Every once in a while, some new tradcon cock enters the public eye, and all the recovering betas here cannot forebear relapsing into their old ways and wrapping their lips around it for a good hard suck.
If tradcon shit was the Red Pill, why does the Red Pill exist? Why was this wonderful, perfect tradcon world of justice, health, strength, freedom, and the right way of doing shit so soundly and thoroughly defeated by feminism in a couple of decades?
Why? Because tradcon values are none of these things, they are shit, they always were shit, and it's very easy for slaves to replace one master with another. Tradcons do not give a shit about your welfare. They are just fighting with feminism over who gets to hold your leash.
When feminism first came along, why the men buy into it?
Because they thought it would free them. They thought that the chains would be struck from their own natural and healthy sexual appetites if only women were "liberated" to be sluts. Why would they have gone for that, if they were already free and happy.
No, tradcons may hate feminism and cultural Marxism, but The enemy of your enemy is not your friend. He is your enemy's enemy, nothing less and nothing more.
The reason tradcons hate these things is not because they want you to be free, but because those chains get in the way of the ones they want you to wear. Chains like marriage to some ho. Chains like absolutist morality, as sold with the superstitions of a bunch of bronze-age sheep herders, and who gives a fuck whether you are getting anything in exchange for all this righteousness.
They don't give a fuck about you. They just want you pulling their ideological wagon instead of someone else's. Tradcons and feminists can fight their little war over whose plan to exploit you for women's sake is "better", and you don't have to be involved. Because if you actually take the Red Pill, instead of just longing for a low-T, shrill, pencilnecked right-wing intellectual to suck up to, then this what you already know:
- You belong to you.
- You exist for you.
- Anyone who wants something from you had better offer you something in exchange, instead of trying to convince you it's your duty.
- Because every moral system is just some shit somebody sat down and came up with.
- And if you buy into it when it hurts you, you're a fucking tool.
- If you are still looking for someone to worship, you're still in beta-male suck-up mode.
- Yes, that includes Jesus. If he loves you so much, why does he never pick up the phone and call?
- Yes, that also includes me and other redpill dudes. We'll eat your lunch out of the fridge and steal your girl. We're just not bullshitting you, not because we love you, but because we hate bullshit.
You belong to you. You exist for you.
Never let anyone subvert your primary directive with bullshit.
BostonPillParty 6y ago
Depression is a complex, multi-facet phenomena.
I love TRP.
I love JBP.
Both help me become the best man I can be. Read skeptically yet with an open mind and take what is useful/what you need.
He’s a hell of a lot better than a lot of leaders out there...
Otah_Machi 7y ago
Jordon Peterson is neither tradcon nor right wing.
jerogz 7y ago
Here are people stating that Jordan Peterson is not your friend. Yet at the same time you find that you might have watched one or two of his lectures, depending on what each of you individuals found interesting.
I have done his past, present and on my way to finishing his future authoring program. It’s $30 for you to evaluate all your experiences in life up to where you are now. It’s basically a platform for you to find out what you’ve done with your life, a reflection and what you intend to do better in your coming years
If you’re one of those asshole criticizing something and yet you haven’t tried it for yourself personally I feel that you’re all talk.
I bought his self authoring program when it first came out and only implemented it in the new year. I find it utterly stupid for people to bash someone when he is clearly saying “get your life in order”, “work on yourself”, “manage yourself better”. (RedPill example(s))
I bought his book and THE FIRST CHAPTER outlines why this so called hypergamy and Alpha male hierarchy shit happens in our society using an example of lobsters. So whoever put this shit out is someone who really hasn’t taken the time to understand what he truly means. THINK FOR YOURSELF.
If you’ve been following him for a while everything he’s done has helped a significant number of people, myself included.
chaseemall 7y ago
Anyone who makes me stronger is my friend. Anyone who makes me weaker is my enemy.
JBP has made me stronger. He has made many other men stronger. Once men are able to get out of their bedrooms and out into the world, then they'll be ready for harder truths. JBP is an ally in the fight against weakness and mediocrity.
Frankly, being a boomer, being as old as he is, it's a wonder he's any kind of redpilled at all.
Rollo-Tomassi 7y ago
There is a huge market for directing ‘lost boys’ looking for a real direction in their lives today. We've conditioned so many generations of young men (some now middle aged) to be so confused, subjective and ambiguous about masculinity that there had to be some quantitative adjustment for men socially.
I’ve said this a million times: JBP is one of the most brilliant minds of this generation. He’s Red Pill on some things, and he fights back against the established PC zeitgeist – so Alt Right, Alt Lite and various trad con franchises think he's their champion. But one of those things isn’t his personal understanding of women.
He’s very Blue Pill, very LARPy and ‘feel good’ about women. His message is always one of men needing to man up, but according to his experience women are innately good and holy. If women have faults it’s because of being manipulated and misled by bad men.
He met his wife at 7 years old and got ONEitis that lasted to this day. Today, JBP is still very much that love-sick 7y.o. is informing his ideas about women.
His wife even flagged him as a Beta when they were growing up. Consequently his frame of reference with women is one of enduring gratitude that she would (eventually) lower herself to accept him as a husband. JBPs primary philosophy is “life is suffering” so how grateful is he going to be when his wife graces him by alleviating some of that suffering? He’s a ‘bad man’ who doesn’t deserve the love of a ‘good woman’.
Now, by just my stating any of this, I’m going to be branded as an anti-JBP heretic because he appeals to the LARPy sensibilities of his followers in this romantic respect. The guy is above any criticism, but there you go.
JBP has stumbled into a social niche in an era when young men are so pathetically directionless that a message like “make your bed” sounds like its revolutionary.
CopperFox3c 7y ago
Rollo, as usual spot on. You hit right at the heart of the issue. I wrote a blog post about the human propensity for myth-making and creating new heroes and religions to substitute for old ones. It's something deeply embedded in the human psyche, something we have to constantly be on guard against.
I think many of us actually like Jordan Peterson and agree with many of his points, that's not the issue. There are going to be some follow ups to this post, would appreciate if you keep an eye out for them and chime in with your thoughts.
BluepillProfessor 7y ago
The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
I disagree but he is at least an ally.
We don't have to agree with everything. JP will attract men that would be repelled by trp and put them into position where they can take the next step.
GoGetting 7y ago
It's profoundly arrogant to believe, as a young man, that you can personally derive your own code of morals to live by. Morals exist as a result of centuries of natural law derived precedent following.
"Don't murder" isn't moral by whim. It's in recognition that the victims father, brothers and uncles will come and beat you to death if you do so. "Do unto others..." isn't moral arbitrarily, it's a different wording of the reciprocity principle (when you do good things for others, they feel indebted to do the same). "Remove the log from your eye..." just means don't be a hypocrite, because you'll suffer if you are.
But one guy is so clever he knows better? That he can discard the whole set as "it's some shit".
The snake, the weasel, the boar, doesn't need morals. It doesn't need to think ahead. It just does innate snake, weasel, and boar stuff.
It's the human that really does need morals.
Jordan Peterson IS our friend. And his new book "12 Rules" is a quality read, even if he does go off on tangents about religious texts.
DrankOfSmell 7y ago
So RP exists to rationalize how vile you actually are. That's what it is.
We should live in a world where you should expect to get your food eaten and your things stolen.
If you're not an idiot you should, to a certain extent, believe that things of yours could get stolen. But you don't think there should be an extent do you? It should be absolutely expected that, in a perfect world, where every man acted as he should, Your food WILL get stolen.
[deleted] 7y ago
The amount of men with daddy issues comming to rescue their substitute papa is astounding.
Can't say I blame them though but with this being said JP is a blue pill with a grain of red.
The fact that someone is "extremely" intelligent doesen't mean that the person can't be or chose to be blind to the truth to the reality of what women are.
He's basically saying to "man up", but this isn't enough these days you have to keep your pimp hand strong and ready for action.
dr_warlock 7y ago
The problem isn't that you're attacking JP, anyone with reading comprehension can see that you didn't. The problem is weak men's need for guidance, and a human's need for vague wishy washy wording to leave room for interpretation. It's how all religions have worked since forever. The problem is sensitivity to symbolism. Any negative concept associated in his name in any manner is attacked by cult followers, to control the frame that they're too invested in to have falter. The structure he provides makes them feel secure without actually having done anything for them. Feels > results for weak minded people.
king_of_red_alphas 7y ago
Weak men’s need for guidance and structure? Like how people follow TRP as if it’s a religion with commandments?
CastalianKnecht 7y ago
Some fair points, but this analysis is too narrowly focused.
There's more to Peterson than you give credit, and if you can't see that you're not paying attention.
TrueFacets 7y ago
TRP is too simplistic in these "philosophical" matters. You live for you. Of course. But often the best thing for you includes many other people. Maybe society as a whole.
TRP also fails to give answers to the question of being a father and having children. Its unlikely to raise successful children without a stable family. No children, your genes are gone, you failed. (with the exeption of authistic math geniuses who really don't care about other people - maybe)
So supporting some set of morals is paramount. Christianity and tradcon worked pretty well for a pretty long time so its not the only choice but probably not the worst either.
Once you have sorted out your own life to a certain degree there are only two things you can do. Live in hedonism with the luxury stuff or drugs of your liking. Or care about others and the world and start working on something bigger than yourself or for people other than yourself.
Acx3 7y ago
Yet another post-modernist assaulting moral objectivism with idealist claims that the existence and identity of moral objects are subjective constructs. 1. You can't prove that. 2. If we go off of the saying "look at what they do not what they say" then your actions will inevitably prove you believe that moral absoltues are true. 3. What you advocate is dangerous and ultimately removes the force behind justice.
Also, I could just as easily argue that your existential absolutes pertaining to meaning are shit somebody sat down and came up with.
Indubitably_Confused 7y ago
JP is good, and yes he does have his part to play, but people should be keen to keeping him on the ground and not on the pedestal. The man himself even says this in may of his videos. That being said, rather than being dogmatic in either approach, dipping your toes in both sides and retaining/practicing what you like is best approach overall rather than demean one over the other.
Rian_Stone 7y ago
If you think this post is a critique on peterson, then you're part of the problem.
Saza_King 7y ago
If the writing isn't coherent enough to make it's actual target known, the writer is at fault.
max_peenor 7y ago
And no matter how many times we say they, it just doesn't get through their thick skulls.
Hey /u/Prophets_Prey You want to see the point of the post? Zoom out and look at the thread as a whole now. You will find your point, as long as you aren't obsessed with fellating (admittedly intelligent and well spoken) Mister Peterson.
Rian_Stone 7y ago
Considering millennials are supposed to be narcissistic as fuck, I'm surprised how many guys "aren't" making the thread all about them.
Especially if you start looking at its layers of resolution.
Guess they read as much peterson as they do of the sidebar
VirginPlaya 7y ago
You might be right. But because of a few, what seems like, attacks on a person himself, it, at least to some extent, looks like it.
Rian_Stone 7y ago
Read it again, slowly. Better yet, replacing peterson with some girl a guy thinks is a unicorn.
Im right, you're looking for a reason for me not to be
VirginPlaya 7y ago
Yeah, you might be right about that too.
Personal attack is still a logical fallacy.
Rian_Stone 7y ago
It's not meant to be a logical argument. It's there on purpose, ever wonder what that would be?
VirginPlaya 7y ago
No, I haven't.
An argument not based in logic or reason is a fallacy.
Rian_Stone 7y ago
It's bait, I errantly thought you were catching on
VirginPlaya 7y ago
If it is. I don't get the point of it.
monsieurhire2 7y ago
Not sure I agree with your conclusions regarding Jordan Peterson. He seems like a thoughtful individual, and nobody is holding a gun to anybody's head forcing them to buy into everything he is saying. I do like your way of thinking though. You can think outside of the box only to think yourself into another box, or fail to notice an even larger box that encompassed the first two. While it's definitely true that one can view these different factions as trying to enslave and control, one can also argue that there is the possibility of liberation from their control attempts. For example, Christianity has been called a "slave religion" because it devalorizes the material and promises a reward after death that might not exist (we can't prove the unproveable). This can enslave people and keep them from pursuing a decent standard of living, and keep them ignorant and superstitious . . . but it can also liberate people from the chains of materialism and the pointless pursuit of surplus wealth. That's the paradox. The same way liberalizing sexuality can liberate people from repressive sexual regimes, it can then turn them into slaves of their baser impulses. Unfortunately, there is no easy solution, aside from eternal vigilance, and that, of course, is full-time job itself, in which case, we find ourselves chained to the pursuit of avoiding slavery.
dapowa 7y ago
I'm a nobody on the sub here, but this guy should get a point for this.
alvlear 7y ago
Excellent example with respect to slavery. As it turns out, Peterson claims in his new book 12 Rules, that Christianity chiefly solved the problem of actual, physical slavery in human society. Some new problems cropped up later, and people soon forgot this monumental achievement on the part of Christianity. Peterson makes a very compelling argument here.
[deleted] 7y ago
I've found that TRP, religion, and government all have one thing in common: they're all value systems that require constant vigilance to adhere to their parameters.
DaaaBearsDiamondCo 7y ago
I really like how you framed that response, that was a well done example.
monsieurhire2 7y ago
Thanks, man!
Halitenina 7y ago
This endorsed person WROTE the sidebar, dummy.
30 days. Zero tolerance for attacking the ECs.
TomRoberts2016 7y ago
What's an EC?
Also, please don't ban me.
I like Peterson and don't understand the hate for not openly supporting the alt-right (career suicide) while SJWs hate him because alt-right like him.
Rian_Stone 7y ago
I remember when I was like this. Hitches would have shit on a guy like peterson, and I'd have lapped it up.
Turns out the problem wasn't peterson, or Hitchens, I was just a dumb college kid who loved being told how to narrate lige
[deleted] 7y ago
Rian_Stone 7y ago
Not really the point of the thread.
[deleted] 7y ago
Rian_Stone 7y ago
while some of you would take it personally, this guy is a jerk, you have no right to talk to me like that, or-- the standard maneuver when narcissism is confronted with a greater power-- quietly seethe and fantasize about finding information that will out him as a hypocrite. So satisfying.
[deleted] 7y ago
Rian_Stone 7y ago
Read my comment again.
Taipanshimshon 7y ago
I don’t think Peterson is trying to convince you that there is a universal morality.
I think he is trying to convince you that you can’t disassociate a fairly common cultural morality from atheist thought because we were all ( mostly ) brought up with certain basic beliefs such as murder is bad.
Flip the script of history a bit and we are sacrificing virgins on an altar and drinking blood as an aphrodisiac or an afternoon snack. Which is fine. But then we would be operating out of that history and associated cultural memes.
In summery - take what is useful to you from all things and throw away the rest.
Now go lift or fuck.
CQC3 7y ago
I don't mean to reduce what he says because there's a lot to it, but to me:
He's generally traipsing along the lines of neo-marxist postmodernism is bullshit because it says there are no universal values or truths, and that there are an infinite manner of interpretations upon reality. This is patently untrue because suffering is as real as it gets, and human beings universally suffer in certain ways. So it stands to reason that if we look at history, we can see that time and time again, certain ideas and behaviors produce misery.
That basically segues into the argument against nihilism (known as enjoy the decline, around here).
HumanSockPuppet 7y ago
Whether murder is good or bad matters less than whether murder is effective.
All this tells us is the fact that a lot of people performing some ritual doesn't make that ritual effective at its intended purpose.
JP is just offering fledglings a different flavour of Kool-Aid.
Stop drinking what's offered to you. No one hands out drinks without an ulterior motive.
Taipanshimshon 7y ago
Murder is effective. But effective for what and for whom ?
Certainly it’s effective for removing a particular threat. But in our society it comes with a potential price. That price can be the effective removal of your ( the murders) agency and freedom.
And not everyone is capable of surviving murdering a person with their own psyche intact.
He would not argue that murder is not effective. He might argue that it’s not conducive to specific end goals.
The reason I don’t see the arguments against him as effective for me is that I ignore those things that I don’t find useful.
max_peenor 7y ago
This is where most of these arguments go to shit (not addressing your post directly, just using as a springboard). The issue is not Jordan. He's a smart mother.fucker. Nor is the issue those that he calls out. Nor is it my dogs and three cats. It's society around us. Trying to repair morality wrt to relationships in the current environment is just pissing in a hurricane. JP can be completely right while being completely wrong to follow.
Taipanshimshon 7y ago
Like I said - take the useful and ignore the rest
max_peenor 7y ago
It's almost as if you read the original post without an ass clenching emotional response, you'd get to the point faster, right? Hmmmm... lessons learned here. Lessons learned...
Taipanshimshon 7y ago
What emotional response would one get?
I mean if one is a sheep - I guess all sorts of emotions come out.
But emotions are only as useful as how you use them
max_peenor 7y ago
I'm talking about this thread, not the original argument. Just check this shit out:
(Not all emotional responses are tantrums)
There is more, but this last one is my favorite.
Dance, my little normie-monkeys, dance.
Taipanshimshon 7y ago
Mwhaha. This is why I don’t read all the responses
grimmjoww 7y ago
Holy fuck. I get it now.
KillerGTS 7y ago
Jordan Peterson is the man, I have nothing but respect for that guy. He helps men to take control of their manliness, be alpha, mature, assertive. I never idolize anyone, nor I am idolizing him,but nevertheless he is great for men!
max_peenor 7y ago
He's a tool. Like a hammer. Hammers do a great job at hitting nails. Fuck yeah, hit that fucking nail. If I have a nail I'll fucking own it with that hammer. Good hammer.
If the house gets built, do you respect the hammer or the carpenter?
EntrepreneurToBee 7y ago
I'll respect the carpenter, obviously. But i won't shit and piss on the hammer like this post is...
KillerGTS 7y ago
Look man some people would get benefits from taking Calcium supplements, while others wont because they already get that mineral from different food(milk). Just because you dont find Jordan Peterson beneficial doesnt mean others are the same way. You sound like a pompous cunt, so stop this shit.
max_peenor 7y ago
Do you respect your calcium suppliants too? Grab it a beer during the game? Let it fuck your girlfriend?
If you expect a man to help you become a man, you are starting from a position of fucked. Information. That's is our trade. Take the pill and see the world s it is. It is completely up to you after that.
I don't respect the phone directory, but it've used it to call someone before. I don't expect you to respect me, but some of the information I've shared is truth, or at least ideas that can be used.
Be the arm and stop worshiping the hammer.
ChadThundercockII 7y ago
I see your point. And I agree. But the way you , GLO, and Whisper are presenting this idea is very confusing to the guys here. Take a page from Peterson's book and adapt to the way we ADD generation see the world and understand it. “I am but a finger pointing to the moon. Don't look at me; look at the moon.” is what you were all looking for to show that Peterson is but the hammer to the nail on the table.
max_peenor 7y ago
It triggered and shone light upon the intellectually lazy and those driven by emotional reactions. It's almost as if...
[deleted] 7y ago
redd_reality 7y ago
Without the hammer, the carpenter is useless.
The key is to develop enough capacity for critical thought, that you can see each for what they are.
Peterson has much to offer every man. But, once again, the enemy is a lack of suspicion, and vigilant awareness of your own utility to others.
Make no mistake, trp leads many men down the path of nihilism. Imo this is equally as destructive as bp or Tradcon ideology.
This is why wisdom is the golden egg, not knowledge. Wisdom is applied knowledge which manifests itself as logical intuition. If trp made this distinction more often, we wouldn't have to paint JP with such a broad brush.
max_peenor 7y ago
I so hate this one, mostly because I had to deal with the shitty results of it. Capacity for critical thought? You were born with it. You don't need to learn that as a skill. You need have the ambition to do it.
I live in CA. Our schools went on a huge "critical thought" bender in the schools. Gotta teach kids how to think. Two things happened. First, they just spoon fed the kids examples of critical thinking, obviously colored in their own view of the world, and expected the kids to bleat it back at them. Second, the kids got dumber, because they thought "critical thought" was learning the correct response to a given situation. It took me years to undo the damage to my older kids because of this.
We now have an entire generation of intellectually lazy shits, crafted by a system that didn't want to set them loose in thought, but to entrench them further in the system. No worries though, just keep going to school, for a meager fee there will always be the next level of
marxismprogressivismtribal nationalismscientologymaterialismcritical thinking to learn. If you get to the top level, you become Enlightenment god (little g).Don't even get me started on what it has done to my labor pool.
Who is leading who? You want to be led? Is that it?
redd_reality 7y ago
You are absolutely not born with the ability to form complex, abstract perspectives. It is an ability to acquire through flexing your mental muscles. Studying science to the point you're able to intuit natural systems is parallel with the stoic's ability to intuit "the truth" behind the chaos of life, society and culture.
This is not critical thought, this is brain washing. What we need is people who can think for themselves, ya? We do this in two parts. The first is regurgitation of natural laws and the second is using what you've learned and applying it to problems that have yet to be solved.
What is primarily required is a desire for the participant to want to align his mind with the truth of nature and reject everything else.
There have and always will be intellectually lazy shits. This is a truth of the human species.
Even those with the capacity to cultivate a high level of logical abstract intuition, will choose to learn just enough to satiate their instant gratification desires and sink back into lethargy.
Trp is just another school of thought. If you believe somehow it is THE truth in world full of gurus and con artists, you'd better give your head a shake.
Trp and it's feel good posts coupled with its posts advocating for agency with a side of moral and intellectual superiority, pose as a perfect diet to satiate the appetite of the disillusioned beta boy.
No field is exempt from this fallacy. This is because people cultivate and deliver the message and people, despite their best intentions are always susceptible to greed and the desire for power.
max_peenor 7y ago
Yes, the ambition to learn. That's what I said. You cannot teach someone this. They have to want to do it.
Right? Nevertheless, we dump billions a year into this bullshit.
I'm not sure who you are arguing against, because it isn't me.
[deleted] 7y ago
max_peenor 7y ago
Oh, you need a leader. Got it.
The hammer is a tool. Take what benefit you can get from it.
re3al 7y ago
So you're implying people shouldn't look at thought leaders? What's the red pill for then? People read the rational male and so on which 'leads' them.
Nobody can be an expert in every field, which is why education and distribution of labour is important. To imply you don’t have anything to learn from other people is just hubris, not ‘red pill’.
[deleted] 7y ago
max_peenor 7y ago
Answer the question. Therein is the point.
max_peenor 7y ago
No, you're the faggot.
See ya.
Proto_Sigma 7y ago
Both. The hammer is useless without the carpenter, but the carpenter would have a much harder time building the house without the hammer. A reasonably intelligent carpenter could probably assemble a functional hammer on his own, but it may not be of the same general quality or utility as a finely made hammer (maybe it breaks more easily or is harder to hold etc.).
While the agent may be primary, the most powerful and successful agents have a critical yet healthy respect for the tools they both made and inherited from others in order to build their lives.
max_peenor 7y ago
Rocks. There are rocks. Concrete and steel. Those steel houses crack me up, particularly when I see them build them in CA, but you certainly don't need a hammer.
Did the Japanese use nails? I don't think so. Notch and pins, right?
Don't even get me started on Igloos.
Proto_Sigma 7y ago
You'd be using a rock as a makeshift hammer. Theoretically speaking you could assemble a house using almost any combination of tools and materials, the only limit being human creativity and the reality that there are better things to do with your time.
max_peenor 7y ago
^I meant the building, not the tool.
But yes.
_khanabadosh_ 7y ago
No, no. You don't need to listen to his advice about women. Although he does confirm many fundamental redpill ideas.
But JBP gave me a lot of insights about psychology and philosophy. Nietzsche, Dostoyevsky, Jung, Heidegger are all worth understanding.
Also don't forget that political wars and narratives will ultimately effect you. If you leave it unchecked, they will enslave you further. You will have to put up a fight. Enjoy the ride :)
Captain_Save_A_Hoe_ 7y ago
I have listened a 20+ hour total lecture of Nietzsche and almost in every session the lecturer repeated more than 4 to 6 times that Nietzsche was not a anti semite and he hated racists. Read the books on your own multiple times instead of listening to propagandists.
[deleted] 7y ago
Careful, you might have some STEM nerd come out of the woodwork to remind you that STEM subjects are the only "trve knowledge" and liberal arts are "soft sciences designed for females! reeee!!!!!!"
re3al 7y ago
Implying STEM guys don’t read philosophy. They read a lot more than the average person.
Locastor 7y ago
This is the most spectacular comment/downvote ratio I've ever seen for an announcement.
HotWaffler 7y ago
I've seen this before. I dont get it honestly. He preaches what do many of us on our sub believe and appreciate. He just did an interview against some toxic feminist (so what you're trying to say is) and beat down her blue pills narrative. He tells men to straighten up and become competent, because that's what women want. The wage gap exists but you have to look as to WHY. He talks about how women want attention and will validate their feelings or actions caused by said feelings. The guy is a classic liberal (I think more libertarian now) but I never understood the pandering argument. The guy got "famous" over a viral video of him not agreeing with some privileged feminist on campus, where he taught...
tteabag2591 7y ago
I think it's interesting that no matter what side you're on, the ideologues get pissed at JBP. Coincidence? Maybe.
[deleted] 7y ago
Do i care about some redpillers truth or the truth of a psychologist? he's helped me improve my life in ways that i never thought i'd get out of. red pill has created a mindset that turned me into a asshole.
so you really think that listening to you is going to help? i'd rather listen to someone capable of putting things in order who is making buck in a big way lol
a_passager 7y ago
Why not both?
[deleted] 7y ago
Take the best bits of both and form it into your own character!
Datanami 7y ago
Go clean your room
BigMawsmidget 7y ago
I've never seen this sub more divided than this post here, but from what I see both sides have points, but ultimately what I think people like GLO and OP are trying to tell you guys.
Learn to think for yourself that's practically the whole point of this post, and even this subreddit.
Best way I can say this if anyone has watched ARROW the first season. You'll remember Oliver Queen was trapped on the island, and couldn't do shit for himself. Now if you're still following instead of that guy(forgot his name, but it's shadows father) teaching you to fish he just gives you the fish. What do you learn?
Jordan Peterson may or may not be right or wrong in what he's putting out, but at some point you're going to have to fend for yourself when someone kills him.
notipnoah 7y ago
So when did Jordan Peterson try to leverage you into working for his political goals? He's always been standing for his own rights, and all he has been doing is advocating for young men to take control of his life? I don't know why there's any hostility to him in the first place. In fact, I think this sub and JP share a lot of common ground. He may not be a friend, but at the very basic level he's just another guy trying to live in the upside down world by his own values.
SultanPepe 7y ago
The mods are trying to bait people into over-reacting. I can't tell whether they truly believe JP is a force for the blue pill, or whether it's all a ruse. I guess they're just trying to prompt people to think for themselves.
Seems ham-fisted to me, the guy speaks a lot of sense. He's helping a lot of people be better and doing his best to speak the truth. He certainly gets my attention, but maybe the mods have a point. I just hope they don't believe mods = gods and turn themselves into the very agents of the matrix they're casting JP as.
[deleted] 7y ago
Look, he's a guy that produces interesting talks on youtube that are actually inquisitive and make you think.. It's refreshing to see someone from academia call academia out on it's bullshit.. Especially nonsensical post modern critique.
Academic institutions are in a sad state of affairs. They've turned into nothing more than degree factories where most men working for them are spineless and bitchwhipped by their superiors to just pass all their students to avoid uncomfortable phone calls from parents. Or professors who merely just pass women or give them an easy grad while making the male students actually work for it. If these profs fail certain students, it might mean not getting rehired for the next semester as an adjunct.
Anyway, Jordan Peterson is not god.. Just produces interesting talks and it's nice to know there are some profs in academia who aren't total bootlicking pussy worshiping cucks who pass some rich white girl who didn't even do her work all semester cause you're afraid of getting fired.
RedPillHanSolo 7y ago
Good, I was getting pretty tired of 4chanesque version of "red pill, " which is not red at all. It's a good ol' "i'll have a good christian girl (TM) and live happily ever after".
EDIT: After reading the comments. LMAO @ all the knee-jerk reaction of betas because they think their god was foul-mouthed. Hint: he was not, it was not a critique of him, dummies.
V_GMan 7y ago
What JP and TRP have in common:
Both undestand the truth (i.e.: The Red Pill). Things like women's hypergamy, Alpha and Betas, frmae, The "Nice Guys", The Feminism bullshit. etc...
The Difference:
JP's phylosophy is St. Agustine-esque: A good man is not one who can't do any harm, a good man is one who is able to do harm, and then choose not to. He has, therefore, moral code that goes by.
maplemaximus 7y ago
There's a saying in the black community; "He's really smart, to a dumb nigga."
Jordan Peterson is intelligent by most means, but most of what he says is common sense, and he mostly grasps the attention of internet losers. He even expounds on how dude's have called him up in tears because feminists were talking about how white men are the root of all evil and that nonsense. He's most effective on people who are dumb asf. Case closed.
jadeoner 7y ago
Me and JP are having a picnic lunch tomorrow - I'd say he's my friend.
max_peenor 7y ago
Cool. He's a nifty guy. Did you have a point?
Tesrali 7y ago
Peterson, like Rogan, or Rand, or Thomas Fucking Jefferson are individualists.
They don't want your blind adoration or cock mangled in a vice.
I agree with your general point about people putting him on a pedestal, but you did not criticize Peterson really. In fact, it would be misleading to say Peterson is only the enemy of our enemy. Peterson is an individualist---and that is basically the foundation of Murica and our Red Pill ya? He's ideologically similar in some ways and a good spokesman for free speech.
What the fuck have you done to make the world a better place?
TomRoberts2016 7y ago
I don't know, Rogan is a pretty competitive guy and threw Stefan Molyneux under the bus for Ana Kasparian and promoted the false rape allegations against Cosby.
But yeah, I'd agree that nobody criticizing him has done a fraction of what he's done to make the world a better place.
Individually or COMBINED.
BlackCraneStoic 7y ago
Peterson's partreon says different. The dude gets something like $80k from it on a regular basis.
max_peenor 7y ago
Uh huh. And again, smart guy. You do understand that the current social and political environment really doesn't want anything to do with individualist, right? This isn't me talking. This is how shit is out there. Populism v. Collectivism is the order of the day.
We're not telling you what to think. We are telling you about the landscape. Navigate it appropriately.
Tesrali 7y ago
Hey man you're entitled to your beliefs. Whatever the current social and political environment SHOULD be is what I'm concerned with here. It's about defending the individual and his or her liberty. Busting up the bizarre tribal morality on college campuses does good things for the students. Individualism is the fountainhead of good fortune (unless they do you in like Socrates, but that's only if you're an asshole).
If you're saying that you need to jump into collectivist wishy-washy silliness in order to be successful, I think you're coo coo for coco puffs. You don't accept garbage. Garbage in means garbage out, yo. Have you been listening to papa Peterson? You have to tell the truth if you want to feel good. Patrice O, went on about this shit forever. You gotta be righteous.
You posted click-bait on Peterson. "Don't idealize Peterson." Ya we get it. You just did not manage to add much value to that single sentence, IMO. Garbage in means garbage out.
max_peenor 7y ago
Yeah, totally why I close out many of my posts with:
Enjoy the decline.
You are pissing in a hurricane. You do not have to become one of them. You do not have to vote for their candidates. You do not have to wear pussy hats with high heals. But as an Individualist, you have no dog in this current fight. No one gives a fuck what you think because it isn't going to airlift free food and cable TV into their living room.
This is history repeating itself to the fucking letter. Let them exhaust themselves on each other.
[deleted] 7y ago
Get a gun. Only use it if it warrants. Let people know you like guns. The only good liberal is one that realizes his authoritarian shit won't work on you.
0xdada 7y ago
When you look at what Peterson does, and you look at this post as a criticism, this would need to be a lot smarter to be persuasive.
The thing about idols is they are figuratively hollow representations of ideals, which people get upset about when they realize they are literally hollow representations of ideals.
You choose how you relate to that representation. Do you use it like a magic voodoo talisman to wave around like a dead chicken, or does it form a narrative way point for a more sophisticated understanding of your experience.
When a post gets pinned like this as an "annoucement," it comes off as an ex cathedra statement of doctrine. It's the prerogative of mods to issue these, but they should consider the quality of it first.
dum_dum_boy 7y ago
Yeah, OP's argument just missed the goalposts. They'll need to do a little better next time.
a_chill_bro 7y ago
It seems like you're making an assumption that Jordan Peterson is presenting us with a worldview that is just and fair. He does not say that at all.
If anything he specifically says to embrace your "monster." To be dangerous and not harmless. That means embracing RP if anything.
Watch this:
dum_dum_boy 7y ago
You know technically speaking JBP is a more successful human male than nearly every poster in this thread.
His BP sexual strategy has apparently worked out well for him too. I won't advocate for that, because he's of a different generation and a different time. We can all learn something from him without having to agree with everything he says.
Dtris 7y ago
Moral relativism is a plague on humanity. OP seems to support this concept. JP is a professor and psychologist and is looked up to because he is not afraid to express views that counter the current pc climate. He never claimed to be red pill. If someone finds wisdom in his words and it improves their life who the fuck is anyone else to shit on that.
[deleted] 7y ago
I'll agree that Jordan Peterson has BP tendencies. He advocates marriage and seems very beta when he talks about relationships. But his main tenets are improving yourself, having a positive self-image, standing up against radical feminism, and being your own man. He has many times discussed the biological difference between men and women, and he talks about owning up to your masculinity.
So funnily enough, he isn't Red Pill because he's strongly against following an ideology and all that it stands for, good and bad. He picks and chooses which tenets to follow as an individual, not a member of a group with a group identity, and he advocates for others to do the same.
I fully believe that looking to mirror someone or follow them as a role model is a bad idea, always. No one should be trying to mimic Jordan Peterson and follow all his ideologies to a tee. They should listen to what he has to say, as well as others, and form their own unique perspective that is only biased by themselves. So don't try to be like him, try to take the best of what he is and incorporate that into yourself. And he just happens to have a lot of very Red Pill-aligning ideas.
crashhacker 7y ago
like you are doing now. you are literally telling people to stop listening or maybe stop agreeing with his philosophy.
Have a little trust in RP readers, that's all i can say. we are not (atleast most of us) are not going to run with what he says. we take his words but still only add to our philosophy with what correlates with ours.
he really tries to help the manliness in men and getting us sorted out. are you honestly saying there is only one way to man up in a RP way??
Limekill 7y ago
The larger the number of the herd following, the less trustworthy you should be.
crashhacker 7y ago
Agree. It's simple science really as data space keeps increasing the variance of that data tends to increase and the properties start to become vague.
This is why you will most likely have high quality discussions with lower number subs on a specific topic than when the number keeps increasing different type of people start coming in and tend to dilute what it means to be a fan of certain topic.
So now we have people going by communities than by individuality. If it was a small sub you know one guy is a slightly racist fuck but chill otherwise. Others may hate that part but they agree on his views on that specific topic and try to understand his views from a racist point. If it was a big sub he would get shredded. no one will care and don't agree on his views just because he's racist. now whatever views he had and if you agree to those you will be labeled as a racist.
Nowadays we are losing this individuality a lot.
Rian_Stone 7y ago
the ones who don't lash out in the comments aren't the intended reader, I wouldn't worry about it.
vengefully_yours 7y ago
Being the anti theist bastard I am, I get the point you're making. JP has god on the brain, lots of people do. I got my red pill for religion years ago, it never set well with me because they got so much obviously wrong, and it would be good if people could pull their heads out when it comes to dogmatic fantasy.
I watch his videos and I can distill the bullshit out and get the useful parts of it. Unlike religion, which is like finding peanuts in a pile of shit then trying to rinse them enough to eat, it's more like picking the tomatoes or pickles off your sandwich. Most people "love them pickles" even if they cause brain cancer. Can't help that people like to follow along, particularly the average beta male. Nobody is going to realize religion is bullshit until they can get past the indoctrination and that cognitive dissonance that comes with being so very wrong your entire life. It's even harder when the right portrays all of us 'non delusional' types as far left 'merica hating feminist Marxists. They claim us man, we don't necessarily claim them.
However he gets lots of shit right, and the perspective he has varies enough to make me think about the male - female dynamic and it tends to expand my view, and I can easily throw out the religious nutter shit and the wistfulness for marriage, only keeping the bits I need. Being able to spot bullshit is a skill, most do not have it when it comes to religion.
You and I agree that the conservatives are not exactly friends of mine, they want me to ascribe to their belief systems and forego reason and logic for happy thoughts and the hope someday I can be fabulously wealthy too. Yeah, um fuck that. I bristle every time someone claims me for their side, the left because I'm atheist, the right because I'm hard core pro gun and see the benefit of capitalism over socialism/communism. Now the right thinks I'm a lefty because I understand science and that the earth is 4.5 billion years old, had never been covered entirely by a flood, and dinosaurs never walked with man. The left wants to claim me because I give no fucks if some twat wants to end her pregnancy or Steve wants to suck Carl's turgid cock, I do not care if they want to change their gender, it's none of my concern.
There is a place where we are ourselves, we can think for ourselves, accept facts and use reason, and not be some party nut. They keep trying to drag us back into the dream where they can use us, turn us into their pawns, and then chain us to their values. It's the place where you never take the media at face value, never trust anyone who is trying to sell you something you don't need, be it salvation from shit that doesn't exist, or a bunch of shiny crap to impress people you don't like.
I like to call it reality, where snakes and donkeys don't talk, nobody is equal and they never will be, and this is the only life I get so I'm enjoying the fuck out of it while I have it. Now I'm going to watch this 19 year old slut, who is roughly a 6 with nice tits, ram a rubber cock in her snatch while I rub some man juice out of my tiny little dick.
Reunn 7y ago
Poking literal and scientific holes in religious texts doesn't make you smart, it means you've missed the level of analysis required to interpret and understand them.
Objective reality and metaphorical reality aren't mutually exclusive.
CQC3 7y ago
I don't consider JBP to be selling religion though, I haven't seen at any point him telling people to be religious or Christian for that matter.
He's saying that the stories whether true or not have incredibly poignant insights into human behavior--which is why they have survived as long. He is far more interested in the archetypal stories for their value in what they exemplify rather than religion as a thing you do. Basically they are some of the rawest and earliest accords of how we perceive the world. It's a world of metaphors and symbolism.
He even stated he doesn't go to church.
beginner_ 7y ago
Religion, ideology is all the same. It's a set of self-enforcing thinking patterns and because they self-enforce they persist through time. most simple example with religion is that when things go bad, it's a test of your faith.
Even TRP is an ideology, as long as you haven't actually tested and vetted it and added your own insights. Going to the gym and gaming women is just following the ideological script. Doing what you read and have been told do do is being a follower. The point when you actually swallowed the pill, and I'm not saying I have, is when your are really going your own way.
max_peenor 7y ago
Everything in public discourse is either religion or politics--the question is if there is a sky fairy involved. Ultimately, that's my problem with the reaction to JP. Just look at this thread. Zealotry over a guy that while intelligent and offers a lot of good information isn't exactly lining up with what a lot of us see as becoming one with our reality--taking the Red Pill. The Normie-sexuals have lost their shit. That's never ok.
Frietjeman 7y ago
I haven’t seen any comments so far that I would classify as ‘zealous’, but I have noticed your name at least a dozen times, so there’s that. You seem to be awfully invested in this subject, yet accuse others of zealotry.
max_peenor 7y ago
Ah yes, the /b/ yuo mad retort.
SaintHolland 7y ago
Marriage is (was) the foundation of western civilisation. Why? Because it allowed men to pass on their values to their children. In today's hook-up, pump-and-dump world, the only men who are passing on their values are effeminate betas. The more the institution of marriage erodes, the more the west erodes.
chaseemall 7y ago
But knowing the risk of getting fucked over, are you still willing to risk it? That's not a rhetorical question. You actually do need to run that risk assessment.
Everyone gets got at some point.
Whisper 7y ago
Fulp_Piction 7y ago
For fuck's sake. How about each man here grow a critical thought process and digest the information for themselves. Steal what works, forget what doesn't - including TRP. There are no absolutes.
JBP is great if you're too depressed to confront the dragon of chaos in the shower in the morning but he'll encourage marriage, not spinning plates. A good sign if something works is how many successful people agree on it. Get up early, have options, work hard, don't be anxious, trust yourself, think delayed gratification, forego the present pleasure for a better one tomorrow.
Even TRP won't help you if you blindly follow every front page niche advice post every day instead of doing the simple things well and reading EC/mod posts. Cheateau Heartiste, Rollo and the fitness sub will get you farther than this sub will.
[deleted] 7y ago
Go watch "We're Alienating Young Men, It's Sad" Jordan Tears Up When Talking About The Future Of The Youth and tell me you still think he's "not your friend".
Whisper 7y ago
That's actually a valid objection, if incorrect.
Petersen's (or any other tradcon's) feelings are not actually the point. I'm sure that medieval doctors were very often quite compassionate as they bled their patients and dosed them with quicksilver.
The tradcon system is a set of beliefs you are supposed to embrace because someone told you to, and a set of things that you are supposed to do because you are morally obligated to. This is by definition a blue pill. Many TRP readers haven't quite gotten the idea, and they think the blue pill is feminism and cultural Marxism. Then they see something fighting against that, and they assume it must be the red pill.
The critical mistake here is that feminism isn't the blue pill, it's a blue pill. Since the blue pill is just a metaphor for a systematic lie about about the universe, there are an infinite number of possible blue pills, and certainly they are going to fight each other for your brain. The point is not to fall into the arms of the second blue pill that you notice, just because it happens to be fighting against the first.
[deleted] 7y ago
That was what I took from your post.
The only thing that JPB implies in his teachings which I sincerely disagree with is that marriage is a goal.
It seems to me that your caveat against JBP is not being taken well because it shits on him for being "low-T" rather than for his actual blue pill takes, which are few but significant.
HamburgerBurner 7y ago
And who told you that? Or do you any have evidence for that statement?
Obviously JPB has mountains of thought and reasoning behind his positions and believes in them for those reasons.
So are you saying all his positions are wrong simply because you have this idea that tradcon is "something you're told to believe"? Because that's a sequitur.
JamesSkepp 7y ago
To simplify - the traditionalism and conservatism mentioned here rely on you listening to an authority figure, it's your parents, previous generation, someone older, someone revered, an institution etc. This also extends to ideas: you are supposed to maintain status quo, to be religious, supposed to pay respects to what others before paid respect to, you're supposed to get married, you're supposed to uphold certain values.
I'm an Endorsed Contributor, Whisper is Vanguard and we're both telling you to stop saying things that might upset what we believe in and what most Endorsed people believe in. Would you like that to be the norm on TRP? If not, why would you like that in real life?
Just b/c bazillion people before you did something for thousands of years, doesn't mean it's good for you. Maybe it's not, maybe they have an agenda to push under the guise of tradition, maybe the belief is so entrenched in the minds of the people that they don't question it at all, maybe there are alternative solutions or ideas that work better, maybe there are better solutions for individual people and so on.
[deleted] 7y ago
What do you mean by beta-bait? I actually agree with the content of your post, but I think the error you made is conflating Peterson as a beacon of tradcon values. In my opinion, his stance on morality isn't that you should do things because you are supposed to (as is in blue-pill instituions like religion; don't fuck your neighbors wife because a big man in the sky will be angry with you) but that you should act morally because it directly benefits you in the long run. The nuance is that acting morally is smart because it will benefit you, which seems to me a red-pill stance on morality. Peterson is big on personal responsibility, the idea that if your life sucks its your fault and you are the only one who can fix it.
a_passager 7y ago
The whole post comes off as an EC shit-test. I think the attack on JP was the bait that threw so many people into a frenzy, which more observing minds can then see and note. As Whisper says, some of these people are just trapping themselves again and their anger and indignation is proof.
Though, I would say that the relatively measured responses are refreshing. Whether that's because of the forum or mod action is unknown to me
SlyGradient 7y ago
90% of the comment responses are still up, even ones that vehemently disagree with the post. The only ones we have removed were ones full of name calling or sperg-like angry rambling.
Whisper 7y ago
[deleted] 7y ago
Fair play, if the end result is a better platform for discussing red-pill concepts then thats good enough for me.
TRP_MushaShugyo 7y ago
Great clip, thanks
[deleted] 7y ago
JamesSkepp 7y ago
The score (double the amount of downvotes over the upvotes) pretty much proves majority of TRP members are not here for TRP lessons but to have a goal, mission and some excitement shoved down their throats by an ideologue who can articulate better than they do.
None of these men can offer ANY reasonable criticism of JBP, mostly b/c the guy has 30+ years of studying clinical psychology and philosophy, which means they wouldn't even recognize errors in JBP ideas, let alone recognize that JBP is bullshitting them if he chose to do so.
They fell for the oldest tick in the book: confirmation bias by an authority figure. This means men like that are not unplugged, they simply want to be plugged to the kind of Matrix they agree with.
Anyone who doesn't recognize trad-con as BP missed the point of this forum completely.
[deleted] 7y ago
sezamus 7y ago
I have the same conclusion as you do. This place changed a lot since it had 25k subscribers when I joined.
mental_models 7y ago
These psychological truths are part of the reason that actually red-pilling somebody is a movement for a minority of the whole.
It's how humans have evolved. Heuristics. Cognitive bias such as that appeal to authority are huge.
These heuristics influence the way even most of TRP is authored (towards the masses). It's part of the reason we have things like tags. People can actually take the red pill and become aware, but it's a case by case situation for those who are ready. They'll always be outnumbered perhaps 4:1.
[deleted] 7y ago
Is this not what TRP continually enforces and will ban you for challenging this notion? I've been here since 2013 and continually see this happen. A poster challenges an EC's idea, the EC just flips out and bans him.
JamesSkepp 7y ago
Provide examples (permalink, copy/paste here) so we both know what you're talking about.
Rian_Stone 7y ago
no. a poster lashes out at an EC, or uses mental masturbation to shit on an EC
disagreements happen often. Skepp is here and he has the longest track record of disagreeing with an EC in here.
dum_dum_boy 7y ago
Total conjecture.
JBP has a lot of solid ideas that anyone can benefit from, regardless of their station in life or their political beliefs.
JamesSkepp 7y ago
Had that been the truth (and not a conjecture :D), JBP would be lauded on the left as much as he is on the right.
monadyne 6y ago
When have people on the current left ever cleaved toward "solid ideas that anyone can benefit from?" The left's position is that "solid ideas" (including science, etc.) are implements the patriarchy uses to oppress marginalized people. That's the tenet of the PostModern & neo-Marxism ideology. That's why, instead of debating, i.e., hammering out different ideas in the forge of the rational exchange of ideas, is something they don't do. They just drown out opposition with chanting slogans, and noisemakers.
FinallyRed 7y ago
Best comment in the whole thread, all the way down here lol. It would be helpful if people saw this first before the botched job by the ECs up above.
Rian_Stone 7y ago
The EC's weren't the one who missed the point of this thread.
You mistake the intention. It wasn't placed here to teach, it was placed here to cull
FinallyRed 7y ago
That makes sense. I definitely have the redpill halfway swallowed and it's a weird place to be.
Rian_Stone 7y ago
I find the subtext to be my favourite part.
And trust me, it will benefit you. These underlying narratives make. Many things easier to understand. Even woman speak, which is almost all about subtext.
Youre watching the Gervais principle in action. See if you can find the baby talk, the power talk, and the direct talk.
CQC3 7y ago
My bad red pill, didn't realize I wasn't allowed to see other people.
I agree, Jordan Peterson is not your friend. He never said he was. Anybody who blindly listens to and follows anybody is not thinking for themselves.
There's plenty of stuff on this sub that is horseshit, not even gonna bother arguing about that. I'll just take what I need and use what I think is valuable. Same with JBP, maybe I won't get married. Maybe I will, it won't be because JBP, or TRP. It will be because of me.
That being said, I unabashedly think the man is brilliant and is bringing back some old wisdom. Cute how most of TRP was covered in history as well. You can't even seriously compare the nuance and thought he's put into his arguments than the pop-psych bullshit you see around here.
TRP is useful for practical tips on gaming chicks, some opinions on what game/dating is currently like on the day to day. It is not even in the same ballpark of answering questions that JBP proposes (not even answers, just merely articulates and gets you thinking).
I do agree he is not particularly insightful about modern women, but that's not what I'm listening to him for. Besides, he's old and long since been married. Of course he knows nothing of that. More than that, his opinions on masculinity and femininity are not on the temporary scope of today's society, but more on a symbolic level. Something you would expect of an academic.
Hyperfalcon 6y ago
If you're going to go against someone or their way of life, you do yourself the most good by arguing or "red teaming" their point of view with great effort. What would JBP say? What would Jesus say? Consider that it is a way of life that has been around a long time and that billions are wondering what Jesus would say and they're innocent to the red pill. Some are very happy too. Some are very alpha too. Your not trying hard enough to see the other side.
kaane 7y ago
There is something going on here. I've never seen so much endorsed contributors coming in and supporting a post made by one of them.
The OP never says anything wrong about JP, but he is attacking the mindless followers. OK. I have no problems with that, but the same also can be said about TRP as well. If you are a self help junkie, you will attach yourself to anything, be it JP or TRP.
I've been reading, internalizing, and experimenting with the TRP ideas for a few years. Appreciate the contributions from many authors, but to me the ideas of JP is no less important than the TRP teachings.
Ah yes, there is one difference. JP has way passed the anger phase...
Rian_Stone 7y ago
Youre almost there...
sadomasochrist 7y ago
He's right, I'll make a theory post soon.
VirginPlaya 7y ago
To be honest, op did write a few adhominems aimed at JP, which takes away from his "mindless followers" point.
kaane 7y ago
Yes the OP did point to some ideas from him which might be flagged as BP. I get that, and I don't disagree.
But, nobody, or no ideology is 100% perfect and complete, including the TRP teachings. So we should take what we need and leave the rest.
Someone can do the same against TRP as well. Nitpick some ideas from here, and write a case about how TRP is not good. How men are mindlessly following TRP truths.
I personally support both camps. What I am against is, bashing JP because he has some BPish ideas. This guy dedicated his life to make people more aware. There are lots of young men around who don't even know where to start, and he gives advice to them in an approachable way.
I find "clean your room" to be a very clever way to approach the young men.
VirginPlaya 7y ago
I agree with this comment wholeheartedly.
Thay said, I do want to read JP's book though to fully grasp what he means with the "clean you room" thing.
JohnIan101 7y ago
Pretty much.
[deleted] 7y ago
Too many people allowed to start threads, just, I guess, to keep the subreddit "alive". This is at loggerheads with the need to have only high-quality, theoretical-level material published. (Hence, the Right Bar.)
RatioRegnum 7y ago
Jordan's lifework has been the study of human nature, and the use of this knowledge to help people. As such, he calls bullshit on both the personal and collective dysfunction that springs from the tangled web social illusion and self deception that we label the Blue Pill. This is a good thing.
He does not, at least publicly, drill down to the inconvenient reality that the sexes are at cross-purposes on the issues of quality vs quantity, and resources versus genetics, and that both have dualistic strategies to optimize their results in the face of that. I'd be amazed if he didn't know this, but given how violently the unwoke reject that reality, and given the amount of pressure he's already under, I don't think he's got any need to go further than he already has.
I don't agree with him on every point, but I certainly respect what he's doing.
NuclearTruthBomb 7y ago
I mean, yeah, I don't believe Traditionalism is going to make a resurgence in the United States (unless things get pretty fucking bad), but this post reads like a temper tantrum. It would have been far more interesting to read WHY Jordan Peterson is wrong instead of calling a rich, popular, high status man a "cuck" (real men of dominance post on internet forums), then shitting on the values that built everything we enjoy about Western society.
Most "Alpha" men, contrary to what the average dick-swinging internet badass wants to believe, isn't some amoral sociopath who'd throw people under the bus to save himself. We're a social species, and part of leading a group is ensuring the productivity of yourself and your people. Its only natural to find solutions to our modern problems and our purpose in society. Now, I believe our technological and biological condition does mean traditionalism is doomed for the modern era, that we cannot be logic-ed out of our fundamental psychology. But ultimately "just enjoy the decline brah" only serves as a useful answer to men who want their petty revenge on a society that allegedly wronged them some way.
alamsohel1990 7y ago
I also never understood this enemy of your enemy theory. It's bullshit
Reunn 7y ago
I think you're using JBP's name as clickbait and prescribing him as a representative of 'tradcons' when in actuality he isn't.
Great post but it's incoherent for anyone who has spent any length of time looking into JBP's message and the positions he holds.
UshankaDalek 7y ago
Tradcon here. Your angsty whining has made me very interested in this Peterson guy.
[deleted] 7y ago
Jordan Peterson held frame in the face of the Leftist agenda.
The Leftist agenda attempted to break him.
He refused to bend the knee.
The weaklings around the world took notice, "if some old professor can stand up for himself, so can I!"
Of course, there will always be those among us who trade one master for another- that is their nature.
But there are those of us who will always refuse to be slaves.
Whatever it takes to get you on the right path, is what I say. No one should be forced to be redpilled against their will, it only decreases the value of being redpilled in the SMP. I say, let them be betas if they choose.
You can lead a beta to water, but can't make him drink.
[deleted] 7y ago
[deleted] 7y ago
[deleted] 7y ago
I am enjoying this thread immensely.
Tbh, I like both reading JP and watching his youtubes. Ive learned a few things I didnt know even if its regurgitated Jung and Nietzche.
That said, he doesnt have the answers for you to make your life better. Only you have that knowledge and its buried within.
If you try and find your happiness and freedom by following a 12 step program than you may as well hit unsubscibe and save the community from your uselessness
redd_reality 7y ago
Personally, I've found the nihilism trap to be very real with trp. "Enjoy the decline" is repeated over and over here and while I certainly understand the practicality and respect the agency that it inspires, I can't help but feel a void created from this perspective.
I don't mean the void left by denying the existence of the bp fairytale and unicorns. I mean the void left by not having any sort of framework to governs one's life. Lift, eat right, find a purpose, build a business, game girls. All of these things are fucking A1, but without a more foundational set of values and directives, all but the most self disciplined duty-warriors will find himself wondering, perhaps years later, wtf is this all about?
Tradcon gives us values. It is a framework with a bedrock of responsibility to provide for and defend oneself, family and community.
The golden mean between trp and Tradcon is to adopt the values necessary to inspire taking responsibility for one's life, but end that responsibility the moment it becomes a tool used in your own manipulation by others.
When the returns received by accepting responsibility to provide and protect for yourself, family and community begin to be overshadowed by your utility to your family and community, or when your family and community begin to view you as a utility, and you feel it, that is the point in which you must pull back and become selfish.
There is CERTAINLY a balance that just be struck between Tradcon values and trp.
OP says "don't fall for the Tradcon trap as it is just another form of slavery." I say, don't fall for the nihilism trap of trp. One leads to suffering through the abuse of others, the other leads to suffering by your own inability to manage the chaos of a purposeless existence.
Don't be nieve, but don't reject benefits you receive from integrating yourself into the community and supporting others.
SirKolbath 7y ago
Normally I agree with you on most subjects, Whisper, but I don't track your judgment on traditional conservative values. Being an atheist who also happens to be conservative, I loathe the changes to modern western society that have been wrought by feminism. No-fault divorce has left millions of sons without strong fathers. Women in the workplace has depressed salaries and left our children to raise themselves.
Honestly, I don't even know who Jordan Peterson is, so I can't pass judgment on him, but I don't understand the dislike of those old style values. Perhaps you could elucidate?
RPBulletDodger 7y ago
I sincerely hope you know that a certain Tradcon named Reagan played a huge part in that.
max_peenor 7y ago
The answer isn't to bring a floppy 12" dong to a howitzer fight.
dapowa 7y ago
Uh.. crap.. i'll uh.. be right back.
Halitenina 7y ago
I'm going to give you a flair point because I've noticed that you consistently address the community properly and respectfully engage in conversation with others, even when you disagree with their message.
Everyone else take note: you are allowed to disagree with an EC. You are not allowed to launch personal attacks against them, no matter how vindicated you may feel.
SirKolbath 7y ago
Thank you.
ChadThundercockII 7y ago
Why doesnt this rule apply to none EC submitters? Does it mean there is a hierarchy of dominance\competence?
Halitenina 7y ago
Yes. It's not a secret. It's on the sidebar. Which I'm sure you've read, right?
[deleted] 7y ago
512165381 6y ago
Because Peterson is helping others, and if they need help they must be blue pill. So Peterson panders to bluepill. By that definition everybody here is blue pill.
Jordan Peterson has helped me, but more in a way of clarifying things I know. Its call to arms, just don't sit in misery and depression, do something about it. Its a bit of fatherly advice combined with evidence-based techniques. He's across so many topics, books, ideas, treatments.
[deleted] 7y ago
Because he's just another socket.
Everybody stumbling around in the dark, looking for an outlet to plug into to provide the illumination they need.
Unplug. Realize that you are solar and wind powered, off the grid. You get to choose your own illumination.
Trading the cult of blue for another messiah.
Whisper, thanks for putting a finger on the reason JP was such a mind splinter to me.
And the wabbit apocalypse has been entertaining as well. Pareto strikes again. Everybody still looking for a socket.
Rian_Stone 7y ago
There's a lot of them going around right now. Scott Adams is doing the same. The hot GF, the old guy who lifts, and the political narrative making.
Everyone wants direction, few are willing to be the direction.
Either be happy to be directionless, or take direction. No need for you to be in TRP otherwise
[deleted] 7y ago
[deleted] 7y ago
Not the point.
Try the beer in other kegs, sure.
But be very aware of the idiot doing a kegstand and proclaiming it is the best beer that ever was brewed, because he's a drunken idiot.
Consider your sources.
NolanHarlow 7y ago
It's telling that the net upvotes for this stickied thread is 0 or less.
Thankfully, that supports the fact that a lot of folks here agree with what you're saying.
Self-honest 7y ago
His self authoring programs led me to TRP.
I don't care what he believes.
He doesn't want me to either.If you're a pussy with no self worth then you might get lost in his teachings,but there is a fuck load of value coming from this dude.He's intelligent and interesting to listen to.The last thinghe wants todo isindoctrinate people. Be as discerning as you always should be. Take value, add value.Edit: For content based off of my understanding of the concept. After reading the post again, Whisper is right. Just because I didn't continue to follow Peterson after I found TRP, doesn't mean he isn't recruiting his own army for himself and his blue pill feminine imparitive. I appreciate what I got out of listening to him and using his self authoring program.
Nobody is your friend.
SkorchZang 7y ago
The good professor is thoroughly blue-pill.
This is not intended to be an insult to him, after all blue-pill thinking is not in itself a shortcoming. Let's think of it as a neutral, one possible state out of many. It continues to be the default state or mode for most of us, it sure as hell was for me growing up.
It should not be irksome to simply state the obvious fact that this good man who has your sympathies and earned your gratitude is working for the Matrix. Witness the grand moral superiority over the "kek-boys" and the alt-right that Peterson affects in his unconscious posturing as an eager servant of the Feminine Imperative. He is required to feel like he is himself aligned fully with the good guys, that he is on the right side of history. It's only from this type of delusional footing that Peterson is able to launch his devastating intellectual attacks against such critical issues as gender pronouns, not cleaning up your room, and having poor self-talk. He does not stand alone in or against the Matrix, for now he is himself its loyal and hopeful slave.
After the red pill, one is greatly humbled and such posturing is no longer possible. We suffer ourselves to become very bad, to delve on the wrong side of history, fly off buildings and dodge bullets. The Matrix is no longer our home or cozy womb.
TomRoberts2016 7y ago
So basically it boils down to everybody hating him because the alt-right like him, but he doesn't give them enough credit/attention?
So criticisms against him are not legitimate essentially.
CanuckinFL 7y ago
consider the crucible that produced the JBP-Canada, where polarization is NOWHERE NEAR what it currently is in the US. THus the more moderate tone on things.
Petersen's view on men improving themselves and 'to always be a bit dangerous' is spank on with Red Pill
His nonsense about marriage and not straying is distinctly Canadian.
daremeboy 7y ago
The world isn't an ominous prison. I understand the imagery, but it really doesn't line up.
You are the results of hundreds of thousands of your ancestors reproducing, generation after generation, continuuing the genetic line. The continuation of the genetic line is the only truly lasting impact your predecessors and you can have on the universe..
Either you will continue the genetic line as generations of your forefathers have. Or the line will end with you. Whether or not you feel obligated, is on you.
This is the single most important truth you have to face in life. Nothing else matters before this decision. And based on this decision, your entire sexual strategy is built.
Reproducing (or not) does not fall into categories of bluepill/redpill.
How you go about reproducing (or not) is where there are winning strategies (red pill) based on evidence and rationale, and losing strategies (blue pill) based on feelings and bullshit advice from other unsucessful people.
Jordan Peterson advocates having children. This does not make him bluepill. It is nuetral. It is a personal decision for everyone. The methods he perscribes for raising children and fixing yourself, will lead to high quality successful offspring. (K select) This is a winning result, making his strategy quite redpill.
The alternative is to (R select) which, will hurt other people and your offspring, and will require you to be wildly successful in impregnanting a multitude of women without the consequences catching up to you. It worked well for Ghegnis Khan, but not all of us can be him. And in the current state of the world, attempting to reproduce like Ghengis Khan will result in a very bad situation for our selves. Even if you're okay with the morality of that stategy, success is unlikely.
Because his stance is pro-reproduction, his sexual strategy advice doesn't even apply to men who have decided to not have kids. If you are a man who has decided to never reproduce, you can ignore everything he says regarding that.
However I strongly agree with Ben Shapiro in that government should have ZERO involvement with marriage. Getting legally married is bad advice, because it ties you to not just the woman, but the state also. Additionally, the only reason to consider a marriage vow, is reproduction.
[deleted] 7y ago
So if his moral and behavioural standards don't match yours then he works for "The Matrix"? Anyone who does not agree with you is working for "The Matrix"? Do we split the world in to "Matrix" and "non-Matrix"?
daremeboy 7y ago
Many in TRP think that life is amoral. But it is not. Strategy is amoral yes, but the choices you make affect you and others.
There is nothing wrong with marriage in a religious sense. It is the tying of oneself to the state through legal marriage that is the problem. A "legal" marriage is a 3-party union between a man, a woman, and the state.
Anyone who advocates for such a situation for a man is a fool.
I however do impress that if your goal is to raise children, long term monogamy is the ideal situation for everyone involved to do well in their upbringing.
And if you decide that you don't want to have children, you're pretty much giving your ancestors the middle finger and ending their line with you. That's your choice though.
[deleted] 7y ago
Skorch, how would you size up a newage guy like your fave David Hawkins?
To me, he also speaks about pointing towards goodness bla blah but his tactics are powerful and can be used in a very very Red Pill way.
I feel the same about some of JPs ideas. On their own they serve their master but these tools can be forged to serve yourself instead.
SkorchZang 7y ago
Newage gurus such as DH are in my opinion on a different plane, compared to academics. For instance, Peterson's moral anxieties and posturing would surely only make DH laugh, if the same parasitic needs tried to impose themselves on a man like him. From this we might want to say that DH is red pill, but I'm not so sure about that and reserve my speculations in case he's some other type of fruit altogether. I am not as interested in or familiar with him as a man, haven't read the biography, the focus was more on his useful methods that I took and ran with.
Notice how most or all of the new-agey guru types have a legit underlying issue with being a little on the schitzo side, and can't help themselves being this way. Useful methods are never enough, they have to discover ALL the secrets of the universe and tell them in a paperback magnum opus; preferably using some gypsie-tier method like automatic writing, magnetic brackets, or kinesiological testings using your wife... They just can't help themselves, and fall for it. You work with the radium, you get the radiation poisoning. At least the academics, to put in a good word for them, are generally immune to narcissistic schitzo slants of this kind, and instinctively fear "the radium". Maybe it gives such freedoms and extacies that the journey inevitably exaggerates whatever pre-existing weaknesses the brave radium-explorer may have had, probably by stressing the entire system over time and then tempting the guy into allowing the pressure to be released in some easy, self-congratulating way.
F. Nietzsche has a striking formula for the type of man who would be "more perfect" for the job than either of those two types: the Lion with the heart of a Lamb. He is always going on about how this figure is coming, has come, and how great it will be when finally He comes. If we were to imagine a meticulously academic, eloquent and profound Peterson type combining with the anxiety-free, pain-resistant and worldly DH type, to produce a hybrid characterized in addition to their qualities by innocence, immediacy, spntaneousness and naivete in love, that is the man to watch out for. That's who you want to handle your radium. Unfortunately I struggle to name such a man, apart from the traditional and mythological mention of Jesus Christ the viking that came to Jerusalem to point out how the jews are doing it wrong, and set everyone straight. And I never cease to remind myself that original Christianity is not about beliefs in this or that, it is about turning yourself into a powerful Christ in this very sense! Here we have the most complete answer to why charity, why poverty, why turn the other cheek, why love thy neighbour and always tell the truth, why the moneylenders have to be kicked out of the Temple, etc. Take it all together, it is a portrait of how one would have to be, in order to be that same Lion with the heart of a Lamb, to be able to take the stress and not be like a bad pot that will inevitably cave in sideways at the most critical moment of its firing in the kiln of life. It is necessary not because of the Bible's say-so, but because the deficient wreck that is the default state of man is nearly useless for the task of crossing from here-and-now to the Truth that we all would like to hold, hug, and merge with forever.
[deleted] 7y ago
Funny you mention Jesus. DH taught me that my thoughts could easily be discarded and my emotions would lose power if I stopped blocking them (thus ego dissoultion).
Peterson reminded me of the wisdom of ancient texts and the power of metaphors so now rereading I see how its way easier to convince the proles to turn it over to skywizard Jesus than what DH suggests.
But the result is the same. Inner peace.
So yea...Jesus is absolutely within. His Kingdom is available.
Self-honest 7y ago
You're 100% correct. Peterson opportunistically catapulted himself to fame. He is not my friend. He represented an important stepping stone in my journey from blue to red, but it was at the very beginning.
His past authoring suite illuminated the questions that TRP ultimately answered. If I hadn't taken that deep dive into the failures of my past relationships, I would probably still be blindly repeating the process.
If Peterson was actually red pilling people, I would not have ended up here looking for answers.
TomRoberts2016 7y ago
Pretty sure he wasn't the one posting the video of himself with the gender pronoun thing.
He got fired from his job and he has a family to take care of.
Sorry all the single guys here don't understand what it's like to be in a happy/stable relationship.
Wow, never thought I'd hear myself say something like that, but in this case, it's actually true.
Self-honest 7y ago
He is making something crazy like $50,000 a month through online donations. He absolutely took advantage of the opportunity to become famous. I can't find a single reference that says he's been fired.
TomRoberts2016 7y ago
So you're claiming he still works at the university and you're upset that he's making a living for himself after women and SJWs tried to destroy his career?
Self-honest 7y ago
Nope. I'm saying I can't find evidence to back up your claim that he got fired. I'm claiming that making $50,000 a month is more than making a living. I'm claiming that I benefited from his work. I'm claiming that he brought the attacks on himself. I like that he stood up for a good cause.
Overall, the point was that he is still plugged in as much as you may admire him.
Whisper 7y ago
This should be true of everyone, including me. That's why I threw in that line about eating your lunch and stealing your girl.
You don't unplug by changing the people whose words you uncritically accept. You unplug by regarding everything you hear as a theory to test, and being your own guru.
daremeboy 7y ago
This ^^^
Jordan P. is one of many sources of information. He does have some useful information. He also has some useless and potentially damaging information. Don't partake of only one tree of knowledge, seek out many different sources and test as you said.
Rian_Stone 7y ago
Ssh, youre missing the point. Sit back and enjoy
Self-honest 7y ago
You're right. Will do.
max_peenor 7y ago
This has been a wildly successful Sperg-A-Thon.
Whisper 7y ago
Shhhh... be vewy vewy quiet. I'm hunting wabbits.
RPBulletDodger 7y ago
This is an impressive fuckload of wabbits you have triggered.
Well done!
Whisper 7y ago
And you just took the triggering to a whole new level.
Taipanshimshon 7y ago
fuck. this is how I miss the rabbit hunt. fuuck
Whisper 7y ago
Don't worry, we caught a mighty haul. The Eternal September will not be allowed to happen here.
Taipanshimshon 7y ago
I should stop being confused by vanguard posts.
" Nah, how is this a problem"
Oh yea, I don't worry about the blue tide!
RPBulletDodger 7y ago
"We'll see", said the Zen Master.
Still a brilliant post BTW.
[deleted] 7y ago
max_peenor 7y ago
But you completely fucking miss the point. If you want to learn how defuse a bomb, fuck yeah you want the most genius motherfucking bomb defuser in the fucking world teaching you how to do it.
Or... just stop fucking around with bombs.
Arabian_Wolf 7y ago
How do one can access the self-authorizing program?
Captain_Save_A_Hoe_ 7y ago
Title of video- "Sort Yourself Out & Clean Your Room" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OOgAfjyiEmg
Mr Peterson is a useful idiot. Just like the Indians told the Americans to shut their ears, eyes, mouths, put their head under the dirt and meditate. Do some yoga.
Because we all know if you accept reality of being replaced with brown people and being influenced by Marxist relativism you should not get furious about it. That goes against the narrative :-)
Title of video- Yuri Bezmenov on KGB interest in yoga https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Srw3YSda1XY
"Modern capitalism is just as subversive as Marxism. The materialistic view of life on which both systems are based is identical. As long as we only talk about economic classes, profit, salaries, and production, and as long as we believe that real human progress is determined by a particular system of distribution of wealth and goods, then we are not even close to what is essential." -Julius Evola
Rian_Stone 7y ago
I wouldn't even say useful idiot.
The proles want a reason to keep proling as GLO put it. It's learned helplessness on a societal scale
[deleted] 7y ago
chaseemall 7y ago
Well, I'd hope you wouldn't have anything against him. I think it was you who linked me to Peterson, at least on this sub.
But hierarchies are probably the natural male social structure, as they're most conducive to men getting anything done. So most men are comfortable in a hierarchy. Being comfortable with being at the bottom of a hierarchy though...
That's the issue isn't it? Betas unwilling to challenge those higher up than them, but consigning themselves to perpetual loserdom, to a position without respect below the hierarchy. Betas unwilling to switch hierarchies to climb higher. Betas choosing an identity and an ego investment over an objective and a mission, attaching themselves to a man the way a woman does, rather than to a mission the way a man does.
Caveat: Loyalty to a liege lord. This has historically been a very strongly masculine behavior, particularly in Viking culture. Liege lords gave you wealth though. They sheltered you in their mead hall. Hero worship has also been a historically masculine behavior and has been very conducive to improvement, and is very similar to what we see with Peterson. But remaining in hero worship overly long means you never become a heroic man in your own right.
max_peenor 7y ago
Fuck me, there is coffee all over my laptop now.
OSaraiva 7y ago
There's also the question that many young men in this world of nowadays lack any resemblance of male parenting. JP is valuable as he sets standards and ideals in the mind of young folks who have nothing to hang on except feminist teachers in school who despise them, like the whole of society, and harpy moms and sisters at home who shove tons of bluepills down their young and innocent throats.
As so, it is important that they get something that gives them, if not something to make them see the other side of the sexual world, perspective into a narrative that drives their curiosity for a different approach.
Being a young boy nowadays is navigating a deep sea with a panhandle, against a lot of bullshit. So, everything that blows a little wind in your direction is welcome.
kaane 7y ago
I get you point,
But than again, why all the hate against Jordan Peterson. What did he do wrong ? Did he ever encourage people to worship him ? Did he say things that makes a standard beta boy feel good about himself ? All he ever says is "get up and clean your room" which means "take the responsibility and organize your life"
I think we are shooting the messenger here.
max_peenor 7y ago
Are you not fucking listening? Just look at what I've said in this thread: he's a smart guy. You're asking a mechanic how to bake bread and then applying that information high-energy particle physics. Thats' the problem. You (generalized you, a lapse in the English language), not him.
JamesSkepp 7y ago
Nobody's hating on JBP. The first issue is - people BLINDINGLY following him b/c he provides unverifiable (on this forum MAYBE 10 people out of 250k are qualified to talk with JPB as peer when it comes to knowledge/understanding of the psychology and philosophy, thus most people simply take his content as correct on belief "he's on our side, so he's probably right"), but highly believable sounding confirmation of why you should be emotionally invested in hating left and liberals.
The second issue is - JPB is "redpilling" people on some important subjects, great. The problem is he's not "redpill" when it comes to TRP's "redpill" - the understanding of the world through the lens of m-f sexual strategies. This makes him a BP by definition. If he's not one of us, he's most likely one of them - and that has been confirmed by everyone who ever had his male friends start whiteknighting, even despite you all talked about fucking her in the ass 5s ago.
[deleted] 7y ago
The red pill and it's ingestion has always fallen on one singular principle: freedom.
Jordan Peterson, from what I've read and heard, has touched upon an uncomfortable truth: that certain strategies that this community considers beta are actually viable sexual strategies in the grand scheme of humanity's existence. Women's primary sexual imperative: to locate and secure a provider for her and her future offspring. It was genetic death for her and her lineage if she had Chad's kid with no one willing to pick up the grocery bill.
This delves into epigenetics: that sexual strategies adapt in real time based off of one factor- Perceived availability of resources.
Women can now secure resources through government coercion against men. Men can never out compete the State's ability to cuckold the majority of men. Thus, women's sexual strategy adapts to seek out the formally secondary conditions (now that the primary condition has been met by the State by default): healthy genetics.
To conclude, humans are an incentive based species. With no incentive to be "better women" today's generation simply turns to nihilistic behaviors in a frenzied free for all for the top quality males of today's time.
The biggest misconception I find prevalent in TRP is the idea that the SMP is static when in actuality it's in constant Flux depending on supply and demand.
There is no demand for beta suppliers with all the state provided safety nets afforded to western cultures. Thus, women move on to bid on the scarcer stock: alpha traits.
[deleted] 7y ago
Nobody here will stop you from employing Beta Sexual Strategies if thats something you choose to do. We will hold said tactics to the light of day and show their inefficient and ineffectiveness
[deleted] 7y ago
My point being is that the market as a whole can be manipulated. That their seems to have been a time in recent history where employing a "healthy" mix of beta and alpha behaviors were advantageous.
I'm not advocating a return to a time where extreme betaness was ever preferred, but I simply found it fascinating that men's sexual attractiveness ebbs and flows depending on your point in the timeline.
Women, generally, have no need for a dedicated provider in this point in history. Thus, the welfare State is effectively engaging in eugenics on a grand scale.
Interesting how far the rabbit hole goes.
Rollo-Tomassi 7y ago
Hypergamy has two sides: Alpha Fucks (seed) and Beta Bucks (need). You do yourself no favors by exclusively believing that only one of these aspects is legitimate to women.
This is Peterson's biggest mistake. Hypergamy is only about Beta Bucks, provisioning, long term security for him. He dances around the visceral realities of women's high interest in Alpha Fucks. Even when he giggles about 50 Shades of Grey it's an apology from men to women for manipulating that part of their natures.
JBP is afraid to go there with Hypergamy because it would be unflattering to his wife's mitigated interest in him from the time he was 7 until she ceded to marry him (after a debate as to whether she's take his name). Women have to be this divine enigma to him or else he'd have to confront the fact that his wife is every bit as Hypergamous in the Alpha Fucks respect as any other woman. So Beta Bucks is all that's important to him.
Rian_Stone 7y ago
Know whats telling on this?
When you watch the clip hunters that make their own little youtube channels and steal his content. That's where you see how his message is resonating. I've watched a lot of his lectures, not all, but a lot. When you see them from HIS youtube channel (I'm talking the stuff before he read into bible stories, all clinical psych) it's redpilled as fuck.
Studies on female interest, studies on male value. Examples of how genders manifest in the working world. Everything resonates with what people here have noticed in their own lives. He says none of it is flattering, which it isn't. But it's always true.
The worst you can say about pre bible Peterson is that he injects some studies his team performed that weren't published, but he always prefaces with that fact.
As with anything, science isn't policy.
Now, if you watch those same lectures, cut up by his viewership, you exactly what Rollo is talking about. They always make clips about lost buys finding meaning, women need to stop trying to top the dominance heirarchy, and that men need to hunt if they expect to eat.
They chop it up to the parts they want to see, and it's the feminine imperative shit that we have to deprogram in us poor bastards in here.
Peterson is right, he's figured out how to monetize social justice. And his audience is starting to direct his content, the tail wagging the dog, and it's not making his message better.
I'll bet, within the year, you watch these same followers that made him into their god tear him down just as quickly.
[deleted] 7y ago
haha...divine Enigma
[deleted] 7y ago
But sexual strategies for mankind as a whole are encompassed by epigenetics: the r / vs K / sexual selection strategies.
Women will always shoot for the alpha on the top of the ladder, whilst maintaining orbiters as a safety net.
But what ladder are they climbing?
r / sexual strategies observed in the wild generally involve (rabbits):
These characteristics maximizes the reproduction rate of the individuals in this category. Their singular purpose is to out reproduce predation, as long as perceived abundance of resources remain.
Now take the K / selection strategy (wolves):
This strategy prioritizes quality over quantity. High in-group preference because perceived availability of resources is low. They require their offspring to "carry the load" as the parents become older. This is also why sexual maturation occurs later, to insure quality traits have sufficient time to manifest themselves before mating occurs.
So what's my point? All men are put upon this Earth to cultivate their qualities, achieve their potential, and pass these qualities forward unto the next generation.
Women are put upon this Earth to raise children and secure resources through a generally symbiotic relationship with men.
The problem with today's society is that the Leftist agenda is literally brainwashing generations of women with feminism. Epigenetics adapt in real time. Thus, K / selected women (who are a minority) are essentially being poisoned by r / selected whores, forcing K / selected women to adapt to an r / selected strategy to compete with the multitude of whores.
This, in turn, forces K / selected men to adapt their sexual strategy based off of the available stock.
So what's the issue between these two opposing strategies? Simple: Ks value their freedom and agency, and Rs value control over others since they cannot compete with Ks. Their values remain at odds.
It's disingenuous to say that women exclusively prefer alpha traits over beta traits when their hypergamy is driven to secure high quality men. High quality is determined by the state of the SMP.
What I'm trying to illustrate is that the SMP is being manipulated by malicious agents in order to strangle the hold K /selected society has upon the Western Culture. This current SMP is naturally adapting to a decidedly unnatural state.
We're entering dark times, and those among the TRP community who identify as K / selected will become value crops for the low IQ r / selected individuals, whom are attempting to usurp our government.
In closing, JP illustrates a dark truth: that if men as a whole, regardless of alpha or beta behaviors, do not make their stand against the enchroaching tide of leftism- they'll have no place in the new world order.
Big fan of your book, btw.
Rian_Stone 7y ago
Above a single mans paygrade. So many LARPERS trying to save civilization, because it masks them adapting to the world they are in now.
The part he misses. Men as a whole will not rise or fall together. Like everything, a minority will thrive, and a majority will muddle along or fail. TRP whole approach has been to be one of the winnders.
You know, that dominance heirarchy everyone is talking about?
[deleted] 7y ago
I don't think he misses this point at all. The question is not whether men will rise of fall together, the issue is what kind of man will we have to become in order to thrive in the new world?
I know exactly what kind of world it will entail. You and I, as well as many other redpillers, will survive this transition. The question is, will we enjoy the world we're forced to transition into?
Modern society has alot of drawbacks, but it has alot of benefits as well. I enjoy spending time with my family, who may or may not transition in this new world coming, based off of no other factor other than their fitness. My father, a brilliant old school redpilled individual, would definitely not survive this transition.
There's something to be said about not having your immediate neighbors constantly trying to kill you to establish their dominance.
Redpillers can deal with the coming battle now, or they'll find themselves fighting later. Regardless, the battle will be fought and if we defer the battle, we'll be forced to adapt to the world's frame rather than making the world bend to ours.
I'm not compelling anyone on this sub to LARP this world, I'm simply illustrating that there's a choice to be made in regards to the direction of the coming world. I'd rather have my frame tested on my own terms.
Regardless, this sub and the people behind this sub will always have my gratitude for opening my eyes in terms of sexual strategy.
My only qualm is the lack of open acknowledgment that there once was a sustainable bluepill world, but it was simply taken from the world and replaced with a poor substitute that attempted to mimic old times. That world required constant vigilance from the red pilled among us. Perhaps that's a topic for another sub.
Rian_Stone 7y ago
looking backwards isn't productive, we all agree that it existed, even if it's through rose coloured glasses. Considering I wouldn't be using the same water fountain as you back then, I can't say I feel it was THAT great
[deleted] 7y ago
carnagelegy 7y ago
If they're here on this sub to begin with...
mental_models 7y ago
Sadly, there is truth to this.
Truth is few and rare, and the masses of idiots both increase the noise/signal ratio, and create a market for being the target of posting. There are perhaps a handful of posters with elite wisdom and content.
kaane 7y ago
I wish I was old and wise enough to be able to say "hey, I already know all the things that JP is talking about". But I am not.
He is talking to a very wide range of people. For the younger crowd, clean your room actually means go out and clean you room. Yes I've already passed that age, but there is still lots of wisdom and knowledge from this guy, that I can take in and make my life better. The saying "milk for the babies, meat for the men" perfectly fits here.
I am not contradicting to your statement, but if being alphaed by an older man is the problem, many people are doing the same here in TRP as well.
I say both TRP and JP are an invaluable source for us. They both share so much in common.
[deleted] 7y ago
TonyZ554 7y ago
The crisis of masculinity is exemplified by the fact Kermit the Frog is trying to teach people how to men should behave; in other words if someone like him (Jordan Peterson) is having to be and is able to be a major voice in a lot of adolescent and young men's lives, society really is too far gone.
Captain_Save_A_Hoe_ 7y ago
Jordan Peterson did so much good that he replaced the missing father figure from like 1 in 4 people in EU/N.A? or did he tell them that the government is a bigger provider than the husband can ever be hence theyre making a lot of babies without any consequences and dont even bother raising children because theyre being told "its okay if they grow up to be severely mentally disadvantaged, everyone is playing along dont worry!"
"Get your shit together, men!" 15-20 years of total fuck you in the ass and now its time to be a functioning human again!
We_Are_Legion 7y ago
Good observation. But do note nobody has to become a functioning man. Young men just realized they got fucked and now want the things they missed out on.
So they follow alternative guidelines under the promise that it will lead to those things that they desperately want.
TRP talks about sexual strategy, the reward being sexual success and perhaps then a fulfilled life (in the Aristotelian sense of the phrase).
What does Jordan Peterson promise? Is he trying to sell men the old promises of "be a good man for soceity and you'll be rewarded?"
Answer that question and we have a discussion.
[deleted] 7y ago
He is selling bluepills. His methods are for MGTOW lazyasshats to become soliders in the war to serve women
[deleted] 7y ago
I believe Jordan Peterson is trying to drive the point home that if men don't fight for a better world for themselves, they cannot expect to be accommodated in a world built without their input.
Captain_Save_A_Hoe_ 7y ago
reddit . com / r / TheRedPill / comments / 7v4afp / jordan_peterson_is_not_your_friend / dtpt6uu /
Read my earlier post. remove the spacebars
[deleted] 7y ago
chaseemall 7y ago
Taking responsibility for who exactly?
For your parents, the father who couldn't stick around or didn't or couldn't know what they were doing? Weren't able to raise a man?
For your society, which decided to burn you at the altar of gynocracy, egalitarianism, and mediocracy?
Or for yourself? Your life? Your happiness? The society which you wish to keep? The governance under you wish to live?
Peterson is doing the latter. So is GLO. The question here is: are you?
[deleted] 7y ago
SelfTaughtPiano 7y ago
Alright. I'm an outsider.
Please link me or name the book or wherever this is. i want to at least read it
Rian_Stone 7y ago
Container words anyways. I doubt his followers read Jung.
Fuck, I read a ton, and I ain't reading Jung.
wrider50 7y ago
12 Rules of Life. Its a new one from Peterson.
ChadThundercockII 7y ago
GLB, didn't you say that a man has to move back to the overpriced Compton apartment, take responsibility and reestablish its value from within while paying out of his ass when referring to damaged women in the west? Isn't it the same sort of taking responsibility Peterson is advocating?
[deleted] 7y ago
ChadThundercockII 7y ago
my bad. I revisited your OC and felt like a stupid ass.
69ThisIs4Spamming69 7y ago
Normally, in order to not look like an idiot, people will try to gain some sort of understanding of what the fuck they are talking about before they open their mouth.
[deleted] 7y ago
Captain_Save_A_Hoe_ 7y ago
The real redpill is offensive by nature.
Why are you upset about Jordan "You have noting to be proud of your race" Peterson? Says a lot about your kin and where your values are.
anonymau5 7y ago
My wife's boyfriend walked in on me watching one of these Peterson vids... so embarrassed!
mental_models 7y ago
Hilarious that your understanding is being questioned, while these guys have zero-to-slim understanding of what you are actually even saying, but your threat to their hero-worship is enough that you are getting 50 downvotes.
Have to give Peterson credit. He is capitalizing. He does have these sheeple 'white-knighting' anyone who questions their leader.
Potentially something to learn from Peterson. I think it is in fact the 'older man', 'authority' thing to some extent. He has a 'pimp-like' effect on these normtards with a soft exploitation of their need for a father figure. Embrace it. It's working really well.
[deleted] 7y ago
[deleted] 7y ago
And there is no other possible explanation? If I don't agree with you I am beta billy getting a hard on from being alphaed?
[deleted] 7y ago
makawan 7y ago
Cultural Marxism was just The Frankfurt School's critique Hollywood (aka the MSM).
They also critiqued Post Modernism (Jurgen Habermas), and critiqued Identity Politics (Nancy Fraser).
But the right side of politics would have you believe they created these things. It's a bullshit propaganda term.
[deleted] 7y ago
[deleted] 7y ago
You should also look into how the CIA by proxy of Rockerfeller and other oligarchs funded later modern art and the abstract expressionism movement to culturally compete with the Soviets during the cold war.
[deleted] 7y ago
And people thought I was crazy when I said Jordan Peterson was full of shit a year ago......
Captain_Save_A_Hoe_ 7y ago
It's because they are low IQ and think most of his lectures are worth shit. Surprise, surprise, lot of his work is full of fill words. Just because you are being schooled on the internet does not mean you are not in daycare. Just because you enjoy being in daycare WHILE youre on the internet does not make you less of a BP.
You may hate de facto school-ing because you see how much of a waste of time it is. Theres a schedule and you can do fuck all around that time. Cant think for yourself, cant walk around, the work you do is not "work" it's bureaucracy, it's ineffective(misleading).
What hes planning on doing is loosening the chains and letting you pick your own times when to stay in daycare. It's evolution and capitalism loves his idea of having online academia. This is the way they answer the "How do I make these brats listen to authority" question. As soon as you get hooked on the bait they will make it more strict and implement more propaganda and the propaganda will be more effective. Billy boy might like seeing cock in pussy on the computer but in real life when he sees it he thinks its grotesque because hes not deattached from the scenery. All while that happens Mohammed, n word and CPP sponsored colonist dont have to get the same education you are having to get the same resources. Over time they will breed with the local population and the new offspring have lower IQ by far, they will be a minimum of 20-25% more stupid and they will have no identity and genocide is finished.
ananyo007 7y ago
What OP said about trad-cons is accurate to a tee. TRP philosophy doesn't preach religion and morality, nor does it condone living by the imposed standards of some external school of thoughts. TRP is an amoral set of tools, to be used however the fuck you see fit.
Being a trad-con cancels a plethora of TRP theories including plate spinning.
It's a generally a good rule of thumb not to take somebody else's values as models, especially if he/she is a borderline mainstream YouTube personality climbing the heights of popularity. That being said, does Jordan Peterson preach trad con values? I had no idea.
Shariabluew 7y ago
JP is great and I listened to his online lectures years ago and even linked his talks here back then. I even read his book “Maps of Meaning” and it really helped to cultivate my thinking and understanding of philosophy and psychology.
However his advice when it comes to marriage is really dangerous for young men. His wife and him lived in the same small town and knew each other as children (she was practically a neighbour).
His lack of life exprience in this regard is shown clearly with his response to MGTOW where he tows the typical line of telling men to “grow up”. He later clarified his position but it was obvious he did not bother to look into MGTOW or theredpill in general when he first responded.
charlatr0n 7y ago
Never seen a post stir up such anger. Perhaps in this case the non-EC dumbass majority is right. Why was this even posted?
party_dragon 7y ago
When women/feminists shit on PUA/TRP we tell them “ok then you make an effective guide for me on how to seduce women” yet they never do because they’re full of shit.
So before shitting all over JBP, why don’t you make a guide that does what Peterson’s videos do, but even better?
Btw, I’m not saying TRP (“lift and hold frame”) is shit or ineffective. It’s just that JBP seems to have reached many more people much faster, and his advice cuts straight to the point while at the same time being much more broadly applicable. That, in my mind, is worth a lot.
EdmondDaunts 7y ago
You don’t need an alternative hypothesis to critique a proposed one. The whole point of proposing something is that you believe you have some foundation.
You do need a valid critique though. Not some “I jus don’t like it” crap. That said there are layers to any idea. The OP is addressing blind devotion to the person.
__ROOSTER__ 7y ago
weird I missed the connection between Peterson and Trad or Con...
Oh, maybe because there isn't one.
JamesSkepp 7y ago
Or maybe you don't see it.
cappadocianhawk 7y ago
I don't care about Jordan Peterson, however I agree with your final points. You only get one life and you will die alone. In the grand scheme of things you are nothing, so you might as well do whatever you want to do in life, get somewhere and have no regrets when you look back.
We live our lives as if we are never going to die, wasting our time on others while hoping for a return in the future if we're lucky. Only real power you have and need is in you. Everything else is illusory, the lies we tell to ourselves that they appreciate our sacrifices or they will see our worth in time. In TRP we see through the lies and see the harsh reality for what it is.
360_no_scope_upvote 7y ago
He's also not the enemy either. Unless you are simply talking about dissolving feminism as a goal which for TRP, would not beneficial for TRP oriented men.
There is a lot of cross interference with what JP stands for, who he is, what he does and what TRP is. As a vanguard and provocateur of our sex and as men, we should endorse him. As an ideology, well you know how ideologies go.. He preaches against blindly following ideologies himself, but you would know that if you followed him further than just the water tension.
Now should you as a thorough red bred hold on to your old blue pill ideologies? As a matter of life or death, or in another comment I was heavily downvoted for, Alpha or Death you should entirely shed yourself of those old ideologies. They will serve no purpose in this new world but only to cause strife and chaos within yourself.
Instead, Peterson should serve as a stepping stone. Could that potentially strengthen beta ideals? It absolutely could. However it could potentially cause a mass awakening, which in my eyes could go one of two ways. The average man could lean towards MGTOW, or towards TRP.
Men are missing beacons of light in their life, most of men are directionless and we of all people should know better than to dismiss some one who may or may not help us as a sex. It is considerate to be cautious, but the chance is worth it.
rockstarsheep 7y ago
And where is JP in all of this?
Da_llluminati 7y ago
Jordan is a smart dude, but he talks too much and says too little.
What I like even less is someone telling me what to think.
ChadThundercockII 7y ago
I am the kind of people who would steal in time of need and opportunity. I don't mind fucking someone else's. I don't mind killing if I have to. I would steal your lunch and everybody's lunch out of the fridge. However, I would never forgo listening to Peterson or anyone else. Every person can teach you something. Peterson made me aware of how much I don't care about myself and that I have made fruitless sacrifices like a little bitch. Jordan Peterson or Julius Evola, they are all the same to me. They are wells of knowledge I would drink from in time of need.
[deleted] 7y ago
The video of him waxing lyrical about his beta ONEitis for his wife is exactly why our younger members need to avoid turning this guy into their defacto dad. The correct approach to Mr Peterson’s work is to use it like one uses TRP. It is a toolkit, a buffet, pick what you like and discard the rest. Now that does not give any of you permission to go fucking purple, you cannot achieve blue pill goals with red pill methods. TRP is not a cult and JPs works, while they remain largely in tune with what we teach, should not just be swallowed like your gangster cellmate’s jizz. JP is not a TRP style alpha, he panders too much to the SJWs and manginas of this world. So sure, he gives a masterclass on frame, but click ahead and he is telling you Jesus is his saviour. A bit like Milo, sure these guys are our allies in the war against feminism, but they are not red pill gods, Mods, Vanguards, Senior and Endorsed contributors of TRP are gods though, so you can trust us, trust me!
Captain_Save_A_Hoe_ 7y ago
Lets be honest. There's noting masculine in JBP's face. His voice is very unmanly, maybe disturbing. He is skinny he does not lift. His routine is he gets up and works for 8-12 hours a row for someone else. Hes been a wage slave his entire life. You think this is the kind of a person that sees through the matrix? He is bound to it otherwise he would hate himself. Get real please.
Captain_Save_A_Hoe_ 7y ago
[deleted] 7y ago
There are plenty of senior members here who will disagree with me, I suspect Rollo may well agree with me and maybe a few others. Attracting bitches requires 2, or ideally 3 things: status, looks, game - 2 is good, 3 is better. JP has status and game so he is very far ahead of the pack. Think John Mayer, Warren Beatty, Julio Inglesios, Russell Brand, Liam Gallagher - not a muscle in sight but they reject girls every night that jacked thugs regard as a goddesses. So if you think I am looking at this as a one dimensional issue you are way off. As JP would say, do not look for simple answers to complex questions
[deleted] 7y ago
[deleted] 7y ago
Are you someone who has status and is therefore in a position to judge? Or are you a critic on the sidelines? Enlighten me
Captain_Save_A_Hoe_ 7y ago
Jordan Peterson belonged, in his origins, to the lowest orders: Jordan Peterson was rabble. One knows, one sees for oneself, how ugly he was. But ugliness, an objection in itself, is among Westerners almost a refutation. Was Jordan Peterson white at all? Ugliness is frequently enough the sign of a thwarted development, a development retarded by interbreeding. Otherwise it appears as a development in decline. Anthropologists among criminologists tell us the typical beta is ugly: monstrum in fronte, monstrum in animo. (a monster in face, a monster in soul) But the beta is a decadent. Was Jordan Peterson a typical beta? - At least that famous physiologist's opinion which Jordan Petersons' friends found so objectionable would not contradict this idea. A foreigner passing through The Red Pill who knew how to read faces told Jordan Peterson to his face he was a monstrum - that he contained within him every kind of foul vice and lust. And Jordan Peterson answered merely: 'You know me, sir!'
With Jordan Peterson, Marxist taste changes in favor of logical argument. What really happened there? Above all, a noble taste is vanquished; with dialectics the plebs come to the top. Before Marxism, argumentative conversation was repudiated in good society: it was considered bad manners, compromising. The young were warned against it. Furthermore, any presentation of one's motives was distrusted. Honest things, like honest men, do not have to explain themselves so openly. What must first be proved is worth little. Wherever authority still forms part of good bearing, where one does not give reasons but commands, the logician is a kind of buffoon: one laughs at him, one does not take him seriously. Jordan Peterson was the buffoon who got himself taken seriously: what really happened there?
One chooses logical argument only when one has no other means. One knows that one arouses mistrust with it, that it is not very persuasive. Nothing is easier to nullify than a logical argument: the tedium of long speeches proves this. It is a kind of self-defense for those who no longer have other weapons. Unless one has to insist on what is already one's right, there is no use for it. The Jews were argumentative for that reason; Reynard the Fox also — and Jordan Peterson too?
[deleted] 7y ago
I think you have taken the long way around here. I always like the idea that you never argue with an idiot. If you do then the idiot just drags you down to their level of stupidity then beats you with experience. Like the old saying “don’t wrestle with a pig” all you achieve is getting dirty and the pig enjoys it.
Captain_Save_A_Hoe_ 7y ago
Which is why I dont talk dialectics with Jews
[deleted] 7y ago
Rian_Stone 7y ago
should have stopped there. you summed up the post in a sentence.
NiceTryDisaster 7y ago
Nailed the tradcon vs feminism part. Agree 100%. Very well written.
Didnt get the hate for Peterson though. People are just discussing his sayings like they would discuss Bill Burr or Patrice. I don't think anyone is worshipping him.
ChadThundercockII 7y ago
“I am but a finger pointing to the moon. Don't look at me; look at the moon.” would have been a better way to get your point across. Peterson's teaching should be the tools you use, selectively, to reach that high end job, that Greek god body, and fucking bitches on the reg.
[deleted] 7y ago
Just wasted 30 minutes of my few remaining years to learn more about more about JP.
Sissy boys get a clue. Or you will probably get banned. Well deserved IMO.
GreenPiller 7y ago
It's simply too late to be an idealist... Jordan needs to catch up with the times. That being said, he does more good than harm and I believe he truly does care.
Fiach_Dubh 7y ago
I know there is a lot of justifiable hate for this post, and i count myself among the supporters of JP. HOWEVER, posts like this are healthy for reminding us of and giving voice to our shadows. Neglect the shadow at your own peril. It's better to give the shadow conscious thought than to let if fester in your subconscious. OP, thank you for your communication. message received. Stay skeptical boys, don't let your guard down. I love JP, but we should be on guard still.
RedPill_Swinger 7y ago
I can see both sides of the argument, that being said there's another option: learn from, study, analyse these people then draw your own conclusions.
A necessary step in becoming an alpha is to develop a critical approach to your world view... And the one of others
2comment 7y ago
TRP presents BecomeAMan sub has a bunch of Christian blog submissions, so I suspect this message won't be too popular.
And if someone can turn Christianity redpill, more power to them. But as I see it, it won't happen anytime soon. You have people on TV interviews stumbling over each other to forgive almost any sin (perp could have raped and murdered their daughter) going back to the Christian principle of forgiveness.
Religion, doesn't matter which one, has always been a tool to control a group so you can let their fears in superstition do the hard work for you. Once somebody believe in the mystical properties of their tool, they stop being the master but rather its servant. This is the problem of trying to make Christianity redpill while still believing in it.
chaseemall 7y ago
Blue pill Christianity is a lie. Christianity was never meant to be blue pill betacucked. Honestly, they got Jewed pretty hard.
The Orthodox are there, and old-school Christian thinkers knew damn well that women were lewd, hypergamous etc.
throwlaca 7y ago
And who are you to tell me who is my friend and who is not? that's for me to fucking decide.
Whisper 7y ago
I'm not sure if you understood me completely, or just stumbled into the point.
[deleted] 7y ago
Rian_Stone 7y ago
if you're saying not bad for a leader, consider the crisis of capitalism, by zizec. chairty makes the paint of a system tolerable, so it helps the system continue.
so being the best of a bad system is not a compliment