Hey everybody,

I am in Latin America, 28 year old male, MD candidate; and some background about me - I grew up in a very Catholic traditionalist family, where sex before marriage is still seen as a very dark sin, as is having had many plates, even masturbation and porn are very, very looked down upon; so my parents still married very young and had me also relatively young; they grew up with a mindset of the 1950's, and they are still entrenched in that era, their politics, their whole concept of society, religion, etc...

I on the hand grew up in a very hyper-sexualized society, the societal decay that people are seeing in the US: Feminism, even race theory (if you can believe it) is creeping here very fast and very deep; there is nowhere to hide. So when I attended school, all throughout middle school up to medical school, men were told the standard SWJ anti-male shit that people are fed up in the West, etc..., So actual masculine men are actually quite rare nowadays, most metropolitan men are effeminate cucks (I can say that confidently having had to debate them/take on them during my formative years).

I on the other hand have always been curious and interested in alternative theories//news information, so I found out about TRP during my sophomore year in college and ever since I have worked on improving my SMV, which has proven to be quite a task bc of the nature of my field of study, but I have a rather athletic build, and I being tall helds, I am 1.84 mts....However, despite me having read the Sidebar, TRM, etc; I always had this moral 1950's compass that my parents instilled upon me and always found it despicable and belittling to court women, and even spend time with them....However, as the modern divorce//children out of wedlock statistics came around for the hemisphere + my own experience during my formative years (Debating feminist males, arguing with school authority about the bias of the law, finding out how fucked up the SMP is today) I realized I was fighting a losing battle....(to all men out there: The 1950's are dead and gone, grow up, put on your gloves and start beating the shit out of life)...

As of this February I passed my lsecond medical board exam (Come September I have to sit my last one, we usually have to take three right before graduating) and I was finding my thirst for sex quite overwhelming, so I started talking to more people, women, that I would find throughout my daily activities, without much success, dare I say; until a young lady I met a while back during a student trip, 24 yo 6/10, actually started replying with much enthusiasm to my messages, and I randomly dropped a line ---"Let's go out for dinner"; and she replied instantly with a "yes".... I set it up at a known train station in my city (Key takeaway: ALWAYS know the place you are going to visit, AND be surroudings-savvy)

At this point I hadn't realized just how much more confindet I was, during the actual meeting; I arrived late bc I usually get out of my hospital at 6 PM, and so we met at around 8 PM; I did not really mind her attempts at belittling my activities (She is a Dental Student) and making fun of my describing of things; and in fact by the end of the dinner she would keep staring at me point blank, smiling at every word I might say, and so, after going to a coffee shop nearby, I noticed she kept touching my arm, and so I obliged and also hugged, she then started to half turn her face, and I sensed that she wanted me to kiss her, which I did; and then she became far bolder and in fact grabbed my crotch; I sensed then that it was time to take her out of there, else we might be kicked out sooner....

I drove her to her apartment nearby (She rents there as she is from another state) and asked to go to her bathroom --- I intentionally did not foresee that I might end up fucking, but nonetheless I bought some condoms at the train station that I knew were legit....Either way, one thing led to another and I ended up fucking her for around two hours; at the end of the whole thing she told me straight that was the best sex she had ever had; I suspect she has already been with around 10 dudes, at the very least....I guess that what helped me the most was that I warmed her up pressing her G-spot, before railing her up.....

Key Takeaways:

  • Always, always be confident - Girls can smell from miles away a coward. -Know by heart the place you intend to set up your first place at the very least; be surroudings-savvy

  • Being tall and athletic does help a fuckton----As I compare myself to my fellow classmates//other guys my age; an athletic dude is a very rare catch; add on to that the anti-male SWJ establishmet, and men being men are rare and sought for by some catch-worthy females.
  • The 1950's are dead and gone; gone is the era of Calvin Coolidge//conservativism; social restraint is NOT the norm, voluntary celibacy is foolish and harmful; I mean just look at this girl, she could have passed for a traditionalist female, and she has had still 10+ lays; and it wasn't even hard for me to fuck her; I found out later on, after we fucked that she had broken up with her boyfriend a while back, and that he had taken her out to family reunions, birthday parties, and so forth....And it took me 2 hours to just fuck this "would-be" wife material.
  • I think this qualifies as a ONS; but for me it's a win, I wanted to fuck a girl's brains out before being myself bulldozed by advanced medical training come March next year.

Either way, I am thankful to this community, your advice has led me to my own empowering as a human being

Godspeed friends!