As many of you are aware, we often post "Responses" on r/WhereAreAllTheGoodMen, which represent men's perspective on The Big Question that women ask. However, most Responses have been from outside the sub. But we've seen numerous comments from our members that qualify as Responses and really deserve more visibility.
Therefore, we created this sub for men to share their stories and perspectives on "Where are all the good men?". We believe many of our members have something to say about the matter, and we'd like them to be heard by the community.
All submissions be in the form of an article or essay that addresses the "Where are all the good men?" phenomenon. Topics may include personal stories, theories and perspectives, rants, mistakes made and lessons learned, the nature of women, women's dual mating strategy (Alpha Fucks, Beta Bucks), the friendzone, dating and marriage, the adverse effects of feminism, the Nice Guy™ stereotype and the demonization of Good Men, #MeToo and false accusations, shaming tactics, men's rights, how awesome life is as a bachelor, and the benefits of MGTOW.
Ultimately the reader should be able to grasp from your essay why women can't find a "good man", or why Good Men are avoiding commitment and going their own way. This is important. While many topics are allowed, all writings should at least touch upon our theme. Our Recommended Reading list contains great examples that fit our theme.
Finally, this sub is meant for men to write about their perspective on dating, commitment, and women's behavior in a way that addresses "Where are all the good men?" The purpose is to showcase a collection of writings that articulate the dating and social landscape from the male perspective, for critics to better understand why good men are avoiding commitment, and through which good men receive support and inspiration.
Merely posting a woman behaving badly with the title "This is why I avoid commitment" - along with most posts on MGTOW and WAATGM - is largely surface level. This sub aims to go deeper than that.
fajftgp 6y ago
It seems the good men are waiting for the good women to become traditional again. Just saw an article addressing this subject on
There is something really wrong in the way men and women interact today. Maybe thinking out of the box means to go back to old-fashioned values. But for women this is certainly not easy. They never got the good grades for trad wife behaviour, homemaking or motherhood skills. Education and media pushed them into behaving like men and to become a good human resource creating profit for a company. Anyway don't want to tell too much, read it yourself.
Some of the comments are hilarious.
Blogginginvicecity 6y ago
That article kept it real, nice. It's on a white pride website so the ending comments by the author were funny and novel to me, but the meat of the piece itself was refreshing to read.
BachelorInc 6y ago
The question itself - " Where are all the good men ?" posed by women, isn't a question at all. It isn't meant to be answered. It's a deflection . Women's modus operendi is to -
And that's all this is. " Where are all the good men " is an answer to the obvious question - Why are you 30 something, still single, and have no children? No one is sincerely asking the question - "where's muh good men". It's a shift-blaming tactic, in the very same way as the statement - "men are just intimidated by me".
That's. All. It. Is.
[deleted] 6y ago
Cissnowflake 6y ago
Generally men’s value on the dating market keeps going up well into their 30s as they become battle-tested, mature, and successful.
Men and women are not the same. So no, the same question doesn’t apply.
nicethingyoucanthave 6y ago
There is indeed an inverse. However, you are making the very common mistake of imagining that all that's necessary to find it is to reverse the gender. What you're missing is that you also have to reverse the gender role.
Women are the gatekeepers of sex. Their role is to decide which males get to pass on their genes to the next generation. Men, on the other hand, are the gatekeepers of commitment. Their role (at least among our ancestors) was to protect and provision a woman while she bears and weans a child - our infants are unusually helpless.
Whether or not these roles are still valid in today's society is irrelevant. We still carry the instinct to desire these things because our ancestors needed them. A man is considered successful when a woman offers him sexual access. A woman is considered successful when a man offers commitment.
Therefore, the proper parallel to a woman whining that she can't get commitment is a man whining that he can't get sex. The male version of "where are all the good men" is the incel community.
Your question therefore becomes:
And the answer is most assuredly "yes."
BachelorInc 6y ago
Men aren't asking the question, let alone en masse as women are. Article after article, the subject of endless discussion on day time television talk shows while the clucking hens cackle together, nodding their bobble heads in collective agreement, shaking their pom-poms spewing their -you go gurl mantras. Men don't take endless selfies, run to post them to Fakebook, IG, et al and spend countless hours telling one another how beautiful one another are, how we deserve nothing but the best, how we should never change, how if someone can't handle at us at our worst they don't deserve us at our best.
No. Men bust one another's balls. Men self-examine, improve get over it or simply move on. Men are already hyper critical of themselves, and so is Society of us.
Men aren't collectively asking - " Where Have All The Good Women Gone "? Men just - move the fuck on. Women are the one's asking the question, w/out ever looking at themselves.
The absolute worst thing you can do to a woman is to stick a fucking mirror in front of her face and examine her own behavior. Solipsistic creatures w/zero sense of accountability or responsibility.
^ That wouldn't be funny if it wasn't true.
But, rather than doing any sense of self examination, they simply spew out the question over, and over, and over again. I've heard it anecdotaly in my own life, and read it in article, after article, after article. If there is ANY problem w/a woman, in her mind, it's spinned into a positive -
" Men are just too INTIMIDATED by me "
" I'm too SUCCESSFUL "
" These guys don't want me...Where are all the REAL men ".
Men are just moving the fuck on. We aren't flipping the script/turning the tables and asking - " where's my PRINCESS ". Some men are pumping and dumping, others are going MGTOW. But, I've never heard in my entire almost 40 years walking this wet planet a man say - " I want to get married and have kids !!!" We don't have biological clocks ticking away...We don't fear living alone; most of us view it as a positive. We've already examined ourselves and our options, and we don't screech from the roof tops criticizing and complaining.
We move the fuck on.
[deleted] 6y ago
Blogginginvicecity 6y ago
Women, babies, children and cult leaders cry in one way men do not. They cry for manipulation, to guilt and shame others into doing the work for them. With this in mind, your following observation seems inevitable.
The funny thing is cult leaders target just that very audience. They commiserate and offer much thinking... ...but little self-reflection, and then shame the rest of the world; reminds me of the term 'hamstering!' Politicians, religions, drug companies, the higher education system (get a degree and your future will be that of a yuppie with status!!! PSYYYCH LOL), everyone who sells a cure-all detached from responsibility. And who eats that shit UP? I think we know the answer :)
It all made me imagine the following fake T.V. ad.
Anyways, the fact is high value men aren't being good little slaves for women any more. Esther Vilar knows! A popular quote of hers reminds me of this situation, where women love to ask where the good men are without self reflection.
kyledontcare 6y ago
"Men are just intimidated by me." No; we're just not interested in disease ridden, worn out skanks with tripple-digit notch counts, whose mouths are a co*k holster and your womb is worn out from multiple abortions. Why pay any price for you you've already given it away for free countless times already. You're not worth investing our lives in.
[deleted] 6y ago
[deleted] 6y ago
Guys whose lives are actually awesome do not call themselves "single men".
We are Bachelors.
Big difference.
kevin32 Mod 6y ago
This is implied in the topic "the reasons and benefits of MGTOW", but I like your wording so I added it to both the welcome message and the sidebar.
If you live such an awesome life and would like to share, say on!
kantomasterspencer 6y ago
Not all of us are single. Some of us just know where you're at.
[deleted] 6y ago
Rick_OShay1 6y ago
What was this deleted comment?
[deleted] 6y ago
He was wondering if this was a good place to post experiences with men avoiding women entirely.
Rick_OShay1 6y ago
Ah ok.