Needs and wants
A need is something that you must have. Whether you need it for your survival, for your health, your wellbeing, your success or whatever. You must have the thing that you need, otherwise you will fail at life, health, wellbeing etc.
A want is something your inclined towards having. However, not having it will not affect your ability to live, to be healthy or any other basic function. The object of your want is something you want, but don’t need.
Similarly, the object of your need is something you need but don’t want!
Example: everyone has to breathe to live. However, as much as you absolutely must breathe to live, you cannot say that anyone wants to breathe. It’s only when we find ourselves in a place of scarce oxygen that we begin to yearn for easy breathing. In other words: we need – but don’t want – to breathe until we can’t breathe. Only then do we acquire the want for breathing. This is likewise true of every need.
Example of the reverse: if I want to learn a specific profession, my want may be strong, passionate and all consuming. However, I ultimately don’t need this specific profession. If I fail at this field (for whatever reason), I can find employment and fulfillment in something else. This is likewise true regarding every want, large or small.
In short – it’s impossible to need what you want or to want what you need.
Sex as a need, sex as a want
This begs the question: is sex a need or a want? The answer is yes. Sex is a want for men and a need for women.
The primary purpose of sex is reproduction. This is true whether you want children or not, whether you’re using birth control or not. Your biologically wired to want sex because that’s how humans reproduce. This is true in a general sense regarding human sexuality and it’s also true in a more specific sense regarding the specific relationship of men and women towards sex.
Please read: The sex gap.
In short – men want sex but don’t need it. Women need sex but don’t want it.
Examples to illustrate this point
The combined points from the above two sections being: Sex is a want for men and a need for women. You cannot need what you want nor can you want what you need. Needs are things you need for your survival and wellbeing, wants are things you wish to obtain for your fulfilment (large or small). Ultimately, if your want is unfulfilled, you’ll be okay. If your need is unfulfilled, you won’t be okay.
Let’s look at the sexual wants of men. We’ll see that these are indeed wants and not needs.
Men want sex. Men have almost no standards when it comes to sex. A man wants sex until he’s thoroughly drained and until the age when his equipment doesn’t work. Even then, he still wants sex, he just can’t actualize his want. It’s fair to say that men – as a rule – want sex with women, unless there’s something that turns them off.
Whether in person or online, in a short term, long term or permeant relationship. Before the kids are born, after they’re born, while they’re growing up and after they leave. During times of calm and stress, through poverty and wealth, through anything else that’s going on in life – the man usually wants sex unless there’s a reason not to.
Women need sex. Women have a biological need to bear children. Women also need the protection and provision of a man and sex is how they obtain a man’s commitment. Therefore, a woman’s sexual desire will drastically change based on these two factors.
When she’s ovulating, when her sex gets her tons of male attention (potential investment), when she’s in a relationship but hasn’t yet locked down her man, when she’s ovulating and her biology is demanded fertilization or when she decided it’s time to start trying for a child – that’s when she’ll be so horny, you probably won’t be able to keep up. Because wants are never as powerful as needs.
However, when she already has her man locked down in marriage, when she already had her children, when she isn’t ovulating or when the man isn’t hot enough (translation: he doesn’t display enough potential as a protector or provider) – then she isn’t in the moooooooooooooood. As Ester Pearl so famously said: you can’t want what you already have…. It’s fair to say that women – as a rule – usually don’t want sex, unless there’s a reason for them to want it. Therefore, there are requirements to meet for her to be interested. Because her default is to be disinterested. Also therefore, the disinterest of men or her man in her, will make her terribly horny. Because you yearn for your needs when you risk losing them, as explained above.
Women need sex to secure male investment, they therefore don’t want sex unless there’s a positive motivation towards sex. Men want sex for fulfillment (of various kinds). They therefore don’t need it. Sure, droughts and rejection may hurt and he may fell unfulfilled without sex, but ultimately, a man doesn’t need sex. A man can be fulfilled without sex.
What does need sex is the marriage. The reason why men invest in the massive – life consuming – investment that is marriage, is for the fulfillment that marriage brings. The intimate bonding of sex, the fulfilling responsibility of providing for an appreciative wife and the children. Without sex, he will survive, but the marriage will not.
Women today though have all the authority over themselves. Modern men cannot expect anything in a marriage, not even sex. Any expectation is considered to be rape or abusive. What’s left is a pile of responsibilities that he is still obliged to fulfill. This is how responsibility becomes a burden. This is when men say, fuck you, I’m out.
holymotherofbunnies 3y ago
I dunno man, my attachment to my vibrator said otherwise. Some women have very high sex drives.
loneliness-inc Mod 3y ago
For how many years are you married to your husband?
holymotherofbunnies 3y ago
I'm waiting until I'm married to my fiance to lose my virginity. Meanwhile I use my vibrator about 4 times a week at least.
loneliness-inc Mod 3y ago
Exactly. You aren't refuting anything I said in any of my posts.
CaringVisual 3y ago
Aren't women capable of just saying "I don't need no man" and doing the equivalent of MGTOW? Making them not "need" sex either
loneliness-inc Mod 3y ago
Anyone can say anything. Saying something doesn't make it so.
[deleted] 3y ago
Great piece, too bad my marriage is a dead bedroom but I need it and want it
Physical-Pie748 4y ago
wow this made me see this things in a complete new picture. thats devastating. huge red pill down my throat. thats why sex in any ltr/marriage decreases. because more often the women is not interested anymore and men still want it.
whytehorse2017 3y ago
It increased during my marriage. I feel like the woman now turning down all this sex because I'm not in the mood or have a headache.
[deleted] 4y ago
loneliness-inc Mod 4y ago
Typo-MAGAshiv Mod 4y ago
Suggested additional reading:
Dread - Heartiste's original from 2008
Dread Games - Rollo Tomassi circa 2012 (note - when he refers to Roissy, that's the internet handle Heartiste was using back then).
Studies Provide Support For Dread Game - Heartiste circa 2014
The Hypnotic Power Of Dread Game - Heartiste circa 2018
If you're in a marriage or LTR, dread game can be one of the most powerful tools in your toolbox.
[deleted] 4y ago
There were times when I would reject my ex because I was too fricken tired. She would go apeshit.
Jake-Orion 4y ago
Let me guess; she thought there was someone else?
Had that happen to me too. Promptly ended it as I wasn't going to put up with that garbage.
[deleted] 4y ago
Of course I was cheating. Feminism teaches us that all men are horn dogs who never turn down sex. Not ever.
10 hour days in a HAZMAT suit, six days a week, pour the water out of your boots, piss orange because you are so dehydrated. But some how I've got a gal on the side.
Go home, eat , fall asleep, repeat. But because I turned down her stink hole I was cheating.
NarutoDnDSoundNinja 4y ago
What is your profession?
[deleted] 4y ago
I work in the chemical industry, broadly defined.
SammySilver09 4y ago
Ha-Ooh! Ha-Ooh!
whytehorse2017 3y ago
That's some gay hooah, must be navy
SammySilver09 3y ago
It's a line from 300.
Alturius 4y ago
Older women going through the menopause are also very randy, because it is their body trying one last ditch desperate effort to get them pregnant before their reproductive system shuts down and their eggs are no longer viable for fertilisation to occur.
whytehorse2017 3y ago
Not exactly. Low estrogen and progesterone wreaks havoc on the entire body, including the brain. We're talking insomnia effects like memory loss and irritability.
Alturius 3y ago
Yes, thanks for reminding me about their mood swings.
happychickenpalace 4y ago
And that's also why women feel the 7-year itch in marriage. Their cheating impulses go to overdrive as they hit middle age.
Jake-Orion 4y ago
Very good post Lone. Me fucking gusta.
Lando_620 4y ago
Can a guy who enjoys the occasional kinky adventure...I've seen women try to chew out rope knots or beg/plead for 10+ minutes straight because I kept teasing them right up to the edge of their orgasm only to deny them and walk away for 15 minutes leaving them still tied to the bed.
NarutoDnDSoundNinja 4y ago
Did that mid-stroke. She followed me into the kitchen still naked, mouth agape, while I made a PB&J.
Mans got his priorities.
[deleted] 4y ago
NarutoDnDSoundNinja 4y ago
I created this account back when a few buds and I decided to do a homebrew DnD campaign based in the world of Naruto. It was a good time. Lots of pizza and beer.
And whether or not you decide to believe something written by strangers is completely okay. I remain indifferent whether or not you choose to believe what I’ve written, shit, I’d be skeptical too.
But it did happen... and stranger things still occur in the real world.
[deleted] 4y ago
loneliness-inc Mod 4y ago
Shrug. Why would you engage in mind game manipulation like that? Just for the thrill? That's fucked up.
[deleted] 4y ago
I agree. Make her cum at least 3 times.
Lando_620 4y ago
It is a kink and at least some really enjoy it...the constant excitement & frustration sort of builds up your orgasm so when it hits it hits hard. Works for guys too, but not nearly the same level (at least not for me as I can still use my willpower to stop) women don't seem to be able to. It can consume them.
Example, I had a lady follow me for hours, like how a puppy will when you bring them home. I had played with her sexually for about an hour bringing her to the edge of orgasm 7 times...then as part of our dynamic I untied her from the bed and told her this was her punishment for disobeying early. She spent about 20 minutes naked sitting on floor begging while I made myself a grilled cheese. She then followed me to the couch sitting as close as possible, still naked...nestling & nudge me every minute or so to remind me she was there as if I'd forgotten. After an episode of Brooklyn 99, I threw a blanket on her, told her to stay and went to bathroom. When I came back 2 minutes later I caught her masturbating, so I walked over, pulled her off of couch by her ankle and pinned her to the carpet. Said do you need help, yes she pleaded, so I edged her orgasm again and then told her bad girls don't get to cum. She begged a little but then just went back to nestling my feet as she sat on the floor and watched more episodes. In total this went on for about 4 1/2 hours she followed me everywhere, nudging/begging trying to relieve herself only for me to stop her & make it worse. Eventually I decided to shower and let her follow me in. I fucked her against the tile wall and she orgasmed in under 2 minutes even though it had be over an hour since I last edged her. She was basically just an exhausted cuddle puddle the rest of the day. The most telling sign it was changing her behavior and not an act, she stayed naked the entire time, I had to give her a blanket...she is 5'5" 119 pounds and normally complains of being cold all the time. It was early December and not once did she say she was cold.
darkskinx 4y ago
this is god-level sex.
Lando_620 4y ago
Appreciate the compliment but mostly just takes willpower, an afternoon to waste, and a good vibrator.
[deleted] 4y ago
Lando_620 4y ago
Vibrator was for the initial hour of sex play/edging her while tied up...after that it was my hands/fingers to edge her when she misbehave and then my cock when I fucked her in the shower. I learned the hard way not to use my dick early on if I know I'm going to deny her as about 30% of the time that gives me blue balls. If you're curious I kept fucking her after she orgasmed till she was too sensitive then she finished me with mouth. Hope that helps.
(Edit: It is a sort of mental conditioning too...she learns that your dick = she gets to orgasm were as with the vibrator or another toy she only gets to orgasm maybe 15% of the time. Enough that she still gets excited & hopeful with toys but she KNOWS with your dick.)
[deleted] 4y ago
This reads like a LARP. 99.9% of women don't get on their knees and beg for sex while naked. The dude said she turned in to a "cuddle puddle" afterwards. I've NEVER heard a dude say this shit who wasn't a fat neck beard weeb.
Then he says the vibrator did most of the work. Which is not him.
This is some bullshit.
Lando_620 4y ago
I'm 6'4", moderately athletic (ballroom & swing dancer), early 30s. The language is a result of written erotic roleplay which one of my kinky play partners enjoys. Toys are not for everyone but one of my other comments explains why I use them. Any who was just sharing my perspective/experience. My point being that just because something is different or unusual doesn't mean it is false, and I understand that my experiences don't hold across the board but they do have common elements to the related topic.
Typo-MAGAshiv Mod 4y ago
I say share away.
Typo-MAGAshiv Mod 4y ago
I've had them beg. It jives with things I've experienced.
I don't use toys or the same diction to talk about that sort of thing, but it seems feasible to me.
[deleted] 4y ago
I don't use toys, either. I bought my wife one just to try it out on her but she hated it compared to just regular fucking so we returned it(lol). Maybe it's because I never really played that type of game or it's him going on and on about his prowess but he just used a crutch. When you can make your girl cum 8 times from PIV then you get to talk like that but saying shit like cuddle puddle isn't convincing me this dude has it in him.
Who the fuck knows why I give a shit.
Typo-MAGAshiv Mod 4y ago
I really hope the store threw it away! Hahaha
[deleted] 4y ago
Good ol Amazon.
[deleted] 4y ago
[deleted] 4y ago
[deleted] 4y ago
I-am-the-lul 4y ago
Female ferrets will literally die if they are unable to mate while in heat after a time, but human women don't need sex itself to survive, they need what sex can potentially provide like babies, protection and provision.
[deleted] 4y ago
I-am-the-lul 4y ago
Women need men directly or indirectly to survive, individual men can survive without those things.
loneliness-inc Mod 4y ago
Seems like you didn't actually read the post. If you read it, you certainly didn't understand it.
[deleted] 4y ago
guesswho1440 4y ago
The conclusion seems to contradict the the need and want descriptions he gave at the beginning as well. Everyone needs sex by that description because the lack of sex affects one's well being. Which is why men get it from whoever because that is the easiest way to fullfill that need.
loneliness-inc Mod 4y ago
Where did I contradict myself?
I addressed this distinction in the post. When you're denied something you want, it'll affect your immediate wellbeing but ultimately, you'll be fine. Therefore, this cannot truly be considered to be something that negatively affects your wellbeing.
However, when you're denied something that you need, your actual wellbeing is affected in a real way.
[deleted] 4y ago
loneliness-inc Mod 4y ago
I still can't respond to you putting words in my mouth.
Bunnyluv4eva 4y ago
Many women who weren't able to procure male protection and provision died because of the lack of those two resources. In modern times the gov't picks up in the form of welfare and social programs so the lack of those two things are not as pronounced. Denying this would be denying evolution and nature itself.
[deleted] 4y ago
Bunnyluv4eva 4y ago
Why would a man provide protection to a woman with no possible return on the physical investment of protecting her? Unless youre inferring women were as capable as men in combat against other men and predators, which anyone with a brain knows is false. I.E "trans" men beating every single female physical record.
[deleted] 4y ago
Bunnyluv4eva 4y ago
Yes but men are better at using that spear. Try again.
[deleted] 4y ago
Bunnyluv4eva 4y ago
" According to Jerry Thomas, dean of the College of Education at the University of North Texas in Denton, who did the throwing research Hyde cites in her paper, “The overhand throwing gap, beginning at 4 years of age, is three times the difference of any other motor task, and it just gets bigger across age. By 18, there’s hardly any overlap in the distribution: Nearly every boy by age 15 throws better than the best girl.” "
Bunnyluv4eva 4y ago
[deleted] 4y ago
Bunnyluv4eva 4y ago
Yes better than the average girl, even the best female throwers are levels below their male counterparts. Never said woman couldn't throw just that men are better at it. Please though, try again.
[deleted] 4y ago
Bunnyluv4eva 4y ago
So women do need men? OK sounds like we agree.
linkmaster144 4y ago
And what would they do after the father is unable to fight due to old age? Who's going to take his place?
Is the brother not allowed to leave and have his own family? Protecting the old current family and the new family at the same time is a tall order. It's too many people to look after.
[deleted] 4y ago
linkmaster144 4y ago
How is my point a strawman? I fail to see how it isn't relevant to topic of "Do men protect family?"
Your point doesn't contradict my point. I never said they didn't.
My point was that is merely more convenient for women to have other men protect them. Fathers eventually get old and injured and lose the ability to protect (assuming they don't die first). If the father didn't have a son with the daughter, who's going to protect her?
You are making a weird assumption that you must fight to protect your family just cause you are related by blood. This is incorrect. People fight to protect the people they care about. Merely being related by blood is not a reason for one to care about another. (Ex: Would save a sibling that treated you like shit even if it killed you? Would you abandon your wife and child to protect them?)
[deleted] 4y ago
[deleted] 4y ago
[deleted] 4y ago
dachengchuan 4y ago
True ! I test women on a regular basis. I do not go on her for sex, cuddles etc ... Excuses are tired, stress, work, responsabilities etc ... The average is two weeks before she wants to talk about the no sex period, then another week and she becomes a slut. She does what it takes to get back her man. No exceptions. As a man must have several plates spinning, he fucks one while testing another. So funny.
Dope371 3y ago
Seems horribke
peteypete78 4y ago
Sorry non of this makes sense.
Men and women don't NEED sex but both want sex. No one has died from lack of sex.
loneliness-inc Mod 4y ago
Did you actually read it?
Confirmed. You didn't read it. I never said what you just put in my mouth.
You certainly missed the first section in which I defined the terms need and want. If you disagree with my definition, go right ahead and make your argument. But if you didn't bother reading what I wrote and you're just putting words in my mouth, I can't actually respond to anything.
peteypete78 4y ago
A need is something that if you don't have it you die, a want is something that you believe will make your life better.
So water, food, and oxygen are needs as you die without them, shelter could be a need if you live in an enviroment that will kill you without it.
Sex is not a need as it will not kill you if you don't have it.
loneliness-inc Mod 4y ago
According to this, food isn't a need most of the time. Because any specific meal that you skip won't kill you, even if you aren't overeating.
I disagree with your definition of need and its distinction from want. We can agree to disagree on this.
peteypete78 4y ago
What! It says nothing about specific meal just that you need food in general.
loneliness-inc Mod 4y ago
Point is, something can be a need even if you won't immediately die from being denied or from lacking that thing.
You need food to survive. Women need men to survive. Women gain male investment through sex. Thus, women need sex to survive.
This is a bit distorted in our modern times when women's need for men is less obvious. But it's still true that women need men and it's still true that sex is the way a woman gets the investment of a specific man.
And by sex I mean everything about sex. Not just the act of sex.
[deleted] 4y ago
loneliness-inc Mod 4y ago
What's a brainlet?
peteypete78 4y ago
Thing is that women who couldn't have babies way back when would not of just been left to die, they would be used in other ways in society other than sex.
Yes women use sex to get help from men but I don't think any women not having sex would of been killed/left to die.
I think you're conflating need as in need for water with using a resource to gain an advantage as women could survive on their own but as humanity discovered we have a better chance to survive as a community.
loneliness-inc Mod 4y ago
Where did I say that anyone would die from not having sex.
I never said that or anything like that.
Maybe some women can survive on their own, but generally speaking, regarding the majority of women, throughout history, could not survive without male investment in them.
peteypete78 4y ago
That is a definition of a need essentially.
Women back then were a lot hardier then women today (men as well) and so surviving on their own or a group of women would not as been as hard as maybe we think.
Look I get what you're getting at but its not a need but just a big advantage strategy that women use.
Typo-MAGAshiv Mod 4y ago
You may want to edit your original post to include that. It seems a lot of people aren't getting it.
loneliness-inc Mod 4y ago
What they aren't getting is the definition and distinction of needs and wants.
They're also FDS and PPD participants. Those are mainly the ones who don't understand what I'm talking about and putting words in my mouth.
Edited to add this quote from the post in which I was quite clear about this.
In case you didn't see this yet, tag u/Typo-MAGAshiv
Typo-MAGAshiv Mod 4y ago
It was clear to me. I just think it wasn't clear enough for some of the interlopers. However, now that you mention
...yeah, so nutty feminazis and people who just love to argue for the sake of arguing.
loneliness-inc Mod 4y ago
Unlike them, we aren't afraid to engage. So far they've kept within the rules. That's why they got engagement with their comments.