I have been in south america for sometime now. One big thing i noticed was the cheating and fidelity in this part of the world is just as bad or even worse than our north american counter parts. I have been in search of a LTR to settle down with and have a family, not get married on paper of course. I am tired of having plates and casual meaningless sex, it makes life so mundane and insignificant. I want to build a legacy and have a traditional family. I am financially well, in-shape, and been on the search for a long time.
I thought i've found the one in 2024, she came from a mid/wealthy family. Spoke english, educated, and very caring. She is my exact type physically and personality wise. Her high interest was undeniable and she was willing to drop everything in her life (career, family, etc) to come travel the world with me.
That was until I soft nexted her for something stupid, i may have overdone it on my part. She took my 2 day silence as a break up. And since then, she was unwilling to travel with me anymore and demanded I gave her an allowance so she knew she could be safe if i decided to one day leave her again.
Up until today, i realized that she has been lying to me. Lying to me with small things such as "my head hurts today, I will go home instead of coming over". And i realized that her bestfriend has been instructing her and giving her feminist advice on how to handle her relationship with me. She lied to me because I told her not to disclose any part of our relationship to anyone, because i understand jealous bestfriends will ruin relationships. Women are women.
I broke up with her for lying and breaking our trust. I'm just so at lost of words, how someone so caring and devoted towards me could lie. Should i even try to mend things anymore or is it better that i let this one go. I have been searching for over a year and she was the only girl that came remotely close to a relationship type.
cundardunfinished 1w ago
Foreigner relationships are a different ballgame. For example, don't mistake commitment to the relationship for commitment to you. The relationship may provide her certain tangible benefits (money, visa) that she is willing to drop everything in her life for. That is different from her being a unicorn willing to drop everything for the glory that is Newbie-Casanova.
If you think about it, it's kind of sus for anyone to drop everything in their life for someone. Pretty much no one is that special especially for an attractive woman who has many options. The simplest answer is she saw a path to something else and knew her abandoning career and family was only temporary.
These women may check certain redpill boxes like fucking you on the first date ('wow she must be creamin for me'), doing housework for you, sucking your dick on command whatever. But don't mistake these things for her traits as an LTR, she is a contestant on a game show trying to score your money or your passport.
So too this is why she makes excuses not to spend time with you, because she doesn't actually like you as much as you think and is trying to spend the minimum time possible to reach her goals. And, sensing weakness on your part, starts to make demands for her "security."
Consider it a lesson learned and a bullet dodged. I generally don't think these types of relationships are advisable unless you are old and just trying to have her pop out a kid or two before you die. That is, you are very aware of their transactional nature and are getting a bargain out of it.
Typo-MAGAshiv 2 1w ago
Actively looking for a relationship, especially an LTR, is a losing strategy for a man. As a man, your job is to get sex. A relationship is the woman's problem, and for you to grant or deny.
From HumanSockPuppet’s Guide to Managing Your Bitches:
The 10+ years of MRP's existence have borne this out, and those guys are already married.
You're also most likely to find a relationship-worthy woman when you stop looking for one and just relax. I found my wife after I gave up on relationships and just concentrated on getting laid.
From your post:
The following is foundational. From Rollo Tomassi, There Is No "One". .
Also from Rollo: Rooting Through Garbage.
You have a lot of mental models you need to fix and/or replace.
Newbie-Casanova 1w ago
Maybe I worded searching for LTR incorrectly. I met her and fucked her on day one, expecting only sex. As opposed to only having sex and even if the right girl comes along, I don't consider LTR. But since she displayed the right traits, I considered her as someone to take seriously. This was after going on multiple dates.
I agree, there is no "one" but don't you think there are some women more qualified than others? Women with low body count, stays home all day, doesn't party, etc.
You're right, I am rooting through garbage. I may be coping by doing so because it just takes so long for a women to align with my standards. It's so mentally draining. Do you have a way around this asides from just casually looking for sex? I just get tired from fucking so much. I have guy friends to chill with on the weekend, I'm on the grind daily, I'm always seeking to become better. I have hobbies. And I still deal with this issue
kommissionary 1w ago
That was your first proof of her not being LTR material. No girl worth her salt will give away the one thing that gives her power on day one.
Ideally, you want to be in that abundance state and have her chasing you without putting out too soon.
My best LTR so far was a girl I didn't text after the first or second date, she always reached out first. I rewarded her behavior by seeing her again. Turned out she was a virgin. Shame she wasn't from my home country, otherwise she would've been my wife now.
If a girl fucks you on the first day, it means she's done it before. Which in extension means she's a hoe.
You released her back to the streets where she belongs. Count your blessings and move on my friend.
Typo-MAGAshiv 2 1w ago
Absolutely. However, as soon as they mistreat you, they are no longer qualified.
coolsocks00 1 1w ago
In my experience having a couple simultaneous FWB or undefined open short term relationships is the way to go.
Girls that you like and who do GF duties and may or may not be in the LTR race depending on their qualities. Meanwhile you pick new girls from a slightly more curated list; while you have FWBs that are solid LTR candidates these new girls are just for sex; and while you have FWBs who are just for sex & practicality, these new girls are picked for their LTR potential.
As long as you postpone or dismiss the talk, most girls like to keep to one guy, given that the sex and emotional rollercoaster is top tier
Overkill_Engine 2 1w ago
There are no shortcuts, and it can only be fixed on women's end, not men's, and they don't want to despite it have absolute shit long term outcomes for them.
You either play to win or don't play at all. Those are your choices.
Newbie-Casanova 1w ago
You're right man, sounds like I just gotta man up and keep pushing through it
adam-l Senior Endorsed 1w ago
Women dictate the rules of the game nowadays. So, even "close, committed" relationships have become performative.
In the particular case you describe it seems that you asked for too much, too soon.
You have to go through the pwrformative phase for a couple of years, until she is really really hooked. This will give you better chances. But, today, there is nothing that can guarantee that a marriage-worthy woman stays that way.
Newbie-Casanova 1w ago
I would've thought leaving the first world would help with this issue. But they all seem the same, only different in ratios of pros and cons
coolsocks00 1 1w ago