First they called you all delusional for thinking such boorish behaviour might work.
Then they swore that these "tricks" would never, ever, ever work on them, because they weren't "party sluts".
Now the bleating has taken on a tone of:
Is[n't] there a way for men to look out for their own interests without being so savage/harsh/brutal to women?
... to which you, being sane, introspective, analytical sorts of young men, are tempted to respond with something like:
It's not savage[,] it's simply looking out for your own interests. A guy who has standards like this is unfortunately seen as some sort of devil. Anything that is pro-male or doesn't put the woman first is considered heinous in today's society.
Stop that.
You're supposed to agree and amplify. But you don't, because, deep down, you're not an asshole, and you don't want to be an asshole.
Well, crush that dream.
You have to be willing to do, and be, evil. Why?
Because this:
Anything that is pro-male or doesn't put the woman first is considered heinous in today's society.
... is dead wrong.
It is not "today's society" that regards male self-preservation as heinous. This isn't a plot cooked up by leftists, or feminists, or communist infiltrators seeking to sap and impurify our precious bodily fluids.
It is hardwired into the human genome. Human beings, both male and female, are hardwired to be more sympathetic to girls. Tribes that didn't protect their women via male self-sacrifice died out.
This is not only built into everyone out there calling you an asshole, it is also built into you. And it requires extensive brainwashing, internal or external, to overcome. That's what we do here.
Unless you are comfortable not only being called the bad guy, but actually being him, you will never be able to put your own interests before those of some chick you met three days who doesn't give a shit about you unless she wants your dick, attention, or money. That's how people are. That's how you are.
So, the real answer, the factual answer, the analytical answer, to this new question:
Is[n't] there a way for men to look out for their own interests without being so savage/harsh/brutal to women?
... is simply
Because "harsh/savage/brutal to women" simply means "men looking out for their own interests". Not only to feminists. Not only to our society. Not only to women. But to everyone.
The answer to give when asked can, of course, be selected from:
- Meh, don't care. Gettin' laid.
- Yep, am an asshole. Was raised by wolves.
- Don't recall asking your opinion.
- We prefer the term "Ethically Challenged".
- Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!
... or any other response that indicates you don't give a shit.
wtffellification 7y ago
"Women don't like harmless men, they wanna claw them apart. Women like dangerous men who are civilised. And they wanna help civilise them." Jordan Peterson
J_AsapGem 7y ago
exactly, in truth, an " asshole " is not really being an asshole it's just someone that doesn't give af about anyone else opinions but their own it's also a man that doesn't need attachment to feel good about himself, when we don't have a need for attachment that's when we're true to who we really are and we can say " No " that's basically what being an asshole is, as you said someone that's true to himself, does what he wants and doesn't care about the opinions of others.
Scandinavianredpill 7y ago
I think this is a great post, original content. However - aside from what you write is inherent something that rubs us the wrong way inside if we act in our own self interest, there is also a need for a man to have companion. You do not get companionship from plates you spin, you get it from a woman that you know well. That's my biggest issue with TRP. I am throughoutly redpilled but I truly enjoy female company... and no don't give me the spiel about self reliance etc. etc. It's a natural male thing to enjoy female companionship above and beyond purely sex. That's the one thing I wouldn't satisfy by adopting this approach. Ultimately you have to ask yourself how you can generate the most happiness for yourself. Personally I think it's through mostly monogamous dating.
[deleted] 7y ago
Scandinavianredpill 7y ago
I realize this. But your fear of getting the short end of the stick can make YOU a bad companion. Its an actual choice, do you behave like these women or do you hold yourself to a higher standard and hope the person you date monogamously will do the same?. I don't have an answer I just know I am not completely satisfied with plates. I have had my share of red pill experiences with women fucking me despite them having a boyfriend etc. etc. I am smiling on the surface as this happens, but it still hurts me to this day that this is how it works. What bothers me the most about it is that it doesn't seem to matter if her boyfriend is a doctor and good looking or if he is a loser and they got problems, they are still ready to jump the dick - of course without BF ever knowing. So the question is, having a monogamous relationship in a society where cuckoldry is very encouraged and enabled through social media or act as a shitlord yourself and cuck guys left and right.
[deleted] 7y ago
Scandinavianredpill 7y ago
I agree, it's not gonna change and I have also considered just enjoying the decline. Which I have actually done so far, I just realize I am at my happiest when I am dating a single girl, but at the same time I cannot trust them anymore. Next weekend I am going to an outing with a girl from my past that was very shy but intelligent. Now years later she is ready to fuck me behind her BFs back (she brought this up), they have no issues in their relationsship she just likes variety. The biggest redpill is being an attractive guy in this day and age, because women are shameless and no one will catch the messages they send and no one would believe you if you said XYZ is sending me these messages.
[deleted] 7y ago
TheRastaUnicorn 7y ago
Why do you have to be one or the other?
A real alpha doesn't get cheated on, and can enjoy a real relationship because he is secure with him self and knows if that's what he wants.
Sometimes these red pill methodologies seem incredibly beta-in-disguise when you analyze them.
[deleted] 7y ago
TheRastaUnicorn 7y ago
I never said any of that.
I'm sorry to break it to you Brad, but if you are constantly getting cheated on then you are choosing low quality women or they can smell you are a beta in disguise.
[deleted] 7y ago
Macheako 7y ago
Blsh blah blah blah blah blah. Get a fuckin hobby.
[deleted] 7y ago
This is refreshing man. There's a negative anger feedback loop here and I think it's because most of the guys who have accepted what you say here, they leave, because they get it, and they don't need this anymore. We end up with a lot of young angry guys who spend too much time wishing things were different. TRP isn't a response to "modern women" or some shit. Modern women just aren't worth wifing down for the most part. That means nothing in terms of biological, sexual dynamics, which are the crux of TRP. This shit would have worked at any point in history.
[deleted] 7y ago
They say you are what you eat. And I'm definitely an asshole
caP1taL1sm 7y ago
That's another great response to being called an asshole HAHAHA
learn-relearn 7y ago
I'd get some breath freshener then.
max_peenor 7y ago
The irony of this is that in the end, it was the sane men (and those that could still get it up, unlike General fluids) that ended up eradicating most of the other men in the world so they could horde the women for themselves.
Aggression always wins
Though you have to remember it's the tribe aggression that got us here. A dozen men went mammoth hunting and only a 11 came back? They were still all fed and there were always more men coming of age. A dozen men raided another tribe to bring back the women and only 11 came back? The same number of women would be impregnated. This is why it was a winner, because it usually resulted in the same success.
Now, these days society wants to remove aggression from the tribe. It makes society easy to control. And no, there doesn't have to be some grand conspiracy to make this happen, but rather diverse intersecting purposes. For feminists, it gives them power. For corporations, it gives them loyal consumers. For governments, it gives them compliant citizens and so forth.
So what does this mean to us? Well, aggression is still a winner the only difference is there is no tribe immunity. You will be taking a risk on your own. The question is what is the reward? Well, we are already seeing it, yes? For President Trump, he gets to sit in the most important office in the world. For mister muscles the cad on Tinder, his dick is so wet it's getting a case of swamp-foot. So the question is what sort of life do you want? Sitting in a padded room laughing at feminist memes and devouring Cheetoes? Or out in the world seeking greatness?
Thotwrecker 7y ago
And to fellow TRPers, just SHUT THE FUCK UP if you think to yourself, I'm going to post on some thread saying "you don't have to be an asshole, assholes aren't real alphas."
You do. You don't have to be an asshole completely, but you generally have to be more of an asshole than I guarantee 99% of you are comfortable with. Every single person who says that, every single one, is just on the same old, same old "benevolent alphas who care are the best healthy example of male masculinity hurr durr" kick. And they're always getting their panties in a bunch about things like fucking another dude's bitch, because obviously they are still butthurt about asshole guys running over their interests, so they want to preach the gospel about how "you don't have to be like those guys."
No you don't have to. But you can be. I learned this through years of pushing the limits to see how much I could get away with - and the answer is it changes as you get higher SMV. You all are presumably working out, working on your game, your appearance, your finances, etc. Push it - you will get away with so much more than you used to, and being an asshole is not something you need to have a value judgment about.
All you obligatory ass people who always have to add "disclaimers" and shit, like "hey, whoa there, you know that you don't actually have to be an asshole to get her wet, just have the confidence and behaviors of an asshole with a good guy heart!" Like why don't you instead of commenting that, go think about why asshole behavior makes you uncomfortable.
When women talk about assholes, always just confirm that you are unapologetically one. I like "I didn't get much discipline as a child". But when you feel uneasy about asshole behavior and you feel obliged to bring morals and autistic interpretations of commonly understood TRP lingo onto here, just shut up and think for a second. Chances are, you just know that you, as a low value male, cannot get away with asshole behavior, so you are decrying it for everyone else.
vengefully_yours 7y ago
Fucking right. If I want to be nice or polite, it isn't too girls I want to fuck. I'm the one who flaunts being an asshole, the jerk who doesn't care what others think or say. If you want pussy there's no way you can nice your way into it unless you're a genetic lottery winner. In which case anything you do will work well enough to get laid. The rest of us, we gotta actually have game and being a jerk is having game.
AfterC 7y ago
As a corollary to this - I've never had a successful sexual encounter, whether it be a ONS, a FwB or a relationship, where the woman didn't think or call me an asshole at one point or another.
You just gotta embrace being the villain.
scissor_me_timbers00 7y ago
None of what you just said is an actual reason to be an asshole tho. You just said do it cuz you can get away with it and don't be autistic. There has to be a reason for it tho.
TheRedSwordsman 7y ago
Hit the nail on the head. I vaguely remember an experiment or documentary that pointed out how people respond differently to your requests solely by your appearance.
Even store clerks will treat you like a boy/child if you're skinny and excude supplicate/submissive traits. Being physically fit and assertive go hand in hand otherwise you're perceived as a tryhard pretending to be something he's not.
nazis_are_socialists 7y ago
It's almost impossible to be muscular and not be assertive. Even if you're muscular and not assertive, people will treat you like you are and it creates a positive feedback loop that allows you to be more comfortable with being assertive. People simply respect you more when you are
yxngdrilla19 7y ago
I can strongly testify to high smv males get away with more. Was in class today and had a debate about consumerism. I said something along the lines that people follow trends and are stupi, indirectly offending my entire class. The entire class laughed and even applauded me afterwards. But I know for a FACT, if I hadn't worked on self improvement for nearly a year now I would have been absolutely slaughtered.
1UPZ_ 7y ago
lol in class?
wow was not aware of how young some Red Pill takers are.
Oh well, I blame society and how it has become.
yxngdrilla19 7y ago
Haha yeah. The earlier the better. Things are easier to implement when you're younger. I'm a junior in high school btw.
Thanks feminism!
jackandjill22 7y ago
Problem, whenever I start becoming above a certain threshold of a jerk. Girls start getting hysterical & comfort testing hard.
Rian_Stone 7y ago
Pass the.. A kiss on the forehead is killer
Thotwrecker 7y ago
Give them a little bit of comfort. Girls have egos - they need to be able to plausibly think they aren't just a flesh hole to you.
jackandjill22 7y ago
Thanks, Ill keep it all in mind. Appreciated.
Rian_Stone 7y ago
I call them "don't eat paint" warnings, everyone worried about that lowest common denomination...
max_peenor 7y ago
That would explain why TBP is infested with retards.
Rian_Stone 7y ago
Regression to the mean will always be what kills trp/mrp.
BluepillProfessor 7y ago
Not if we can help it, and we can!
flyinglime 7y ago
I'm not denying what you are saying, but at the end of the day you have to choose what you want in life. If you go full on dark triad, you'll definitely get more pussy than you can handle, but there comes a point when you have diminishing returns. You will drive your plates mad, and your friends will eventually piss off as well. I've been there. I pushed the limits and said literally whatever I wanted all the time. Girls liked it but eventually I found myself shooting myself in the foot in the professional world and where friends started distancing themselves. When you get in a habit of being a total asshole, you lose perspective on situational nuance.
I think saying "be an asshole" is generally misleading because it's so vague. Be strong, stoic, playful, motivated, disciplined, quick-whitted, and get emotionally affected by nothing. These traits plus going after what you want will get you there. Being a straight up antisocial retard will leave you a lonely person. I've adjusted my strategies, and I'm happy where I've ended up. I still don't take shit, and I still say whatever I want, but the intent it always playful and fun. When you think "be an asshole" it can lead you to taking jabs at people's emotions, which can easily be taken too far.
learn-relearn 7y ago
Well said. Too many posts on here are clearly from angry man-children who are reminiscent of toddlers throwing toys out of their pram. Their anger is purely a reaction to infidelity and due to their anger, they think being an alpha means being a total c-nt to anybody at any time in any place. Wrong. Without composure and as you said, situational awareness, all you are is an angry twat working to a clicking clock of impatience who will get flattened by a real alpha or a white knight beta.
Arguably, this is no different to the women that caused their anger.
I also hear so much from users on TRP about about keeping frame, yet so many men here are just turning into the thing that they hated all along, in turn allowing the woman who f-cked them over to still shape who they are. Total pussy behavior and total loss of frame.
Meh, f-ck it. They'll either learn the hard way, fizzle out or have a nervous breakdown.
Thotwrecker 7y ago
I didn't say be dark triad or be a "straight up antisocial retard". Obviously there is successful applications of asshole behavior and unsuccessful.
Ultimately, it's about being comfortable with the highly assholic world we live in. I don't actually care if TRPers behave assholey or not, but they need to COMFORTABLE behaving like an asshole. It needs to be in their toolbox, it needs to be more than in their toolbox - it should be something you can tap into in order to get a result. If you are physically or mentally uncomfortable with the asshole behavior from yourself - aka you can't interrupt and overtalk somebody, you can't make fun of someone and get others laughing at them, tearing down their value, you can't take a girl with a boyfriend, etc, then you have a softness to you. A softness that girls will exploit once they fish it out - they will put you in no-win scenarios where being a dick is the only way forward, you won't have the dickishness required. I see this all the time. Being an asshole isn't a state of constant assholey behavior seeping out through your pores - it's more than you are capable of trashing someone's else interests to support your own, and you're able to tear someone's inflated value down to beneath yours when required.
You cannot go "full on Dark Triad" unless you actually go through life experiences that sever your fear, empathy, etc etc functions. Most people wouldn't and shouldn't go through those experiences. But if you take the individual traits - 99% of guys on here need to be more narcissistic than I can tell they are. 99% of guys need to be more comfortable with machiavellian ways of seeing the world than I can tell they are from their comments. 99% of guys on here need to feel less empathy for beta males and stop seeing themselves in other betas. This is my point - if you have the reaction to asshole discussion of "you know assholes are bad you don't actually need to be one - you will wind up empty and alone if you're an asshole" then you probably just need to get comfortable with asshole traits.
flyinglime 7y ago
I know what you were saying, and I agree that it's a tool in the toolset. Again I just said what I said so other newer TRPers don't assume that's the go-to tool in their box. I'd just defer to 48 laws of power for most things. I have no problem being an asshole it's quite enjoyable. But if you only choose "be an asshole" for every life situation then you will be fucked. Read 48 laws, there's countless examples of times when people didn't see the dangers of their strategic choices. Know the dangers so you can know when to change it up, that's all I'm saying.
Rian_Stone 7y ago
If you think being a bit of an asshole is dark triad, then you're part of the problem.
Though growing your own clit does cut out the middleman
flyinglime 7y ago
I don't think being a bit of an asshole is DT. I said above that saying "be an asshole" is bad advice cause that means different things to different people. Being a cheeky bastard is a lot different then being a genuinely bad person, both of which people could consider being an asshole. There are new TRPers who will see be an asshole and think it means shit on everyone you see, give no consideration for anyone else, generally be an unlikeable person. I'm saying that our definition needs to be solidified as to not create confusion. The aforementioned qualities doesn't make you Alpha, it makes you a child.
Our definitions most likely line up, we just need to define those before we go around telling people to be assholes.
Rian_Stone 7y ago
Exactly. 100% subjective.
Youre dipping into emotions,. Manipulation, and err on the side of "me".
If youre at the point of Asperger's and piss in people off, you arent an asshole, ypure actively shunned.
Totally different
[deleted] 7y ago
scissor_me_timbers00 7y ago
Ehh I think you're reading of musk is fairly off base
[deleted] 7y ago
scissor_me_timbers00 7y ago
hes super wealthy, don't think it qualifies as divorce rape. He prolly just cut her out of his life once she got too bitchy.
[deleted] 7y ago
majorbollocks 7y ago
I had this chick offer to buy me a meal and drive all the way to my place to deliver it. She stays a good two hours from my place. She's also a chick I pumped and dumped. Fucked her like twice or three times before moving on to other quarry.
I stupidly declined her offer for some stupid reason. I guess there's still a bit of blue in me. I should've just got her to invest more by doing me that favor and then proceed to ignore her for the next few days.
Whether or not that's asshole behaviour is irrelevant to me. The thing is that it works to get good sex and that's all there is to it.
caP1taL1sm 7y ago
Like Mike said in Breaking Bad: "No half measures."
jacksonmaher 7y ago
That's the most concise and to the point analogy I have ever read in my life, and is completely true.
jackandjill22 7y ago
That's actually a pretty good analogy.
[deleted] 7y ago
So god damn true. Fuck democracy.
nazis_are_socialists 7y ago
Democracy and statism are both plagues that have ruined this country by subverting the free market and liberty
vengefully_yours 7y ago
It's why we have a republic. A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. ... After that, the majority always votes for the candidate promising the most benefits with the result the democracy collapses because of the loose fiscal policy ensuing, always to be followed by a dictatorship, then a monarchy.
[deleted] 7y ago
No governmental system is just. Ultimately freedom is the best option. Government is barbaric.
Disciple_of_Libertas 7y ago
Well Republics go to shit as well because they tend to become more democratic.
[deleted] 7y ago
Paraphrasing one of the first Chateau Hertiste posts:
Eggs are expensive and sperm is cheap. Every lost woman is a lethal blow to humanity's repopulation project but we only need one man for that job.
Rise above this fundamental truth by first accepting it and then taking the short stick that us men were given and sharpening it and jamming it through the heart of anything that gets in our way
[deleted] 7y ago
Whisper 7y ago
Every aspect of human sexual behaviour can be derived by reasoning from this.
yomo86 7y ago
Fun fact: Eggs are expensive by default. They are not by people who live in an overpopulated or very challenging environment. Boys are preferred for anything when it comes to those circumstances. The nutty religions gave man legal power due to his status as a working creature. Later it was voting rights and so on. Hell, when you have the choice of choosing a CEO for your company, you usually go with a man - even women bosses appoint more men as C's
This is the key. As soon as a woman reached menopause - and reached it visibly, say wrinkles, their worth drops to almost zero. Newspaper headlines go from "you can't hit a woman" to "a woman that age shouldn't be around in this kind of neighborhood". It is pretty dark when seeing Fortuna at play. Giving a human being for the most of her unstable years enormous power. And then suddenly taking it away by saying that you never really had any real power as it was linked to males who wanted to fuck you, is cruel.
Proto_Sigma 7y ago
It is pretty amazing. It's also so basic I'm surprised most people don't grasp it.
nazis_are_socialists 7y ago
Yes it's a fact of life that men are worth less and are more biologically replaceable than women. Oh well. The solution is to be a man who isn't replaceable. Be a man who offers quality sperm.
[deleted] 7y ago
Yes but all men are replaceable and dont let your ego in the way of this
vengefully_yours 7y ago
I wanted to be replaceable, so I could move up the food chain and get someone else to do it for me while I move on to bigger and better shit. Subconsciously I've been doing that my entire life. The two times I was in 8 year relationships, about the I grew tired of the same hole, they found lower value males to branch swing to while I moved on to younger, hotter girls who weren't smashing into the wall like a Phantom jet on a rocket sled. Get them at 20, trade up at 30, and looking back the girls before then and between them simply were traded sooner due to not being acceptable for longer.
Until five years ago I thought it was something wrong with me, but that's the wiring have and if I didn't care about having a bunch of kids to support in modern society, I'd have a couple hundred bastards out there. It's natural for me to fuck and forget them, and my actions bear that out. I'm not a good long term prospect, I'm Mr. Fun tonight.
In the military you want to move up, and people fill your spot when you move up. You encourage them to succeed and become replaceable by passing on their knowledge so others can do it when they move up. It's the BP world where you cling desperately to your trading hours for dollars cubicle job by making sure nobody else can do it. It's a completely different mindset, working for yourself not for others. I used the military as a means to get what I wanted and used people to get there while pulling some of them along in my slip stream. Yeah I worked for the entire country, but through merit and experience I improvedmy life and took advantage of the opportunities available to me. Yeah they owned me, but I got mine from them, and now it's paying me the rest of my life.
Be replaceable but valuable.
cesarfd 7y ago
For those who don't know what that means:
Huskimbo9 7y ago
Solid post my man.heres an upvote.
[deleted] 7y ago
In no way do I suggest accepting mans inherent replacability is approval to remain low value.
I believe a mans ego and wrongly thought out ideas that he is special is poison and accepting his unspecialness is the key to his freedom to grow
jesusfromthehood 7y ago
but my mom told me I was special.
LightBearCares 7y ago
"I'ma get mine". That's always something I used to tell myself while in the military too. Helpful indeed.
Diplomatt_ 7y ago
"Oh I gets mine, Larry" - Leon
PantsonFire1234 7y ago
Gee really? One man is gonna build you that space elevator? skyscrapers? Maintaining the electrical grid? Gather the food? Produce the clothes? On and on and on. Sure women could try, it will never work for them because they aren't motivated like men are.
Women are crucial for survival of the species yes. Men are crucial for the elevation of the species.
Why do you think everything is so unfairly skewed right now and headed towards slavery? Because the powers to be don't want humanity to ascend. They want humanity to be stupid and animalistic, fizzling out. Never posing a threat to them ever again.
It's chaos vs order.
quiqyNew 7y ago
here come the conspiracy theories again...
Why not use occam's razor and adopt the easiest explanation? People are just leading their daily lives and don't think about "the elevation of the species". There are perfectly down-to-earth explanations on this sub for gynocentrism and organized feminism.
PantsonFire1234 7y ago
Because that would be ignorant. What you think it's not likely that a group of powerful people would so something to handicap us because it directly benefits them?
The fact that people are just concerned with their own lives doesn't automatically expain why women are getting this big handout. Calling them conspiracy theories is the most limiting thing you can do.
You assume everything is done fairly and out in the open. Things are just easily explainable and hold no malice? I manipulate my friend groups and family on a daily basis. I'm sure other guys on here do the same. Hell I bet you do.
And yet you believe it's impossible that a higher power decided "Eh.. lets give these bitches more power so the men will follow". The American government openly did this with African American women in the suburbs. Giving them checks if they were a single mother. Literally chased the fathers away just to earn a buck. And this benefited everyone besides the children and the men. Just like I said above.
But by all means keep believing nothing is happening intentionally and this a natural process. You are just a powerless bystander in the face of humanity's lizard brain.
quiqyNew 7y ago
I agree that just calling something a conspiracy theory shouldn't be able to discredit an idea, but conspiracy theories all have in common that they're really fuzzy about the actual goal of the evildoers. Think of the New World Order guys: alledgedly they are so powerful, why then haven't they already taken all they want? Or the Illuminaty guys who supposedly leave all these secret signs ... for what?
So I at least expect you to give a well thought-through motive for the people in the government to do this, before you tell me I can't dismiss the idea without giving it a thought. Where does this lead, do you think? Remember, it has to personally benefit the lawmakers, else it's more probable than not just a fantasy.
PantsonFire1234 7y ago
That's easier than you think. Say you are manipulating your friends because you're that kind of TD guy. Do you really think they would be able to put a finger on what's exactly happening? It's just like with women, they keep plausible deniability.
Meanwhile it's rather hard to assemble an entire CSI team to investigate the people who have all the money in the world. What you think they won't use that money to thwart you?
Who says they already haven't? Really man I know what you're saying. I used to believe fuck all about this shit. All I cared about is showing up half drunk at football practice. But I can't keep looking the other way anymore. We are on a board that already accepts that men have been lied to by women and society when it comes to sexual strategy. Why would the deception end there? The reason why you don't listen to these people is because they are mocked and often time mockable. If mainstream media reported on it almost everyone would believe it right away.
It's not the information that's not persuading you, it's the informer.
It would be like jumping in a movie trilogy half way and trying to understand the motivations of the bad guys and determine who are the bad guys. All I can say is that things go back for thousands of years. There's a war happening behind things and people are just pawns. Meanwhile it's always been human nature to have power over his fellow humans.
The world you live in is much grander and more surprising than you we're led to believe. Filled with so many opportunities. I really hope you end up on that trail and learn about some of it beyond the TRP stuff. You seem like an open guy willing to learn from others and to have others learn from you.
quiqyNew 7y ago
from your original comment a little up the tree:
You're alluding to something extraterrestrial then? Or a small group of world leaders (be that behind the curtains or not)? If some people wanted to keep the entire civilization back, they need to have a selfish reason for that.
No matter how big a society, in the end it's only the product of many people's everyday selfish needs and impulses. Women are insincere about what their sexual strategy is and what they actually find attractive, just because it helps them get what they want in their own little lives. Why is there a need for some highly organized, purposeful force in this story?
One mistake people sometimes make is to assume too high a degree of organization in the world. Are top politicians secretly convening to make evil plans, do they have secret codes to identify members, have they for generations been working on some grand scheme; or are they just people who somehow ended up in politics one day and are just trying to build some career and make their fair share of money while furthering some of their personal ideology along the way?
Do mothers secretly tell their daughters around the age of 13 all these traditions about AF/BB, shit testing, branch swinging and what not ... or are millions of women just following their instincts, their self-interest and whims of emotions?
It could just be so that the world is a lot more banal.
PantsonFire1234 7y ago
I wasn't really eluding to anyone in particular, I just pointed out there are secret groups and these groups play a prolonged chessgame. Again though just like the Red Pill I can't just tell you about it and expect you to believe me. All I can do is hope you look for the answers yourself. The more I learn the clearer the reason becomes.
Society always needs leaders. Who these leaders are and if there are leaders leading them, that is not visible to us.
To an outside group all they would be concerned is is how to manipulate/guide people to a certain goal. Women are easily manipulated by implied social bias. Men are also manipulated through group conflicts. Look at the terrorist attacks. That's men being manipulated vs other men. Divide and conquer.
Did you ever consider it's both? I'm not talking about some extremely thought out scheme here. I'm just stating that events thousands of years ago will create a ripple effect for thousands years in the future. The degree of intervention, organization or manipulation can be argued. The fact remains that even right now we know that CIA conducts tons of these psyops in other countries and their own. So the idea that such things don't occur is already false.
Obviously women are just behaving like women. Lets say men were allowed to rape, steal, murder. We could have multiple wives, bring down the hammer on any bitch. Hold slave stock. We could do anything our hearts desire and women just had to shut up and take it. Sit at home and cook. That would also be us following our instincts to the extreme. That doesn't mean some ruler isnt purposefully implementing this shit to give women zero leeway.
The thing is that if you want a docile slaving society you don't go and empower men to feel like kings. Honestly I think that should be a pretty simple concept to grasp. Who would you empower and why? The answer seems obvious.
That or we have been lead to believe it is. So we'd never reach from our prog pond again.
[deleted] 7y ago
None of that matters when speaking about sexual strategy. When you internalize that, the anger dissipates
PantsonFire1234 7y ago
You can stop repeating platitudes. Raising arguments doesn't instantly imply me or anyone being angry. I'm not saying your point is incorrect, it is on point. I'm just stating that women, unknowingly, need men more than we need them.
Sexual strategy sets things off and makes women the chooser. But then something interesting happens. When sex has happened women now want more. And men become the choosers in the next level of the game.
We are animals first but creators second. In the end men (top 10%) is the most valuable sex. Remember it's always gonna be betas < women < alphas .
[deleted] 7y ago
Women need men badly for all sorts of things but sex isnt one if them.
It is a game for sure.
What you call platitudes, I call the rules of the game. Rules that aren't obvious to most men
PantsonFire1234 7y ago
True, sex is a woman's game. That's why TRP encourages men to play women after sex, plating. Because at that point we're the carrot on a stick.
And no I was saying that instantly implying i'm 'anger phase' is a simple go to reaction that seems to constantly occur on TRP when a guy raises arguments.
[deleted] 7y ago
First, never said you were angry.
Many are angry and dont want to admit there is an engrained favouritism towards women because if they did then they are acknowledging that there is an indifferent and uncaring evolutionary mechanism at work and you and I aren't even playing this game
We are pieces on the board.
TRP gives you, as a piece on the board, real power
PantsonFire1234 7y ago
There's no reason to be angry at nature doing his way. I am angry but not towards women. I'm angry at the powers to be that caused all of this. That corrupted men AND women. Being angry at a child for long is nonsense. You are angered and then it subsides.
To understand the sin of mankind and why it does what it does is to understand many people throughout history. Jesus himself understood. The anger phase only comes once if you get through it good. After that it's all just progress.
[deleted] 7y ago
the powers that be didn't do this.
They (decentralized I mean) are exploting what already exists.
PantsonFire1234 7y ago
Keep digging and you will find they did.
yxngdrilla19 7y ago
I can strongly testify to high smv males get away with more. Was in class today and had a debate about consumerism. I said something along the lines that people follow trends and are stupi, indirectly offending my entire class. The entire class laughed and even applauded me afterwards. But I know for a FACT, if I hadn't worked on self improvement for nearly a year now I would have been absolutely slaughtered.
MRuleZ 7y ago
Being capable of cruelty and then not being cruel is better than being unable to be cruel, because in the latter case you're always the victim.
Paraphrasing Jordan Peterson here.
That sentence really hit home with me because you often see people trying to be non confrontational in their rethoric and general attitude, which makes them more inclined to fill the victim role.
hawkeaglejesus 7y ago
“Of all evil I deem you capable: Therefore I want good from you. Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws.”
― Nietzsche
holiestoftheholies 7y ago
I remember that gem from "Thus Spake..." That fucker knew what was up.
Check this link out that GLO once posted. Good shit, you won't regret it.
Diplomatt_ 7y ago
LMAO. I dont know what I like better referring to one of the leading philosophical minds of modern age as 'that fucker' and how he 'knew what was up' or another dude calling some conjecture a 'santa clausian lie'. You guys have me rolling while putting me on game.
holiestoftheholies 7y ago
What was that about? Was he talking about Nietzsche?
Diplomatt_ 7y ago
Naw completely unrelated. Just commenting that people have funny ways of explaining complex deeply rooted truths in a light hearted tone. Can't find the comment now. Good shit keep it up.
[deleted] 7y ago
BluepillProfessor 7y ago
This was my problem. I would start out as a loud asshole and end up apologizing for expressing my views when the women shamed me. If I had simply made eye contact and laughed at the shamers my n count would be about quadruple what it is now.
Start by NEVER apologizing directly. You can say 'mistakes were made' but NEVER give them the satisfaction of defeating you and extracting an apology. They don't want it despite what they say. Them trying to force it out of you is a shit test. Nothing more.
How to get around it? For me I worked myself into a MGTOW like anger stage towards women. I fed my anger and became so pissed and angry that treating women like an "asshole" becomes almost second nature.
So how to get around being "uncomfortable" for doing something? Become even MORE uncomfortable NOT doing it.
[deleted] 7y ago
wn36 7y ago
Bro, the struggle is real. I'm still dealing with it. When I'm really drunk, I take what I want. When I'm sober, I puss out last minute - just like you. It's been that way my whole life.
The dood below gets it. Work on what he says to do. It'll change.
Sir_Distic 7y ago
Ask yourself this question: "What happens if I make a move/don't make a move?" A. She lets you have your way with her. B. She thinks you're a jerk and tells you to get out! C. She likes it but backs off. (LMR) 2 of those are good things.
You make no move and A. Don't offend her. B. She thinks you're a pussy or a creep. Either way you lose.
You do risk losing the girl. But you should always risk losing the girl. There's others to replace her. And she's not yours.
FYI: I sometimes suffer from this as well. I get so "in my head" I don't make a move for fear of offending her.
SasquatchMcKraken 7y ago
Great post. What women mean by asshole and what men mean by asshole are not the same thing. It's the same dilemma you run into when a dude asks "does dick size matter" and chicks go "of course not." We're talking past each other, often on purpose (especially the women). Women typically mean asshole as a dude who knows what he wants and doesn't always give her what she wants (i.e. he isn't a pushover). Men use the term to mean a generally horrible human being. Granted there's often a lot of overlap between the two. But again, they're not the same thing, and this confuses the shit out of BP dudes. You don't have to actually be an asshole by the male definition for women to see you as one. Which incidentally works out great for us.
originaltransvaginal 7y ago
Not every man will reproduce. Not all men should be subjected to the santa clausian lie that they will need and find love and adoratiom from a woman. We're all going to find out that focusing on this as an insight into male sexual success rather than a subtle enabling of feminine sexual supremacy is going to destroy productive society.
I'm honestly much more the person who is here for "male sexual strategy" than for neoreaction's conspiracy, but the draw is actually just the safe space to see people speak openly. And if society continues to refuse to sit feminism down and make them see what they're doing by conflating the notions of "asshole" were going to devolve. The opposite of "the asshole" problem is the "creep" problem. If society can't be honest and acknowledge that meek and pathetic people can provide something the breeding population could never hope to reproduce, we will lose an invaluable resource. Even then, fuck them as a resource, "womenkind" simply existentially discredits men they see as beta, which is straight up disgusting. We acknowledge it ALL the time here. We simply need to not teach children that love and adoration is possible for every man. Teach children the true nature and desires of women.
An idea is often thrown around here, that women aren't evil, it's just that we misjudge their nature. We need to fucking focus on that and not just take it as a slogan. We are dealing with an attitude reinforcer, which teaches those who are predisposed to instant gratification, that they need not analyze their thoughts. That they simply can rework any remorse, pity, or insight into a judgement they've made, as whatever, simply to avoid negative emotional reactions. Obviously unjustifiable self destructive behavior, and yet we have a cute little name for it. "The hamster".
We're all in agreeance about not giving a fuck. If the christians run everything or a cabal of trans-intersectional overlords do, im game. I get it. I'm enjoying the decline. But the one thing I'm getting sick of sitting for, the hill I AM going to die on, is that these people are more intelligent than we are. That they're more honest. That we couldn't, and haven't been, going along with this the whole time all while being capable of forming thoughts of our own.
SasquatchMcKraken 7y ago
Well it's like The Rational Male put it; women hate (but use) betas, men hate (but use) sluts. I don't excuse female behavior but I don't blame them for treating betas like shit any more than I hate myself for not wanting to be Guy #279 in some chick's n-count. It is what it is; our task is to adjust to this fact. I said on some other thread that men and women compliment each other, but you must know your role and play it relentlessly. Will there be lonely cat ladies? Absolutely. Will not every man get to pass on his genes? Yep. But the fact of the matter is women aren't evil and men have a horrible habit of romantically misjudging their nature. TRP is about showing that women are human beings, not angels. In today's world that's radical enough. But once you know they're not angels you shouldn't then see them as demons.
GuitarHero07 7y ago
I couldn't agree more. I always thought the Chad Thundercock character was something of a myth. That was until I actually met one in real life. The guy looks like Zac Effron on steroids. Even without working out, he is just naturally well built...but he actually works out and does gear. You can imagine the responses he gets from women....
The guy can't hold down a job, is always close to broke, openly fucks/dates multiple women simultaneously and is constantly partying. He treats his girls like objects and they FUCKING LOVE IT. I know him well and he keeps me updated on all the pussy he gets and quite frankly it can be very depressing sometimes when you see how he cleans up.
And these aren't damaged/low self esteem girls. Most of them are very attractive, hold decent jobs and have their shit together. This guy just gives them the tingles.
SasquatchMcKraken 7y ago
Yep. It's strange but they like being treated like that. Because it subconsciously signals that you're better than them, and hypergamy dictates that women want a guy who is better than them. They can preach equality all they want but their actions drown out their words. Treat her like a queen and she'll treat you like a peasant. Treat her like a peasant and she will treat you like a king. Even if you can't hold down a job and are always close to broke.
BluepillProfessor 7y ago
Can confirm having tried it both ways.
Treat them mean to keep them keen.
rigbed 7y ago
Gear is awful for keeping down jobs.
All-DayErrDay 7y ago
What exactly are you contributing to this thread besides saying this? Otherwise you're just saying he looks great and gets girls.
GuitarHero07 7y ago
If your relative SMV is high enough, you can often be an "asshole" and increase a girl's attraction towards you.
P4_Brotagonist 7y ago
I think you hit the nail on the head. If you were to ask every single woman who has probably ever spoken to me, they would say I am a massive asshole. If something isn't important to me, i couldn't care less. I have no time for drama or whining. I will drop someone instantly if I get the feeling that they aren't worth bothering with. I look out for myself and do whatever I feel is the best thing for me.
However, if you talk to most guys that know me, they would say I am a dependable guy who isn't afraid to get my hands dirty. Just because I am all of those other things doesn't mean I'm not polite, caring when I need to be, and entirely reliable if someone I care about is in genuine need of help. I am a nice guy when I need to be because I want to, NOT because I feel they then owe me something. I get along with pretty much every man I've ever met.
The difference is that I'm the same person to both, but if billy BP man talks to a woman about me, he's going to think I'm some sort of complete human piece of shit who is probably crossing into sociopath territory. We really aren't speaking the same languages at all.
throwawaygod12x 7y ago
what exactly does getting you hands dirty mean?
SasquatchMcKraken 7y ago
Exactly. They're simultaneously turned on and perturbed by a guy who shows that she's only a desire of his, not a need. I bet all those chicks who bitch about you would cheat with you in a heartbeat if you sent them a booty call. Outcome independence is some powerful shit.
P4_Brotagonist 7y ago
At the same time, the few times I have ever really fell for someone, things went to shit pretty quickly(infrequent sex, random bitchiness). Taught me extremely quickly how important it was to essentially not give a shit about things and never take things seriously when it comes to romance.
Frenetic_Zetetic 7y ago
I've also come to realize you sound like a straight sociopath when discussing TRP.
This is exactly WHY you DON'T discuss TRP outside of here.
sadomasochrist 7y ago
That's because overt discussion of systemised behavioral mechanics and forming a systemised response to it, is what a sociopath does.
The community has a heavy population of NPD males (sociopaths).
Frenetic_Zetetic 7y ago
I won't argue that!
Even if you yourself aren't one, after talking about it long enough you get quite the insight.
GreenPiller 7y ago
Funny, I was watching the Lion King and Scar reminded me of alot of us, thrown into celibacy wastelands. We are just hyenas tired of eating the bones that society and feminism throw at us.
TunedtoPerfection 7y ago
Your answer to this and any question should always be the one that gives just enough information to make your point. How you give that answer should be based on getting your point the best reception from the intended audience.
When talking with women there is always the societal pressure for a man to follow the blue pill methodologies. Being an "asshole" by utilizing Agree and Amplify signifies you will not be following those methodologies. This excites women and makes them attracted to us. This works so well in fact, that most the time what you say means dick all. The attitude, style, and delivery of the message is what signals the attraction in women. So yes Agree and Amplify to the extreme.
But if I am talking with a fellow member on this sub reddit or producing an article, agree and amplify is not the best way to go about getting my message across. I'd wager a bet that if two successful redpill'd men were to enter into a discuss on any topic and they both just A&A'd like they did when they were meeting women nothing would end up being discussed.
WhySoRuff 7y ago
Except it is. Every human instinct has an emotional hot button connected to it: Tribalism, sympathy, fear, altruism etc, they lay out the buttons like a keyboard and type away until the right combination manipulates people to do whatever is necessary to further the agenda under the guise of morality and progress. They claim tribalism and sexism is bad as they use those exact ism's to play people against each other. I wonder if their lips hurt from talking out of both sides of their mouth for so long.
scissor_me_timbers00 7y ago
Eh yes and no. You're completely right about their hypocrisy and what they're doing. I just disagree that it's an actual self aware plot they've cooked up. No they actually believe the shit they spew. I think even at the top, the people pulling the strings actually buy into the whole progressive social justice agenda too. I mean it's obviously speculation but I really don't think they cooked it up as a plot. It's really what they subscribe to ideologically.
HumanSockPuppet 7y ago
Leftists only use it because it is effective.
And it is only effective because it fits into a framework of something that is already built into us.
Namely, our hardwired protective instinct.
NoFapColdShower 7y ago
Very refreshing information you have here. It makes me realize that before we get sucked into conspiracy theories we should consider psychological explanations first. Evolutionary psychology is definitely an essential pillar of red pill.
WhySoRuff 7y ago
It is also an essential pillar of the blue pill man. Man's protective nature is manipulated until he becomes an exaggerated version of himself, IE a white knighting emotional tampon. It is not a conspiracy, it's a strategy and its happening all around you.
Rian_Stone 7y ago
What do you think rollo took in university?
WhySoRuff 7y ago
We were in agreement, I was simply pointing out the fact that the left has capitalized on the emotional framework and will always appeal to our morality as they run game on folks.
[deleted] 7y ago
That's why Trumpism is so scary. The usual shaming conventions dont work as he is King of DGAF
JamesSkepp 7y ago
In politics/PR every side plays on the instincts built in us. If one doesn't it loses. You don't win elections by showing hard data, you win it by "charging" the people emotionally, amping up their emotions ANY way you can - and that's the lesson of the OP.
If you think only left is guilty of manipulating the public, you're naive.
WhySoRuff 7y ago
Only the left is any good at it, until Trump.
mushroom_overlord 7y ago
Eh, sure we had two terms each of Obama and Bill Clinton, but Bush somehow got two terms in between. Meanwhile Congress has been back and forth as well, so that's hardly only the Left running its racket in recent history.
That is only US politics though, Europe is a shit-show of hard leftism.
LOST_TALE 7y ago
the fuck? ''bad guy'' is a compliment. I like being what I am.
[deleted] 7y ago
Fucking love you guys hahahahahahaha
[deleted] 7y ago
Dead right. If you even try to play that game "oh it is just PC society's fault" then you are tacitly accepting that your behaviour is unacceptable. You gotta own that shit. Women fucking love it anyway, why do you think they fuck drug dealers and thugs? It's not because they are good providers, it is precisely because they are assholes.
zagermaster 7y ago
"Zager, can you give me a ride/ help carry something for me/ pick me up something?" "Mmmmm, doesn't sound like me"
BluepillProfessor 7y ago
I believe that women have a 6 to 1 in group preference in favor of women while Men have a 4 to 1 out group preference in favor of women. We see it in jury pools, judges, and every interaction in life. It is a considerable barrier to overcome for men and it is almost entirely invisible.
There is an alternative to men being forced to be "an asshole" and only care about himself. If men actually had the power in society over women and over their families (like they had for, you know, all of human history before 3rd wave feminism) then men typically put their wives and families first and were considerably less "savage to women."
max_peenor 7y ago
That's the modern definition of the Supreme Asshole.
Apparently, women now prefer the Minor Asshole--the guy that uses her face as a semen target before raiding the fridge on the way out the door. Yay feminism!
awzor 7y ago
It's actually the 1% men who forces feminism. It's all about concentration of power. Free men will do what's best for their closest environment, they care about their families and will fight whoever wants to take that from them. On the other hand, women will pursue highest value man agenda and that's THE 1% currently. They can buy media, even goverments. It's the epitome of divide and conquer.
Rian_Stone 7y ago
It's not bad, IRL you'll notice between acquaintances a constant jockeying for virtue signalling... 'dude, don't say that' or 'I was stupid like that too'
Blow through it.
In Greece now, two other couples. I said something 'stupid' and the other guys gang up, tell me to be nice or we are on the couch.
"I paid for the bed, I'm sleeping in the bed. If they can carry me, then I'll sleep where they put me"
Now the one guy (indian, lol) wants me to show him how to do that.... That, and how to French omelette.
I should probably check online, because I know I do this here...
The funny part though, no girl actually spoke up, got offended etc. Was only the guys assuming they would.
nazis_are_socialists 7y ago
What did you say that offended the white knights?
Rian_Stone 7y ago
Women are crazy. I would be too if it was socially unacceptable to hit me
ex_addict_bro 7y ago
The fuck you're doing in Greece, Stone, playing a refugee?
Rian_Stone 7y ago
Lol. On a dhow with 50 people.
I was joking about that already. Almost lost the one guy who couldnt swim, but didn't want to be the bitch who didn't go in.
Surfing reddit on the few downtimes I get. Either that or listen to the girls talk about makeup
PantsonFire1234 7y ago
Christ your post is a clusterfuck man. I didn't follow a thing you said. The only thing that made sense was the apparent comment of a woman you quoted. Imagine that. So i'll just give me thoughts on her reply.
I can't actually believe a woman got further than "omg men are jerks, tee hee he's such an asshole but I like him/hate him". Apart from that I doubt there's anything to simulate the real thing she's hoping for. She just wants to play the game and win.
Metalgear222 7y ago
Spot on. These girls will throw up their hands in horror when you "apply the pressure" of serving yourself before them, but in their head they are so fucking thankful to be interacting with a masculine man that knows what he wants and goes for it. It gets them wet and they respect you more for it.
My most recent plate is an avid fit girl at my gym, I'm the only one that has ever had the balls to tell her she'd look better 10 pounds lighter (obviously I'm motivating her to do this so I can have better sex with her). She always says I'm "so mean because I called her fat", I just hold frame and she always comes around and says "You're right.." and playfully slaps me on the arm.
[deleted] 7y ago
Women forgive high SMV men for betrayal, beatings, and pretty much anything and everything but one thing.
Women divorce and dump men for weakness
harsha_hs 7y ago
I can confirm, I was dumped on weakness and was never dumped on other parameters you mentioned over there
ABCosmosis 7y ago
I hope you're only allowed to stay here because you're so obvious, and even then it's a questionable decision
EpicLevelCheater 7y ago
LOL see ya trollfag
Laruss 7y ago
lol this guy has never heard of what comes around goes around. You start doing dark triad stuff like whatever this idiot posted then it will find some way to bite you back in the ass. e.g. some jerk might do that to your daughter or someone you actually care about.
turtleforeskin88 7y ago
This guy is what a male would call an asshole, he really is just a bad person it sounds and I'd almost guarantee he never gets laid
dankvibez 7y ago
Pretty sure this guy is joking. But it brings up a good point.
I think people don't realize that some of TRP encourages behavior that is bad for society as a whole. The "dark triad" thing WILL help in some situations. But you have to realize that whenever people talk about women/feminism destroying society, they aren't talking about political correctness in movies, women getting fat etc.
They are talking about the male reaction to that environment. Women can't actually destroy society because they are too weak. Single young men can. If they become too hyper competitive for women, our society WILL collapse.
This is why I feel that the ultimate goal of movements like this should be to stop things like feminism, I know most of the cucks here have given up and are in the "enjoy the decline phase". But you can "enjoy the decline" and still work to try to put people into place on the political scene that could reverse some of the changes that have forced us into this position.
BluepillProfessor 7y ago
Liberating the slaves was bad for Antebellum society. A better society resulted.
[deleted] 7y ago
Certifiably insane and 100% full of shit comment
empatheticapathetic 7y ago
This dudes been sent in by the globalists to discredit TRP. Where is neoreactionsafe???
WhySoRuff 7y ago
I cant hate on the kid.. he was taking OP's advice to agree and amplify.
MentORPHEUS Senior Endorsed 7y ago
More like Agree & Aneurysm.
5t3fan0 7y ago
i think you should listen to your own advice... get help.
Good news: you might find some help here, if you wish so.
Whisper 7y ago
Lol. Gay.
Gay indeed. He's probably one of those guys that doesn't understand why he doesn't get sex even though he's such a nice and understanding guy to his wife. And why his wife cheated on him with a felon with neck tattoos that she just met.
I_Need_More_Space_ 7y ago
Spoken like a true Blue Piller. Congratulations.
a_passager 7y ago
Funny how their visceral, angry response amounts to "prioritize women or you'll never ever get sex!"
[deleted] 7y ago
It’s more like, “just be a decent human being and treat others with respect”. Not that difficult.
Whisper 7y ago
Sure. Easy.
Doesn't work. But easy to do.
BluepillProfessor 7y ago
Should we also just "be ourselves" and wait for the right woman to come to us?
If treating women with "respect" worked to get them to take off their panties Red Pill guys would be the first to employ that strategy.
I don't want to spoil the ending for you young man but....It doesn't.
BluepillProfessor 7y ago
I AM entitled to sex because I am worth it. If my wife wants me to keep my "vows" then she god damn well better keep hers. As far as I am concerned it is fuck me or fuck you and unless you have that attitude with a major chip on your shoulder the woman will ALWAYS use sex to gain control of the relationship.
Almost all my "friends" have to check with their wives before they go out. Almost all admit they defer to her in everything because she has the pussy.
Interesting you should say that. Who teaches these values again? More importantly have you thought why? Perhaps to make men more compliant, weaker, and more susceptible to vaginal power. You don't get it but that IS what you are arguing.
You don't even know the most basic principles of TRP. Not even close. Read the sidebar and shut the fuck up until you understand even a little bit.
GreenPiller 7y ago
But we do get better. What exactly is the problem?
GreenPiller 7y ago
But we do get laid. So again, what's the problem.
GreenPiller 7y ago
The real question is , why are you here? Read the sidebar and all the quality posts TRP could change your mind. If you are just here to call us virgins then you are wasting your time...there are thousands that hate this subreddit, you are not special and you won't change our minds.
GreenPiller 7y ago
I understand where you are coming from, I know that TRP isn't for everybody, but it helped me more than anything else. My life isn't perfect but its improving... I wish you the best also.