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Vermillion-Rx Admin 1y ago Stickied
Old but gold. Stickied.
No-Stress-Cat 1y ago
Over time, gold only becomes more valuable.
Lone_Ranger 2 1y ago
He missed a few more....
Has those stupid trout pout pumped up lips
Has botox
Has facial piercings or more than 1 in each ear
EurasianChad 1 1y ago
Can confirm, with many examples, on the eye contacts sign.
I'll also add overapplication of make-up, or ALWAYS having to use makeup, combined with other behaviours, is a cause & also causes validation seeking behaviour. Lower self esteem in that regard will attempt to redeem themselves through male-validation.
Lone_Ranger 2 1y ago
I agree with all of them except the 'has brothers' one. That is actually quite dumb and goes against my experience. Women who have brothers are IMHO, less likely to be sluts. Women who have close family bonds with all kinds of male relatives (Fathers, brothers, uncles, cousins) are able to interact with men on a non-sexual level.
Male relatives are also very unlikely to give validation for coquettish and 'proto-slutty' behaviour in young girls. Think about it, imagine a BBQ with 20 relatives, and the 9 year old girl is running around showing every her ass (most young girls will go through this sort of proto-slutty behaviour)- the relatives will give a quiet friendly head shake and tell her to behave. They will reject her infantile sexual validation attempts. They will encourage her to do other things, like play or do some drawings.
It is the absence of males in her life that she can interact with on a non-sexual level that really turbo charges the slut instinct. He is dead right about the other two things - being raised by a single mum (slut) and going to an all girls school.
Having brothers also takes away the mystery of boys and men at an early age.
Lone_Ranger 2 1y ago
OMG - the coloured contact lenses! Years ago I was waiting to pick up my kid outside the school, and got talking to one of the best looking milfs - I noticed that she had blue eyes that looked very weird - and she mentioned that she was wearing colour contacts. She was a bit crazy, but very hot. Needless to say, a week later I found myself on her sofa in the middle of the day, slowly sinking my cock in to her pussy. No condom. Crazy shit.
Lone_Ranger 2 1y ago
He forgot a few things;
There are poor people with no debt. And then there are people from upper class backgrounds that can never seem to manage their finances and are always in debt, which swings in and out of control. Debt is probably the surest sign that a woman cannot control her impulses and behaves according to what feels good in the moment. A woman with debt is a woman that simply cannot think in longer time frames than 'right now'.
He talks about 'manly drinks' but its really just getting drunk in public. A woman that gets drunk is really just looking for a way to get rid of her inhibitions, so that she can get what she really wants, which is an escape from her natural 'brakes'. Basically, any woman that gets drunk is a slut. I spent my late teens and 20s 'slut hunting' and the surest method was to just congregate at the watering holes. Never met a girl in a bar / club that wasn't a slut. If she wasn't a slut and liked alcohol, she could just drink at home for less than a third of the cost.
I can't believe he missed this one. Have you ever met a coke bitch that didn't put out? They'll debase themselves for half a gram. Ditto pot heads.
Why isn't this on the list? Any time you hear a woman hating on men, its usually because she is in the twilight of a super-slutting period. She has put out for 50+ guys, thinking that she will meet her prince, and is slowly discovering that they all used her (why wouldn't we? If its on offer, be silly not to take it). The wailings of an ardent misandrist / feminist is usually actually a chorus of personal regret - they don't really hate men, they hate themselves and they hate the fact that they are now post wall have forcibly removed from the CC.
This is the daddy of them all. Look at the pictures in this article. You don't need to 'read between the lines'. Modern women see slutting as a competitive sport. They realise its a great way to rebel against the patriarchy and also against their parents. They seem chastity as 'nerdy' or 'dorky'. They know that 'the popular girls' all give it up to the chads. So they aim for a body count as high as they can get, and they can't wait to tell everyone about it. Have a look at the pic of the girls all dressed up in hot pants, with the letters SLUT spelled out on their bodies. Now try and pick apart what happened here - this is obviously at college - they get together for drinks and go out, and this is an easy way to get more attention from the guys. They are drunk and slut signalling. Modern women 'slut signal' because they get more attention from guys when they do.
I left this last one for last because the entire article is a bit redundant. It seems to insinuate that girls will try to hide their sluttiness, but the reality is far from the truth. Women (in the west) are PROUD of being sluts and will take every chance they get to tell the world that they are sluts. All you need to do is listen.
Overkill_Engine 2 1y ago
I don't remember if the first list mentioned tattoos (though it most certainly did if it were any good) - but one should not just pay attention to their presense, but also their location.
A woman that has tattoos in places that can be only seen once she is naked or near naked is not only more likely to be a slut, but also more likely to be a lying slut.
This is an incredibly important distinction to be aware of when making a risk assessment - the latter of course have a larger venn diagram overlap with the more perfidious behaviors.
Lone_Ranger 2 1y ago
I'm not sure I agree with that. If you look at the evolution of female tattoos, it really became mainstream in the early 90s. And the most popular tats for women were in 'work friendly' places - like the tramp stamp, lower belly, rear shoulder. Basically places where you could cover up in work. The millenials girls are far more likle to have what you might call 'manly tats' - they like having their tats in visible spots - like a full sleeve or even on their neck or hands.
This is all to do with how acceptable it has become. In fact, if you're a female and work in advertising, media or design, its more respectable to have tats than not have tats. Tats AND face piercings are de-rigour, to show how 'creative' you are.
The visible / non-visible doesn't tell you whether they are sluts or not. It's having tats that tells you they are sluts. A woman that has tats
One explains the other. Interesting fact - autopsies show a marked correlation between 4 or more female tats and suicide.
Overkill_Engine 2 1y ago
You'll note I said both sets are sluts signs. It's just that hidden ones I have found correlate hard to being deceptive, lying sluts. Women damn well know they are a sign of implied promiscuity.
And the kind of women that knows this, but is willing to still get them, but tries to hide them? To keep a pretense of "purity"? Still a slut (already covered) but far more likely to be deceptive about it.
The only thing generational trends has to do with it is society is more accepting of women being sluts period.
Acela_nextel 1y ago
Lmao can’t believe white dudes thought asses like that were attractive
Overkill_Engine 2 1y ago
Eh, you'll hear us refer to them from time to time as "skinnyfat". Only reason they get consistent play is because straight up FAT is the other most common option available and far worse. A woman that is both toned and curvy is a glorious thing, but not a frequent offering in a society that glorifies hedonism and processed garbage food.