Let me set the stage of who this girl is: Met on tinder, decently hot, 30 years old, bisexual, divorced, had open relationships in past, very independent and loves to travel. Also she has multiple tattoos and is a bit of a general flirt. We fucked on the first date.

She's a full on hoe. And I'm a captain-save-a-hoe. Fml...

In spite of her being a hoe, we had a nice situationship. Fucking, talking for hours, connecting on deep topics and pasts etc. As the fool that I am, I start getting feelings for this girl. Mind you, her pussy was as wide as the nile and I sometimes struggled to stay hard because of how little sensation I felt (always condom tho).

Recently I told her I was developing feelings for her. She told me that she only wanted to continue casually as the hoe that she is. I ended it there because I'm not a fan of fucking a girl that might be fucking others at the same time. In the moment it stung, but when I came home and wrote down all the red flags (there's more than what's listed above), a sense of relief washed over me. I dodged a bullet, and ironically the bullet was kind enough to save me from myself. Fuck.

This is my apology letter to the community. Please learn from my mistake. I'm already dating a much hotter and fitter 23 year old that is way more normal.

Lastly, if anyone has any thoughts or feedback that could contribute to the learnings from this, please do share. I need as much reality check as I can get. What happened to me? Why did I fall for such a hoe? I've had LTR with wife-material virgin 21 year old before. I know better than this.

Once again, sorry for being weak.