The Red Pill: Discussion of sexual strategy in a culture increasingly lacking a positive identity for men.
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Seagram7 1w ago Stickied
Women have hookups because they want a semblance of affection and validation from attractive men. Since they're probably not good enough to get a relationship with that man because they're whores, the only thing they can offer for a quick hit of simulated love and affection is their body. If a promiscuous woman goes up to an attractive guy and says "let's fuck" that guy will fuck her and probably leave the next morning. But for that night, she can simulate having someone that loves her and it makes her feel less alone.
Because then they would reduce their chances of finding a serious relationship to zero. Like it or not, in the world we live in sexual compatibility is established well before anyone even starts thinking about romantic compatibility or a serious relationship. Girls don't hookup with a bunch of guys because they want to have casual sex with lots of different guys, it's because each time they were hoping it would lead to more than just casual sex. All of these girls who've had sex with like 9000 different dudes would have been happy to be in a serious long term relationship leading to marriage with 90%+ of them, and the reason it didn't work out that way is because the dude didn't want a serious long term relationship with her.
Lone_Ranger 2 1w ago
Why don't hey just stop hooking up with random men if it makes them so miserable?
because the only validation women can get its mens attention. if they were not out there sleeping around, then they would be getting zero validation. and we can't have that!
Overkill_Engine 2 1w ago
Granted, had said men pushed for a committed relationship right away, same women would get a case of the ick/dry pussy. They make their own hell then complain that the man rescuing them at his own expense isn't hawt enough.
cundardunfinished 1w ago
You've described it well. Imagine a woman has a crush. What does she do? Whatever she does she has no way of knowing whether the man is only interested in sex or something more serious. And for most men there is a HUGE range of 'will fuck once' and a much smaller range of 'will LTR.'
At least as a man if we're interested in a woman we can try to fuck her and if that's all she wanted well, great. Maybe a bit of a let down if we thought more of her but it's a nice consolation prize. And when we reach above our station we simply get rejected rather than fucked with a penis and left on read.
Lone_Ranger 2 1w ago
I don't think these girls are sad after a HU because the guy left them....they are sad because for one moment of clarity, they are able to see themselves for what they are: just a wet hole.
It's the female version of post nut clarity. They suddenly realize that the kind of man that they desire has no interest in the kind of woman that they are.
this is stage 1 of the female downfall. Most of them go through this. The problem is that they keep going, they keep thinking if that if they just keep sleeping with more men, then eventually one of them is going to keep them.
Some of them will stay on the CC for 15 years. Bouncing from chad to chad. Always just going through 'the talking phase'. (how I loathe that phrase! talking means using speech, but what they really mean is sex. A better phrase would be 'trial period'. When a woman says 'talking phase' what she really means is that she is giving up the goods to some guy that has zero interest in an LTR. )
the issue is this - very few of them ever realise the truth of the sexual market place - men fuck down and date up. women fuck up and date down.
It's so easy for a young woman to fuck upwards in the value chain, because guys will fuck down the value chain. Think about it - women will LTR a man that they would never consider hooking up with.... and men will fuck women that they would never consider marrying. Women fuck up, men fuck down. Women marry down, men marry up.
When a woman lets some guy fuck her and he then gives her the slow ghost or doesn't return her calls, she is confronted with the reality that makes her sad: that the guy that she just fucked was out of her league in the relationship market. that is what makes them sad.
SeasonedRP 1 1w ago
I'm seeing a lot of blue pill thinking in the comments. Women don't have to be "played into" hookups, and plenty of them do so with no intention of any long term relationship. They don't want to be judged sluts, but given the right opportunity, they absolutely will initiate hookups. Solo female travelers, girls on a girls' trip, and bachelorette parties all regularly lead to women hooking up with men whom they know they won't see again.
wswZtyqNGQ 1w ago
Bingo. The post from OP is the standard histrionic victim theatrics.
All of the posters will go right back to texting Chad for a hookup the next time they're horny.
First-light 1w ago
These women are not lying. Its hard to feel great sympathy for women these days because they are so entitled and ungrateful but if anything will make you feel compassion, its stuff like this. They are weak by nature. They really need protecting but since they have all the rights, they use them to abuse everyone including themselves and make everyone unhappy. They only happy ones are the pushy Chads who play them into hookups. Pretty sordid though really.
If you want casual sex and are dealing with hardened sluts who are not upset by hookups, then go enjoy but maybe leave the ones not yet ruined alone? The viewing of women merely as sexual prey is one aspect of some red pill thought that does not sit well with me. Its important to see them as people with feelings as well.
Lone_Ranger 2 1w ago
solid post man.