When it comes to courtship, women will often make men play the waiting game before she gives out sex. This is understandable, as a woman is going to want to make sure a man is willing to commit to her before she has sex with him. While we can debate how long this waiting period should be or what other circumstances should be accounted for, at the very least most men would at least want a woman to be consistent with her standards for how long she has a man wait before she sleeps with him. However, this consistency is lacking in a specific kind of woman who makes the man she wants a commitment from wait while she waves this waiting period entirely from a man that she has a strong sexual desire for but wants no commitment from. And these women will justify this inconsistency by saying that she does not care about the man who she only has sex with while she really wants to keep the one she makes wait, because she "cares about him more."

If this sounds insane, yep, you are right. Not only that, but women who enact this plan are guilty of fraud. What do I mean? The whole point of a woman having a waiting period before she has sex is supposed to be due to her not being someone that gives away sex so easily. Having a man wait implies "I am not easy to get into bed," but for a woman like this, it just means "I am going to make you wait an arbitrary amount of time because I want to give you the impression that I am not quick to give out sex, but in actuality I am. Just not for you."

There is no point to "building something slowly" if a woman is just going to be willing to give out sex to a man who did not provide any commitment in return. All it does is show that she thinks very little of the man she wants to make wait, because she is engaging in deceit and giving him a worse deal. And keep this in mind, women who do this claim that they really want these the long term commitment men ("claims"). Are such actions any way of demonstrating that a woman has any care for a man, or would you think that she is just engaging in deceptive manipulation to give off an impression of herself that is a falsehood?

If you are going to make a man wait, it better be for a good reason. Namely that you don't give out sex easily, and are completely consistent with that standard. So no one night stands or FWBs if you want to have a serious relationship, and most certainly not when you are wanting to start a serious relationship. Some women may claim that they are "no longer that kind of girl," but that is going to be a hard sell to get a guy to want to commit to a woman who is upping the price while making him wait longer. Was it really so crazy that historically most societies created restrictions when it came to sex? It really should not be all that surprising, as we are seeing exactly what happens when those rules are out.

Perhaps some women will pull the "I am no longer that kind of girl," but she cannot even do that in this case. Even outside of those cases, it is going to be a hard sell to get a guy to want to commit to a woman who is upping the price while making him wait longer. Was it really so crazy that historically most societies created restrictions when it came to sex? It really should not be all that surprising, as we are seeing exactly what happens when those rules are out.