In case you hadn't heard yet, Facebook took down a couple of large groups of Are We Dating the Same Guy, specifically Chicago and Boston. Paola Sanchez is attempting to regroup and remake some new ones. Keep it up everyone, the complaints are having an effect.
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[deleted] 11mo ago
[deleted] 11mo ago
fredhuynh 1y ago
I think that's a good thing. I would have preferred to see a counter-group. Is it possible that we're dating the same Skank Ho? Equality everywhere and crap.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 1y ago
This is excellent news. Do you have a source of the news you can edit into your post so that we can find that news too?
No-Stress-Cat 1y ago
Yay I guess. I would have rather seen a counter-group Are We Dating The Same Skank Ho? Equality across the board and shit.
AurelianWay 1y ago
AWDTSG. Lol, ya bitches you are all banging the same top 15% Chad/Tyrone. The facebook group was for those who couldn't cope with being a sidepiece and expected Chad to give them commitment.
Overkill_Engine 2 1y ago
Women: Refuses to date men that aren't player tier.
Men: Only a small number of men are player tier, and are vastly outnumbered by the women willing to fuck them.
Women: Why won't these men (that are drowning in an all-you-can-fuck buffet) commit?
Maybe it's because he's already right swiping on your replacement while you are taking a post booty call shower you stupid hoes!
[deleted] 1y ago
Sharther 1y ago
splatoon 3: I also look forward to these photos.
whytehorse2021 1y ago
Well it is an obvious violation of privacy laws and community guidelines. The only surprising thing is that they would do anything ever against women.