Those who have studied quantum theory are aware of the thought experiment known as Schrodinger’s cat. For those unfamiliar, the experiment involved putting a cat in a closed box with some radioactive material and poison. To be brief, the results of the experiment proved that the state of the cat could be represented as simultaneously dead and alive at the same time mathematically.

Schrodinger’s slut is a method for reminding oneself of all the negative aspects of today’s western feminist women—high(er) partner counts, bitchy/unpleasant attitudes, entitlement, hypergamy, lack of general scruples, inability to be frugal, and other AWALT characteristics.

Women are either sluts or not. There is not an in between. While men may disagree regarding the specific number that makes a woman a slut, or the specific behaviors, or the articles of clothing they wear, men generally think of a woman as a slut or not. Or, as you may be more familiar with, think of a woman as relationship material or not.

The idea of Schrodinger’s slut is that a woman can be a slut and a “saint” at the same time. Example: your woman could dress nicely, act feminine, and be pleasant to be around. She could also have had a gangbang with the football team one month ago. These two things don’t contradict each other or result in anomalies. It is possible for both events to exist at the same time.

In fact, this paragraph implies that even the most RPW-ish of women can be sluts. Don’t get blinded by your hormones and their perfume. Not all feminine and submissive women have a low-partner count, are unentitled, and are not prone to hypergamy. Read: AWALT.

Now, I want to take this further.

As many of you may know, today, on college campuses in the U.S.A., regarding rape accusations, men are presumed guilty until innocent. The due process clauses of Amendment V and Amendment XIV of the United States Constitution no longer apply to men, as college rape tribunals judge men (and declare them guilty).

Do the same to women. Stop assuming they are not a slut by default, and start assuming they are a slut by default. Chances are, in today’s world, where many women ride the cock carousel from an early age and do not settle down until they have expired, you will be correct in assuming she is a slut. With that established, the revised version of Schrodinger’s slut is as follows: All women are sluts until proven otherwise.

In case you have a problem accepting this—because you cannot in good conscience think of all women as sluts—let me pose a question to you? Do you think that most women out there have a positive view of most men?

The answer is no. Most women don’t find most men attractive, and loathe the hordes of unattractive betas they see. Most women have no problem getting what they want out of you without giving anything in return; they know that they simply need to have a pretty face and that they can get you to do stuff for them that you wouldn’t do for other (uglier) women or for men. And, probably the most relevant, most women will have no problem hamstering away or lying about their sexual partner count in an effort to deceive you.

It isn’t much for you to simply think of women as sluts, when in fact they think lowly of most men by default.