WAATGM reddit sub is now set to Public again. WATGMA, which was erroneously banned because of false reporting, has been unbanned but will remain private for a while longer.
All cross-posting is disabled for now and will be restored shortly. Please follow the submission rules and post censored screenshots as usual. Please keep your questions and discussions about the brigading to this thread alone.
If we encounter brigading again, the subs will be set to Private again. While we apologize for the inconvenience this has caused last week and might cause in the future, please understand that this is a necessary measure and we might have to do it as necessary going forward.
Approved members can engage and participate in the subs as usual even if the sub is set to Private. We are only approving users with a comment/post history in the sub for now. This is because we cannot distinguish between lurkers, new users and brigaders and we want to minimize the harassment during a brigade. If you have already sent us a modmail and if we have not responded back to you yet, it is because we have not had the time to get to you yet. We will get to you as time permits.
If you find any rule-breaking comments or posts, please hit the report button and let us know. This can help us weed out trolls and brigaders early. We appreciate everyone who reached out to us in support. Thank you.
PS: You can read the comments here and here for more background about the brigading. There will be an announcement pretty soon with more details on the situation and our plan going forward.
Initial-Glove Wahmyns 3y ago
Lots of good content on the sub. I like the Tinder profiles and I like the Reddit posts and other stuff too.
I think my favorite posts were "The Tale of Jenny" and the post about the guy who spent all his inheritance. A good variety of stuff. Good comment section.
moorekom Urban Hoe Guerrilla 3y ago
Thank you. @deeplydisturbed will be thrilled to hear that you liked his post.
If you like theory posts, you should check out Whereallthegoodmenare. Whereareallthegoodmen is the showroom, Whereallthegoodmenare is (supposed to be) the library.
Initial-Glove Wahmyns 3y ago
Just joined! Glad its back open. While I like the jokey jokey stuff, I also enjoy the deep philosophical stuff too. Maybe it will kind of replace the MGTOW subs for me. Thanks.
moorekom Urban Hoe Guerrilla 3y ago
Cool. I suggest you start with the recommended reading in the sidebar.
deeplydisturbed FDS Dinner Donor 3y ago
Thanks @initial-Glove.
The Tale of Jenny and the story about the guy who spent his inheritance are two different stories. But I am glad you liked them. There are many more to come as I port over my content from /r/whereareallthegoodmen.
Stay tuned.
Initial-Glove Wahmyns 3y ago
I did enjoy them. Thanks. And my condolences.
I also knew a Jenny. Actual name, funny enough. She was a jealous hateful creature hell bent on destroying everything that didn't benefit her directly, so I recognized the type immediately.
Thank you for your contributions.