Criteria that I most often hear associated with "high value man" include:
six-figure salary
at least 6' tall (72 inches)
college degree Selecting just those three criteria eliminates 99% of the population. A note about the site - it shows the percentage of the total population, and that includes women and men under 18. But the total number of men over 18 is, according to the site, 120,823,839.
With the 3 criteria above, it shows 869,931 men left, which is 0.72% of men over 18. The website shows a slightly lower number (0.27%) because it's showing the percentage of the total population.
At any rate, the most common definition of "high value man" is already a 1% man.
Adding these additional popular requirements:
healthy weight
doesn't have kids Gets us down to 59,817 men, or 0.05% of the men we started with. And note that I didn't select a particular age or race. I also didn't mention dick size (the site has data for that too). And remember that not all of these 0.05% of men will be attractive to any given woman (some of them might be bald!!)
The question I would ask of any of woman wondering "where are all the good men" is this: if you desire a man in the top 0.05% or less, that means he is one man in 5000. To put that another way, he is the most attractive man out of 5000 randomly selected men.
So, imagine that I put you in a room with 4999 randomly selected women. How many of those women would also want that man? Half? Maybe more?
The question you have to answer is: could you out-compete those thousands of other women? Do you really think you're the most attractive one in the room? And if you are (you're not, but let's play hypothetical) are you going to make demands on this guy? Are you going to tell him he has to wait 3 months for sex? Wont he just turn to the second hottest girl in the room and ask her if she'll make a better deal? This is using demographics data from the US census and the general social survey:
Vermillion-Rx 2y ago
We know damn well just about any woman would read your logic and keep looking for "the man she deserves"
Good breakdown though
mattyanon 2y ago
Look, I basically agree with you, but we need to unpack a few things.
Not quite. High salary is well correlated with college degree. Tallness is also slightly correlated with financial success. You can't treat these as independent variables.
Hilariously when she meets a man like this......... she says "why are you single? what's wrong with you?" hahaha
She doesn't want single, she wants preselected.
Not quite true.
"Most attractive" generally means "fuckable" which does not include salary. Top 1% physically attractive is not the same as the top 1% that you're talking about.
You are conflating alpha and beta attractiveness. Women compromise (because they have to) on one or other depending if she wants sex or provisioning that day.
You can ask these rhetorical questions as much as you like, but women DO NOT ACT LOGICALLY. She'll only compete when she's faced with other women being interested in the man right in front of her face. If he's alone, she'll forget about all the other female competition.
Likely yes, because she wants provisioning security. Not 3 months, but she'll generally try the "make him wait" strategy IF SHE THINKS SHE CAN.
She'll demand security ("prove you like me") and then she'll leverage that security to give him a shit deal ("if you love me you'll wait").
Look, women are designed like we are: to live in a village of 100 people with 20 available partners. She picks the top one of those 20, and her strategy works just fine.
But in the modern world, she is in a village with 100 million people. She sees the hottest and the best on instagram, and that's what she wants.
Hypergamy fucks men and women, but men come off worse.
nicknack 2y ago
Men need to shake the idea that “but I have a great successful job and lots of money, I’m a HVM”. The guys I know who get the most play with the girls we actually want to fuck (prime age + hot) are the tall fit handsome chads who spend their time working on their looks not their money. The girls we don’t want 26+ marriage minded roasties are the ones who will date you for your success, because the chads don’t want them anymore even for a lay.
There is a point where you can actually win prime women over just with money, but it’s not “six figures”, it’s at least 7 figures annually and probably closer to 8 figures in all honesty.
Lone_Ranger 2y ago
7 figures annually? closer to 8?? You need to smoke a milder brand of crack.
nicknack 2y ago
Yes 7 figures annually. I’m from the Bay Area and know lots of guys making mid to high 6 figures. None of them have the young hot gfs or wives, because mid 6 figures is not enough to buy a 18-22 year old’s love JUST off money alone. My point is just straight cash, nothing else. Most of these dudes making bank are chubby balding betas let’s remember. You can get a 21 y.o hottie as a broke tatted up loser, but you gotta be hot or meet her at the right time. A beta can buy a 27 year old’s love with 6 figures, but she’s hitting the wall and looking for a bailout.
whytehorse2021 2y ago
What's fun is to put your own stats in and see what a prize you are. Then compare that to how you're treated by women.
nicknack 2y ago
I came here to write this and self pity. I’m 30, 6’2, white, muscular, lean, make 110k, work from home, have my hair, and according to this site I’m supposed to be some kind of brad Pitt but I’m being treated like Danny Devito.
whytehorse2021 2y ago
Yeah It's like day and night when I come back to the US from Asia. Like "bitch, you think you're too good for me?".
nicknack 2y ago
Exactly, this is why I moved to Eastern Europe. I go back and forth because of work, and the difference is night and day.