Fun fact, while this guide will help with your text game, it's not actually for your text game. It's for all the vital shit you are probably neglecting and then wondering why you are getting no time for love Dr Jones.
B-but I need a texting guide so I can smash that unicorn pussy puzzle!
You shouldn't be texting women non stop for hours.
Because you and the dozens of other cocks on offer to her every day are doing the same boring shit to trying to text your way into panties.
That makes you fungible. Replaceable. Boring.
High value men don't text constantly, they're too busy using their cock to rearrange guts. Thus why they only use texting for logistics - getting the P and the V to the same location for smash.
Note for the spergs - knowing how to do this while allowing the woman to maintain her delusion of plausible deniability is key, which is why you have to have an interesting life filled with fun but ultimately inconsequential activities that are easily interrupted by you plungering her holes with your cock should the mood strike the two of you. This is part of why musicians and artists get laid so easy despite often not being sw0l3 and possibly also even being awkward fuckers in general.
TLDR of the above; have a "platonic" hobby/excuse for getting her in the same private location as you.
YOU know you're just inviting her over to smash.
SHE knows you are inviting her over just to smash.
BUT she gets a ready made excuse for why she went there that is not smash so she doesn't look like an easy hoe. Yes, you both know she's a hoe. So do the last 30 guys that smashed. But she doesn't want to have to openly admit it!
IF she does not accept said invite, activity on offer was either too boring, too obvious, or she simply didn't want you to begin with. Move on to a new woman if so, do not let your self spiral into analysis paralysis trying to solve a specific pussy puzzle, it's a waste of time and energy.
Everyone says women like texting
They do, but not for the same reason you want them to. They get easy validation/attention, and they don't have to put in any effort to filter the guys that got nothing going on outside of text game since that's all those guys offer.
Clue by four time: the key to success at text game is to have a life filled with good fun stuff going on outside of text game. Or akin to how @Vermillion-Rx noted, being hotter than Henry Cavill - then you can get away with "hay bby want sum fuck". Everyone else is going to have to put in more effort that that though.
Your pretty pwincess isn't going to want to come over for some "Smash Co-op on your Switch" and will be in another Bro's castle since she can get that from any of hundreds of other schmucks texting her for that. So you are going to have to do better than that.
And there was never any question of that. The only real question is if the particular hole you are trying to stick your pee pee into is even worth that effort.
Typo-MAGAshiv 2 1mo ago
If you insist on trying to text your way into pussy, then take these steps and read:
Get on the Red Archive.
Open the Heartiste/Roissy section under blogs.
Search the following terms:
Golden Ratio (only give her roughly 2/3 of what she gives you. If your texts are equal to or worse, greater than hers whether in length or sheer number sent, back off. The Golden Ratio also applies to much more than just texting.)
Jumbotron rule (if you're not willing to see your text put on a Jumbotron in a full stadium for tens of thousands of people to see, then don't send it)
As a guy who has used texting game, it really only works if you've already fucked her and/or she's invested in you.
The general consensus among most Red Pill dudes (married and otherwise), is it's for logistics only. For most dudes, that's a good rule of thumb.
From an askTRP post requesting a texting guide:
You aren't going to "build a connection" over text unless it's in the FriendZone.
If it's a chick you haven't fucked yet, verbally escalate like you would in person. Get her to meet up as fast as possible.
If she declines, forget her and move on.
You're likely better off not even bothering with this stuff. But go ahead and try shit. See what works for you.
There is no magical combination of words that will make every woman want to fuck you, except maybe this one. You have to be generally charming, generally fun, generally intriguing.
Overkill_Engine 2 1mo ago
To pontificate more for the peanut gallery-
Yup, never use it to "build rapport", that's more often than not a waste of time and energy just like any other attempt to solve a pussy puzzle which is in itself just a rephrasing of attempting to negotiate desire.
You cannot negotiate desire. Women consciously or not decide very quickly after meeting you whether or not you are fuckable; and what amount of hoops you in particular are going to have to jump thru to make that happen. The less hoops, the more she likes you. Conversely a bunch of hoops means she doesn't like you much if at all and you should probably move on. That's part of why women's dating profiles tend to have utterly fucking retarded standards for men on them, women don't like strange men that they have not had a chance to tell if they are fuckable or not yet. Those standards will in practice rapidly get dropped the more fuckable that they think you are, to the point of even outright chasing men they damn well know will turn them into single moms.
But you can never rely on them openly admitting that information since they stand to benefit from ambiguity. They know that men who they will never fuck will still give them resources/utility if they don't disclose that they already decided that they are unfuckable. They know that men will pony up more than they really needed to get pussy via the same lack of disclosure.
The overwhelming majority of men will never ever improve their baseline fuckability via extensive conversation, only penalize it. The only real use for it is outside of short term flings where you damn well better be using said conversation to vet her even harder than she's vetting you.
So the goal of most overt communication should be to (subtly you fucking spergs) get her into situations where she is comfortable demonstrating how fuckable she thinks you are without fear of social backlash against herself.
And once there your job is to assess anything less than an enthusiastic affirmative on her part as a no. If you get a no then simply politely divest yourself of any further involvement with her and move on to another woman instead of trying to solve a pussy puzzle that you already got an answer to, it just wasn't the one you wanted. If she's interested she'll "solve" the puzzle herself instead of you having to.