Those who have studied quantum theory are aware of the thought experiment known as Schrodinger’s cat. For those unfamiliar, the experiment involved putting a cat in a closed box with some radioactive material and poison. To be brief, the results of the experiment proved that the state of the cat could be represented as simultaneously dead and alive at the same time mathematically.
Schrodinger’s slut is a method for reminding oneself of all the negative aspects of today’s western feminist women—high(er) partner counts, bitchy/unpleasant attitudes, entitlement, hypergamy, lack of general scruples, inability to be frugal, and other AWALT characteristics.
Women are either sluts or not. There is not an in between. While men may disagree regarding the specific number that makes a woman a slut, or the specific behaviors, or the articles of clothing they wear, men generally think of a woman as a slut or not. Or, as you may be more familiar with, think of a woman as relationship material or not.
The idea of Schrodinger’s slut is that a woman can be a slut and a “saint” at the same time. Example: your woman could dress nicely, act feminine, and be pleasant to be around. She could also have had a gangbang with the football team one month ago. These two things don’t contradict each other or result in anomalies. It is possible for both events to exist at the same time.
In fact, this paragraph implies that even the most RPW-ish of women can be sluts. Don’t get blinded by your hormones and their perfume. Not all feminine and submissive women have a low-partner count, are unentitled, and are not prone to hypergamy. Read: AWALT.
Now, I want to take this further.
As many of you may know, today, on college campuses in the U.S.A., regarding rape accusations, men are presumed guilty until innocent. The due process clauses of Amendment V and Amendment XIV of the United States Constitution no longer apply to men, as college rape tribunals judge men (and declare them guilty).
Do the same to women. Stop assuming they are not a slut by default, and start assuming they are a slut by default. Chances are, in today’s world, where many women ride the cock carousel from an early age and do not settle down until they have expired, you will be correct in assuming she is a slut. With that established, the revised version of Schrodinger’s slut is as follows: All women are sluts until proven otherwise.
In case you have a problem accepting this—because you cannot in good conscience think of all women as sluts—let me pose a question to you? Do you think that most women out there have a positive view of most men?
The answer is no. Most women don’t find most men attractive, and loathe the hordes of unattractive betas they see. Most women have no problem getting what they want out of you without giving anything in return; they know that they simply need to have a pretty face and that they can get you to do stuff for them that you wouldn’t do for other (uglier) women or for men. And, probably the most relevant, most women will have no problem hamstering away or lying about their sexual partner count in an effort to deceive you.
It isn’t much for you to simply think of women as sluts, when in fact they think lowly of most men by default.
texan11moore 10y ago
Just as Victor Hugo said: "Toutes les femmes sont des putes, sauf ma mere par respect"
Translation: Every woman is a slut, except my mother
that I respect out of respect.Edit: thanks /u/TheDefinition for pointing out the mistake in translation.
throwbp 10y ago
Every woman is a slut, except my mother. But don't ask my father about her.
TheDefinition 10y ago
Except my mother, out of respect. And he also excepted his sister and wife.
monsieurhire2 10y ago
The word pute is French for whore, not slut. Whores require payment in money or other holders of value. Sluts require payment only in cock, although many insist on not taking any less than 7 inches.
Roadside-Strelok 10y ago
Source? Last time I checked it was made up, kind of like:
yougotshitonyourass 10y ago
Don't need to quote V.Hugo or else, ROK provide a really great article on the subject : Act as if every girl is a slut
AvailableUsername32 10y ago
Wow, so I've searched for the quote and found a longer version
"Toutes les femmes sont des putes sauf ma mère par respect, ma soeur par fierté et ma femme par dignité" - Victor Hugo.
Translation: Every woman is a whore, except my mother out of respect, my sister out of pride and my wife out of dignity.
PlebDestroyer 10y ago
Lol I said except my family while I was reading this.
[deleted] 10y ago
[deleted] 10y ago
How do we prove this duality? Young's double slut experiment.
j0hnan0n 10y ago
I hate to nitpick, overthink, or miss the forest for the trees...but I'd hate more if our sub fell to the same mental pitfalls as so many other philosophical/social movements.
I agree with you on what you're saying - your general point - but Schrodinger used the cat thought experiment to prove some of the absurdities of misconception some people had about quantum mechanics. His whole point was that a cat CAN'T be both alive and dead at the same time.
One (~possibly) better way to work what you're trying to get across (at least as far as I think I understand you) might be: In the same way that a cat in a box can't be both alive and dead at the same time, a woman can't reasonably expect to live in vice (riding the CC, taking the time and resources of betas to satisfy her indulgences, etc etc) while simultaneously considering herself virtuous. But the society we live in tolerates the pretense that women are by default innocent in general, and that when a misdeed occurs involving both a man and a woman, the male is considered guilty by assumption, since the woman is considered innocent until proven guilty, and vice versa with the man.
One male solution to this problem is to keep a kind of duality in one's mind when dealing with females. Be aware of their contradictory, fallacious mindset (frame) and never enter it; but at the same time don't verbally express judgment of the woman (or women in general) or her views, beliefs, and choices/history.
If your judgment is realistic and based on objective reasoning, she will likely reject it as clashing with her feelings and beliefs. If you instead merely observe, offering no judgment, you give them nothing to hamster over, nothing to get defensive over, nothing to try to rationalize or excuse.
The thought experiment is worth considering, and I'd like to repeat that your post has merit and valid points. But it doesn't hurt to take the analogy to it's full and final extrapolation, and to be informed about a common misconception (that somewhere there's a cat that remains immortal until someone opens the box, observes it's state, collapses the wave function, and is hit in the face with a cloud of cyanide and/or the smell of a decomposing cat.)
inb4: let's see how this turns out. Will I get a flood of downvotes and hatemail, or will y'all be neutral AF?
R4F1 10y ago
I think that's essentially the point of OP. Just as a cat cannot be both dead or alive, the woman cannot be both a slut and virtuous. So as a man, you assume she's a slut by default. Your opinion may change along the road, but till then she's just another slut (and it's simply your turn with her).
[deleted] 10y ago
This was a brilliant take on this. I think it is more realistic and less cynical.
j0hnan0n 10y ago
Well thanks. More realistic and less cynical is what I aim for.
NeoreactionSafe 10y ago
Sluts are female Losers.
Hypergamy is NOT about women wanting to be fucked by endless men. Their goal is to actually land the highest man they can get.
The "problem" is that their strategy is weak.
Riding the Cock Carousel is just bad strategy. Women basically "lose wealth" each time they get ridden.
The "coverup" (Schrödinger’s Slut) is an effort to backtrack over past errors and attempt to preserve value while knowing full well that value is already lost.
An obvious sign of "Loser Status" in women is when they have tattoos.
Tattoos are a women's way of signaling their desire to attract the "bad boy". Since they have already tasted this type of man and are already willing to disfigure themselves to attract them you can be guaranteed they are already losers.
The Charming young beautiful woman has the best chance of not being degraded already.
Charm is the evidence of higher intelligence in females (women's Game) so it's an indicator of health.
Choose the Charming, reject the Loser.
Saturday Night Live has been having sketches about these "Loser Women" lately. The message seems to be spreading. Even within the far Left of SNL they realize that women are getting too trashy to remain desireable.
[deleted] 10y ago
[deleted] 10y ago
ErasmusOrgasmus 10y ago
Better approach: just spin plates and don't worry about any of that shit.
jb_trp 10y ago
Yes, girls can and do hide this. Ask any girl their partner count. They'll all say "five." Every girl I've ever dated has told me she's been with five guys. Maybe I'm just always luck number 6? Not likely.
The truth is that a girl can get laid any day she wants. Many do.
TRP is about having your eyes opened. It's very, very rare to assume a girl hasn't slept with a number of guys by the time she's 25, so you should just assume she's been with 12. Or 15. Or 50.
There are plenty of stories published on here about girls who get married to their beta bucks, only later for the man to find out they really had a "great time" in their 20s.
So... The point of this post was right on. You should assume every girl you meet, no matter how sweet, to be a slut until proven otherwise.
BlaiseDB 10y ago
Number 6? The Prisoner!
Some research suggests that by age 25 the notch count for half might be <6 and about 1 in 4 have 15+. Less than 1 in 10, but probably closer to 1 in 20, will reach 25 as a virgin.
[deleted] 10y ago
I like this one because the idea of sluts as female losers has the potential to reconcile the sex-relationship gatekeeper dichotomy. I remember going to RPW seeing the same idea and just let it slide. I'll take note of this.
NeoreactionSafe 10y ago
There are some wickedly smart women over there.
They know Charm.
wiseclockcounter 10y ago
wolves in sheeps clothing if you ask me. there's nothing more terrifying than one of those "beautiful" 34 y/o mothers of 2 who have everyone else convinced of their innocence and victimhood. their strategic leverage is way too high and they have 10,000 hours of practice under their belt.
NeoreactionSafe 10y ago
Actually you are right about the Red Pill Women.
Charm is female Game, so they are wolves in sheeps clothing.
Red Pill complains about Shit Tests (frontal attack) but the Charming woman will seek to outwit you with her Game through Charm. (deceptive attack) I guess some men would prefer being yelled at, but most would probably prefer dealing with Charm.
It's a difference in intelligence. Smarter women Charm.
LeDispute 10y ago
Do you feel the statement about tattoos is accurate for all women? One of my exes got tattooed after our relationship.
NeoreactionSafe 10y ago
Women signal Beauty in the hopes of locating men who hold those ideals of Beauty inside them.
Her signaling is saying:
"I want a man with tattoo's who is not Beta, but is a Bad Boy."
Her signaling is NOT saying:
"I want a man who is wealthy and exists at a higher SMV." means she's "given up" on the true Alpha, but choosing the Bad Boy over the Beta.
Sorry, but it probably means you were Beta to her.
Expect her to get a drug dealer type boyfriend next and continue to go downhill.
Be thankful she's out of your life her path will go down, not up. She's a loser.
LeDispute 10y ago
No need to say sorry lol. I'm covered in tattoos. I broke off the relationship with her and I'm glad I dodged a bullet. Thanks for replying though, that explained it more to me.
NeoreactionSafe 10y ago
Well heck... then she's an Alpha Widow then. She's hung up on you.
[deleted] 10y ago
NeoreactionSafe 10y ago
Beauty, Charm, Game.
Men hold Beauty inside themselves. ("The eye of the beholder"). Men actually "own" Romantic or Beautiful experiences more than women do. We are the Romantics. Men are the artists of Beauty because if we don't believe it's Beautiful it's not Beautiful no matter how hard the women try to sell us. Fat Acceptance fails because we can't believe in unhealthy concepts of Beauty.
Women, however, realize they can capture your heart and take your Power over Beauty from you. This is the secret of their Charm. Charm is how women manipulate men to experience Beauty towards them.
Think of this as "Beauty Theft" because it goes from your "eye" to their Game toolbox.
Oneitis is having your sense of Beauty stolen.
Where it all goes south for women is when they get played.
The loser gets played endlessly (Cock Carousel) while the Charming (Game aware) woman uses her Charm with "Focus" to get what they want. (new movie coming out)
Red Pill needs to dig deeper into Charm and Beauty and it's relation to Game. These are all interconnected, but not fully fleshed out yet.
"What is Beauty?" needs to be a top level post. (tried once, but didn't go far)
ol_durrrty 10y ago
I too would like to see your analysis. I like that you're relating it to the concepts of the Gervais principal. Maybe you could do a comparison of guy's game (not that we really need it with an understanding of alpha and beta characteristics) to girl's game and roles?
NeoreactionSafe 10y ago
I'm a junior level Red Pill writer. If one of the big guys can handle it better than I can they should. It's serious work to write top level posts because if you have any weakness in your writing you get jumped on. We will see.
ol_durrrty 10y ago
Saw your post and just wanted to tie the loop here. Good luck. It's tough to articulate what you mean in a succinct manner without everyone jumping over the point and bashing you.
Meglomaniac 10y ago
One thing to note, I think the stigma against female tattoos is a bit old fashioned.
Cultures change, I think the most important thing to note is the QUALITY of the tattoos.
A woman with an expensive, extremely well done, sleeve is very attractive to me. Its basically art and if its done well and has a lot of personal meaning, I dont agree that it lowers SMV or is an indicator to a low value woman.
That being said, a number of LOW QUALITY tattoos DOES indicate a low quality woman with terrible decision making skills. Does she have a back full of shitty stars, a rainbow, an anchor, or any other images picked out of a book? Then shes a dumb tramp who has ruined her body.
thegman84 10y ago
I'm not arguing with you about how it should be, but the very fact that we ARE having this argument shows many people still hold a social stigma about tattoos whether they should or not. The reality is that there ARE people who assume you are trashy if you have tattoos regardless of the quality.
I'm surrounded by people with 6 figure salaries in my office and visible tattoos are an absolute no-go. There's an image the company wants to maintain and I know my company isn't unique. Regardless of how you feel about tattoos or social stigma, you cut yourself out of opportunities by having them.
oldredder 10y ago
A full sleeve is a whole other story: pretty much if it's not your living to show off tattoos like a model or do them, it's not exactly normal. It has a negative over-all connotation to me, since that's a shit-ton of money to spend on something which isn't productive (if you're a tattoo artist it then IS productive to bring people to the place you work).
Provided the tattoos are well done and not distracting I find zero effect to SMV up or down. I've never met a man who feels it is the case. This subreddit is the only place on earth anyone's ever said different.
[deleted] 10y ago
And if someone cuts off their own foot, does it really matter if it was done with a hacksaw or a surgical tool? It's still disfigurement, plain and simple, and it telegraphs poor decision making and future orientation.
BipolarGod 10y ago
This is your opinion.
Let's not confuse facts with RP wisdom.
oldredder 10y ago
except disfigurement is a normal tribal activity for most humans across all spans of history and geography - and is in fact normal for most males in Western society as we call it circumcision - so is that also a low SMV marker?
Venicedreaming 10y ago
Then that's an attack on people with tattoos in general. There are many sane and successful people who wear ink: doctors, lawyers, engineers, CEO ect. It's the 21st century man, stigma against ink needs to go
symko 10y ago
That's funny! the Latin word for tattoo is stigma. Here is my take on the entire thing. Would I get a tattoo? No! I was trained in commercial art and I have seen too many lousy tattoos to have some rookie try his hand on my skin. If I were to get a tattoo, it would be because I did it and even then there is nothing that I would consider interesting enough to get tattooed to my skin. That's what customized t-shirts are for.
Before the Trayvon Martin incident occurred, I happily wore hoodies around town, after dark, everywhere. After that, only indoors while I slept. The association is something that I don't need. Not that there is anything wrong with hoodies. My personal standards wouldn't allow me to wear them anymore. My personal standards also don't allow me to get a tattoo. The chick I'm seeing even judges certain outfits with the exposure of her back tattoo so I know people with tattoos are concerned about that slightly. Besides a cool t-shirt that no one else has pulls in a lot of views.
TL:DR Expressionism is fun and tattoos are good at doing just that. For those with personal opinions about them, judge them for yourself, not for others.
[deleted] 10y ago
Stigma is a Greek word. The Latin word for tattoo is "nota". Arguments from etymology like this are usually unsound.
A customizable t-shirt doesn't have the same impact on yourself and others as a tattoo does. ITs a little silly to compare them as if they were even similar. I think they're great for changing / reinforcing your self-image. If there's nothing you feel so strongly about that you'd want it etched into your skin, then that just means you don't believe in anything (tattoo appropriate) with that degree of strength. Not all thoughts are appropriate to the medium.
symko 10y ago
The Oatmeal
To each his own, I do thank you for your insight.
Venicedreaming 10y ago
Man, you shouldn't be in a position to be discouraged of wearing hoodies, that's a whack move on society's part. But i see why you feel that way, but it really isn't fair to you. So what i am saying is, society has a certain norms that was correct at one point, doesn't mean those norms or stigmas are correct now. And if you are directly affected by those stigma, be it hoodies or tattoos, you need to speak out and make the world a better place for you and your children.
[deleted] 10y ago
Wait what? Tattoos really? How about a male having a tattoo?
TomSachs 10y ago
Trying to show a female he's a "bad boy." There are obvious exceptions to every rule so don't get too butthurt that you probably have some tattoos
[deleted] 10y ago
Yeah if I see a chick with a tattoo, dream catcher hanging from her car's rear view mirror, or cigarettes, I know that it'll be easy to get it in. These three strongly correlate with the woman being extremely loose ime. Although on an interesting note in other words what I'm saying is that these women both have more public promiscuity (not smart enough to hide it to preserve value) and lower thresholds for men (you may not be good enough) so ymmv.
[deleted] 10y ago
[deleted] 10y ago
What does money have to do with anything I said?
oldredder 10y ago
alternative reason can be exclusionary
[deleted] 10y ago
thegman84 10y ago
Do you have anything to back up what you are saying?
It seems like this is just your impression rather than something you can demonstrate.
Pre-emptive edit: 2 or 3 examples is not proof.
NotAnAutomaton 10y ago
You have a stupidly conservative view of tattoos
oldredder 10y ago
Indeed. It's not empirical, it's an assumption that no one here is willing to challenge. My personal observation: is not true
spicy_fries 10y ago
It's empirical. But not your precious snowflake... she didn't ride the CC because she told you so. And she'd never break your trust by lying to you would she?
NotAnAutomaton 10y ago
I dont have a girl with ink but ink dont have shit to do with it.
R4F1 10y ago
Tattoos fall under red flags. This is common knowledge by now.
oldredder 10y ago
common assumption but never actually proven. Certainly defies all my observations
R4F1 10y ago
Its a red flag, as in its harmless all on its own, but the more "red flags" you collect, the more she falls closer to the red zone. A tattoo is usually a good indicator of a person's character or interests. In the case of women, it can often allude to promiscuity and defiance (against parents wishes), or simply shitty judgment.
oldredder 10y ago
hm, to me a red flag is harmful on its own and additional red flags are worse.
What's harmless on its own is never a red flag to me.
Is a girl a liar? Cheater? Has signs of babies-rabies? Each 1 is a red flag.
character & interests: art, body expression, creativity. Not a red flag at all. Defiance against parents wishes: that's not a red flag to me. Parents and children don't agree 99% of the time and this is of no consequence to me and no help.
Promiscuity: no. I've personally observed no difference with or without tattoos if a girl is promiscuous or not. The only strong indicator I can find is if she turned pretty sooner than other girls her age, got boobs first or has daddy problems, like daddy is a pimp or a drug dealer or has 10 girlfriends or isn't there at all. Tattoo: not even 10th running on the list.
Shitty judgment: only if it's a bad tattoo, in which case, I will certainly keep that in mind and give her no chance to arrange anything of mine to suit her eye's preferences
R4F1 10y ago
A red flag is a red flag. Its supposed to act as a caution. Danger may or may not be imminent.
oldredder 10y ago
That's not how I use "red flag". "warning / yellow flag" is a maybe. Red flag is a no-go.
thegman84 10y ago
You have a tenuous grasp on the meaning of a "red flag".....
If I see someone driving behind me with a smashed in bumper, it's a red flag. Sure it absolutely does not mean they did anything wrong--somebody may have ran into them, might have been their teenager's fault, hell a tree might have fallen on their car during a storm. But the second I see that smashed bumper, I want to get in a different lane cause I don't want them behind me.
A cheater, an STD, babies-rabbies......that ain't a red flag bro....That's DEFCON-1.
oldredder 10y ago
Your soft version of red flag may as well be a mild orange or a sunset shade of yellow.
[deleted] 10y ago
How do I sign my ex up for this experiment?
Seriously, whenever my mind drifts and I daydream that the woman I'm with is my special snowflake, four words pop up in my mind to wake me up and bring me back to reality: It's Just Your Turn.
Hennez 10y ago
The moment I read the title I knew where the post was going and I inmediately agreed.
That's exactly the mindset that is required in order to get them doing anything for you. It's like they can sense it and tend to inmediately react to it.
[deleted] 10y ago
Schrödinger's cat was a famously hypergamic Burmese called Bovary. He nexted her after the experiment was done.
Also, I'm not sure whether to upvote this or not; what is the schrodinger-derived epithet for my dilemma, gentlesir?
steelerfaninperu 10y ago
Proof of this:
Almost every girl, when asked how many guys she had been with, told me I was the third one. I heard this about 6 times in a row. After the third time, I thought that was peculiar.
As the years went on of spinning plates with these girls, one eventually fessed up to have boned over 50 dudes.
So yes, slutty until proven otherwise. Which is fine, I for one welcome more sluts because I want to get laid.
[deleted] 10y ago
systemshock869 10y ago
So ironic. The thing we want from them immediately kills our respect when they give it to us. Sort of like being a nice guy.
Blatant lies don't help though. Whenever I see one of these 'women do this but men do that so it evens out' situations, the men side of things is almost always better/more respectable. You can hamster about the importance and relativity of peoples' feelings but in reality, realz trumps feelz in all but the most insignificant cases.
vengefully_yours 10y ago
I had one that I knew exactly how many dicks she had. 1 until I got sick. I popped it when she was 21, and she was homely enough that only desperate losers hit on her. Me getting fucked up by a chemical was enough to put me below desperate losers long enough for her to think she could do better. As far as I knew before I cut contact entirely she had 5 dicks. 9 years of only me, now at 32 her cc ride will be somewhat less than cute girls. Most I know claim less than ten, but meeting guys they fucked and hearing about ex's shows they had more.
They are all sluts, they simply need the opportunity and lack of consequence to act on it.
steelerfaninperu 10y ago
And some just don't know it yet, as your experience somewhat highlighted. I've definitely turned some girls towards the slutty light.
What irritates me to no end is how far they will go to pretend they're not, to mask their true intentions, to trick unaware men into believing they've found some magic fairy princess angel from another planet where dick is prohibited.
And it makes that man feel like his cock must be special. And every man loves that feeling.
TRP knows better, and I like this.
vengefully_yours 10y ago
Telling yourself anything else is delusional at best, detrimental at worst. Sluts gonna slut, they all have the capability, some just don't have the looks to really slut.
Deathbeglory 10y ago
I don't mind a lot of material here on TRP, but this QM metaphor is pretty stupid. Such an amazing topic: Wave-particle duality! Observation changes the state of matter! Offers us so much insight into the nature of our universe! And you use it as an intro into a short blurb on how women can be sluts and saints at the same time. In my opinion, you make the TRP community look dumber and less legitimate by making such comparisons.
Aerobus 10y ago
Here's what you can do to make TRP better: post your own content that competes with other content. The ideas that are deemed the best will be upvoted and focused on.
Here's what you can't do to make TRP better: post a useless comment in which all you do is talk about how the post is bad (without offering a good criticism) and then bash TRP.
Aerobus 10y ago
I'll try again. If people don't like my post, that is fine. If they think it is "a lazy shitpost," that is fine. If you feel the need to make it known to me that it is a lazy shitpost, that's cool too.
But you're not offering anything in your comment. Do you understand what I'm saying? You're saying my post is bad, and that's it.
Why is it bad? What do you think about this topic? Do you have something of substance to say?
You may not like/not agree with what I wrote, but at least I wrote something. I put my ideas down on paper, and 160 people liked it. You didn't.
So I ask you, are you going to make a comment that helps contribute value to our sub or not? As far as I know, disagreement is allowed on TRP, but you need to make a point. If you're going to disagree with my argument, present an argument of your own.
If, however, you choose to disagree and not offer any argument (which is exactly what you've done) I not only am not going to take you seriously, but will report you. Again, as far as I know, simply bashing people's views without offering a counterargument is not accepted. If it were accepted, the comments would be a cesspool. That's not what any of us want. We want the comments to be beneficial to all the readers.
While you may think that I'm getting my feelings hurt, or that I can't take criticism, the reality is the issue here isn't me, but you. I stated my views. You chose to disagree, but the manner in which you are disagreeing shows me that you either have no counterargument or are choosing not to give one.
With that said, since I am in fact open to people's opinions: why is my post a shit-post?
If you explain why, I'll take you seriously. If you don't, and post another useless comment, I'll simply report you and move on.
oldredder 10y ago
You don't have a topic or anything to disagree with.
You have a conclusion: "assume all girls are sluts"
You have nonsense to start it which is "Schroedinger's slut" which has no relation, connection or follow-through to the conclusion at all.
You may as well have started "the sky is blue" and "along the way sometimes we don't give a fuck if the sky is red, blue, etc..." and ended with "assume all girls are sluts"
That's the kind of post you wrote.
If you report me for posting this I'll report you and you'll be banned first.
Shit-posts get bans faster than commenting that a shit-post is a shit-post.
I dare you
Literally the only value you've ATTRACTED, not posted but ATTRACTED, is those who want to add to "all girls are sluts" or to argue about false rape. That's pretty much it. Your shit-post just became a container upon which comments sit which have value while the post itself has regurgitation, no logical flow-through and you know this start to finish so pretending you don't know this is a shit-post is completely dishonest, not whatsoever believable
Aerobus 10y ago
I disagree. The topic of my post is pretty clear. You are allowed to disagree with it.
It's a catchy title meant to get people's attention.
lol. If you really hate me that much, report me. I don't think the mods will ban me for writing a post and sticking to my guns. I've been civil in all my talks with you, and you are unnecessarily combative.
If this is a shit post as you say, why was it 76% upvoted?
Er, ok.
Here's what I know: My post wasn't a shitpost and I stand by it. Many people liked it, indicative of the comments agreeing with it and the upvote ratio. For whatever reason, you are butthurt and unnecessarily combative. Instead of offering a solid counterargument, all you're saying is that you think my post is a shitpost because 1) you don't like my title 2) you don't like my conclusion. In addition to all of that, you are combative and rude for no reason.
Have a good day.
oldredder 10y ago
Your title included a word people don't usually see, a word they love to see "slut" and concluded with "assume all girls are sluts"
It's a click-bait and nothing more.
Saying you'll report me and expect me to be banned for not agreeing with you is entirely uncivil so no, you're a liar and a shit-poster.
Aerobus 10y ago
As a side note, there have been many comments on this thread that I upvoted. They are good comments; they reiterated my view, tangentially related to this post, offered additional insight, etc.
Your comments have not done any of that. That is why I'm pressing you to come with something more than "a lazy shit-post."
If you actually have something to say, I look forward to reading it. If you don't, I look forward to your ban.
Aerobus 10y ago
You still don't have an argument and are just complaining, FYI.
oldredder 10y ago
FYI that's your denial only. My argument is clear & concise. Detailed and correct.
dy-lanthedane 10y ago
Schrödinger's cat was not a real experiment. It was more a thought exercise.
Aerobus 10y ago
Either post something better/competes with this, or stop talking.
oldredder 10y ago
literally 80% of what's been posted today is better so you can stop talking now
alritealritealrite 10y ago
What is reddit's obsession with mentioning schrodinger? I have never heard the term used outside of reddit.
Glenbert 10y ago
It was mentioned on the Big Bang Theory?
[deleted] 10y ago
Aerobus 10y ago
This has nothing to do with my heart being bruised. Like you said in the very beginning of your comment, assuming that a woman is a slut by default is the safest thing to do. While the football team example is extreme and unlikely, forcing men to accept that vivid image is the best way to take women off the pedestal.
And by the way, I'm not saying men shouldn't date sluts. I mean, I don't think they should, but that isn't the point of my post. My post is simply to assume women are sluts by default (because chances are, they are).
moonroots64 10y ago
Do people actually believe that every woman can be categorized to such an extreme degree? There is truly not even a single person whose life experiences and behavior defies this very broad classification? Give me a break.
Every person is quite different, and believing that every person can be simply shoved into large and ill-defined categories is the most simple and basic understanding. Honestly, give me a definition of "slut" that I can put every single woman either into or out of, and you deserve a Noble Prize. Real life, real people, are far more complex. Trying to distill entire individuals who are a unique product of their experiences and genetics is... well, it's naive.
I mean, anyone who happens to read this, can your entire life/personality/identity be distilled into one descriptor? Are people either alphas or betas, ALWAYS and EXCLUSIVELY? Can't people have characteristics of one AND the other?
I will openly admit, and ban me if you want it's ok, that I think many of RP's principles are flawed. I also will admit there are certain and quite limited ideology that I tend to support or at least recognize the importance of. However, this community's willingness to go "black or white" with characterizing human beings is just wrong. Try to be more nuanced, and actually engage with the complexity of human personalities, differences, and communities.
EDIT: ps, for a community exploring sexual STRATEGY, isnt the more rational strategy to just recognize female diversity and just focus on the group you're interested in? Why lie to yourself by assuming false pretenses of "either slut or not"?
Also, comparing human psychology/sociology to the most basic laws of physics is absurd. Again, show me a definition of slut, or blow my fucking mind and mathematically explain how all females are either sluts or not.
R4F1 10y ago
This is precisely WHY Schrodinger's Slut makes sense. Either X is a slut or she isn't. To someone, an N-count of 1+ could qualify as slut, to another an N-count of 5+ could qualify as slut.
It's a normative/subjective perception. Meaning one man's slut is another man's wife!....
Jokes aside, nobody is saying X is slut and its a universal fact. It differs from person to person, but on that individual basis, either she is a slut or she isn't. To me, anyone with 1+ count is a slut, to you maybe its 10+. But since neither of us know what the number is, but chances are there exists a number, therefore, she is a slut by default, until we can come to our own respective conclusions (if we do find out how many she's been with, which we never will since she'll never tell).
oldredder 10y ago
MALE? no.
Women are sluts or aren't. It's that simple.
[deleted] 10y ago
Assume all women are sluts? Hmm an interesting point. In essence, if you can't accept a woman has had a large number of partners, then you shouldn't settle down with her. Think of it as a fixed liability variable.
You meet and a woman and start thinking long term, then decide whether or not you would still want to be with with her if she had a count of thirty guys in her history. If that number is too large then bug out.
Also don't assume that a high number count means a woman is awesome as sex, or that a low number means she's lame at sex. Some of the best sex I've had has been women who got a late start in life when it came to sex (one girl didn't lose her V-card till she was 24, I was her fourth and she was kinky as fuck, and another girl married a guy right out of high school, got divorced and was with one other guy before I had her, once I got her started she was fun as fuck).
I never confess to a girl that used to go to NA (narcotics anonymous) to pick up women (had to take a friend for a few weeks and ended up getting lots of girl's numbers [they thought I was a sponsor and there were too many creepy 50+ year old guys trying way too hard to be sponsors for 21 year old girls]), I never confess I used to go to sexual addiction groups to pick up women (yeah that was really really really fun, look for the church sponsored groups, that's where the cute ones go), and a whole bunch of other shit I never confess.
I'm a scum bag and I love it. And a sufficient number of women love it as well. The ones who don't, I already know will be too boring to bother with.
[deleted] 10y ago
N/A groups and sex addiction groups. Brilliant.
[deleted] 10y ago
Remember, once you go down that route you are officially and irriversibly a scum bag. And the sex addiction groups, the only good ones are church based and oriented ones. A gay friend of mine turned me onto them because he met lots of guys at them and told me about the pretty naive girls that went there too.
Revo_Luzione 10y ago
You've mangled Schroedinger's uncertainty principle.
A more literal reading of Schroedinger's Slut-certaity Principle follows:
Premise 1: All women exist an a quasi-slut/non-slut state, which represents properties of both.
Premise 2: The only way to tell if a woman is in a slut/non-slut is to check.
Premise 3: The act of checking into her slut/non-slut status preturbs the quasi-state effect, causing her to bounce into either slut or non-slut.
KyfhoMyoba 10y ago
All analogies break down at some point - none are perfect. If they were perfect they wouldn't be analogies, they would be the thing analogized.
R4F1 10y ago
I look at it more like this:
Premise 1: Any given woman is either a slut, or isn't a slut.
Premise 2: What is a "slut" differs from person to person. Mr. X may consider N-count of 1+ to be a slut, while Mr. Y may consider N-count of 5+ to be a slut.
Premise 3: The only way to tell if a woman is a slut/non-slut is to check. In other words: Although Mr. X and Mr. Y's perception of 'slut' differs, neither of them can be sure "she" is a slut until they respectively find out her N-count.
Premise 4: You cannot find out her N-count, because she won't tell. But you know there exists a number. Therefore you assume slut by default.
Either a number exists or it doesn't (i.e., virgin), it cannot be both. If/since it exists, but you don't know what that number is, you must assume slut by default (because there exists a number besides 0). Makes sense to me.
Waldo00 10y ago
Argument of irrelevance. The physics sounding argument has nothing do with the conclusion. It sounds smarter than just saying all women should be assumed sluts.
BlaiseDB 10y ago
There is a joke in here about her simultaneously being a virgin and not a virgin until you open her box and look at the pussy.
jmottram08 10y ago
Interestingly, schrodingers experiment wasn't serious.. it was supposed to illustrate the fact that the cat can't be both alive and dead at the same time... it was a thought experiment to demonstrate a problem with quantum mechanics.
Funnily, the notion continues to your example. The idea that someone is simultaneously a virgin or not is just as absurd.
The real take home here is that if a girl is in the box (modern society), there is no real difference in her virginity status... the implication being that the idea of "virginal" dosen't apply to modern women at all.
BlaiseDB 10y ago
Oh geez, I know it was a thought experiment but:
Perhaps there is another polyamoury related joke about passing through two slits at the same time and getting interference.
seattleron 10y ago
I can handle a small tattoo on one foot, or a small flower or something on the shoulder, but a fucking sleeve or a tatoo on your arm like the overweight biker you're fucking is about as big of a turnoff as their is for me. She may as well shaved off her long, soft, feminine hair and then got a Bic out to finish off the Mr Clean look. That's how much I think tattoos can ruin a woman's attractiveness.
If you got a tramp stamp 10 years ago when you were 18 and they were popular, and now it's old and faded, I can only imagine the dozens of guys who've used that as a bullseye for whilst finishing you off over the years.
Some women, like beta men, don't understand that just because we like to do manly things, does not mean we want our women to do the same. I don't want you to have a cross tattoo on your arm while screaming obscenities at the tv watching football. I see women do that kind of stuff sometimes, emulate something I would do like building shit, and while I appreciate the effort, I quickly tell them, "Would you be more attracted to me if I had wide hips and enjoyed baking cookies while listening to Adele?"
They instantly understand and go back to pissing around on their phone while I build a shelf.
systemshock869 10y ago
My ex wife was fairly proactive and wouldn't nag me too long about completing a project before she would just try to finish it herself. It was always a face palm moment when I had to re-do what she did, or trash it entirely because she completely fucked it up. Sad when your biggest motivation for getting something done is the fear that you will have to deal with the consequences when she tries to do it herself.
BluepillProfessor 10y ago
On a related note, last week I figured out the secret of life, the universe and everything.
There are indeed two sets of rulebooks. Men use the Newtonian Physics rulebook while women are pure quantum physics.
Think about it:
Newtonian Physics: Mathematical and logical rules govern the universe. Energy can not be created or destroyed.
Quantum Physics: All reality is subjective and depends on observation. An entire fucking universe can just appear out of nothing! Nature is erratic.
Seriously, the advantage of thinking of all women as sluts is that they will adopt your frame. If you treat all women as default sluts and draw more women (sluts) into your frame then you collapse the quantum probability wave into a physical function (i.e. the slut spreads her legs for you).
[deleted] 10y ago
Mind = Blown on the Newtonian-Quantum analogy.
[deleted] 10y ago
This is what happens when you let physicists date.
sinfuste 10y ago
I've been laughing at that last sentence for a while. Nicely put.
[deleted] 10y ago
BlaiseDB 10y ago
Just to throw it out there: betas are Newtonian, alphas are QP.
oldredder 10y ago
much better analogy than the original post
[deleted] 10y ago
Quantum physics is very well defined by mathematical rules. Reality is not subjective. Schrodinger's Cat was not a serious conclusion, it was proposed to illustrate the silliness of trying to project sub-atomic scale phenomena onto the human scale.
Mattpilf 10y ago
This whole thread is full of people who have very little understanding of physics, but keep wanting to use them as analogy for their Red Pill philosophy, including OP.
BluepillProfessor 10y ago
Are you sure that the moon is there when you are not looking?
[deleted] 10y ago
Yes. Heisenberg u.p. has nothing to do with the macro scale. If you apply quantum phenomena to macro scale objects it's patently silly. The behavior of the macro scale is a function of oodles of quantum scale interactions. Think of it like this: you're at the casino watching a game of blackjack. You cannot predict who wins a given hand. Indeed, any outcome is possible. What you can predict is that given a sufficiently large number of games, the house wins. What you and others are trying to do in this thread is make an argument equivalent to this: any player can win this hand, therefore any player can win more than they lose as the number of games tends to infinity. No. The probability of this is zero. There isn't an infinite number of interactions in the moon system, but it's sufficiently large that the probability is one over some number so large none of us can ever begin to comprehend.
[deleted] 10y ago
BluepillProfessor 10y ago
Nope, this criticism of QM was made by several famous scientists based on the double slit wave/particle experiments (it is a solid particle if you observe it, but an insubstantial wave if you don't observe it).
Thus: "Is the moon there when nobody looks? Reality and the quantum theory" (1985). N. David Mermin
sailorJery 10y ago
as sure as I am that reality exists
oldredder 10y ago
I am damn sure the steak is juicy and I am unconcerned it vaguely reminds me of Tasty Wheat.
oldredder 10y ago
Is it ever not being observed? Any interaction with other matter is observation & photons aren't the only way. We have these cool things called oceans and how they move, their shape, is always in flux from the moon's mass via gravity.
[deleted] 10y ago
And of course quantum physics is nonsense in it's entirety, but it's being massively proposed today, guess why? Just as religious doctrine tainted science in the past, so does it today. Only it's not officially called religion anymore.
NotAnAutomaton 10y ago
I.....hope youre being sarcastic.
BluepillProfessor 10y ago
Actually quantum physics has never failed an experimental test. It is definitely nonsense- except that is really how the universe works.
KyfhoMyoba 10y ago
In fact, QM is THE most tested theory. Ever.
[deleted] 10y ago
[deleted] 10y ago
Quantum physics are contradictory to relativity as they claim that an observation can interfere with a particle faster than the speed of light. You can make models that work and are great tools while the underlying understanding of how it works is still wrong.
oldredder 10y ago
we can prove quantum mechanics at work. So far we can't prove a particle moves faster than the speed of light.
I think you misunderstood something.
[deleted] 10y ago
[deleted] 10y ago
Ok, I stand corrected. Every time I've read about quantum physics it has been presented together with FTL particles.
KyfhoMyoba 10y ago
'Splain Bell's Theorem and how it relates to QM. I am not a physicist.
[deleted] 10y ago
You might debate "the number" the reality is just "number" One (1) sex partner outside of the man she marries turns her into a slut that's it; it's because women define themselves by their actions as they must justify all of their behavior.
Here are some studies on the divorce statistics in relation to partner count:
Kahn and London, 1991
Laumann, Gagnon, Michael and Michaels, 1994
Heaton, 2002
Teachman, 2003
There was a study that showed up last year that I don't recall so if anyone has it please share it.
Here's a write up on the Teachman study's data and it's relationship to the heritage study's findings, it's got tables so it's easy to understand visually:
Newdist2 10y ago
Please provide links to those studies.
[deleted] 10y ago
redpillbanana 10y ago
This leads to a more dangerous concept - Schrödinger's false rape accuser. Every woman out there is X% false rape accuser and you won't know whether she is or isn't one until you have sex with her.
Feminists like to talk about Schrödinger's rapist - but at least there are serious laws against rape, laws with teeth, and if you're convicted, you'll be thrown in prison and further punished by the inmates. If you are not convicted, your life might still be ruined - your reputation will be shot and you might be thrown out of university or fired from your job as well.
There are laws against false rape accusation but they are mostly not enforced, so a false rape accuser takes little very risk in committing her crime.
Don't believe me? Check out this video: How to Ruin a Mans Life over $13. Or read the story about Brian Banks. Note that the false accusers are conspicuously not in prison.
TL;DR: if you sleep with women, you might be falsely accused. Take reasonable protective measures.
Observerwwtdd 10y ago
Do you really think there are false accusations..??
GC0W30 10y ago
Or until her boyfriend gets her pregnant while you were platonic friends with her and she accuses you of rape so that her parents let her keep seeing him.....
I am glad for abortions. Jesus Christ.
Don't fuck crazy and don't even be alone with crazy watching Star Trek reruns on the sofa while its mom is at work. .....
grewapair 10y ago
The problem with false rape charge penalties is that they are usually the result of the woman recanting. You want to encourage recanting, so you can't penalize it too harshly.
So you provide just a little penalty so that they don't make the accusation in the first place, but not so much that they refuse to recant.
redpillbanana 10y ago
I think you want to encourage murderers to turn themselves in as well - but I don't think it is a good idea to reduce the penalty for murder because of it.
All criminals get some benefit for cooperating with the justice system rather than fighting it so that should be enough to encourage recanting once they are looking down the barrel of a prison sentence.
Personally I'd rather the woman think about the hard prison time she'd be doing if she's caught falsely accusing someone. This seems more effective than depending on her to change her mind later.
Having some famous examples of people receiving stiff prison sentences because of false accusation would de-weaponize false accusations and eliminate most of the frivolous accusations, leaving only the true crazies who should go to prison.
Aerobus 10y ago
To anyone reading, let me say it again because of how important it is:
Take protective measures.
This is a portable, small audio recorder that looks like a USB drive. It is discreet, and will allow you to have proof of consent.
[deleted] 10y ago
rpscrote 10y ago
a lot of other states have single party consent for recording things
Aerobus 10y ago
Sure, record audio of your own home at all times. Argue that you always record audio in your place of residence, regardless if you're having sex or not. It just so happened that there was a woman you brought over and had sex with.
[deleted] 10y ago
You realize that gives the impression that you might murder her in her sleep, yes?
If someone, especially a hook up I don't really know, did that I would run like hell because that is insane.
Money_Bags97 10y ago
I'm still relatively new to RP and I've heard so many posts on here of guys saying to record conversations, take screenshots of texts, and undeniable proof of consent in case she accuses you of rape. Is it really that common for a woman to do that?
I never hear of false rape accusations besides on this sub. I guess since any sane man would never falsely accuse someone of something, we don't expect a woman would do it to us, until its too late.
redpillbanana 10y ago
It's probably not that common, but the important point is that there's no penalty when a woman is caught falsely accusing a man of rape. That basically weaponizes the false accusation.
Imagine every woman in your country is walking around with a gun. Every woman can point that gun at any man who has had intimate relations with her (or even ones that haven't), pull the trigger, and ruin his life - with no consequence to her. The only thing keeping her from pulling the trigger is her own personal code of morals/ethics.
How safe would you feel?
OKJaded 10y ago
I don't think people go around bragging about it. Hence, you don't hear about it as much.
Aerobus 10y ago
Common? Probably not. Possible? Yes. Are an increasing number of women doing this? Yes.
Alright tell you what. Go ahead and have sex and don't get undeniable proof that she consented. Take a chance with your life, career, friends, family, and everything you care about. Report back to me how that goes.
[deleted] 10y ago
Believe it or don't but what I have read, in school, where I studied Victim Advocacy, is that it's somewhere between 2-4% that falsely accuse.
KyfhoMyoba 10y ago
That 2-4% may be true for most felonies. With rape, it's closer to 40%. Air Force did a study, as well as NYPD. Ask a detective at a large metro PD. They discourage a LOT of women from (falsely) filing rape charges. It's really gotten ridiculous.
vandaalen 10y ago
I don't live in the USA, but to me it has become sort of a hysteria and the counterpart of "Watch out, cuz all men are rapists!"
Does it happen? Yes. Surely. Does it happen frequently? No. Can you take steps to prevent it? Yes. Don't stick your dick into crazy and don't shit where you eat.
On the other hand: Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't after you.
arnieschwarz 10y ago
You can ask mr. Kachelmann for an example from your country. His accuser lives in the same city as I do, so it's real here as well.
vandaalen 10y ago
Lady Gaga has been raped. I guess this proves that rape hysteria among femicunts is justified?
I didn't deny it doesn't happen, I just deny that it is a real threat to worry about at the moment. An estimate 20.000 people die of multi-resistant bacteria in hospitals every year in Germany alone. I'd say that that is something I worry much more about, than about being faced with false rape accusations.
My personal opinion on Kachelmann by the way is, that he was unfortunate enough to be a celebrity and had a public image quite contrary to what his personality is. That lead to a media-hysteria and the Bild-Zeitung together with that fuckface Alice Schwarzer opened up a witch-hunt and put pressure on the court. That trial lasted way longer than would have been necessary.
Lastly Kachelmann obviously stuck his dick into crazy.
Gallows9 10y ago
I just don't understand why it's such a big deal to people. Is it awful? Sure. But it's your own fault for being in a situation like that. I've been raped twice and both times it was because I drank entirely too much and couldn't take care of myself. Lesson learned.
cooledcannon 10y ago
I dont think its common at all. You dont have to worry about it if you dont want to, if the chick doesnt seem crazy. When it does happen, then worry about it with your lawyers.
redpillbanana 10y ago
Unfortunately it is often too late at that point.
cooledcannon 10y ago
I think the odds of it happening are maybe 10k to one. So no point being paranoid.
[deleted] 10y ago
MGTOW becomes more and more attractive reading these posts
Johnkramer1987 10y ago
why should they be whores? Simply take advantage of the weakness of men. If I was born a woman I would act like them.
George_l_rockwell 10y ago
Maybe that's how you'd act, but I sure as fuck wouldn't do that. If I were a girl, I'd make a guy date me for at least six months before any sex occurred.
masturbator9000 10y ago
Are you saying that if you were female you would be the only one special snowflake? There's a ton of guys that claim the same thing.
VERY VERY VERY few women would hold back sex even if they were crazy about the guy.
dntdxxmbr 10y ago
And he would dump you after 1 month, or fuck around anyway.
thegman84 10y ago
6 months might be a bit much assuming your not in high school.....But I've had much more respect for the women who made me wait a month or two than those who fucked after the 2nd or 3rd date.
George_l_rockwell 10y ago
Well, shit. Then what do you think a girl is supposed to do?
seattleron 10y ago
Stay exclusive with 1 guy as long as possible, and when/if the relationship ends, don't use that as a license to fuck every guy in town because you're feeling hurt after the breakup. Word gets around, and no matter if a chick makes a guy wait until the 2nd, 3rd, or 100th date, he'll know if she's rode the cock carousel.
dntdxxmbr 10y ago
that is the problem with modern society...
seattleron 10y ago
And you'd be single, or dating the biggest beta, pussie, pushover, spineless schlub on earth, and you would hate him for it.
George_l_rockwell 10y ago
I know a girl who lost her virginity to this guy a year older than him, and she made him wait a year before having sex. They're actually married now. I just figured I would try to be like that if I were a girl.
seattleron 10y ago
if she was a virgin and he could verify that, then things change, but I'd still bet he's a beta pushover.
And for his sake I hope it's not obligatory missionary position once a month sex, because that year waiting would be hell.
George_l_rockwell 10y ago
They were both virgins, prior. I knew these people well since I was in middle school. This was just a super rare exception that I had never seen before.
seattleron 10y ago
Then that I can understand, and he did the right thing by marrying her if he was one of those guys who was bound to get married to someone, she should be it.
evenmoretiredoflibs 10y ago
Just wanting to make sure you are aware that the schrodinger's cat experiment was a thought experiment
magus678 10y ago
You aren't wrong, but the sexual component is such a large part of the grade that failing it is failing the test entire.
Other qualities are valued, but you have to pass some basic level of sexual worth before they are even taken into account
friggindoc 10y ago
Not when it comes to "love"
[deleted] 10y ago
Aerobus 10y ago
Actually, they are not, when it comes to men wanting them for sex. Go troll somewhere else.
CrazyHorseInvincible 10y ago
If you have to say it, you lose. I suggest you study up on passing shit-tests, because you're coming off as try-hard.
Now, I love a nice hot steaming dish of TRP-hate as much as the next guy, but this isn't savoury. There are no spices. You undercooked it. You seasoned it with nothing but that tired old saw of "you don't see women as people".
That always falls flat, not only because we've heard it a million times, but because, if you had spared three seconds to think about it, it would have occurred to you that telling someone what they think doesn't even make any sense as a sentence, much less a debating strategy.
You're just venting your emotions onto a text box in a vain attempt to make yourself feel better. You have no hope of accomplishing anything meaningful.
I'm going to ban you out of compassion for your obviously fragile emotional state. Once you go [somewhere else] (/r/Awww) for a while, you won't have to see the things that upset you, and we won't have to listen to your very low signal to noise ratio. Better for everyone.