Whisper's original posts are very insightful but tend to run on the shorter side, so rather than post one, three of his writings are featured in this OG Repost.
Original author: @Whisper
Rule #6a
Most of you are familiar with early proto-red pill material from the pre-TRP manosphere. If you aren't, you should be. Go read. Without Rollo Tomassi, the Book of Pook, and so on, we would not be here today. Don't just skim the sidebar. Read it, follow the links, read, lather rinse repeat.
Today, we will be revisiting one of the basics: Iron Rule of Tomassi #6.
Women are incapable of loving men in a way that a man idealizes is possible, in a way he thinks she should be capable of.
Read it, because the devil is in the details:
She’s not incapable of love in the way she defines it, she’s incapable of love as you would have it. She doesn’t lack the capacity for connection and emotional investment, she lacks the capacity for the connection you think would ideally suit you.
Now it's time to refine it from the benefit of our additional five years of understanding:
Iron Rule #6a: If women cannot love you the way you want to be loved, then you want the wrong kind of love.
That's right, it's your fault, not theirs. Women are creatures of emotion and instinct, and what they do precedes from who they are. If you expect women to love you in a way they cannot, you are trying to teach a canary to talk, or a parrot to sing.
How do women love?
There are two kinds of love: Respectful Love, and Protective Love.
Protective love is the love of a superior for an inferior. It is not repelled by weakness or vulnerability. It does not serve, submit, or give up power. It controls, dominates, and protects. It will sacrifice safety and comfort for the benefit of its object, but never dignity. It concerns itself with the welfare of its object, but not with the object's whims or commands.
The Flow of Protective Love is:
Man -> Woman -> Child
Respectful love is the love of an inferior for a superior. It is inspired by strength and self-assurance, and destroyed by weakness or vulnerability. It serves, submits, and gives up power, but does not control, dominate, or protect. It will sacrifice dignity for its object. It concerns itself with the whims or demands, but never the welfare, of its object.
The Flow of Respectful Love is:
Child -> Woman -> Man
Men who want Protective Love from women are broken men. They are idealizing their mothers' love towards them, noticing that it is identical to the love they feel for women, and deciding that's what love is. But such men will never be loved at all until they learn of the existence of Respectful Love, and figure out how to inspire it.
Your woman will never count up the sacrifices you make for her, tally them, mark them, and respond with gratitude, for the same reason that a child will never spontaneously notice the sacrifices of a parent. Monitoring your state, and putting herself in your shoes, would be a Protective act. Parents who have grateful children are not the ones who have made great sacrifices for their children, but the ones who have taught their children to honor and respect them, and show that gratitude.
This is why you must learn to rule your woman, or she will rule you. Because if you love her, she must love you also, else you are her slave. And if you do not rule over her, if you are not superior to her, she will see you as a child in the body of a man, and any affection she ever holds for you will also be blended with contempt.
Women are capable of love. They are capable of self-sacrifice. They are capable of devotion. But to receive it, you must abandon ideals from your mother. You must put away childish things. You must stop expecting women to sympathize with you or be concerned for your safety or welfare. Instead, you must decide for yourself what your needs are, and demand them as a condition of your protection and care.
Your Devotion is Worthless
Most men who fail with women, fail because they apply the "Golden Rule".
They treat women how they would wish to be treated, and, when they desire love, they act in a way that would inspire love in them. But men and women are different, and they want different things. How you wish to be treated, women hate. And how women wish to treated, you would hate.
The easiest way to understand how this is so, is to understand why this is so.
Many of you are in university right now, and some of you are nerds and will graduate with degrees in Computer Science, while others are losers and will graduate with degrees in Literature. Five years after that, you will have very different experiences.
The Literature graduates will be desperately looking for a job, any job, and worrying about the rent.
The CS graduates will be ducking phone calls and emails from Amardeep Nagpal, who wishes to advise them of much very fine opportunity to move to San Francisco and spend sixty hours a week coding javascript for some shitty startup's website for fifty bucks an hour. He also wants them to have a blessed day.
Now, the Lit guys would be thrilled to have a job come looking for them, and aren't going to understand that software engineers loathe Amardeep for the same reason that women despise attention from most men. It makes no difference to the engineers that Amardeep is very impressed with them, they get that every damn day. They are swimming in a sea of attention from the Amardeep Nagpals and Pritesh Krishnamurtis of this world. They hate them because San Francisco is a shit city, working sixty hours a week is a shit life, and fifty bucks an hour is a shit wage.
Men who court women by telling them how devoted they are making this same mistake... men's devotion is worthless, because girls have been swimming in a sea of constant male attention, love, and devotion since they were old enough to recognize emotions in other people. Offering them your love and devotion is like offering them plenty of air to breathe. They can get it anywhere. What they want isn't men who care, but men who are awesome.
- Do not offer women your devotion. Your devotion is worthless.
- Do not show them how deeply you care about your their feelings. Everyone cares about their feelings. Human beings are genetically hardwired to care about their feelings.
- Do not tell them about how awesome you will treat them. Everyone is nice to them. Human beings are genetically hardwired to be nice to them.
- Show them how awesome you are.
Men want to be treated awesome by someone okay. Girls want to be treated okay by someone awesome.
The Root Cause of the Anger Phase.
The anger phase is important. Without it, we never would have woken up in the first place.
But where does it from? What starts it, and when does it stop?
Well, the best local source for directly observing angry-phase men in the wild is askmen (trp has plenty of angry-phase men, but your observations will be diluted with men in later stages). Reading this https://archive.today/ny1mk thread, where men talk about annoying shit women say, we can start to get an inkling.
What do all of these men, annoyed by women, angry at women, have in common?
They all expect women to be adults.
They were raised to think of women as adults. They were told over and over again that the differences between men and women were purely sexual. And they believed it. So they grew up and became adults, and expected the women around them to be adults. They just assumed women would make an effort to be objective, see things from others' points of view, finish what they start, keep their promises, take responsibility for their actions, and so forth.
When adults refuse to do these things, it's annoying. We get angry at them. Because they have failed a reasonable expectation. When children refuse to do these things, we're not annoyed or surprised. They are children. They are not capable of adulthood yet.
In the denial phase, we rationalize away women's childish behaviour, making excuses for them in order to preserve our delusion that women are peers we can rely on.
In the anger phase, we are awakened to women's childish behaviour, but it angers us because of the gap between the actual behaviour and our expectations. The anger ends when our expectations realign to women's actual patterns of behaviour.
The cause of the anger phase is the lingering belief that women are adults. Now, we learn to be more attractive by treating women like children. For example, the basic principle of all shit-test handling techniques is "don't take anything they say seriously". That's treating someone like a child.
But, like a religion taught to us in childhood, expectations and beliefs we held for that many years will linger, and we will slide back to thinking of women as adults. We make the mistake of arguing with them, instead of laughing at whatever ridiculous bullshit they say, and patting them on the head. We make the mistake of listening to what they say instead of watching what they do. We make the mistake of expecting them to handle their own shit instead of managing them and telling them exactly what we expect. We make the mistake of bargaining with them instead of instructing them. We expect them to not let themselves get fat, instead of controlling what they eat. We expect them to make good decisions, instead of simply telling them what to do.
The reason we must repeat simple lessons to ourselves over and over again is that it takes a long time to transition from "treat her like a child" as a tactic, to actually fully realizing and believing that she, and all women, are really children in adult bodies. It's slow, and difficult, but this is the step you must take before women stop being a source of pain in your life, and start being a source of happiness.
Many men in the anger phase linger there because of the dream that someday, they will find that unicorn, that one special woman who actually takes responsibility for her actions, can be an equal partner, can both take and provide emotional support, doesn't have to be managed, etc. But there is no such woman.
Men who are looking for an "adult" woman are axiomatically in the anger phase, because if they were in denial, they would think all women were, and if they had passed anger, they would be aware that no such woman exists. And by doing so, they make themselves angrier, because the more a woman is able to present the appearance of an adult, the more she is simply a child who expects to be treated like one.
The desirable woman is not a woman who acts adult, she is the woman who is aware and accepting of her own childish nature. Such a woman can submit to a man without shame, and provide things to a relationship that no adult can.
- Tirelessly remind yourself that women are children.
- When a woman makes you angry, look for the place where you made the mistake of thinking of her as an adult.
- Stop looking for adult women. They don't exist, and you wouldn't want one if they did.
sean_karaya 8mo ago
That would place women at the moral high ground. I do not think I can be okey with this.
Other people may be okey with this, and I am aware, that my disagreement with this will cause a rift between me and "women" as category. I am okey with that - and as it is obvious from my posts otherwise, I am MGTOW.
Durek_The_Bald 8mo ago
Good shit. I like these revisitations.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 8mo ago
No problem.
If you have any OGs in mind just let me know
I know that FerReallyRed was requested from someone so i will do his next
Hamza99 8mo ago
I read the section "The Root Cause of the Anger Phase."
So is treating them and talking to them playfully "like a child" the ideal dynamic?
Very interesting read. No wonder women actually HATE being "mature". It is a burden(but then again, they chose/choose it to be INDePenDAnt). Working women, from doctors to store cashiers look miserable at work or complain about work, but still choose that over submitting to a guy.
A feminine girl is child-like, fun, light hearted, that, I noticed a while ago.
Game is basically how well you can "pLay" with her, until you "Lay" her.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 8mo ago
They choose to be "independent" for a variety of reasons. It's not what they aspire for as a first choice free of feministic garbage
Treating them like a child is TOO literal. You should treat them like a little sister, a teen little sister, not a young child. Women want to feel small. They don't want to make responsibilities.
I don't know if you read all the links he included or not but the RPW post he linked had a good explanation of why women are better off having that innocence free of heavy responsibilities
Oversimplification. Game ought to be the manifestation of your already sexual desires and value. It shouldn't be an act or a play. Genuine game as opposed to copy paste pickup artistry is channelling your already apparent male sexual energy into a form they can socially detect as intent without giving away the game completely (though sometimes being forward as hell works).
Play till you lay is kind of true but not if you are viewing it as a facade. Game is ideally just you being socially adept at reading the room and progressing a normal conversation into a man to woman one and it leading to more. Not a circus monkey act
Hamza99 8mo ago
"It's not what they aspire for as a first choice free of feministic garbage"
Disagree. My "religious" and "I am not a feminist" mother was born in the 60s in a big Muslim Country to a Conservative family. Classic career woman(Got her Master's and PhD in Politics, which is a majority male field). Her mother didn't even go to college. Graduated, started teaching. Got married, kept working. Deadbeat husband, kept working. Divorced, kept working.
She probably only started seeing feminist garbage in the 90s (after getting married and having a couple girls) when she was already in her 30s and started travelling for work.
"You should treat them like a little sister, a teen little sister, not a young child. Women want to feel small."
Spot on. "like a child". There is guy online who spoke a lot about this. He talks about "treat her like you're her older brother".
I read all the links.
"It shouldn't be an act or a play."
you pLay WITH one another. It's a back and forth of flirting, teasing, accusing, banter.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 8mo ago
Middle eastern/Asian cultures often place a huge emphasis on their daughters getting high paying positions.
This isn't the default state of women, this is a lot of societal pressure, particularly in poorer countries or Asian/eastern countries. Of course some women may individually enjoy such things, but it is not their default state of action on nature
I wealthier countries this is not a norm outside of feminist influence
If that's your definition of play, agreed.
Forward. Edited.
prapra-horse 8mo ago
If no one would tell you about RP and you would be already deeply converted by media, parents and peers into Blue Pill, you would have that shit feeling all your life of something being wrong, being angry etc and unlikely you would ever find out you have been lied to.
Unlikely. It doesn't mean though, that one day you wouldn't discover what and how to do.
Now get women, that are lied and pushed into feminist behaviour, by media, business, single mothers, peers etc.
Responsibility for outcomes, for believing the lies is not removed from neither women nor men.
Today we can assume most women are feminists because of ideological reasons, not because they had the urge. It doesn't mean that there is no woman, having appearances of feminist for different reasons: culture, no male provider, disfigured, more T etc.
Women can also adapt - but it would take serious experiment how long skilled feminists can survive alone on an island.
prapra-horse 8mo ago
Good choice of bits.
Lone_Ranger 2 8mo ago
Men want to be treated awesome by someone okay. Girls want to be treated okay by someone awesome.
That is genius. That is what I learn very late in life. The better you treat a woman, the more she disrespects you.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 8mo ago
Some times i still have to remind myself of this as well