I thought it might be useful for some guys to know about women in different regions of Europe. Most of the PUA/TRP material was written 20-30 years ago (hundreds of years in terms of how tech changed the game) and most of it is no longer useful or as applicable, specially the PUA parts, besides the basics.

The zoomers and millennials have to share notes for their dating cohorts since they cannot truthfully rely on boomer/gen X advice. Very different times.

Western and Northern Europe: Perfect for hookups, if you are young and all you want is to fuck, go to Western EU. Assuming you are not a trad cuckold and a decent man, you will get laid. If you are looking for an LTR and have at least some common fucking sense, at least a hobby besides not working or coming home from work and burping beer on your couch, a pint of testosterone in you and you want your woman want to share expenses or not be a gold digger the likes of Eastern and Southern EU, you have the most chances of finding a woman like that here.

Central/Eastern Europe: Central EU is the middle ground between hookup culture and decent women. People still date in Central EU and the economy is still good.

Eastern EU, however, is a fucking shithole and you should avoid it not just because of the horendous economic conditions and low IQ people, but you will find here the most ruthless gold diggers and manipulators. Women in eastern EU appear very tradwife type so that they can attract and settle a beta, whether local or the jackpot, a foreigner.

Eastern Women will have 5 gangbangs in a week and still come home cooking you dinner and they will still look innocent, like nothing happened. Soulless devils. You should not expect these women to share any expenses with you, in fact, most hot chicks will look down on you for considering that.

Southern Europe/Balkans: Southern EU is good for tourism and partying in the summer. Lots of hot women, many are DTF, vacation sex and cheating is very common here. Poor area besides Spain and Portugal.

Balkan region is also a shithole, much more comparable to Eastern Europe, but the people here are more rude and most hot young women are down for some type of sugar dating, specially in Romania, Bulgaria and Serbia. This region also has the most population loss due to poor economic and social conditions, Romania lost like 10 million people in the last 20 years and most young people are fleeing the country for the Western World. A bit worse in Serbia because they are not part of the EU, you will have a bit more russian type of dating here, which you want to avoid.

Also, I found Romania to be the most feminist place in the Central/Eastern European plane. Many gen Z chicks here are fucked up in the head and are open or practicing some form of sugar dating. Hot corporate boss babes also practice sugar dating here, so be wary. Many gypsies in this region, high crime rate, but not comparable to UK or France. Shit economic and social conditions, sad and rude people in many places.

Now in regards to the age bracket, here is my experience:

18-25: These are the women that are the most DTF out of all the brackets. They are curious, fun, some of them agreeable and some won't mind an LTR with a good guy.

25-33: These are the most insufferable women that are out there. Late gen Z/early millennials. Many have their bitch shield up 24/7, they are mad cause they rode the carousel and guys that they wanted did not commit to them. They are "recalibrating" their life and dealing with "big traumas" so most of them are in some form unavailable. Many will play the game of flirting, licking, kissing and sleazeballing but when the opportunity to seal the deal arises, they will retreat from having sex with many guys. This age bracket is the definition of left over white girl blood.

33-40: This age bracket is another good bracket for casual sex, as I found that many hot women around this age are actively looking for 24-28 yr old jocks. They are more pleasant and open to have conversations with since they have to lower their standards and bitch shields if they want to get fucked. I've had lots of good, fun sex with these women.

So I think if you want to get laid as much as you can for a period of time, 18-25 and 33-40 are the golden brackets. However, be aware that social media (TikTok shit) plays a huge role in the mind and the attitude of these women.

Realize that women now learn about how to "love" men via social media. TikTok teaches them how to "love" men, which we all know what a fucking shithole of brainrot TikTok is. These aren't the 80's or 90's no more. You will deal and need to learn how to deal with these gen Z chicks based on their brainrot from SM. TRP is not a one size fits all and needs to constantly evolve and adapt to an ever-changing world and dating scene.

As an extra, I find that many women are leaving the clubbing scene, since they are flooded with inferior third world immigrants. The new dating/hookup scenes are social activities/events/sport during the daytime so night game will serve you almost no good and you will need to learn how to calibrate and to be better at daygame.