A few weeks ago, there was a question on the AskTRP forum that essentially boiled down to "how do I become a man?" It reminded me of a post on the Married TRP subreddit, although I couldn't find a link at that time.
So here it is: Manning 101
Regardless of what you think about marriage, I think this guide is a great indicator for any man to start down the path of leading fulfilling relationships. Because at the end of the day, a man needs to be a man first before he can even think about attracting women.
mattyanon Admin 3mo ago
haha..... jeez,, the bar is pretty low these days huh
How the fuck is this "MRP Endgame"? There is no "happy marriage". Marriage is a trap designed to divert resources from men to women, it isn't any sort of "play the game well and you win". It's just a con, and perpetuating "you can win" is how the scam persists.
coolsocks00 1 3mo ago
Swap marriage with LTR as an umbrella term and it’s a solid post.
Still a necessary comment, because marriage is one of the stupidest ideas proliferating in the manosphere, and isnt red pilled in the slightest.
First-light 3mo ago
This list is not bad as a concept. Its probably the author's personal skillset though. For example if you can only run 1 mile, I think you are a fat bastard. So what should we say? Well I ran 27 miles earlier this week over rough and flooded land, so maybe I should say 20 to be generous? But maybe that is my personal skillset not a universal one?
This statement is just bullshit "A male exposed as lacking in any of the "Manning 101" capabilities risks dismissal and contempt, and utter loss of attractiveness to women" "Might get teased by his pals occasionally", "might be a bit less than his lady ideally wanted", maybe but "Utter loss of attractiveness to women". Really??? While I have never tried to bench press 1 rep max, I am pretty sure it won't be my body weight but I never had a woman complain I was weak. Some ladies prefer bigger guys, some smaller but to set one exercise at bodyweight, particularly when it is not an exercise that is used a whole lot in daily life (deadlift might be more practical use??) -that's a bit personal to the author maybe?
I like the idea of some universal basic standards but the solution to those is probably the sort of tests the military have been using for years -ones which aim to be closer to equal across body types and test functionality. There are individual levels which you must not fall below but you also add up the individual scores to see if you can pass or fail. Navy seals test maybe? One would have to accept the average man would not pass at 25 but one could tone down the pass mark a bit and maybe age adjust?
Some of the things you need to be able to do do depend on circumstance as well. You may not be able to negotiate a better price if its a seller's market, you would be a fool if you couldn't in a buyer's market.
Also do be careful gents that you are not just creating the skillset of a quality beta white knight. While we need to look to what the ladies like, we first of all need to know what we want and be happy with that, not defining ourselves as good only if we meet full beta specs -good protector, provider, emotional rock... Be a capable man for yourself, for what you want then see who wants to move into that frame. You may have to tweak it for someone worth tweaking it for but you have to be comfortable in your own skin.
pofkaf 3mo ago
OP stresses that the list is a bare minimum. A man should be able to run at least 1 mile. You'd be surprised at how many cannot. Personally, I also add a time stipulation (like I should be able to average an 8 minute mile, etc).
Sounds like you need to step up your workout. Again, you'd be surprised at how many men cannot bench their own body weight. It's quite easy to do with consistent work. Failure to perform that bare minimum task reflects on poor workout routines.
Married TRP has a term for this - the Dancing Monkey Routine. I agree that these standards should not be met to attract women. But how can any man expect to attract a woman without meeting these standards?
derdeutscher 3mo ago
Nice post about how to be a mans man. Not much to do with women tho..
My standards on how to be a man are MUCH lower:
1) be self sufficient 2) be self sufficient 3) live life like you want and dont even consider what others think about it 4) number three 5) be self sufficient and live life the way you want
Its really that easy. Earn your own damn bread and dont let opinions of others bother you too much.