This is an official site announcement, greenlit by @redpillschool. I am adding Point Flairs to users who have demonstrated insightful comments and constructive participation.
Just like TheRedPill reddit forum these points are currently on, the points will be awarded by recommendation and consensus by Endorsed Contributors (ECs). Point flairs (e.g. 1, 2, 3 etc.) indicate that ECs view that user's work as quality and reputable, and that their advice and posting has been acknowledged as such. More points indicates the more times a user has been faired by ECs
From the original post on TheRedPill reddit forum
Point Flair
From time to time, you may also have noticed little numbers next to the names of certain users. These are flair points. Points are awarded to users by ECs for insightful comments and constructive participation. While points do not represent official endorsement, a user with a high point count is well on the road to a full endorsement, so be on the look out for these men on the rise.
If you have a profile on r/TheRedPill that already has point flair(s) link me any post or comment from that forum that has the flair displayed and I will automatically flair you accordingly in both TheRedPill and askTRP
Active Endorsed Contributors:
@mattyanon, @adam-l, @MentORPHEUS, @JamesSkepp
(P.S. If I am missing any other active ECs let me know)
Vermillion-Rx Admin 1y ago
@redhawkes already has a point flair from r/TheRedPill you are being flaired accordingly