When i start dating girls, I find myself paying for everything. WTF! How do I stop doing this from the beginning. How do I break this habit? Is paying for dinner and activities even considered blue pill behavior?
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Zackcid 11y ago
My Alpha friends naturally don't even pay for the girl. It's important that you word it correctly when before taking her out. There's a difference between:
"Let's go grab a cup of coffee after work" and
"Lemme take you out for coffee after work :)"
One implies that you're casually going there and not paying for her shit, while the other implies that you're trying to buy her (things).
Also, something big that really hit home is when I recently asked my Alpha friend how he manages to take all these girls out for ice cream and never pay for shit (for them). He told me how "no girl will ever go out without being prepared to pay. No girl will ever want to face the embarrassment of that akward silent moment when she doesn't know if you'll pay or not" Something along those lines.
[deleted] 11y ago
Human_Isomer 11y ago
I don't know, man. It sounds like you're telling me to get a prostitute.
Exactly_what_I_think 11y ago
If all you are looking for is sex and your time is worth more then a prostitute cost go for it (assuming it's legal).
Realizing there is a literal price for pussy may help you stop betting dinner for possible pussy.
enticingasthatmaybe 11y ago
Not on its on, but it's certainly symptomatic.
Look, like most things red pill; the concept is mind-blowingly simple, but the execution can seem almost impossible to do. Simply say "can you split our check" when it comes time to pay. It will flesh out any and everything you need to know about that particular girl.
Remember our mantra: Abundance. You don't have to qualify yourself to this woman, you have others. You don't have to hold up idiotic and unfair social constructs to keep her attention on you, women can thank feminism for their "equal" treatment. If you have any fears that by not paying for everything you'll lose this chance at pussy; you're still pedestalizing her.
Pay if you want to pay, but don't hamster your way into thinking I don't mind paying because I really want to because you're afraid of losing potential sex for not paying.
Human_Isomer 11y ago
The thing is: I'm not sure if I'm paying because its an old habit, or because I feel compelled to, just to keep up that male "chivalrous" dynamic. I'm just going to go "dutch" for everything now though and see if that influences their behavior at all.
scottishredpill 11y ago
I make it a running joke that I am tight, and try to get out of paying for anything. I make this clear in every interaction, and will joke about it when arranging hanging out.
[deleted] 11y ago
scottishredpill 11y ago
There is no bill, I don't go to places that give you a bill. Removes the awkwardness of who's paying for what.
It's not a joke. If refuse to buy a girl a drink until she has night me one.
GaiusScaevolus 11y ago
On your first date, there is no reason you should be spending more than $40. A few drinks and maybe an appetizer or coffee. You should however have a well stocked liquor cabinet at your place.
For your 2nd date, have her make you dinner at your/her place. The reinforces the masculine/feminine roles of your relationship, and as a bonus, you happen to be in your apartment by the bedroom already.
[deleted] 11y ago
Your first date should not be a date. Pick a place where you will enjoy hanging out for a few hours whether or not you have company. Let her know that she has an opportunity to come enjoy your company. Have your food/drinks/whatever already in front of you when she shows up. Let her deal with getting her own whatever if she wants some.
A traditional date tells the girl "this is all about you"- it puts both of you into her frame, and she knows that territory very well. Inviting a girl to come visit in your frame changes the social and psychological dynamic completely.
da-way 11y ago
my 2 cents.
You value your money(time) more than her company and (supposed)approval. If you have a strong sense of self this will come naturally so some inner-game is perhaps in order.
Alternatively you could focus on why you get the "feeling" you "need" to pay for everything and examine that. Best way to do that is to put your self in situations where that feeling arises (in your case on a date). Make mental notes, write them down and examine them, perhaps with a trusted someone to bounce ideas of failing that bring them back here.
Short answer: you feel(on some level) it is the right thing to do. You need to change your idea of what is the right thing to do.
Hypnot0ad 11y ago
If I'm trying to pick up a ONS at a bar, I don't pay for shit. I'll buy a round of shots occasionally but that is usually for a group, and not a single girl.
In a relationship though I see nothing wrong with paying for dinner. I make decent money (more than double the girl I currently date) so I feel going dutch would make me look cheap. I know that's counter to red pill advice but just my two cents. However if you're a young college dude with not a ton of money then alternate who pays. Start by having her pay for the less expensive stuff like coffee or ice cream.
Really_Puck 11y ago
Simple. Break the cycle on the first date. Go "dutch" from the beginning. It will set expectations that sharing the cost of everything is "normal." It's also a great way to tell the intentions of your date. If the girl gets upset at having to pay she's probably not the type of girl you want to date anyway.
TRPstudent 11y ago
Make it clear that you're going dutch from the beginning. It's so ingrained in our western culture that penis= pay. Having her pay her own way will force her to rationalize that she wants to spend time with you. It completely changes the traditional frame where a guy is constantly trying to prove his worth vs. her feeling compelled to market her SMV to you. Also to build on this first dates should be about spending very little money and spending quality time. Coffee is always perfect. I've employed the Ben Franklin Effect to good success when I was dating. It's especially powerful on women because they have a tendency to rationalize any absurd behavior they're actively participating in. In a bar full of betas buying chicks drinks they'll never bag, be the dude asking her to buy you a drink.
Really_Puck 11y ago
Said much better than I could with very little coffee in me at the time I wrote my initial response.
I always pick drinks as my default first date. The alcohol is a bit of a social lubricant and it's generally not that expensive, unless you both start drinking a lot.
For second date, I always suggest dinner in somewhere - either her place or mine. With both of us sharing the cooking duties. It allows for private conversation and again, the cost is low. Plus you can sort of gauge her intentions using that date. If she's cool being one on one with you in private for an extended period of time she's probably really attracted to you.
As for dinner out, I normally won't use that date until at least date 3 if not later.
[deleted] 11y ago
If you ask her out, you pay. If she does, let her pay. Simple. In LTR guys pay and women cook, clean the house and give you pussy.