I know that Roosh specifically has been quite critical of it due to its effects on women's perceived SMV, and I think he also mentioned once that it's terrible for learning "game" (in quotes because I'm still not entirely comfortable with the idea since it seems like it can mean so many different things). I met my first girlfriend on okcupid earlier this year (I'm still in college and both college and high school have been wastelands for finding women for reasons I won't go into here). Anyway, I think it's a pretty useful way of enlarging your dating pool, efficiently approaching women, and cutting out all the bullshit since if someone has a dating profile it means they're single and looking. What does TRP think of all this?
Posted 11y ago in Uncategorized - Permalink - Locked - 1.9K Views
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Kronouranos 11y ago
Haven't done much of it. Hooked up twice using it, but I don't find high quality women online very often, so I rarely do it. Though it's a joke if you're attractive.
AlwaysLateToThreads 11y ago
There's this guy that uses online dating to bang hundreds of chicks by pretending to be a doctor. He's perfected "online game." I say as long as you're getting what you want and you're not letting women use you then go for it.
Amuro_Rey 11y ago
It's like a bandaid. A while back I was in a situation where I had fucked 4-5 girls from online game and still had crippling AA in real life, couldn't # close in real life, and couldn't get laid from an actual cold approach. I suppose for some guys that state of being is O.K., but my ideal was to be the guy that can pull from the mall, the walmart, the starbucks, or even the grocery store if I wanted. My advice to anyone would be to get to the point where you can pull in real life, then use online dating as a supplement.
TRPsubmitter 11y ago
Someone posted this question yesterday in the main sub. Since it was deleted and moved here, here is my comment I had over there.
It's one of my main sources. I literally have slept with probably around 60-70 women from online in 5 years (like 1-2 girls per month is pretty accurate I think). It's just so easy to build up a harem of like 5-10 girls on rotation. It allows me to pick up girls over the course of a week and set up meets according to my schedule (Almost always on the weekend, evening and involving alcohol/games/bars/clubs).
It is very efficient. You can get info on that girl and find out if she still lives with her parents, has a curfew, what areas she hangs out in, etc (In Asia, many girls have curfews and live with parents). For me, online dating allows me to identify through texting which girls are most likely to drink, dance, and thus put out. If I pick a girl up at a bar, it's harder to get that first-night-sex because I don't have as much rapport with her as I would have if we were texting all week in the first place.
In other words, online dating maximizes your chances to establish attraction with the girl (thus escalating sexual interest) while minimizing your investment (time, money; it's free and easy to simply text). Also, I don't have to gamble my premium time on a weekend night with an unknown girl; for me, every time I go out, I want the night to end with sex. I don't want to meet a girl at a bar and get her phone number. Why would I do that if I can get her phone number first online and then meet her face-to-face with a higher chance of sex? That way, I can assign friday/sat nights to girls who I basically know for sure are going to end up at my home (I've never failed to bang any girl who agrees to meet me for clubbing at 11 pm one-on-one; it's just too easy).
Lastly, Couchsurfing! I'm a big proponent and just snagged another one last night. Girls who travel in hostels and backpack are always looking for guys to have sex with. It's amazing how slutty traveling girls are, for real.
Regarding issues of online dating being stacked in women's favor. It's true. But that can be said of dating in general. Go to any club and it's 70% guys. Cover fee for guys but free for ladies. Ladies nights. It's all the same both on and offline. The same principles of not giving a fuck, being sexual and standing out still apply. I have the craziest shit on my online profiles and my messages always start out by making fun of them for something. I get lots of comments how "my profile is the most interesting on OKcupid" all the time (when in fact, I write total nonsense that any job interviewer would immediately scoff at).
Really_Puck 11y ago
Online dating is great if you approach it the right way. I'll try to explain the best I can.
The first thing to remember is that online dating is a numbers game. Plain and simple. The more women you contact the better your chances will be of finding a date. For example, let's say that you contact 100 women. Of those maybe you'll get a reply from 40 - 50 of them. Of those that reply maybe you'll be interested in 25 after their initial reply so you write them back. Of those 25 maybe you get a second reply from 10-12. Of those 10-12 women maybe you'll figure out that you're only interested in 5 of them and maybe you'll end up going on dates with 2-3.
As a guy you have to play the numbers game in order for online dating to work. I can't stress this enough.
A few years ago I was really heavily into online dating and I was literally able to go out with a different woman every Friday and Saturday night (sometimes Thursdays as well.) Here's what I did:
Sunday/Monday night was dedicated to sending out messages to new women. You have to send out a lot of messages so I suggest using a stock message that can be easily modified so it doesn't seem cut/paste. I'd generally start the message off by talking about something interesting from the girl's profile and then I'd start talking about myself. Most of that part was cut/paste.
Monday - Wednesday was spent shifting through replies and writing follow up messages. The key is to get away from email as quickly as possible. Remember, you want to actually go out on a date with these women, not engage in a long online communication. If the woman seemed interesting I'd always give her my phone number (I had a special Google Voice number just for this) and suggest that she call or text me. If she did, great - that's a great way to tell if she's actually interested. If she didn't I just wouldn't bother with her anymore. Again, the goal is to actually meet up with people IRL, not to communicate endlessly online. You want to find people who feel the same way.
After a few texts or a short phone call I'd always ask the woman out dinner either Friday or Saturday night. Again, there's no reason to draw out the communication phase. Cut to the chase and ask her out as soon as possible. No amount of communication will make up for lack of physical attraction/chemistry once you meet.
I had no qualms about double booking dates either. You don't know these women and you've lost nothing if you have to cancel. I'd always book dates for Fri/Saturday as early in the week as possible and if someone better came along I'd either cancel on the other women or move the date to a different day.
My goal was to get laid, not to really find a long term relationship (although I did find a few of those via online dating) so I always judged my potential dates via the criteria of "Do I have a good chance of getting laid on the first date with her?" and women who fit that criteria always took precedence over women who didn't. I could easily cancel or change the date on them.
It took a couple of hours of work every night but I had a constant and neverending stream of dates. I really only stopped because it got tiring after awhile. It's hard work having to keep up communication with several women while going on dates with other women. It could have become a full time "job" if I let it.
I've slowed down a lot now but I still am able to find a date online just about anytime I want to. For instance this week I have a date on Tuesday night with a 25 year old and one on Friday night with a 21 year old (I'm 36). It took me maybe a total of an hours worth of work to set up those dates.
Anyway, online dating can be great but it's only as good as what you make it. The "rewards" are directly proportional to the amount of time and effort you are willing to put into it.
I forgot to mention. If you are using OKCupid they have a "Quickmatch" feature where you rate women. If you rate someone 4 or 5 stars and they do the same for you, you both get a message telling you that the other person is interested. Spend 5 minutes a day doing it. It's a great way to find people who are already interested without having to send that initial email.
GaiusScaevolus 11y ago
I use it when life gets to busy to properly invest in going out and opening women 3 to 5 times a week. Also useful if you travel for work and want to line up something quickly and on short notice.
In short, The yield can be good, but only if you invest minimal effort. My method is generally sending a generic message like "Hey there" to the first 10 fuckable women I see.