I wanted to post a link to a poignant essay from 2013: The Right to be Left Alone.
People on the Internet spend a lot of time talking about rights. Reading some of the more active social media sites can set your head swimming with discussions about women's rights, gay rights, digital rights, privacy rights and whole other host of uses and abuses of the term "rights". Me, I'll settle for being left alone. I don't want to build some kind of masculine utopia. I don't want to see a white picket fence out the front of every house. I don't want to see women have their right to vote taken away or forced to cover their faces in public no matter how much feminists scream hysterically about what will become of them should masculinity begin to re-assert itself publicly. All I want, and I suspect, all most men want, is the right to be left alone.
The book "Men On Strike" by Dr. Helen Smith talks about how men are walking away from society - dropping out of college, leaving the workforce, and avoiding marriage - due to the lack of incentives to contribute. I believe it's more than that though. We've been hounded out of every place we used to gather. Young guys have retreated into video games and Internet porn, and even there it can be hard to find solace now.
It would be one thing if this departure were met with stony silence, yet still we find hordes of shrieking harpies chasing men down, eager to continue the flogging. For example, the disgusting "Don't Be That Guy" campaign in Edmonton, Canada which portrays all men as being somehow prone to accidentally-on-purpose slipping their penises into unconscious women is exactly the kind of thing I'm talking about. Not content that men are simply refusing to take on the risk of dating and marriage, Canada's "Battered Women Support Services" has to poster the entire town of Edmonton to remind men wherever they go that they are, in fact, to be considered sexual predators in waiting.
Women meanwhile, are aghast that their continual temper tantrums aren't having the desired effect of motivating men to pick their so-called "responsibilities". Women will happily moan and complain about men and their habits, and a media geared towards female consumers feeds their preconceptions voraciously. Then, they'll spend a good portion of their time trying to figure out how to get one of these awful creatures to go on a date with them. Yet it still doesn't stop. If a man does find himself in a relationship with a woman in America, he'll be constantly critiqued, tested and (looking at the divorce rate) ultimately tossed aside. If he opts not to engage in the dating scene, he'll be constantly harangued about his lack of ability to "commit". Possibly because he can't "handle a strong woman". Of course.
If the nascent Men's Rights Movement sets out to achieve only one thing, it should be the right for men, and indeed everyone, simply to be left alone. For them to remain unmolested by people with fancy-sounding titles and lots of government funding (like the instigators of the squalid "Don't Be That Guy" campaign) or by other people's notions of what their obligations to everyone else are. The absurdity of running somebody out of town only to demand they stand still just outside the town border so you can continue to scream at them however, makes me want to pick up a bottle of scotch and look for an explanation at the bottom.
I also can't lie about this: I self-published the novel Land of the Losers, which is available in both hard-cover and e-book. I hope if you find the other essays at the site interesting, you'll consider getting a copy. It was a real international collaboration and took a lot of hard work to get done.
TheYekke 6y ago
The right to be left alone.. ok, thanks to the hindsight of age and provenance I can state the following: In the US you absolutely have the capability to be left alone. All you need is a reasonably large city or remote countryside near a city and you effectively become that guy in 8B or the good ‘ol boy at the end of road with the NO TRESPASSING signs. In other countries it really depends on how clingy the culture is, the more you are related to everyone around you. Asia and Africa? Yeah you’re screwed. Muddle East? Yeah doubly so. So, my retort is: how do you feel you don’t have the ability to be alone?
kevin32 Mod 6y ago
Thanks for posting u/Land_of_the_Losers. It's a fine read. A lot of people don't understand that some of us actually enjoy solitude and not getting dragged into the drama of others.
In case you didn't know, you're an approved submitter on our parent sub r/WhereAreAllTheGoodMen, which means you can post direct links there (If for whatever reason the automoderator removes your post, just PM us and we will manually approve).
I think it would be a good opportunity to occasionally post a direct link to your website articles so that our wider community can know more about you and your community.
Consider posting your article above for starters.
Land_of_the_Losers Mod 6y ago
Thanks v much; I'll have a talk with my editor.
Rick_OShay1 6y ago
Can I see such a poster?
Land_of_the_Losers Mod 6y ago
I'll have to ask the original author; it was written a number of years ago.
Edit: Here's the link.
Rick_OShay1 6y ago
Typical, the ONE time the consider the possibility of a man getting raped, they assume it's by a another man.