I took an elder's advice and tried using poetry to woo a girl I was smitten with; she took an obvious metaphor literally, and accused me of objectifying her, and then would tell her dad that I was sexually harassing her. A false accusation, all because she must have hated poetry.
This was few years ago, and I destroyed my poem in anger back then, so don't ask me what I said because I have forgotten it.
[deleted] 6y ago
Women hate what they don't understand.
Rick_OShay1 6y ago
Using long/large, uncommon words seems to piss some off for some reason.
Modern-witch 6y ago
Sorry that happened. I wouldn’t say never use poetry, though. Maybe not immediately up front, but it’s a lovely gesture a lot of girls love. Sounds like she was taken aback and rude, but I bet there will be a girl out there who will appreciate that thoughtfulness.
William_A_Bishop 6y ago
Never express feels until you've fucked em. Never get romatic till youre fucking them.
Rick_OShay1 6y ago
Ironically, you can't fuck them until after marriage, or you end up marrying "used goods".
The bride's virginity is what makes the difference between a marriage that will fail, and one that will succeed.
sleepyweaselisawake Mod 6y ago
Seriously.. never tell women how you feel. The best move I ever learned was simply not giving a fuck. When I'm around women they simply exist in the same space as I do. They aren't special, they just are. So, when I approach it's no different than if I'm talking to another guy.
Rick_OShay1 6y ago
Unfortunately, my voice has been known to go a little softer when talking to an attractive female. It's like I lose control over my own mouth.
sleepyweaselisawake Mod 6y ago
As long as you don't try to come off as some kind of alpha bro or try hard you should be fine.
Rick_OShay1 6y ago
Well the point is, is that I am failing to speak to them as I would to a fellow male, as my voice changes, and I don't catch myself until it is too late.
sleepyweaselisawake Mod 6y ago
Then keep practicing. You're not going to fix it overnight. At some point you'll have an epiphany that women are just people and should be treated as such.
empatheticapathetic 6y ago
Do you even Chad bro?
Rick_OShay1 6y ago
Do you mind rephrasing the question?
empatheticapathetic 6y ago
Chad could do anything and get away with it. The poetry is pretty beta, but if you had the right looks level, pre selection, status, the poetry might have worked well.
Rick_OShay1 6y ago
Well, the point of the post is that it's just another lie the elder generations taught me as true.
Maybe it was true at one time, but they are unaware that the female mentality if very different, alien, nowadays.
empatheticapathetic 6y ago
Yep. This should be day 1 learning over at TRP. You can replace poetry with any activity that puts her on a pedestal.
Rick_OShay1 6y ago
Yeah, but this is the subreddit where men who KNOW that they are nice/good can post their stories, even if they are a bit vague like the one above.
empatheticapathetic 6y ago
Not sure what you mean.
Rick_OShay1 6y ago
I mean like I didn't go into specific details. Most men write an essay for their story. What I wrote you can barely call a paragraph.
empatheticapathetic 6y ago
The sentence before that I meant. Anyway I just view TRP as the base of all of this ideology and further subreddits. So I assume everyone has read the material on there.
Rick_OShay1 6y ago
I was just saying that this subreddit, WhereAllTheGoodMenAre, is where good men post a horror story as it says on a different post.
So I posted a brief summary of my worst case of heartbreak. And yes, people have used my heartbreak story as "proof" that I am a "false-goodguy", a "closet creep".
I miss the good old days when the insulted could challenge the insulter to a duel. Nowadays you must "man up" and take it. A bit ironic.
[deleted] 6y ago
To woo today's women, avoid poetic diarrhea
In fact just avoid today's women - they all have gonorrhea
Rick_OShay1 6y ago
....Was that poetic diarrhea? XD
AcrobaticAge 6y ago
I hope it didn't get legal.
Rick_OShay1 6y ago
Well, I got two calls from the sheriff, if that's what you mean.