Hello, all. My name is Shades. I'm 20 and have recently started my red pill journey by internalizing core concepts, so much so that I'm now able to see the blue-pilled errors of some of my friends' ways.
The example I will share today is from one of my good friends. We'll call him Ted.
Ted is just your average British 20-year-old. Does hella drugs, plays an uncomfortable amount of League of Legends and has self-esteem issues. No fit lass would touch this dude with a six-foot bargepole, right?
Enter Stacy, the younger sister of one of our mutual friends in the group. Stacy is incredibly sexy. I'm talking tall, dirty blonde with an amazing figure. Easy HB8-9. No doubt about it.
Ted somehow managed to bag this dime piece, and even though they're in an LDR going to different Universities, he is PROUD of it. The man is the happiest I've ever seen him. Completely in love. He tells me sees himself spending the rest of his life with her, and apparently, she says the same thing. But we know better than that, don't we, fellas? We know what she's saying and what she's doing doesn't correlate.
Now, if you haven't realized already, Ted is suffering from Chronic Oneitis. But what interests me isn't the disease itself but a specific symptom: Colourblindness
What is Colourblindness?
The Oxford dictionary defines colourblindness as "the inability to distinguish certain colours, or (rarely in humans) any colours at all."
Colourblindness in those suffering from Oneitis.
We've all heard the term "love is blind" and it makes perfect sense. Sometimes you love someone so much, you either can't see their faults or just downright refuse to acknowledge them.
But what if you started seeing their faults as positives? What if the red flags became green flags?
Ted is so far down the rabbit hole he can't see the explosive end he's setting up for himself.
Stacy is a party girl, through and through. She drinks, smokes and takes a shit ton of drugs. I don't think there's a drug she hasn't touched. Ted thinks this makes her wifey material because he does the same. (Fun fact: I had a little crush on Stacy before going red pill and instantly lost all attraction for her upon seeing sniff Ketamine.)
Ted told me the first time they had sex, she let him hit raw. Ted believes this means she's all for him and him only.
Ted also told me that she gives good head and she said to him that the other guys she's given head to say she's the best. I relayed my concern to him about this statement. His response? "I can't expect my girl to not have a sexual past".
I also believe she wanted out of the relationship early on as she accused Ted of posting another girl on social media. At the time, Stacy and Ted weren't official, so even if he did do that (which he didn't), she can't complain. Now that I know female nature, I'm fairly certain this dude is getting cheated on.
It's sad to see this shit, but I'm happy it's not me because it very well could've been if I had remained blue pilled.
This was my first serious post on here and I hope it's a good read for you guys. I'm happy to answer any questions. There is more but I didn't want to write a fucking novel.
I'd also like to thank the red pill for existing. Society fucked me for too long.
TL;DR: People with serious Oneitis start to see red flags as green flags
EDIT: Formatting might look a teeny bit dodgy cos I used a different app, but oh well.
No-Stress-Cat 1y ago
What I want to know is your story about how you came to find the Red Pill.
Shades9ine 1y ago
Grew up extremely blue-pilled. Relationship with my mother has never been the best, so I kinda wanted that love from another woman because I didn't get that from her. This led me to consuming romantic movies and using those dudes as inspirations and taking advice on how to get girls from girls. As you can probably guess, this got me ABSOLUTELY NO RESULTS.
You know what, you get a funny story about one of my earliest rejections.
I liked a girl back when I was in Year 7 in HS (Grade 6 for you lot across the pond) and one day after coming back from school, I asked my mom for advice. She told me to write a love letter to her expressing how I feel. I thought that was a golden plan.
So you know what I did? I wrote the most beautiful, heartfelt letter an 11 year old could write and gave it to my crush the next day at lunch time. I then went outside to join some friends to play football. About 15 minutes pass and I see her leaving the cafeteria holding the letter. I'm happy thinking it must've got to her and she might feel the same way.
Know what she did? Threw it in the bin right in front of me and her friend laughed.
I still remained blue pilled for years after that, and then one day I randomly came across Hamza's channel and he mentioned the red pill, so I went to see what that was all about. And once I did, it I felt like such a fucking idiot for not finding this shit sooner. Would've saved a brother countless tears.
No-Stress-Cat 1y ago
Cool story young brother. Glad to see you made it over to this side while you're still young. Stay on your purpose, and find you a big stick. You're going to need it later for prying off the whoreds of women trying to cling to you.