Edit 2: tl;dr: Only relevant piece is a reminder that if TRP disappears, you should go to: Puerarchy.com. Bookmark that site. That is all.

Edit 3: I'm totally retarded and the central thing that got me off on this whole goose-chase in the beginning was the fact that the break-away region in Moldova has many spelling in English and one of them is banned and another is the one I'd been using. Seriously, I can't believe how much I fucked up with that. I apologize for the noise...

/r/transnistria is banned /r/transdniestria is doing just fine, thank you

I know this has nothing to do with the general topics here, but I have no where else to turn and I am honestly and sincerely afraid at this point. I believe that Reddit is far further along than I had realized in the arbitrary censorship with no transparency or accountability.

I cannot link herein to the issues, because we are not allowed to link to other locations on Reddit from here. Why not? Because /u/redpillschool is a smart and observant motherfucker who has noticed that Reddit admins sometime get ban-happy and aren't known for applying rules consistently. You may have noticed that this precaution is not followed in many favored subs, who have no fear of any possible ban.

Yet TRP has lived under the shadow of this threa[t] for its entire existence.

I have become especially alarmed as just in the last 24 hours I found that a beloved sub closely related to my only remaining public sub was banned. It was a sub about Transnistria (and happening to posses the same name). It had been founded by a user who I cannot now locate, since of course I cannot see that sub, and had never thought to consider it.

Its only contents were an original post by the founder of a relevant tumblr and cross-posts I considered relevant from my own sub which does semi-satirical coverage of Moldova. I and the founder were the only subscribers. I never saw more than 10 readers on there, and 4 was high traffic.

In short, there was nothing controversial. It was as close to an empty sub as it is possible to get.

And yet poof, gone into the void. I'm not exactly holding my breath on its reappearance.

So I posted in the appeals location, and discovered a post referencing another perfectly legitimate sub (a sub devoted to Le Monde, a centrist French newspaper, which was fed by a bot to it, and intended to generate comments on those articles as well as of course select the best through voting; there is nothing especially unusual there and of course there are many other subs fed by bots). The creator of that sub had found it banned 5 months ago, posted in there once already, and to date received no response.

Then I went to a sub by the name of "Reddit Censorship" and posted about this. Shortly thereafter, there was a response by someone asking, basically "how long ago was this?" as well as advising patience. It seemed rather trollish, as my (short) self post there said in the first sentence it was 5 months ago, and the linked post said it was 5 months ago. So clearly this was a response with either no thought or intentional misdirection.

Fascinatingly, this user turned out to be a mod of that sub! A mod of Reddit Censorship doesn't believe there's a problem with Reddit censorship. Now isn't that interesting? Further, the entire mod team has been there 2 months or less, despite that sub being 4 years old. Anyone else think that might imply a take-over by new management? Because I read false flag in that...

And the kicker? The user is also a mod over at TBP. Gentle reader, you may share my suspicion that this may not be a sincere user, dedicated to furthering the discussion of the dangers of censorship on Reddit.

There's another, similar sub linked on there for mod censorship. I took a quick look there to see if I could sound the alarm over there. Result? The same user is also a mod there!

Reddit is controlled by a small handful of powerusers. Not just on the defaults, but also on tiny, critical subs which are apparently contrarian. This is incredibly disturbing to find. As I said, I know of nowhere else to turn.

I know I'm sounding like a paranoid nut. I'm a supporter of /r/conspiracy too, for what it's worth. There's a hell of a lot of noise, but they're also the only ones willing to touch a lot of material before anyone else, and sometimes the only ones ever willing to touch important stories. Yet it suffers from an incredible amount of trolling and disinfo, whether malicious and organized attempts to derail or 'just' idle 'for the lulz' trolling.

I don't know what to do anymore. I've been on this site for more than 5 years now (obviously on a variety of different accounts). I've never been as scared of it as I am at this moment. I mean that very seriously. Something has developed here very different than its surface, open appearance. The content is dictated by gaming throughout the system. I don't know of anywhere that's exempt from it. I even closed one of my two subreddits because I couldn't handle minor bits of trolling and downvoting which promised to make it impossible to develop it to its original concept.

I post here for two reasons. First, because this sub has been willing to discuss what no one else has and because it has been supportive to me in many ways, including encouragement after having been harassed (accused of hating all women in pretty vile language, solely based on having posted in here, and in a post in an unrelated sub, unrelated comment, just stalked to there) in a default by the infamous SJ of TBP.

Second, because the threat of a ban has always hovered over TRP to those who watch the admin's actions as well as the SRS, TBP, et. al. attempts to malign this sub and force its closure. I continue to be amazed at its survival, which I credit solely to /u/redpillschool's intelligent analysis of the situation and proactive defensive steps like banning all cross-Reddit links.

I don't know what else to say. Watch out.

I feel so disappointed. Langston Hughes' line about "America never was, but America must be" occurs to me: There is an ideal of Reddit I've had in my mind, of this place of open and free discussion with transparent admins and mods, which apparently does not exist in reality.

Yet I believe, not simply for the future of this site, but quite honestly, for the future of democracy and the free exchange of ideas, that this cannot be allowed to stand unchallenged.

Censorship is inevitable. It is a necessary evil. But it should be practiced with moderation and transparency.

I wish you all the best, and I hope that I will be forgiven this digression. You may now resume your consideration of the hamster.

edit: always one typo