Edit 2: tl;dr: Only relevant piece is a reminder that if TRP disappears, you should go to: Puerarchy.com. Bookmark that site. That is all.
Edit 3: I'm totally retarded and the central thing that got me off on this whole goose-chase in the beginning was the fact that the break-away region in Moldova has many spelling in English and one of them is banned and another is the one I'd been using. Seriously, I can't believe how much I fucked up with that. I apologize for the noise...
/r/transnistria is banned /r/transdniestria is doing just fine, thank you
I know this has nothing to do with the general topics here, but I have no where else to turn and I am honestly and sincerely afraid at this point. I believe that Reddit is far further along than I had realized in the arbitrary censorship with no transparency or accountability.
I cannot link herein to the issues, because we are not allowed to link to other locations on Reddit from here. Why not? Because /u/redpillschool is a smart and observant motherfucker who has noticed that Reddit admins sometime get ban-happy and aren't known for applying rules consistently. You may have noticed that this precaution is not followed in many favored subs, who have no fear of any possible ban.
Yet TRP has lived under the shadow of this threa[t] for its entire existence.
I have become especially alarmed as just in the last 24 hours I found that a beloved sub closely related to my only remaining public sub was banned. It was a sub about Transnistria (and happening to posses the same name). It had been founded by a user who I cannot now locate, since of course I cannot see that sub, and had never thought to consider it.
Its only contents were an original post by the founder of a relevant tumblr and cross-posts I considered relevant from my own sub which does semi-satirical coverage of Moldova. I and the founder were the only subscribers. I never saw more than 10 readers on there, and 4 was high traffic.
In short, there was nothing controversial. It was as close to an empty sub as it is possible to get.
And yet poof, gone into the void. I'm not exactly holding my breath on its reappearance.
So I posted in the appeals location, and discovered a post referencing another perfectly legitimate sub (a sub devoted to Le Monde, a centrist French newspaper, which was fed by a bot to it, and intended to generate comments on those articles as well as of course select the best through voting; there is nothing especially unusual there and of course there are many other subs fed by bots). The creator of that sub had found it banned 5 months ago, posted in there once already, and to date received no response.
Then I went to a sub by the name of "Reddit Censorship" and posted about this. Shortly thereafter, there was a response by someone asking, basically "how long ago was this?" as well as advising patience. It seemed rather trollish, as my (short) self post there said in the first sentence it was 5 months ago, and the linked post said it was 5 months ago. So clearly this was a response with either no thought or intentional misdirection.
Fascinatingly, this user turned out to be a mod of that sub! A mod of Reddit Censorship doesn't believe there's a problem with Reddit censorship. Now isn't that interesting? Further, the entire mod team has been there 2 months or less, despite that sub being 4 years old. Anyone else think that might imply a take-over by new management? Because I read false flag in that...
And the kicker? The user is also a mod over at TBP. Gentle reader, you may share my suspicion that this may not be a sincere user, dedicated to furthering the discussion of the dangers of censorship on Reddit.
There's another, similar sub linked on there for mod censorship. I took a quick look there to see if I could sound the alarm over there. Result? The same user is also a mod there!
Reddit is controlled by a small handful of powerusers. Not just on the defaults, but also on tiny, critical subs which are apparently contrarian. This is incredibly disturbing to find. As I said, I know of nowhere else to turn.
I know I'm sounding like a paranoid nut. I'm a supporter of /r/conspiracy too, for what it's worth. There's a hell of a lot of noise, but they're also the only ones willing to touch a lot of material before anyone else, and sometimes the only ones ever willing to touch important stories. Yet it suffers from an incredible amount of trolling and disinfo, whether malicious and organized attempts to derail or 'just' idle 'for the lulz' trolling.
I don't know what to do anymore. I've been on this site for more than 5 years now (obviously on a variety of different accounts). I've never been as scared of it as I am at this moment. I mean that very seriously. Something has developed here very different than its surface, open appearance. The content is dictated by gaming throughout the system. I don't know of anywhere that's exempt from it. I even closed one of my two subreddits because I couldn't handle minor bits of trolling and downvoting which promised to make it impossible to develop it to its original concept.
I post here for two reasons. First, because this sub has been willing to discuss what no one else has and because it has been supportive to me in many ways, including encouragement after having been harassed (accused of hating all women in pretty vile language, solely based on having posted in here, and in a post in an unrelated sub, unrelated comment, just stalked to there) in a default by the infamous SJ of TBP.
Second, because the threat of a ban has always hovered over TRP to those who watch the admin's actions as well as the SRS, TBP, et. al. attempts to malign this sub and force its closure. I continue to be amazed at its survival, which I credit solely to /u/redpillschool's intelligent analysis of the situation and proactive defensive steps like banning all cross-Reddit links.
I don't know what else to say. Watch out.
I feel so disappointed. Langston Hughes' line about "America never was, but America must be" occurs to me: There is an ideal of Reddit I've had in my mind, of this place of open and free discussion with transparent admins and mods, which apparently does not exist in reality.
Yet I believe, not simply for the future of this site, but quite honestly, for the future of democracy and the free exchange of ideas, that this cannot be allowed to stand unchallenged.
Censorship is inevitable. It is a necessary evil. But it should be practiced with moderation and transparency.
I wish you all the best, and I hope that I will be forgiven this digression. You may now resume your consideration of the hamster.
edit: always one typo
rebuildingMyself 10y ago
You know it's bad when SRS roams free, yet even SRSSucks got neutered.
no_game_player 10y ago
Whoa, I missed that bit of Reddit drama. Could you give me a brief explanation of what happened to SRSSucks? Was it the vote-brigading / cross-linking bullshit?
carrotplanter 10y ago
is this why the last two links I submitted to two different subreddits didn't get any attention at all? no upvotes/downvotes/comments whatsoever. In the past my links would at least get downvoted to shit, not so anymore
no_game_player 10y ago
...sorry, no, heh. I think people were just ignoring you.
The primary topic I was discussing were subreddit bans. And then I was totally wrong about the sub I thought was banned (there are multiple spellings of Transnistria...).
Secondarily I was talking about mod actions.
Somewhat tertiarily downvotes as censorship.
But ignoring you...the only way that's censorship is if you were ignored because no one could read what you wrote. But since I can see this comment, your account here isn't shadowbanned. And I think it should be obvious if the submission was removed...oh, if you want to double check, you should be able to look for it on new or hot of the sub. Of course, on bigger subs things disappear very easily, so then it can be hard to tell if something was removed. I forget now if a message is automatically sent by Reddit if the mods don't send a message with why it's removed...
It's possible you're actually right, a submission could be removed by mods, and if they don't post a message saying why, I don't think Reddit auto-notifies, and so if you didn't notice from checking the sub that it wasn't there, I don't think you'd know (because when going from your userpage or such it would still appear).
no_game_player 10y ago
Thanks! Always good to have some proof that there's some actual opposition. Some of these people seem to believe that TBP is actually their friend.
So tell me, kind Blue Piller: you would be in favor of TRP being banned, and would work to see that happen, right?
no_game_player 10y ago
Damn it, why won't you fit into my pigeonhole? ;-p
[deleted] 10y ago
I could make an alt account and try! Y'all are entitled to do and say what you do. I've just had plenty of success by doing exactly what y'all haven't.
no_game_player 10y ago
Heh, well, as far as that goes, I'm not really a red piller myself in the sense most people understand it. I just find this a useful and interesting forum because people are unafraid to talk about a lot of things not acceptable in most forums. It's like /r/conspiracy to me in that way. Except way more sincere and way higher SNR.
Just to go way off-topic, do you mind telling me what sort of things it is you think you do that 'TRP' doesn't? I mean, one of the things I find interesting is that contrary to outside appearances and representations, it is anything but a monolithic group. I can't really think of much of anything there's universal agreement on. Even a lot of the things easily criticized, talking about rationalizing and such, for a lot of people, including myself, it's not even about that this is a gendered difference as it is understanding the general irrationality of people.
Anyhow, cheers.
tenpointsix 10y ago
The best thing you can do to save the subreddit in the event that it goes poof, is to copy this bookmarklet that checks if archive.org has archived the post/comments, and if not, gives you a link to archive it. It takes five seconds.
I especially bring this up because not even the top of all time posts have been archived. If reddit disappears us and Google complies with their new robots.txt or whatever, then there will be no Google cache of the pages and it's up to the Wayback machine to make it possibly for us to ever be able to content from this sub. Anybody wanna make a bot to archive everything?
no_game_player 10y ago
That's a great point. I've used archive.org but I haven't used the ability to mark in advance that something should be saved, and not in a script/bookmarklet certainly. This is a really good idea, because I've had the problem with going to look for something and it's not backed up (or, every now and then I've gotten strange things like it says there are three entries but then there's no page found for them or something; probably just a glitch but always seems weird).
Stationary_Wagon 10y ago
That's why i have a screenshot and saved webpage folder called "redpill". I urge everyone to have a safe backup of valuable submissions.
SirNemesis 10y ago
Transnistria? Seems like a timely ban doesn't it given what just happened in the Crimea? Perhaps Reddit is acting on behalf of the U.S. government?
no_game_player 10y ago
The thing is, that doesn't even make any sense. I mean, I had the wild thought at one point that maybe there was someone opposed to transnistria in some way that did it, but, again, it's a sub without any subscribers or traffic, it's not even worth it for that.
The reason I find it so concerning is I knew that sub inside and out because there was nothing there to know. And there was no conceivable reason for it to be banned. Yet there it is. So w.t.f.
Compare to TRP, where it's totally clear why there are motivations to ban it. Now, by the logic of a significant minority here: "yeah, but they've always hated us, and they haven't banned so we're INDESTRUCTIBLE!!1!"
But when there's shit that had no reason to get banned, it starts making less sense to treat them as proactive, logical, consistent and easily predictable. It's like the madman counter to MAD theory in the Cold War.
Also, strangely enough, when I look on archive for /r/transnistria, I found a ban from a couple years ago!
When I had known /r/transnistria, it was only like a month old. Yet here it is banned two years ago! Curiouser and curiouser...
Archwinger Endorsed Contributor 10y ago
Every so often, somebody goes all chicken-little and posts something, frantic that The Red Pill is going to be banned any minute.
There are dark corners of reddit where you can find bestiality, close-up pictures of gaping assholes, incest, and just about every disgusting and offensive thing you can imagine. That shit doesn't get banned.
The Red Pill, while it doesn't proselytize or recruit, is widely public. It appears on the big Reddit threads weekly, with everyone under the sun hating it, declaring it the worst sub in all of Reddit, pronouncing it as hate-filled, sexist, rape-supporting, racist, homophobic, and damaging to the entire universe. And nobody's banned it yet.
Reddit's not out to shut down the red pill. The administrators have had every opportunity in the universe to do so, and 99.999% of Reddit users would cheer them on. It's arrogance bordering on hot-girl self-centeredness, to really think that you, me, we, and this little corner of the internet are so important and so special that people are out to shut it all down, just because one radical internet group thinks this other radical internet group is offensive.
no_game_player 10y ago
Again, I'm not trying to claim anything about probabilities or likelihood of this happening to TRP in specific. All I'm saying is that there is strange banning going on and it's not like there's any accountability.
This is not proof of anything. And horrible logic. It's like stupid criminal logic: "The cops never caught me yet; they'll never get me." It doesn't follow.
You also contradict yourself quite badly:
So it's 99.999% of Reddit that wants us closed, according to your statement, but it hasn't happened yet, so therefore we're invincible.
You're so full of your hyperbole you're incoherent. Is it a tiny group that wants us gone, or all of Reddit?
As you noted, I'm not exactly the first person to note that this is a risk factor. /u/redpillschool explicitly banned cross-Reddit linking because of the arbitrary and capricious ban practices of the admins and a recognition that there are likely a few who would like an excuse to ban TRP. That doesn't spell 'invincible'.
Archwinger Endorsed Contributor 10y ago
Is it so hard to accept that nobody's out to get The Red Pill? If Reddit wanted very badly to ban TRP, they could do it, immediately, and could have done so any time in the past, and 99.999% of Reddit would pat them on the back. Not that they need public approval or an excuse at all.
Why is TRP in any more danger of disappearing today, versus last week, or a few months ago?
My understanding of this cross-linking issue is because the one thing Reddit administrators really do smack you down for is linking to another sub, then your users all flock there and comment and downvote things. So RPS doesn't allow cross-linking here, because vote brigading other subs might actually result in a ban -- not because Red Pill is evil, hated, and unpopular, but because it would actually be breaking some arbitrary Reddit rules.
no_game_player 10y ago
Except that you clearly don't understand it and haven't listened to his explanations. It's been said over and over that the double standard is inherent in it. There are subs that do exactly this and have no problem whatsoever. There is the famous vote-brigade that will never be touched because there is a close alliance with the admins. There are all sorts of rules violations they get away with.
I didn't say it was. I said explicitly it was a threat that had been there. I became more aware of the censorship that has been going on.
Again, you contradict yourself. Just because you and the people here want to believe this doesn't make it true. You want to pretend like TBP is really your groupies, go for it. But you're going to wake up with a shank in your back eventually.
Yet again, how the fuck can you be so incapable of seeing your contradictions in logic within a sentence? No one's out to get us, but everyone would love to have us gone huh? Brilliant. I don't know why I didn't realize these basic facts. You're right, there's no possible concern.
Again, you clearly understand the point of nothing. You must also think everything in /r/undelete is also just because it broke a subreddit's rules, just like all the subreddit bans must of course be just because a sub broke a rules. Everything is perfectly consistently applied, no favorites, yadda yadda.
Seriously, you're showing yourself pretty damn incapable of any reasoning. You have no actual consistent point and you certainly don't understand anything that's happened with Reddit admin actions. You have such a simplistic view: "Duh, if they wanted to, they could, so if they haven't, they never will." Well, gee, why didn't I think of that? It's so simple now! There couldn't possibly be anything more to it!
Archwinger Endorsed Contributor 10y ago
Reddit. Is. Not. Coming. To. Get. The. Red. Pill.
But let's say they are. So what? So you try to access TRP tomorrow and it's all gone. Banned. Deleted. I get on Google, and 5 seconds later, I'm on some other forum where men talk about shit. Or not and I just live my life. It's not like this is a uniquely important place on the internet, and we'll all be lost and awash and destroyed if we don't prepare today to leap to its replacement.
If Reddit hasn't bothered shutting down The Red Pill a month ago, hasn't shut it down today, then why tomorrow? Why next week? Why ever?
I don't understand the entire premise of this initial post. If The Red Pill is in imminent danger of being shut down, it's in the exact same danger it was months ago. Because nothing's changed. Reddit hasn't taken a different policy toward TRP. Those evil SRS and Blue Pill people and feminists are preaching against TRP and praying it gets destroyed hourly, just like they did months ago. TRP shows up on Reddit's list of most hated and evil subs today, just like before. Nothing has changed.
The Red Pill is always about to be banned at any given time, and about once a month or so, there's a frantic thread like this one. Chicken little, the sky is falling, reddit's going to ban us, we'd better get ready, The Red Pill's in danger, what will we do, craziness.
Here's what you do if you try to access The Red Pill tomorrow and you can't:
1) Make sure your computer is plugged in, on, and your internet connection is working.
2) If not, turn it on and try again. If so and you still can't reach The Red Pill, go to google.com and type in "the red pill,"
3) Click on a promising link to some forums and see where everyone went.
4) Go there and post something frantic about how the provider in charge of hosting that website is going to shut it all down any minute.
no_game_player 10y ago
I was going to edit my post above to add but I'll just say it here: I'm sorry about going into portions of dick mode here with this. I just find it frustrating to have such a lack of communication and understanding between us here.
I don't particularly disagree with what you're saying, except in that you're misunderstanding my point.
You see the off-topic bit? This is really more about my concerns with Reddit as a platform. Yes, I think it's possible that TRP could be banned. You clearly don't. Fine. I honestly consider that a pretty minor point in this. That's why it's off-topic.
I agree, the mitigation steps are very simple, which is why I don't consider this controversial. It's just like basic hygiene or something: people should be aware things can go away, don't be 100% dependent on this. I don't think most people are or anything. This isn't my first day here. I get that this also actually plays into the setup of being too dependent on TRP sort of thing that RPS has also cautioned again, and that's not my point at all.
It just the 'an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure' sort of thing. This sub has had a huge amount of growth. Sometimes repeating things once every couple of months is worthwhile.
So my point was trying to be more: I've just had reason to find out more about Reddit's censorship and it's been frustrating to me and I don't have anywhere else to talk about it. And really, I don't know anywhere else to talk about it. My sub, it gets some attention, but it's too small for this discussion. The Reddit Censorship one, well, let's say I much prefer your sincere criticism to going back and forth with a TBP mod admitting he's trolling.
I totally agree that nothing has changed, particularly with regards to the young age of this sub. I'm not trying to say it has. The precipitating thing is just me gaining awareness of it because it happened to hit a totally innocuous sub that was very close to me.
Anyhow, cheers for your sanity, even if I'm disappointed you don't understand what I'm trying to say.
throwwhatthere 10y ago
I'm no expert, but I have to think our fearless mods could setup a good off reddit clone pretty easily. We should have a plan in place so that if (when) the ban comes we can flip the switch without missing a beat. The trick is to spread awareness of the rendezvous point in ADVANCE and complement this with support from the larger Manosphere (Rollo, Roosh, Heartiste, etc) to spread the word for refugees. I know if TRP disappeared tomorrow they would be my landing points.
no_game_player 10y ago
Right, that's kinda what this PSA is about.
And those would be back-up spots themselves.
I'm not saying TRP is going to be banned tomorrow or anything, just that everyone needs to continue to be aware these things are possible and decide what other sides they consider valid backups for themselves.
[deleted] 10y ago
no_game_player 10y ago
Absolutely agreed. Although Reddit's format is not necessarily the only or best option, but yeah, this is not something difficult to circumvent by any means. Just something to be aware of and move on.
mazzyTuff 10y ago
It's interesting to see how reddit admins and mods are becoming further arms of propaganda.
You can already see this happening with sensitive political issues like Israel's treatment of the Palestinean people.
Reddit is really just a few steps away from being Fox News at this point.
no_game_player 10y ago
Agreed. One of the ways I noticed censorship in general, albeit this one 'soft' censorship (dowvnotes rather than open admin/mod action) is the widespread downvoting of RT anytime it is posted. This was especially noticeable during the start of the Crimean crisis, when only Western sources were allowed, de facto. So there's a conflict, and we can only hear one side of the story? The best English language source of what the Kremlin's side is, is considered irrelevant?
This was actually one of the central battles I found on my now-closed War Room: I tried to be able to use RT as one of the sources for when I wanted to be able to cite the official Russian position. But suddenly, I was getting downvotes in my own small sub, which had not been happening before. Seriously, it was so small any votes were noticeable. And they also timed perfectly: if someone wandered by and gave it an upvote, boom, another downvote to balance it.
Maybe it's just a coincidence. But it stops being that when it's only one source and never any others. Appeals to stop, or to at least provide a comment when downvoting, or to select the worst RT articles for downvoting at least and not every single time I posted anything by them were generally ignored. At least, to the extent that it didn't stop the downvotes. Some upvotes did come late sometimes and balance it back.
But of course, for the sort of thing you're talking about, that can't happen. There's no countervailing force to an admin ban, and there's very little that can be done to reign in the mods of the defaults, and that's certainly an insular little group. It's reminiscent of the network diagrams I've seen of the boards of directors of major companies.
And yeah, a great way to see it in action is to try to criticize Israel. Personally, it's not an issue I go anywhere near for a variety of reasons myself. But I've certainly observed the bias.
And of course, it's one thing if Reddit in general has a bias. But it's another when these biases are being forced on all subs, and enforced by mods on large ones.
That rather bullshit removal of Greenwald's article recently for being "analysis" was par for the course. Take one of the many rules, apply it like an ocd autist, and just pretend like there's nothing to see. Rinse wash and repeat.
I wonder if it hasn't always been this way and I've just never noticed before...
It reminds me of some of the /r/conspiracy discussion I read when there was a graphic picture posted from the first Gulf War, which pointed out that there's a reason that no one ever sees the ugly side of war anymore...
forgotmydamnpass 10y ago
Subscribing to /r/undelete was pretty much a waking call for me, posts like these being deleted and called "blog spam" are enough to convince anyone that the reddit moderation team is not as neutral as it claims to be
[deleted] 10y ago
no_game_player 10y ago
Okay, I'll bite. Do you think RPS moderates TRP badly? You realize there is censorship here, right? Do you have an example of any normal website without censorship? Remember, even deleting spam is censorship.
[deleted] 10y ago
no_game_player 10y ago
I agree. I was just going to use it as an example. After all, if it's not a necessary evil, then it cannot be necessary ever (depending, one could actually parse that slightly differently, but that was my strict interpretation).
Yep. Kinda fit the general model of the Internet overall.
Ah, the halcyon days of yore.
I'm familiar with that one as well as similar approaches. I definitely agree that it's a far better solution than spam filters.
Right, I was parsing the necessary there slightly differently but you're right, it's not necessary in the sense of always required. I was parsing it as a denial of the necessity of it under any circumstances.
So, now what about publishing platforms like Reddit, or blogspamX or whatever. Two angles here: first, under the current model, they are legally required to censor under certain circumstances. Surely you agree it's necessary then?
Second, for considering hypothetical ideal models, do you advocate some type of broader and unlimited safe harbor laws for common carriers of information then? That is, an email provider is not responsible for anything their users send under any circumstances; Reddit wouldn't be responsible for anything its users post (depending, of course, on whether they qualified as common carrier, but for the purposes of this part of the discussion, assume a 'spherical Reddit', in this case, no censorship Reddit which is defined as a common carrier), etc.
[deleted] 10y ago
no_game_player 10y ago
Ha, okay, well that's absolutely not the definition I use. By your definition, Reddit is incapable of censorship of course.
Google's define essentially agrees with your definition:
The ACLU defines it more broadly, although they focus on government censorship (a redundant phrase by your definition of course).
Wikipedia lists the government as the first group but also includes:
I mean, even if it's considered 'government', by a certain view websites somewhat operate their own government and one could try slipping in that way with the definition, though if someone is defining censorship that strictly I doubt that they would consider that.
So just out of curiosity to understand your language then, what would you call an action that would be censorship if done by the government when done by some other entity?
For instance, a Reddit admin banning a subreddit. Or a mod removing a post. Just 'editorial control'?
[deleted] 10y ago
no_game_player 10y ago
So you have no concept of the collective effects of the restriction of information by private, centralized points of control or no interest in the ramifications of such?
[deleted] 10y ago
no_game_player 10y ago
Well, I understand what your point of view is then, so I appreciate that. I certainly don't agree with it, but c'est la vie.
Edit: The main part, not the edit. I don't particularly have any argument with that. As a stoner, fuck Prohibition, but it certainly taught me that one well enough.
butter1rum 10y ago
I think this sub will certainly be banned. And I think the reason will be brigading.
I was recently shadow banned. The only reason I can think of is brigading. I also subscribe to askmen. There are no crosslinks to follow from TRP anymore, but people find their way regardless. If I downvoted a comment that was mentioned in a post here, that is seen as brigading, even if it was unintentional.
no_game_player 10y ago
But see, again, that's where I think RPS has played perfectly: he has made it impossible for TRP to be accused of brigading, and yes, that has been the favorite rule to apply against the unfavored and ignore against the admin-favored.
Individuals may be struck with that for trying to track down threads referenced or something, but this sub is very explicitly incapable and designed to prevent that.
bsutansalt 10y ago
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” ―
Voltairesomeone elseedit: Regardless of who said it, it's still a fantastic point. And thanks for the gold.
MaxOfS2D 10y ago
This is in fact not a quote from Voltaire, but in fact from Kevin Strom, an American neo-Nazi, who pled guilty to possessing child pornography in 2008.
no_game_player 10y ago
You do realize that Voltaire said it before 2008, right? What with him dying before the 1800s and all. I'm not sure if you realize how quotes work, but it's customary to say the first person who said it rather than the last. Which is why I would call it a Voltaire quote rather than a /u/bsutansalt quote.
I mean, I know you're trolling and all, just figured I'd post the response for everyone else.
Edit: Holy shit, I'm actually an idiot and this guy is right. I had just done a search for the quote, that page came up, link, post, done. I went back to actually read the page and it's in the misattributed section, saying precisely what /u/MaxOf2SD does! Now, it's not sourced or anything, so maybe it is Voltaire and maybe someone can track it down. One of the difficulties with translated quotes is that there can be so many different versions. Or like "je pense donc je suis", it can be a summary rather than a quote. But what I claimed was a link stating it was Voltaire, was in fact a link stating it wasn't Voltaire. That's as wrong as wrong gets...
Edit 2:
- Abraham Lincoln
Edit 3:
Yeah, it really does look like the attribution is bad.
oblivioustoobvious 10y ago
no_game_player 10y ago
I apologize for not having given your claim due consideration before dismissing it. I just assumed that Voltaire said it, then this guy quoted it, and you were trying to tar TRP on that basis. I was wrong. You are just pointing out a mis-attributed source. When the wikiquote page came up for the exact quote, I just thought case closed and didn't bother reading to see it was in misattributed. I'll remember to actually pay attention next time.
All right, here's your tip...
Dr_Iroh 10y ago
This is in fact a quote from Voltaire.
no_game_player 10y ago
Thank you. Here's your tip. ;-)
[deleted] 10y ago
/r/theredpill isn't a hugbox. women hate spaces that aren't hugboxes
Clauderoughly 10y ago
No point worrying about it because there is zero we can do about it.
Only worry about that which you can control.
On the long timeline, Reddit admins will just ban all the content that offends the SJW crowd until Reddit becomes the same septic tank as Tumblr.
In the mean time, someone else will build the next "reddit", and people will flock to it to escape the bullshit and censorship of the SJW crowd.
Once the "new reddit" becomes popular, the SJW crowd will invade that too... and the admins of "new reddit" will cowtow to them and the great cycle will begin again.
The cirrrrrccleee of liiffeeeee!
no_game_player 10y ago
Except that the point is that there are things that can be done, namely, book-marking the off-Reddit locations and being aware that the sub may disappear at some point.
I know I posted a big rambling thing, but the bottom line is very basic and simple and anyone who's been around here for long should already know it. I was just kind of venting and figured I throw out the reminder in one of the few places I thought might be interested. And the only sub where I trust the mods at this point. Well, /r/CredibleDefense too I suppose, but they wouldn't have taken kindly to this post. ;-p
*kowtow, sorry. Although your way is more amusing. Like the Lord of War thing.
You think the SJWs will go to 4chan? ;-p
da_voodoo 10y ago
They've been there for years. 4chan was one of the original SRS infiltration projects, along with something awful. It just didn't work, considering their bullshit was immediately laughed at and flagged as trolls. Hell, if it wasn't for them I wouldn't be here. I'd still be shitposting on /v/, completely ignorant to lifting and women.
Clauderoughly 10y ago
There is already "shit4chanSays" but that is mainly to make fun of SJW's.
I think Moot is smart enough not to fall for the SJW bullshit. He has proven to value open discussion over everything.
Hell, spend a few hours browsing /pol/ and you can see that he is committed to free speech.
4chan /pol/ is a sjw's worst nightmare.
QQ_L2P 10y ago
This seems to only back up what I've been thinking the last few weeks. I know we have a site that links us back here, to this subreddit. But a proper, off Reddit forum would be ideal. I wouldn't mind pitching in at all.
[deleted] 10y ago
It's like boxing someone out in the paint. The surest way to stifle opposition is to pretend that you are the opposition.
no_game_player 10y ago
Aye, that's the way I figured it too. Of course the mod disagreed. ;-p
redpillschool Admin 10y ago
OP, the offsite location to bookmark is puerarchy.com if you want to edit your post with it.
no_game_player 10y ago
You're right and I should've not been a total noob and had that in the original. I'll do that right after this.
I want to thank you again for the work you've done here. You've been consistently an excellent leader and it is because of that that this place has had the growth, success, and quality that it has.
Just for my own sanity check, could I confirm my prior impressions that (a) you believe it is not inconceivable that Reddit admins may someday ban this sub, despite the apparently persuasive-to-some fact that it has survived its first year?
and (b) that the admins may use the cover of the rules, but also have their own agendas, as evidenced by certain subs which violate these very rules that get others banned, like vote-brigading?
I understand that it's not a huge deal if it happens. My concern here was more because I've been a huge fan of Reddit in general and I don't like to see them banning without cause and explanation, rather than 'the world will end if TRP is banned', although I can understand why not everyone gets that distinction from my post.
Thanks again!
[deleted] 10y ago
reddits fucked, this is the only place where people can actually take a joke that's not some regurgitated response "You, I like you" "Whoa satan" etc etc crap most of the users could probably do fine commenting with a dropbox with premade responses.
whats worse is you have really look through comments to find the actual post that contains more information, top comments are usually shitty pun runs
and the whole default format, its just pictures after pictures of stuff that would normally offend reddit if said in comment or from a red piller, but somehow a picture justifys everything and its all fun and games
too popular, too many retards
wheres the next reddit?
iEatSnakes 10y ago
I've caught myself using the canned responses--too much time at funny and askreddit. Lately i've been practicing the rule that if I don't have anything to CONTRIBUTE i STFU. Something that this sub has taught me.
In general reddit is a victim of its own sucess. I believe (was not here from the get go) that reddit was envisioned as a 4chan with user names and quality control. The subculture that started out as 'smart' people has devolved (de-evolved?) into canned responses and advice animals*.
The general public streamed in, PC took hold, downvoting 'offensive' material is the norm. Just like in real life. Also, the whole jailbait debacle did not help things. It set a precedent (i don't condone sexualizing minors, but the public exposure in that context was the worst possible way that reddit could have made a world debutdid) it set a precedent of content control. So here we are.
It sounds funny that at first that OP is concerned about censorship and democracy, but the truth is that this site--and whatever superceeds it--is a reflection of society at large. If censorship in the form that OP is talking about becomes the norm we suddenly lose an open and free forum with little/no alternative. Where is the next reddit? There won't be another one for a long time. Prople are slow to change, and the vast majority will not care about the censorship as long as aww and TIL are around. I have a feeling that the 'smart' people that were here from day 1 will jump ship and make a new community, which will be wondeful. Untill everyone else catches up.
*advice animals are a usefull tool. It provides immediate context to an idea, instead of spending 2 paragraphs explaining the context, the picture does all that for you. You got 2 sentances to write and can still pass along an idea.
strimpboi 10y ago
Same thing killed fark. We need fuckedcompany forums back.
Link_GR 10y ago
Let's make our own Reddit with blackjack and hookers...
carrotplanter 10y ago
Forget reddit and I'm in
[deleted] 10y ago
I've been searching for the next reddit. Quora was promising early on but then became shit. I think the answer is just ever expanding sub subreddits.
[deleted] 10y ago
Thing is reddit is open source so other twists on reddit are/can be out there. Anti cheating and vote fuzzing is proprietry and secret though.
no_game_player 10y ago
That's been the question for a while now. I've yet to find the answer.
[deleted] 10y ago
The next reddit is the previous reddit: 4chan/bodybuilding forums.
no_game_player 10y ago
4chan is amusing and I'm a /b/tard lurker and all, but despite the fact that I make Reddit == 4chan jokes from time to time too, it's not really a replacement for everything that Reddit is. TRP as it is here could not and would not be in 4chan. It's just a very different format.
Edit: I'm quite surprised that this is apparently the most controversial thing I've said here. Not sure whether it's because everyone hates /b/tards, rather reasonably, we tend to hate ourselves too, or if it's because everyone loves 4chan and thinks it's totally inconceivable to say that it can't replace Reddit. Or the typical hate on anyone who is seen to equate 4chan to /b/. For whatever the reason, I stand by my claim that TRP, as it is here, is not possible in the 4chan format. It's not about if the people are the same. "The Medium is the Message [or massage, but that's a whole other detail]".
Edit 2: And yes, I find /b/ more interesting than bodybuilding. I know, I know, fuck me. "Bro, do you even life?" No, no I do not. I understand its utility and there's a lot of good, healthy things I don't do. Like not smoking. Maybe someday. We all have our own priorities.
aalewis____ 10y ago
Setup your own Reddit with the their script
no_game_player 10y ago
It's rather more complex than that. Are you familiar with the network effect? That's the bigger issue here.
Late reply because some tabs of messages bot buried in my browsers lol.
edit: oh, apparently these were only 20 min old; found message tabs I totally forgot about, figured it was older heh.
RedPill4LYF 10y ago
It will be a red pill site.
[deleted] 10y ago
Wait, isn't the blue pill all about making fun of the red pill? Why would they want to delete /r/theredpill? If they deleted /r/theredpill, they'd be deleting all of the content they link to. It would no longer have a purpose.
death of /r/theredpill = death of /r/TheBluePill
The mods on /r/thebluepill aren't that stupid.
no_game_player 10y ago
I guess we see it rather differently. It sounds like you think they find us amusing and are joking. Do you also think that SRS is just playful fun?
You think that TBP is an end in and of itself. I think it is a tool to serve their end.
[deleted] 10y ago
It's the Iron Law of institutions: Those in charge of an institution will act to increase their own power even if it means decreasing the prestige of the institution as a whole.
In this case, the institution itself is meaningless. The goal is what should matter to them, and the goal is essentially to get this sub deleted. However, doing that would remove from authority everyone who mods or holds sway in that forum. So the people in charge won't actually want to destroy /r/theredpill. They just want to use us a foil.
This is also why they don't care that we get more recruits whenever they bad mouth us on other subs. They don't actually care if we get stronger. They only care that they get stronger as well.
no_game_player 10y ago
Again, you're seeing TBP as some standalone entity. It's not. It's one tiny part of SRS. If they win this campaign, they're not going to be bored. After all, there'll be all the lovely aftermath to chortle about, and looking for anything sympathizing with it throughout Reddit (TBP becomes an even closer SRS analogue at that point, just with more specialized focus). And then they can return to focusing on the MRAs. Or the PUA. Whatever. It's not hard to get more foils.
They're not afraid of us going away. This is like arguing army generals don't want to win a war because then it looks like they're useless. No, they don't want wars to end. Winning a couple campaigns is quite fine.
[deleted] 10y ago
Sure, I think some of them would love to see this sub deleted, but they don't really seem like activists.
They're liberals. They probably view themselves as the daily show, while they view /r/theredpill is their fox news. Maybe Jon Stewart wants to see fox news dismantled, but at the same time he kind of needs it for his own little show.
no_game_player 10y ago
Do you recall when /r/mensrights was declared a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center? That was SRS. TBP is an SRS offshoot, and of course, SRS hates TRP just as much.
They're keyboard warriors. It's not like they have to get a law passed in congress to ban TRP. If they get it deleted, they'll take a victory lap, congratulate themselves, and find a new target. They're not going to lack for material.
[deleted] 10y ago
Maybe you're right. I just don't buy this conspiracy shit.
You can link mods to all sorts of places. Some of their mods also moderate freedom of speech subs. It doesn't really mean anything.
no_game_player 10y ago
Then you haven't been paying attention. Not really my concern. If you don't care about Reddit drama, I certainly can't blame you. But if you're unaware of the massive false flags and default censorships and etc ad nauseum, it's just because you've chosen not to give a damn. So be it.
[deleted] 10y ago
This really opened my eyes:
no_game_player 10y ago
Yes, I found that a very interesting subreddit as well.
I was wondering wtf was up with some of the gonewild deletes until I found out it was relating to lack of verification. But then that was interesting too because officially, by the posted rules, I don't see a requirement for verification, just a process for it. So, secretly, the mods demand verification from anyone they want and remove it otherwise? And of course, those verification pics go to the mod mail. Interesting little empire they got, eh?
...yes, I'm easily distracted by tits sometimes, lol.
[deleted] 10y ago
no_game_player 10y ago
It could be. But it's not. It's just the standard timestamp stuff. The procedure has nothing to do with age. Nor was there any claim of any such issue on the posts in question. Also note that there are posts on the frontpage there without verification, although the top items are verified.
Edit: And they specifically say it's optional there:
Yet on one of them in particular, I had messaged the poster out of curiosity to ask why it was removed and she said it was for verification. Thus:
It's pretty straightforward. Again, I don't really care, it was just the sort of interesting detail about moderation a person can find out from following /r/undelete.
Edit 2: And again:
So they leave themselves the option to demand it as mods if the "fear the subject [...] is being exploited". Again, no such allegation. But sure, let's give them the benefit of the doubt. I'm sure that was their only motivation despite never saying that and there being no reason to suspect it.
It's just for their protection. Nothing to see here. This is totally optional, except that it's required.
Edit 3: Also, the mods made no comment on the posts they removed as I recall. On other subs, they at least tend to flair it with whatever rule was being violated or leave a message. Doesn't mean they aren't still making things up or being biased about it, but they at least say "this is because of rule X". I recall specifically looking for that and not seeing it. If they really were justifying it on the basis of "I'm afraid this isn't you and you're being exploited", one might suspect they would say so.
Zackcid 10y ago
A lot of gone wild posters just post for the ego boost and validation and then delete their pics when it's over. They don't want that shit floating around the internet, but still want the compliments and ego boost. Disgusting creatures.
no_game_player 10y ago
Duh? And?
...right? And guys want to fuck chicks bareback and not get stds. What's your point here?
I'm not sure you've fully digested the red pill.
Zackcid 10y ago
Cool, bro.
no_game_player 10y ago
...I'm not talking about underage. Where the hell did you get that from?
I just found it interesting that they are apparently requiring verification while not officially stating that. As I said, they have reference to the process of verification, yet no stated requirement. Yet they remove posts for not having it.
It's not something I particularly care about. I just noticed it and found it interesting.
You sure jump to the attack quickly.
no_game_player 10y ago
Except that it's not What with, you know, not asking for any proof of age or anything.
So why'd you delete your other comment?
[deleted] 10y ago
MachiavellianRed 10y ago
They're banned.
Zackcid 10y ago
If I were a mod, I'd check another comment from him and then decide to ban. We all have our days, he might just be extremely agitated today and exploded on our brother here.
[deleted] 10y ago
no_game_player 10y ago
I think it's clear you don't belong here
[deleted] 10y ago
[deleted] 10y ago
jkonine 10y ago
People like to joke about subs like /r/HailCorporate, but you have to know that PR teams are actively gaming this site whenever they can. I mean, /u/majornelson is an active user on /r/xboxone. Yet if you post ANYTHING negative about the XboxOne nowadays on any of the major gaming subs, you will get down voted beyond belief and then have your comment deleted by the mods. Has nothing to do with the sidebar rules, yet the mods delete them.
And then you have the whole social justice lobby, which Im sure runs the same exact way on websites like this. And political lobby. Ect ect. I used to think that Reddit was a really cool place because it would allow for actual free discussion on things.
But I guess not. Right now, it's just a PR arm and porn distribution service for the most part.
[deleted] 10y ago
Protip: Copy the entire sidebar with ctrl+c to some document on your local pc.
no_game_player 10y ago
Protip: Copying the anchor text doesn't copy the destination of a link. Yes, that will work fine for the links portion. Yes, it's easy enough to copy off the other links as well (protip: start with TRP in a new browser window, middle mouse to open all the links, then save all tabs). Yeah, I'm just being nitpicky.
no_game_player 10y ago
lol. You think it takes a lot of smarts to get a Reddit admin to ban a sub, huh? Okay, Einstein. You're right, TRP is just too alpha for an admin to ever touch it.
[deleted] 10y ago
LostontheAverage 10y ago
250lb ain't shit to brag about bro I could do that when I was 14 and had just started working out. Hahahahaha holy shit I can't believe you just bragged about that!!! Ing I'm fucking dying over here
[deleted] 10y ago
LostontheAverage 10y ago
Im not your fucking bro and I'm only 5'11" and weigh 195. And I've just got better genes then you I guess. How Fucked up is your self esteem if you think you're short at 6'1??? Your literally at average or above average height for males in the US
no_game_player 10y ago
[deleted] 10y ago
no_game_player 10y ago
I swear I can't tell if you're genuinely this retarded or if you're a TBPer doing a bad parody or what. In any event, do, go on.
[deleted] 10y ago
no_game_player 10y ago
Bye bye now.