brokegirl11 6y ago
Mostly true - there are always some individuals that spur massive change though. But yeah, most people are like those girls that were crying over trump on his big day - yelling until you're blue in the face usually does nothing.
scissor_me_timbers00 6y ago
Yep there’s no light at the end of this tunnel. Things will only get more bizarre and turbulent. That fuckin Mayan calendar was accurate after all.
kalashnick 6y ago
You all are absolutely right. I have thought a lot about where stuff really started going south fast. It points back to 2012. 2012 is where the exponential decline we see today really began picking up momentum. And 2014 is where events like the ones mentioned above, were exacerbated by the media, beginning the umprecedented racial divide and the onslaught of feminist gender propoganda. Spot-on, mates.
scissor_me_timbers00 6y ago
I mean don’t forget it’s been going downhill slowly for decades tho. George Carlin observed the downward spiral of the toilet flush our society is going thru and he died in 2007. I think he made that observation in like 2005 roughly.
I could feel it in my youth in those years even without the frame of reference of age. I fucking knew shit was off probably by late childhood. I knew better days were in the past and that the America I was growing up in was pussified and somewhat unreal. There was still a semblance of normality tho. American society today is just fucked. The horizon has been wiped away.
kalashnick 6y ago
Interesting to hear. Yes. Years ago there was a sense of normality in the air. Conservative sentiment balanced out leftist sentiment. NOW it seems a tidal wave of leftist influence has upset this balance, turning the country into a polluted swamp.
scissor_me_timbers00 6y ago
SexdictatorLucifer 6y ago
Looking back, 2012 might very well be a definable as the "tipping point." The thing about prophecies is that they are supposed to be self fulfilling. Maybe those squatty brown fucks actually will have the last laugh
scissor_me_timbers00 6y ago
Na I actually think the tipping point was well before that.
SexdictatorLucifer 6y ago
Technically we've been slowly tipping for decades but 2012 is a close estimate of the beginning of rapid acceleration we see now. Maybe the "falling" point would be better term. The 2000's were getting close, but still stable. Obama's second term was when the progressives really kicked in overdrive
Flintblood 6y ago
Yeah even though a lot of the things that are kicking around now existed prior to 2012, it seems like 2012 is when the final burst of Pandora’s box exploded a lot of things including ISIS, Syria, refugees crises, mainstreaming of polyamory, all the trans gender identities expanding into bold new directions, and a whole boatload of other issues that were on the progressive playbook.
scissor_me_timbers00 6y ago
Yeah i definitely agree its been a slow process but there was an acceleration in Obama’s second term. “Hope and change” my fucking ass.
Personally I note 2014 as when I remember things getting dramatically weirder. That was when the Michael Brown shooting happened and the racism narratives and media spin kicked into overdrive and just became transparently full of shit and haven’t slowed since.
Also tinder was really rolling by that point, laying waste to the already bleak SMP. I first heard about it in 2013 but it was fully mainstream in 2014.
And 2014 also had all those gruesome ISIS execution videos which, although abroad, seemed to cast a hellish overtone.
Personally 2012-13 I recall as being almost a calm before the storm. They weren’t optimistic years by any stretch, but they were a sort of last vestige of pre clown world life. I knew shit was headed south fast, but normalcy hadn’t completely withered into a bizarre imitation of reality.
0-InAmberClad-0 6y ago
Nuclear war sets the clock back to 0
max_peenor 6y ago
More like 2:30am.
As horrifying as it would be, it would not be as bad as most people assume. That in itself makes it scarier for some of us.
Self-honest 6y ago
Once I read up on how to survive a nuclear attack (assuming you aren't in the blast radius and are only dealing with fallout) I lost all concerns about it. It's so unlikely that you'll be anywhere near a bomb or the fallout zone, and if you are there are good ways to ensure you make it out alive.
It's definitely hyped up and seems way scarier than it is.
max_peenor 6y ago
Given the current arsenal sizes, an order of magnitude more people will die from the disruption of supply chains than the war itself. Fat, retarded mercans desperately depend on a steady flow of high fructose corn syrup, mind altering pharmaceuticals and anime fuck pillows. If you really want to defeat America, just bomb the Walmarts and Amazon depots.
scissor_me_timbers00 6y ago
I don’t know if things will go that far. Although it might be eerily inevitable.
zboo1h 6y ago
That line hit me right in the bluepill. There's always the fantasy that you can make a difference, no matter how small, with your dick or your career or your money or whatever, but that's just a fantasy. We live in upside down toilet clown world, and always will. People before us set up this monstrous game, and there is no stopping it. It will have to play all the way out. I just hope I live long enough to see the cataclysm that it results in.
scissor_me_timbers00 6y ago
Oh I think you’ll live long enough. It’ll get crazy by 2030 most likely, and 2040 at the latest.
TheOneWhoDidntCum 6y ago
by 2040 you mean total economical collapse or?
scissor_me_timbers00 6y ago
I don’t know. Depends on how rapidly things unwind and how far the rabbit hole goes.
What’s interesting is if you know the history of WWI. Prior to WWI, Europe had enjoyed a long period of peace and prosperity and culture and art called the Belle Époque (Beautiful Epoch). They were juiced to the gills on these notions of “progress”. They had more technological and scientific advancement of any society in history. They thought they were past any big wars. They thought history would just be ever upward and forward for them.
But in 1914 all those assets of technology and wealth turned on a dime into liabilities which produced more destruction and death than the world had ever seen by a long shot. By 1918 four empires had crumbled and a fifth was crippled forever.
So fuck man I don’t know. History doesn’t repeat exactly but it rhymes.
Trenned_out 6y ago
hopefully if there is collapse it goes full throttle and I can live in a Mad Max type of world where i just rek all the fucking cucks and liberals doing blow drinking vodka blasting tren the whole way. If the ship is going down regardless, I want to fucking have a blast on the way donw.
SexdictatorLucifer 6y ago
It could happen any day now. The approach to critical mass is exponential, and we've hit that noticeable part of the curve where it's now hard to measure how rapidly its accelerating. Since critical mass can't be quantified, we have now entered civilizational "instability." The rules are destroyed and now entropy takes full control. However, even with all our rules we put in place in order to create our little special bubble in the universe, entropy always has authority. The rules are gone, but the only thing that's really changed is us becoming concious of this constant state of affairs. Chaos.
Aufbruch 6y ago
Actually, we're in a period of remarkable stability and prosperousness compared to....most all of previous human history.
This kind of stuff will always be popular, though: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sR-z1i2ihec
scissor_me_timbers00 6y ago
I’m with you mostly but people have been predicting critical mass right around the corner for several years now, so I figured 2030 was a safe estimate.
But I see what you mean. Trump is a human wrecking ball, exposing the bullshit everywhere. And yeah it’s like we enter new uncharted waters every few months now.
Personally I think they’re gonna try to impeach trump on insufficient grounds and it’ll cause a governmental crisis. Russia collusion story is horse shit and mueller won’t be able to nail him. So they’re relying on media to constantly spin these absurd narratives to turn public opinion against him for when they try to oust him with dubious evidence.
Just a prediction. He’ll likely win a second term if not cuz the left is exposing itself horrendously.
Self-honest 6y ago
Carrying capacity is a real issue that I have to imagine is being dealt with behind closed doors somewhere. The culling. Or whatever.
SexdictatorLucifer 6y ago
If all things work out, what you say happens and forces Trump to start an uprising. Shit could really get crazy if they decide to go through with that impeachment bullshit but the future is looking so bleak for them so they just might. Trump will have a second term and all three branches of government will be red, especially with these judges. My fantasy is that Trump becomes a dictator for real tbh, I'm pretty fascist
scissor_me_timbers00 6y ago
If trump went full dictator, there would for sure be violence in the streets.
[deleted] 6y ago
Aufbruch 6y ago
The Matrix is a silly sci fi action movie from the 90s that was written by two brothers who now identify as women.
And apparently there was a scene in it that involved choosing between two pills that some dude on reddit really really liked...
[deleted] 6y ago
ChrimsonChin988 6y ago
I guess you're saying and I quote, just as Patrice did, from the movie WarGames
Which roughly translates to you can't win if you play from within a blue pill frame of reference, because no matter how well you play you don't play by the meta and thus all odds are stacked against you, setting you up for failure.
[deleted] 6y ago
0-InAmberClad-0 6y ago
I would love to make money off idiots. What do I care? We're in the animal kingdom. Eat or be eaten.
LiveAFTSOV 6y ago
And you transcend the matrix.by not being between the planes right? By picking a side. Left or right.
That's what you mean?
Self-honest 6y ago
That's not what I got from it. Other than some hilarious images that had me cracking up, "Wash your penis"...to me he was championing total rejection of the two dimensional system that was created to keep us in line and keep us productive.
If you go right because you think the left is ridiculous or you go left because you think the right is ridiculous, you're still in the matrix.
You can recognize all the dumb ass tools on one side of the toolbox or the other. But you are too dumb to realize you're in the toolbox too.
Total rejection of the system is required to be Red Pill. Then you see the toolbox for what it is and can begin to use all the tools to build the life you want to live.
LiveAFTSOV 6y ago
What is "the system" sounds very punk edgy to me.
Why "transcend" the system, when you can manipulate it to create your very own system within it?
Self-honest 6y ago
The toolbox (the system) sounds very punk edgy to stupid tools. The farm sounds very edgy to the happy plow horse.
Sure, you can be a manipulative tool if you want. That's not unplugging. Neo could have been a Machiavellian genius inside the matrix (he would probably be more likely to take the blue pill if he was). Look what he was capable of once he actually unplugged then plugged back in.
You have to transcend the system before you can
Recognize and reject the toolbox. Then use the tools.
Or don't.
Edit: If "the system" sounds "edgy" maybe you're comfortable in the middle. Defining "the system" means acknowledging that the edges exist... which is very "edgy" indeed.
[deleted] 6y ago
max_peenor 6y ago
For the vast majority of human civilization, men were expected to use tools to build shit for other people. In return, men would get to occasionally touch a vagina.
Yeah, enough of that shit. I'm a huge fan of feminism. It's told women that it was ok for me to touch their vaginas without me having to pick up a hammer. So now I build my own shit and leave it to the bloopers to get cracking on those strip malls and four story town houses.
OF course, they will do a shitty job, so hey, enjoy the decline.
Rian_Stone 6y ago
They don't build it anyways. some really good plow horses created robots and scripts that handle all our needs. Now it's work-theatre and competition. Can I build something that twists the money funnel in my direction, can I keep busy enough to justify my salary?
I wish I could find it, the author that makes the case that our work-theatre is really a form of basic income that addresses our need to feel productive as well.
I do know lastpsychiatrist.com had a great piece on how our gluttony of medical 'disabilities' are a way to make a BI program with plausable denyability.
LiveAFTSOV 6y ago
No no no. I put "the system" in quotes on purpose. It sounds edgy cus it's vague.
There's a million systems.
The marriage system? The entire sexual system, the "new age non-rape" sexual system, the school system the money system
I suppose all if that needs to be rejected to be red pill but I'm saying why isn't it defined.
"Reject the system" is vague like "Fight the power man, 99 percent!" Like it doesn't mean anything on its own.
There's a million systems
Well yes you have to be aware of the game being played before winning let alone starting your own game.
It almost sounds like you're saying to be true red pill Is to reject all tool and tool boxes, red or blue
Self-honest 6y ago
It's defined at the very top:
"The system"
LiveAFTSOV 6y ago
To not be. Between the planes one must either pick a pole or "ascend" along a Y axis, or distance with a Z axis.
Y is only possible by "Being red pill" being aware
AND you can be red pill and operate within the matrix, you just have to be aware, and not try to achieve matrix (blue pill) goals with red pill tools. It's like being in a lucid dream.
Unplugging is real life. I don't think it's possible to plug back in 100%, without a lobotomy, cus other wise the awareness lingers
Self-honest 6y ago
You're making this more complicated than it is. And I'm not sure what your point is?
Truly unplugging is a total rejection of the matrix. Only then can you actually be Red Pill. If you self identify as left leaning or right leaning Red Pilled male, you're kidding yourself. You're buying into the system that controls you mentally instead of transcending it.
LiveAFTSOV 6y ago
What is "The" matrix?
But then you're INSIDE another matrix bro.
There is no moment when you transcend all matrixes because life is a matrix. We don't know whether there is higher planes of existence, there is argument that original thought is incapable of happening, and we cant even see the full scale of light. There's invisible things happening behind the scenes every moment of existence.
What people CAN do, is liberate their method of thinking. Being High Openness to new things, yet Highly Disagreeable. Open to new evidence but questioning of everything.
People give up left liberal and right republican switch it for Red Vs. Blue
There isn't any of this. There is no "left" or "right" or "conservative" or "alt right" as labels, only as ideas. Even no red vs blue.
Red = Being aware.
Blue = being ignorant and used.
In platos cave, Red man is touching the sun, Blue man stuck in cave looking at the shadows "show" him what life is. The guy climbing out the cave but still within, is "in between the planes"
All that exists, is truth, and someone elses biases, which are infinite.
Truth about school is it's an indoctrination camp. Others say you NEED a college degree to live - stuck in the matrix. Unopen to new ideas.
I believe what I believe for my own purposes. The only time I believe what others believe is if they've persuaded me with solid argument.
Which is the way it should be, question everything.
LarrySellerz 6y ago
Id much rather have a wife I love that loves me than a blowjob.. blowjobs aint shit
StudntRdyTeachrApear 6y ago
A wife that loves you forever and ever? Sign me up! Where do we find them?
max_peenor 6y ago
Try here
Fyn689 6y ago
There is this image I once aw on the net that unlike 99% of the rest, it held a great message.
Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. Weak men create hard times.
If any of you like history, you'll see this pattern right away. It is all a cycle.
In the same way, when the left and liberalism take hold of the state together for a long time, it breeds dissidents that go to the hard right. The right takes hold, usually hand in hand with authoritarianism, and it makes people yearn for the left to come back, and so on.
Technology does make things absolutely more complex and fast paced, but we as humans have not changed one bit in our core since Egyptian times.
Edit: we are obviously in the "weak men create hard times" part of the cycle. Yes, enjoy the decline because as a particularly machiavelan character in Game of Thrones said "chaos is a ladder", and it is true. But I wouldn't lose all hope. We might not live to see it, but if history has taught me anything, men will bounce back and hold onto it for some hundreds of years.
Gargantuar01 6y ago
But If it really is just a cycle, isn't that good? Isn't that a whitepill? That history is stable, and that we won't all die.
oldrunnerguy 6y ago
I can't argue with your logic. Any reaction we have to the current society, such as becoming MGTOW, will not have any real effect in our lifetimes, if any. I consider myself a MGTOW, maybe out of necessity, as it empowers me to direct my priorities and responsibilities to my own life and well being, and not worry about women. However, one "project" that I have undertaken, is to provide my son with the resources and a better understanding of the true female nature. I have introduced him to the manosphere in hopes that he can navigate the sexual marketplace better than I ever did, and maybe that is where we all can at least help out our sons and grandsons. At least now we have so many more resources to help us connect the dots. I am like a lot of guys my age who wish they would of known this Red Pill knowledge 20 or 30 years ago.
Idealistically, tradcons would have us believe that we can return to a much "simpler" time. Technology as well as the current culture will probably prevent that from happening. We all remember a much "simpler" time when we were kids. But we were kids. If you go back and look at the old news footage, it becomes self-evident that those were turbulent times as well. Knowing this, I would have to agree with you that one needs to navigate society as it is, and with the best tools that you have.
[deleted] 6y ago
Men who refuse to form a family, make and reaise children -> you abandoned the western civilization
Women who refuse their traditional role -> they abandoned western civilization.
Where are they now? In western decadence. Same place, different mind. And You are advocating for western decadence.
Of course, so called "tradcon" who accept divorce and abortion are in the same ship as you: western decadence.
max_peenor 6y ago
You are this guy.
quansau1 6y ago
It's crazy to me how many times in my life I've been suckered into living out someone else's version of the "ideal" man. Hard to break the cycle, and I agree, we won't get back the good 'ol days; and those days were not as good as people with rose colored lenses perceive. I was watching birds fly recently and realized the males have it down, multiple mates, total freedom from social norms, and the fuckers can fly. Our entire existence is defined to us as being a cog in the machine, fuck the machine, we didn't build it and we don't have to keep it going through participation.
CasaDeFranco 6y ago
Society is declining because the few who are aware of it's discipline would rather enjoy the pursuit of easy pussy rather than engage to change it's direction.
Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men and weak men create hard times.
Whisper is the product of good times.
Our forefathers knew of the sentiments expressed within the red pill, it's only within our context that such common sense truths spoken by us and men like Dr Peterson are seen are a subversion to the status quo.
The zietgeist of a strong patriachal figure, religion, gender roles, were established structures to promote healthy sexual dynamics and to control / mitigate the negative.
The suggestion that the degeneracy of societies cannot be altered or refashioned is uninformed by anyone with any understanding of history. 1920's Weimar republic was as bad if not worse than today's society, mass unemployment, rejection of faith, flag, family, fatherland. A decade later this nation conquerred all of Europe with an even more radically ultraconservative platform.
I don't accept tradcons will restore society, but the society that emerges from this one will hold true the same sentiments. As Tolstoy said "Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way."
UrsusG 6y ago
If my reading of history is correct, it was the intellectual elites and upper echelons of Weimar society who were cosmopolitan and rotten, while the masses remained relativey conservative, religious, etc.
In today's society, the rot goes through and through.
StudntRdyTeachrApear 6y ago
Except the 1920s were nowhere near the escape velocity technology has already reached regarding the SMP.
CasaDeFranco 6y ago
Technology assists change in both directions.
StudntRdyTeachrApear 6y ago
Not in this case. It's going to get more and more uncomfortable as humans interface with machines until we can begin reprogramming our own DNA to offset the disparity in what we evolved for, and where we are.
TheRedPike Senior Endorsed 6y ago
Don't hotlink any sub, including our own. Use archive.is.
You have a lot of basic questions all of which have been answered. If you actually want answers, head over to asktrp and post these there.
jonpe87 6y ago
"they want you in a fight you can't win, against a foe you can't defeat, for a prize you don't want, in a future you will never live to see."
if I was not a fucking selfish egoist man, I would give you gold for this.
Ganaria_Gente 6y ago
Don't give gold, cuz otherwise you're literally funding far leftists who control Reddit
RivenHalf 6y ago
I feel like a lot of Tradconism hype is nothing but nostalgia for a time that never even existed. People envision the "Leave it to Beaver" type family and think that's how it really was. One of the main laws of TRP is you cannot negotiate desire. Divorce was taboo back then so when a woman was bored of a man she couldn't just bail out and gain half his assets like the women of today. That doesn't mean these men were respected, still receiving none starfish sex if sex at all and infidelity was high. Especially if you go back to war times when men would leave their family to fight. If you think his wife wasn't spread eagle while he was gone then you're naive. People desire a time period that was never real. It's interesting that you said Tradconism pays more into the female imperative than anything. I never really considered that but you're spot on. These women often got to sit home and cook and clean and raise the kids while hubby went out into the world and toiled away everyday. Not to say that child and house care aren't without merits but compared to waking up to a grueling 9 - 5 factory job everyday I would say it beats it out. Interesting thoughts there.
Flintblood 6y ago
This sub needs a sticky post like this that explains the fallacy of a fantasy bygone era. The mid twentieth century wasn’t all bad, more men had jobs if they were even halfway motivated to work. But there were all kinds of trade offs that many tradcons dismiss or fail to see.
Jack4ss92 6y ago
Guys, how can we complain about the lack of tradconism when we spin plates?
Flintblood 6y ago
I think people didn’t understand your response which may be one reason it was downvoted. Maybe you can spell it out and unpack your idea more so we can understand.
max_peenor 6y ago
Complain? Are you daft? Do you want to be a plow horse so you can support and fat, angry, sexless she-beast "wife" while letting you body and mind rot? Is that want you fear you'll miss out on?
JamesSkepp 6y ago
Nobody is complaining about the lack of tradconism.
[deleted] 6y ago
I'm 31 and would prefer a traditional relationship, deep in my conditioning.
However my experience has shown that those relationships are over. Currently spinning 5.
Flintblood 6y ago
Props. I’m on the verge of spinning 3 (1 ex and two new ones Im working on) Is there a blog or sub post tutorial on how to organize your time, crib and resources to manage plates?
Also, I’m still a little compassionate inside and worry about a plate wanting to define the relationship as a LTR.
Omnibrad 6y ago
Traditional values are like the Amish.
The Amish have decided that the 1800s was just precisely the right amount of technology. How they arrived at this decision I'm not exactly sure.
Have you noticed how "traditional" values almost always center around, say, the 1950s? Like this was the perfect amount of values and morality. It's just as silly as the Amish and technology.
[deleted] 6y ago
That's not really true though. Monogamy and not allowing women to be whores have been established Western values for like... 5 thousand years until 1950- well before recorded history.
whuttupfoo 6y ago
I bet you they’re more mentally stable than the social media invested youth of today. And probably happier. A more technologically advanced community doesn’t = happiness.
nebder 6y ago
The youth are fully exposed to the modern world. It’s a choice to join the church when they’re an adult. Plenty of jerkovers choose not to join who were born Amish. All youth spend their time outside the church & possibly the community in their mid-late teens on their rite of passage. Amish rumspringa throw the best parties you dont even know.
Amish use modern technology for business all day long. It’s their home life that’s limited.
They’re just people that drive a horse & buggy instead of a car. They’re still people. Why do you think not having a tv in your home erases your human nature.
So stop glorifying what you have no experience with
whuttupfoo 6y ago
Exactly. My point is. More technology = more mental issues. You hang around in a major city with advanced technology and no one talks to each other. You drive down a rural area and everyone will wave at you like you’ve lived there your whole life. Not just mental issues either, obesity doesn’t exist without technology.
Omnibrad 6y ago
Their shunning of technology is not why they tend to be healthier. They eat better and exercise better.
Their shunning of technology simply makes them less efficient with their time (such as taking a horse and buggy instead of a car). And the reason is still not apparent.
LeBroney 6y ago
That’s assuming they would all use the technology correctly. Look at how most people use technology today.
viral_left_stroke 6y ago
You're implying efficiency == happiness while /u/whuttupfoo is questioning that implication.
Omnibrad 6y ago
Firstly, happiness isn't the goal.
Secondly, the bit about time is just a tangent. Efficient use of time is better than inefficient use of time, unless there's a reason. That's the whole point - there is no apparent reason for why the Amish feel that specific amount of technology is correct, and there's no apparent reason for why the traditionalists feel that their specific amount of morals and values is correct.
Hjalmbere 6y ago
Those of you who are pinning your hope to the alt-right as a substitute to traditional conservatism should also think again. It's basically socialism for wypipo.
max_peenor 6y ago
Marx for people that actually read Marx: ...there is no way to make this work because people are shits...
Alt-right? Has that become anyone that hasn't picked a third gender or sent a campaign contribution to Bernie? The bloops get all vaginal about us being the alt-right, whatever the fuck that is, but completely ignore thread after thread of us calling both tradcons and neocons total retards.
La la la. It must be so happy to live in your own little world...
Hjalmbere 6y ago
Not sure if your comment was directed at me, but as far as I’m concerned TRP != political philosophy. One thing I will say however, is that politics affect the sexual marketplace, and collectivist ideologies such as as fascism and socialism make it harder for you to reach your full potential as a man (unless you’re a rock star hot shot dictator like Josip Broz Tito or Kim Jong Number One). I don’t think anyone should give a shit if non-trps try to label trp as alt right, satanist, or even necrophilia.
My 2 cents: Don’t enter their frame. You can still operate with a trp frame of mind in The People’s Republic of Korea, but it will be a heck of a lot harder than in Switzerland.
max_peenor 6y ago
Scatter shot, not you specifically.
Ochreata 6y ago
Spencer is not ‘the alt right’. It’s always those on the outside that try to define one facet as being the whole. How’s the weather in Tel Aviv?
Hjalmbere 6y ago
All other forms of socialism are bad. Not your socialism. Your socialism works.
StudntRdyTeachrApear 6y ago
Socialism rooted strongly in biology makes a lot more sense than the alternative versions though, does it not?
Hjalmbere 6y ago
How is removing the incentive to work ”rooted strongly” in biology?
max_peenor 6y ago
IT's right next to the wishful thinking gene.
[deleted] 6y ago
Eat my girlfriend and steal my lunch sir. You deserve it!
studentsensei 6y ago
This kind of reminds me of a comment I read here on Reddit when a chick claimed that her husband could share a hotel room with Scarlett Johansson but believed that he would do "nothing" with her.
I was like how delusional could you be.
CasaDeFranco 6y ago
There is more to life than fucking; loyalty is one of them.
studentsensei 6y ago
While I do agree, people can be shitty and sometimes even good principled people can do shitty things.
Nowadays with marriage the way it is and the rise of degeneracy you can't be naive.
TunedtoPerfection 6y ago
The world wasn't a much better place 20 - 50 years ago. We just had a MUCH smaller, unfocused sample size then we do now with the internet. This shit has always been going, and yes it has gotten worse, but its not like its a new problem or has gotten horribly worse. People who want to see the evil in people will search for that on the internet and people that want to see the good in people will do the same. Trying to bring society back to a state where it never truly was is idiotic.
To change the world you must change yourself first, and in doing that you will soon realize this is not only true for everyone, but it is a path you must find and be strong enough to walk down alone. No one can change you but you. I could walk into your house everyday for a month at 5am, scream at you to get up and get to the gym and you would probably do it because I can be very loud and convincing. After a month you might start doing it yourself, but if I suddenly stop for a week many of you would begin to sleep in again and forgo the gym because that requirement of shutting me up isn't there anymore.
The same is true with society and women in particular. If there is no reinforcement to do otherwise then the easiest, most convenient path will be chosen most the time. You will never take down Instagram, snapchat, tinder, etc so you will never remove that reinforcement to get "likes" and "validation". The poison of these sites is that it put a measurable value to "validation." Before Instagram, yeah women knew Sally HB9 got more attention then them when they went out, but they could hamster it away because the sample size was always small. Plus if they got a guy it really didn't bug them much that Sally got the hotter guys of the group. But now, Sally gets 10K likes on everything she posts and Amanda HB6 only gets 100's. You will never provide a reinforcement strong enough to make that "validation" inconsequential in women you never meet in person. All you can do is provide a reinforcement for the women in your life that is more valuable then the online "validation" she is going to get. Women know online "validation" is almost meaningless. I mean honestly how much effort does it take me to "like" a picture of just another fit chick with nice tits? a second? maybe 2? It is also incredibly toxic when women realize pictures of their tits and ass get 1000x more likes then instagram quotes and their cats. If you have ever watched an instagram hoes profile evolve its like clockwork
First it's wholesome and personal, friends and family kinda stuff. Then that one picture that shows a hint of ass or cleavage shows up and it gets 100X times the likes then all the others. Not only that now guys are all friending this chick in hopes of another hint of cleavage. Slowly but surely more and more revealing pictures show up until the whole page is just pictures of her ass and tits at different locations you could give fuck all about. Yeah I'm sure you really were taking a picture of that beer and your DD's just happen to be taking up the bottom half of the shot.
The only way to compete with that is to work on yourself and make YOUR "validation" more valuable then online "validation". Betas do this by trying to provide material things, but they do this upfront. So their validation is tied to that mechanic, Blue pilled man gives woman something validation goes up. The problem now with this mechanic is women have realized they control this mechanic. So a women can just acted displeased or validated by another source and instantly more blue men will just throw more and more stuff at her until her default state just becomes annoyed as it gets her what she wants from him.
So stop trying to fix the world, you can't. It has and always will be "broken". Work on yourself and make your value like a drug, one they can't help but get addicted to. Because at the end of the day your going to be filling the hole she craved into herself the minute she join the online validation treadmill. If she doesn't want off that treadmill then let her walk straight into the wall.
Don't save her, she don't wanna be saved.
RivenHalf 6y ago
This honestly deserves a post of it's own, so much truth in here. Look up "Nose Dive" in the Black Mirror series if you ever want to see the theory you described here played out in real time. It perfectly illustrates the validation dilemma you laid out, highly recommend it if you have't seen it yet.
ReturningSpider 6y ago
You can’t turn a whore into a housewife. This applies at the meta level to societies too
CasaDeFranco 6y ago
Post Weimar Republic to National Socialist Germany would suggest otherwise, no?
max_peenor 6y ago
You have to stab a lot of homosexuals to make that transition, so I don't think that example counts.
(No, don't stab gay people, retards, just citing history.)
WhiteGhosts 6y ago
Why are those nude women I see in interesting videos called Housewive?...
max_peenor 6y ago
There must be a new masturbatory fantasy among the Sea of Soy and Simpering: to have the rarest of female erotic creatures in the modern era--the faithful and dutiful house wife. It is the most rare and exotic that often causes the most excitement. Everyone wants a little Strange, right?
LiveAFTSOV 6y ago
That was my #giveamanadvicein5words joke
Proto_Sigma 6y ago
Society is made up of individuals- the best way to preserve the valuable parts of Western Civilization is to get your own shit together. If enough people right their own ships we might avoid sinking.
You want to save Western Civilization? Lift, fuck bitches, get money, own your shit. Be an inspiration to those around you to be as awesome as you are, lead by example. And stay away from self sacrifice.
MulattoSwordsMaster 6y ago
You still don't swallowed the red pill.
Gargantuar01 6y ago
How? It's beginning to feel like a cult, just tell him straight up what he doesn't understand and stop trying to be mysterious. No time for games.
Proto_Sigma 6y ago
Bitches ain't shit but hoes and tricks?
No one really cares about you?
You can have anything but are entitled to nothing?
Darwinism is brutal and unless you're in the top percentage of men you won't get laid?
I got all of those. What Red Pill are you prescribing?
[deleted] 6y ago
That'll save it! ... How exactly?
Proto_Sigma 6y ago
Society is made up of individuals. Every individual who is weak makes the society weaker.
A strong man achieves his goals. He creates things, largely for his own benefit, but because we live in a social space his work will ripple into the lives of others. If you start a successful business, you'll make yourself rich and independent, but you also create jobs for all your employees and provide a service to all your customers. If you create a great piece of art, other people presumably get to see it and appreciate its beauty, and can be inspired by its message. If you're capable and dominant, when you ascend to the top everyone below you in the chain of command benefits because capable leaders make the best decisions for the group. That's the whole reason our species has a dominance hierarchy.
The more people that produce things and take care of themselves, the less deadweight society has to carry. The more people who don't take feminism seriously, the less influence its cancer has on policy.
If you have your shit together you also encourage people around you to do the same. High status Alpha's tend to inadvertently imprint their opinions on their sexual partners. Hold frame and mold your women into something that doesn't suck, and everyone who interacts with them from that point forward will have a better time. And lets say 1 in 10 of your various friends and associates can look past their bitterness and envy and realize you're doing something right. Maybe that's what it takes for them to clean up their act a little. Maybe 1 in 100 asks you for advice and really listens.
You'll know at least 1000 people in your life. Let's say conservatively that you can turn 5 of them into Alpha males. And they each turn 5 of their friends, who turn 5 of their friends, and before you know it the process has snowballed into a large segment of the population who are capable.
That's the recipe, basically.
BobSagetV2 6y ago
I don't really approve of this part of TRP theory. True, society as we know it is crumbling, and much of this decay is rooted in the intrapersonal relationships between men and women. However, we can't just "enjoy the decline" and let it all slide away. Our ancestors built civilization and I'll be damned it I don't uphold it for my descendants.
TRPKiddo 6y ago
I see a post by Whisper. I save. I read a few times.
These things are simple.
popthatpill 6y ago
I don't even read TRP anymore; I just read Whisper's comments, which is how I found this post.
greatamericancities 6y ago
And reliable. And valuable.
TheTrenTrannyTrain 6y ago
Tradecon is selling this idea to men: to voluntarily put on the yoke of labor called "traditional male value", and slave away time and money just to provide for women in the hopes that women will reciprocate; to be nothing more than oxen to satisfy the feminine imperative.
Swallowing TRP in toto means to give up that yoke of slavery, be a man of your own destiny, and make your own path in this world.
TheTrenTrannyTrain 6y ago
Enjoy being a workhorse being fucked by your ex-wife and her new boyfriend.
RedDespair 6y ago
The nuclear family was a social construct that ensured comfort and prosperity for the society at the cost of our natural sexual selection of our species.
It was created to put a leash on human's natural promiscuity.
Even though we have tipped the balance against men with the government's intervention in single motherhood and the rise of social media, I believe we are more close now to how nature had intended. Even if we hate this.
Nature doesn't care about comfort. Only the fittest survive through chaos.
Just look in Africa where there are no rules in some countries. Men rape, abandon their families, and get killed in fights. What does nature do about it? High birth rate
[deleted] 6y ago
Flintblood 6y ago
They think it’s heroic for a man to be a taken-for-granted wallet workhorse that slaves away until his body and mind gives out. Have you ever noticed that those who are most attached to conventions and rule following seem to be the most likely to age fast — or worse, unfray and snap in public one day? Even if they accept their fate, they self-righteously look down on and are bitter about men who eschew tradcon expectations.
One day, deep down, the misery within them awakes. If they are even close to knowing about the redpill, the misery and resentment will arise. If they are completely bluepilled then they’ll never question it.
BostonPillParty 6y ago
Wasn’t this the same shot that brought down Rome? I swear there was a post with the Roman Empire as a comparison but I can’t find it..
dongpal 6y ago
the fuck is tradcon pundit ?
Apollyon1988 6y ago
This might be part of human evolution. As for now, men will definitely work to reach their apex and for those who can't keep up, well, natural selection. And in time, society will be like star trek, people would strive to work for the betterment of man kind where productivity is valued more than entertainment. People will then strive more to be scientists than to be singers or actors because by then it is what society celebrates. People will be strong and intelligent. This all sounds like bull crap but at this rate, it may just happen.
Incel9876 6y ago
Star Trek is just "Commies in space." Not going to happen ever. Show should never been allowed to air in the 1960s since it is seditious agit-prop. We just have faith in utopian systems, then begin operating our society along such lines, then human nature will suddenly change, before our political/economic/social systems fail because they are contrary to human nature, here's a TV program showing what it will look like once you buy into Socialism/Marxism.
RPGivesYouWings 6y ago
Fantastic read on a sticky topic.
It makes sense why many in TRP would think they’re aligned with tradcons. If I’m understanding your point, these red -tinted sheep are signing up to be slaves to men instead of to women... but they’re still slaves. TRP promotes autonomy in its purest form, in an incredibly social way.
[deleted] 6y ago
upvote upvote upvote
SeedThrownAway 6y ago
So what do I do now?
Venny_1 6y ago
First step: you work on yourself, for yourself. You lift, you study, you work, and you try to attain as much security for yourself as possible, financially, healthily etc.
The product of the above will be peace of mind, and this will lead you to...
Step two: figure out what you, YOU, want in life, for yourself.
SeedThrownAway 6y ago
I was just kidding
[deleted] 6y ago
I like how you ended this piece. Its been hard watching one of my best friends in life get married. He's too blue pill conditioned for me to help him. There's a much grander narrative on a cultural scale going on that makes me kind of sad and feel lost in it. Can't help but get philosophical and imagime how people 20 years from now will see our culture.
RainySeasonInPH 6y ago
In fairness, you can fucking move.
JamesSkepp 6y ago
You can only escape feminism, not female nature.
lapeparoja 6y ago
Where? And please dont say south-asia, eastern europe, latin america. If you think the women are different there I have a bridge to sell you. Biology is universal. You wont get the stench of SJWism (YET) but that;s it.
Iexpectthesethings 6y ago
Andrew Anglin tried to move to Asia. look where it got him.
Iexpectthesethings 6y ago
i am from Asia myself . I was so fucking confused why women act so crazy in my society until i found TRP. Here we have arranged marriages. Also when a girl and guy likes each other , they get married. I couldn't understand why the loving caring housewives over here cheat on their dedicated husbands of high societal status and value with some "loser" mechanic or plumber that came to fix their car or house ..(one act of cheating would make their social value getting diminished to the level of prostitutes in our culture. Men will look at them afterwards only like a cum buckets and other women will despise them. their children will vanish from their lives. that is how things work around here..yet women pursue hypergamy desperately even in a society that consistently tries to enforce conservative values down everyone's throats )
hell...couple of months ago a woman 32 poisoned and killed her two kids aged 2 and 7 and her father and mother over a span of four months just so that she could frequently have sex with her three lovers. (because it is frowned upon over here and she was living with her parents which would have resulted in her getting kicked out of the house). Even each one of her lovers thought that they were having an exclusive affair with her while she was not. The lovers gave their testimonies in court against her and the trials are going on.
And this is not the only one, you can find multiple stories like these in the newspapers over here daily. The men here have no idea about the psychology of these creatures.
Flintblood 6y ago
Major redpill. Yes men can be animals, violent beasts even. A very few may be psychopath Dahmers. But very few men if any just go “snapped” and do heinous sick yet completely slowly premeditated shite like this sick woman did wen she poisoned her kids and family just to keep getting dick.
This is such a huge redpill that you should make this it’s own post!
ex_addict_bro 6y ago
Lift. Read sidebar. Never marry. STAY ALIVE.
faissaloo 6y ago
Crazy is crazy, plating a nut is probably gonna give you at least the same result.