Title says all... but if you're wondering how I ended up as a 22 year old virgin, here's the story.
Grew up with a single mom and we were very poor. Was also obese as a kid and didn't really have a lot of confidence, throughout my high school years girls weren't really checking for me anyway. When I was 18 I also went to college in Ft Lauderdale, FL (I had an AA already from dual enrollment in high school, so I graduated college in two years with a bachelors in Hospitality Management.) However, I really didn't have much of a college experience due to covid and I was in such a bad spot financially that everyday I just went to class and went straight to my fulltime job as a valet driver because that's what I needed to stay afloat.
Around 6-8 months ago I discovered Rich Cooper and I self reflected. I started working out at Crossfit and I'm in the best shape of my life, just did a 22:00 5k run and I'm lean and muscular. I'm also well groomed to the best of my ability. Financially I'm in a much better spot then I was two years ago. I make just under $70k managing a hotel and I also make anywhere between 3-5k per month streaming NBA 2K and Madden on Twitch. I've had a few girls show a lot of interest in me in the past but because my self image was low and I didn't have the confidence to follow through. However, I've changed a lot and I met a cute girl who'se been wanting to go on a date with me and I'm gonna follow through.
tldr: As a 22 year old virgin is there anything to keep in mind? Will my lack of dating history be a big turn off to girls?
hijoton 1y ago
Remember that making mistakes is human.
As with any endeavour, you will learn as you go.
Having said that:
-You are already winning. Women are attracted to "social Proof". So now that you caught the eye of one, that means you "have something" interesting going for you. Cue the next one thinks you are a greater catch even if you are exactly the same. It can be illogical, but that's how it works for feminine stereotypical psychology.
-pay attention at what they DO. Do not take them at their word. It bears repeating. Look at what they DO. If they understand credit balance and are saving for something, that is an indicator of their ability of controlling impulses. Tattoos everywhere and piercings everywhere aren't bad per se. Since ink is a substance and a piercing is a ring. But the information they relay may be categorized into "Gives into sudden wants without concern of impact in her career" or "gives into peer pressure". Rollo tomassi got a list of red flags, by itself a single one isn't important. Is the issue of trends that makes you open your eyes.
-body language. If she is interested, you may see how she closes the gap. How her posture changes. Pay attention not at her words but at her body language.
-this is the big one. LIMIT the time. It is really weird and I would have not believed myself but the nature of the beast is this: we want titties, they want attention.
Again, Limit the time.
If you are always available, that lowers your value. If you are a scarce resource, she feels that she needs to compete to "earn" that attention, and then it increases her interest. Weird huh?
"This weekend I am helping Fred with his car" "I am going to be painting my niece's room" "Etc." That means you have STUFF to DO. Women are, men DO. So learning to DO stuff is a desirable trait. But that limits your availability, which, we would like to share cuz more time would mean more titty proximity time.....but that would in reality lower your tity chances.
So do not be afraid to be firm with saying "no." Paradoxically, even if they argue, that means you got STUFF to DO.
User4566 1y ago
I remember when I was a virgin, I would allude that I've dated other girls before but never went into too much detail (because I was lying lmao).
When you do have sex, wear a condom. Not only will is it safe, but it will help tremendously with preventing premature ejaculation from being a virgin. I was terrified of blowing a load within 5 seconds because of all the horror stories I read online, only to wear a condom and last about 30-40 minutes of on and off sex. (There were times I was sucking her titties and not penetrating her.)
hijoton 1y ago
Totally agree on the benefits of the condom on lasting more. As an addendum: foreplay starts outside the room since the mind is the greatest organ involved in sex. From comments on her scent, the texture of her skin or how the marks of her underwear leave a trace on her skin.
Planting the seed of the idea makes their minds start towards that path even before laying a hand on her.
Understand that the greatest form of porn that women use is "erotica" Which is text. They consume words. Let that sink in. Words.
Having said that, I wholeheartedly recommend Nina Hartley's education videos. She is a veteran porn star who made the best educational materials, bar none. Literally.
whytehorse2021 1y ago
Yeah you'll probably fail all her shit tests, lose frame, develop oneitis, and get dumped. Better have several women lined up. Scarcity makes men do stupid stuff.
No-Stress-Cat 1y ago
My advice: Never marry your first piece. My granddad warned me about this. I didn't listen. HUGE mistake. It doesn't matter who the girl is. She's not different. She's not special. Don't be stupid like I was.
MrSupreme 1y ago
I was that stupid too, it is a stupid thing to do,and there are plenty of stupid guys around too
nicknack 1y ago
And the reverse is true for women.
[deleted] 1y ago
RiverChill41 1y ago
On your first date have fun and don't stress it. Save self reflection/analysis for later. No need to overshare things you're insecure about, steer conversations to things you want to talk about. If you ask her questions about herself she will probably do most of the talking for you. If she's into you there's very little you can do to fuck it up.
mattyanon Admin 1y ago
You're doing great.
Virgin: it's fine, don't tell her.
See sex and dating as a journey. This girl isn't the destination, she's part of the journey.
nicknack 1y ago
Calling her your potential first girlfriend, or any girl a potential girlfriend, is a HUGE mistake and I can’t believe nobody mentioned it in this thread yet. In your twenties you shouldn’t even have a girlfriend, it’s a waste of time. Don’t beat around the bush, put your penis in her and keep doing that but never ever accept her being your GF, you’re too young and inexperienced. All she’ll get from you is fun times and sex, if you want her to actually care about you. She has to be crying to her friends and family about how you won’t commit to her.
TDLR: fuck her, but make her chase you for a relationship, and literally beg you crying for it.