Posted 6y ago in Uncategorized - Permalink - Locked - 56.5K Views
Created By bambinosupremo
Original Reddit Red Pill sub (quarantine bypass) that contains the full original sidebar
Here we have Red Pill Discussion for personalized questions about specific situations, people, scenarios.
Rule Zero of all TRP subreddits.
You are REQUIRED to read these before posting. Ignorance of the rules is not an excuse.
Our comprehensive knowledge base is on the sidebar of our Parent Sub: /r/TheRedPill
New and not sure where to start? The Red Pill Primer - A Sidebar Made Simple
Collected advice for newbies and beginners
How to OPEN and CLOSE: Beginner's guide
Plates! How do I define, choose, and maintain them?
Are we exclusive? Handling "The Talk."
Dating: How to use dating sites, set a sexual frame, and utilize Push-Pull?
Should we cohabitate before marriage? TR;DR NO!
How to get laid like a WARLORD
What are Shit Tests and how do I handle them?
Older RPers, advice for young men starting out?
Red Pill general FAQ. 15 most common mistakes seen on AskTRP
In a hurry? Here are 20 Redpill FAQs with 1-line answers.
Got a stranger pregnant: a guide
Jealousy and games: Don't mate guard!
All-in-one Legal Guide: False rape/DV, Divorce, Child support etc
Identify and avoid BPD women Pt 1 Pt.2
Our Build-A-Man workshop for becoming your best on the outside and inside
To the young man I saw at the gym last night
FR: Going to an event where you don't know anyone
Beyond passive/aggressive: Be ASSERTIVE
Some of our best writers have written entire SERIES on topics of interest to TRP newcomers.
CorporateLand: Rat race survival guide
50 Shades of Red | 50 shades Redder | 50 more
Everything OmLaLa ever wrote
We've made this new place to help beginners and those with specific questions about game or handling specific parts of your life in a red pill context.
Avoid asking questions like "is this alpha" or "is this beta?" Instead focus on asking whether or not your actions were congruent with your goals.
A Note on Moderation
We are removing new posts from new accounts that are young or have little karma. If you want to ask a question, we suggest you spend some time lurking and entering into discussion first. Spend some time reading the /r/theredpill sidebar.
If you see a troll or problem post, don't engage them but use the REPORT link; this will bring it quickly to the attention of the mod team.
Attention Women, TRP is a male space so the content may seem shocking. Go to /r/redpillwomen to learn Red Pill theory from the female perspective.
Men: RedPillWomen is a female space where you're best off not posting. If you post and cause trouble there, it will follow you back here.
servercentral.il.us.quakenet.org #theredpill
Eli_3o3 6y ago
I cant subscribe to the new site
RedCrayolaFan 6y ago
Wow, this is ridiculous. The Red Pill has helped me so much in life and for them to take it away from other men who need it is outrageous.
Pelon01 6y ago
Sad to see TRP go. Who knows what it will be like off Reddit. Being a liberal person, I understand criticisms of the sub (there are some real misogynists active) but I think the majority of us are men who are trying to better ourselves as we see men ought to.
There is a lot of value in TRP to me and I wished they would instead taken a step to curb some of this hateful/offensive content they’re citing in their quarantine and given us some time to weed some of the users that are really out there.
bakedhashbrowns 6y ago
The guy who invented reddit would actually be disgusted that shutting down subs for dissenting political opinions is happening.
Wilson728 6y ago
I think they just banned it
SlyGradient 6y ago
Reddit admins quarantined us, but we are not outright banned (at least not yet). Go to an actual computer, on the desktop site there is a warning and you can click to view the community anyway.
You can also get to us on mobile by going to old.reddit https://old.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/ ... either way once you click past the warning once you should be able to skip the warning in the future. There is also a backup of the forum at https://www.forums.red/i/theredpill , if we are ever outright banned.
[deleted] 6y ago
Quo210 6y ago
They aren't as big. But they've been getting from 100 to 300 new subs daily from a couple weeks ago. It's only a matter of time they also get censored for not worshipping the feminist imperative. I wonder if MRA will also be hit.
ArkAngelEV 6y ago
I cant view theredpill subreddit. It’s finally happened hasn’t it? ... the ban hammer. The 1984. The PC correct brainwashing. It was a good run guys; happy to know that in this moment of darkness in the current era, there were other guys who felt similarly to me, that looked around their little space in the world and asked themselves “ something is very wrong here “ . A toast, surprised it lasted this long, especially with the whole metoo...
onmyway3 6y ago
TRP was the only reason I even downloaded Reddit and made an account. I'll move to trp.red and erase this platform that doesn't serve users but Western sick NWO agenda
redvelvet_oreo 6y ago
Just WOW. Guess people can no longer think for themselves.
omega_dawg93 6y ago
better yet, people who don't like the content can't help themselves from going there and reading it.
InstigatingDrunk 6y ago
Idk man if anything red pill made me learn to think for myself. Ducking wow
Zarathustraliver 6y ago
There's a reson big tech are called "masters of the universe" mockingly by conservatives.
Chadster113 6y ago
This is what scares me....
redvelvet_oreo 6y ago
lol exactly. In what way can you even measure that? Imagine how long it might even take for a person to change there mind and agree with reddit that banning a subreddit made them realize what they were doing was "wrong".
This is a load of shit. Its amazing how far SJWs can get. People whine and complain and get what they want.
I have been on TRP for 2 years. I have been on many other subreddits and seen them talk shit about TRP. Some of the comments I read or so ridiculously wrong a bout it as well. You think these people take any real time to understand whats in this sub and for that matter any other sub they dislike? Even if they did alot of people read one thing and just believe it even if factual evidence is in front of there face telling them different.
How do we measure how many men this sub has helped? And women for that matter. Create better men you have happier women.
Ok im off my rant. What a shit show.
[deleted] 6y ago
redvelvet_oreo 6y ago
My comment on the annoucments post.
immibis 6y ago
You can't, they just say that to appease people so they don't riot as much.
I give it 2 weeks before the sub is banned entirely without warning.
Auvergnat 6y ago
That first sentence is so incredibly infantilizing. Gotta protect people's feelings you know? Man we wouldn't want someone to come across an opinion they don't share and get PTSD from reading a sentence on the internet!
The two last ones I just can't believe are from the real world and not a quote from some dystopian novel or a history book on Mao's China. Quarantining a community may have a positive effect on the behavior of its subscribers. This is insane... And a stark reminder that "reeducation camps" in Communist regimes through the 20th century really happened and that we are not guaranteed that in the future you can have the right to an opinion.
zestytacoz 6y ago
Considering that there are a lot of these people unironically supporting reeducation camps in real life, that's not surprising
TheTrenTrannyTrain 6y ago
SJW's haven't heard of the "Steisand effect".
The more they ban, the more people will seek it it out.
immibis 6y ago
That's what the quarantine (instead of ban) is supposed to mitigate.
Lambdal7 6y ago
It's not that you are not allowed to think for yourself.
It's about the idiotic blackpill content that still makes up 20% of the content on TRP and then the stupid posts by some mods about how metoo is the root of all evil.
devilkingx2 6y ago
it is though.
do you know what we call it when an accusation without proof ruins a life?
the salem witch trials, mccarthyism, the final solution to the jew problem, etc.
Lambdal7 6y ago
You are showing a very uninformed black and white picture, because of the propaganda that is spread here by mods.
90-98% of rape accusations are true. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_accusation_of_rape
devilkingx2 6y ago
If rape doesn't have a 90% conviction rate, then it cannot be that 90% are true, because there would be no proof.
Your own article also says things like "it's extremely difficult to accurately assess false rape claims" (paraphrase)
And "false rape reports are five times more common than the false report rates for other crimes" (paraphrase)
And "in finland the literal police have publically said false rape is like 20% and to stop falsely accusing people because you were drunk" (paraphrase)
But lets assume that all rape claims are true. Does that make it okay for the punishment to come before the trial, conviction, jury of your peers, etc.? No. Because the constitution doesn't say that only the innocent have legal rights
Lambdal7 6y ago
That's an unfortunate factor of sexual assaults, but what's your solution?
Metoo isn't about accusing innocent guys of rape, that's a crime which leads to several years in jail as you've seen in recent cases. It's about convicting actual rapists.
devilkingx2 6y ago
My solution is that nobody should take an accusation seriously except law enforcement and other professionals until it is proven, and nobody should be encouraged to make baseless claims. Prove it or STFU. That's the standard we hold everyone else and everything else to.
Lambdal7 6y ago
What if your daughter was raped and only tells you 5 years later, has to drop out of college, because she suffers too heavy from PTSD.
Now, that person is is in a powerful position in the public, but you can't prove it, because it was so long ago.
Is there nothing you can do and a serial rapist gets away and will most likely more daughters?
This scenario happens 1,000s of times every year and millions of times every year for average guys worldwide, where you simply cannot prove it.
[deleted] 6y ago
TheRedneckbeardPill 6y ago
It seems like I won't be using Reddit that much anymore. That's a good thing considering it's a place for loosers.
lurkingtacopiller 6y ago
This really sucks. I cant even imagine what my life would be like if I hadn't found this place.
It is literally the reason I'm in the great relationship I am in and why I'm in shape, in a great job, and living a great life. I never would have stopped being a little bitch without the sub.
asotranq 6y ago
Unironically me too tbh. I always ignored almost everything to do with women on the site, and normally that was pretty easy because it was a shitpost with like 14 upvotes, most of the time I even voiced my disagreement. I went there for ways to apply myself and there were a handful of times that subreddits really put things into perspective for me and it has honestly helped me get my shit together throughout my early 20s. I kind of knew this was coming though, but damn.
Flintblood 6y ago
Same here. Still working on improving myself, but I’ve come a long way thanks to TheRedPill. This time a year ago I was probably clinically depressed, in debt and slightly overweight. Now I’m in shape and defined/toned, my money is under control, and I’m dating several women from different country countries.
Auvergnat 6y ago
You can still access it from a computer. You will get a message:
redpillschool put up a top post saying:
Then added in comment:
Happy 1984 everyone!
It's very likely the sub won't be there much longer. If you have bookmarks, I recommend you archive their contents fast. See you all on www.trp.red
OgMagicMatthew 6y ago
Damn shame
cuteman 6y ago
If toxic masculinity was real we would see the male children of single mothers growing up more prepared and adapted for the real world than families where the father is present.
Is that what happens? Haha
moresmarterthanyou 6y ago
what does quarentine versus remove mean? This is crazy - fuck reddit im out
Flintblood 6y ago
What horse shite. 1984 indeed
PIGamer86 6y ago
They banned me for making a joke about the mods being sensitive. Happy 1984 indeed.
MakoShark93 6y ago
Holy fuckshit.
MakoShark93 6y ago
I don't have a motherfucking laptop though. Just my phone. This is some bullshit.
hawkeaglejesus 6y ago
Welcome to the modern day book burning https://i.imgur.com/Is9B4Yc.jpg
lookoutitscaleb 6y ago
I was a mess, crying over my oneitis.
Now I run a business, lift 4 times a week and yoga the other 3. Have a purpose and goal in life, read, play my guitar that I stopped playing after I graduated from music school and meal prep eating healthy food.
What about that is bad?
badgernaf 6y ago
You aren't pc bro
BigHairyDuffers 6y ago
Yoga is for wankers and fags
figyg 6y ago
Are you paying a woman's mortgage? No? Then get back in your yoke, asshole
lookoutitscaleb 6y ago
figyg 6y ago
I'm saying men doing well for themselves is not in the interest of corporations/banks/big pharma etc
pehsxten 6y ago
If every guy is like you and spins plates, how would it be bad for women that are hb6 and below? How would it be bad for women in general?
EminemLovesGrapes 6y ago
I think the "rp" way of explaining it concisely was
lookoutitscaleb 6y ago
We would create a super human race.
The weak would die off and the strong would repopulate.
Nitzche's Supermanche would become reality.
Urist_Galthortig 6y ago
I normally ignore this, but not today. You appear to fundamentally misunderstand Nietzsche because your words are contrary to his specific meanings outlined in his works. This misunderstanding is not uncommon because his ideas were corrupted by his relatives and racist Germans. Friedrich Nietzsche, if he could speak today, would never agree with you, and this fundamental corruption of his desire for elevating humanity above baser desires and nihilistic evils certainly did not help his mental state at the end of his life.
Nietzsche was concerned with self-improvement in what was considered by him a vacuum of moral values created by the absence of God, referring to those who overcome nihilism as Ubermensch. He did not mean the tribal, zero-sum, Social-Darwinist views used by those including yourself in the present, which were derived from those who repackaged Nietzsche's philosophy as a tool to propagate German supremacist views and anti-Semitism, particularly his sister Elizabeth Foerster-Nietzsche and her husband Bernhard Foerster, and by Richard Wagner and those in his Wagnerian circle (eventually appropriated by the Nazis and corrupting the meaning further, another step along the way to your present usage).
Friedrich Nietzsche left Wagner's intellectualism after years of admiration, and wrote about his objections more explicitly in Nietsche contra Wagner.
To prove his views do not match yours, I point to and link to Nietsche contra Wagner, a translation to English from Project Gutenberg. In the first link at Project Gutenberg, the relevant text starts on page 61 of the pdf, and to skip ahead, page 74 of the pdf explicitly calls out Wagnerian views that fall into the misapplication of Nietzsche's Ubermensch philosophy as he outlined in Thus Spoke Zarathustra. My second link provides the historical context for the propagation of corrupted forms of his philosophy is summarized here, and can be found elsewhere if you choose to research this.
lookoutitscaleb 6y ago
Usually the original intent of ALL works of ART maintain their original message across all generations and cultures... ... .. .
Like dude I hate it when I write pop music to make fun of pop music and the mainstream likes it. Damn! Or like like when you know i tell someone something and they misinterpreted my meaning. DamN!
Urist_Galthortig 6y ago
In the context of Nietzche, the best way to honor his philosophy (let alone positive worldviews), is to not take already misunderstood ideas, used to justify 20th century toxicity and evil, and bringing them in the same form into the 21st century. It debases yourself and your intellectual worth, and such self-harm is bad enough already. You deserve better, fellow human.
I think you can be better than that, I really do, but that's only if you want to show the world what a real superhuman is.
lookoutitscaleb 6y ago
I don't think living my life to its fullest potential and saying that me wanting to be with someone who lives a similar lifestyle and spreading our genes. And then referencing Neitzche is toxic or evil.
What about my post is not in line with self improvement and the elevation of humanity from baser desires?
Wabbajak 6y ago
The guy is Nietzsche and his concept is called 'Übermensch', English version is super-human.
pehsxten 6y ago
We will go instinct because RP men won't have kids to avoid child support.
lookoutitscaleb 6y ago
I don't know what RP men you know, but I can't wait to populate the world with my strong genes.
Arabian_Wolf 6y ago
Your lifestyle is bad for capitalism.
joner888 6y ago
How do i archive posts ?
InsideTennis4 6y ago
Hopefully this tool will help you all with the archiving :
zestytacoz 6y ago
Will the archive be posted on trp.red?
TruthSeekaaaaa 6y ago
Seems daunting for a non-coder, can you provide some help please?
yanggmd 6y ago
Why not just start /r/cherrypill or /r/redpill2?
alphabachelor 6y ago
This was brought on by systematic pressure orchestrated by SJW redditors.
They’ve been after this sub for a while. They’ll do the same thing for any clones.
Best policy is to run TRP on here as a tight ship in complete compliance to wake up newbies (Reddit is quite the platform) while TRP.red will be our lair.
4matting 6y ago
They have algorithms that alerts them when a large number of users, from a banned sub, congregate to another sub. People have tried to replace banned subs, but all those subs got banned.
pm_me_chuck_hagel 6y ago
Ban evasion is not allowed.
downvotesanimals 6y ago
I love that they suggest the SBU site. What a crock of shit.
[deleted] 6y ago
downvotesanimals 6y ago
'We're closing down this site because the way it describes masculinity is distasteful to us. We suggest that, rather than making up your own mind about it, you visit this university's intersectional feminist views of what masculinity should be. Best you not even bother with these misogynists at TRP. It's for your own good. Have a nice day!'
[deleted] 6y ago
Seems like an oversight that they didn't also quarantine TRP offshoots.
[deleted] 6y ago
Score the trunk and the branches die. Energy efficient
[deleted] 6y ago
Or the branches spin plates like goddamned champs. I have had a lot of luck discussing Red Pill topics in meat space, as long as I avoid jargon. I'll be doing a lot more of that now!
CountryYuppie 6y ago
I would be very curious to hear about this. I know others have talked about their struggles setting up "male spaces", so there's some definite interest.
[deleted] 6y ago
It's not quite like that. I grapple with women. They are at least 10% of the dojo. Fine. I don't bully them, and give them a chance to "win" just as I don't just throw my weight around with guys I'm clearly stronger than. Mostly. Of course I let them know who's boss. The "male space" is the space in your head where you cultivate the masculine energy and don't fucking worry about what others are doing.
CountryYuppie 6y ago
Cool, thanks
mrnuttty 6y ago
We should just start a new sub. That’ll be good for 4-5 years.
[deleted] 6y ago
Mobile, but ALL my saved posts are fucking gone
n200518 6y ago
Ffs this is fucking insanity.
006rbc 6y ago
Sadly, most of the popular internet sites are ran by raging SJW leftists. Ever since the whole Alex Jones banning they have the green light to keep censoring any dissidence.
paralyzed-horse 6y ago
it just got quarantined. I'm pretty sure you can still access it, but the ragers are about to descend, lol.
MakoShark93 6y ago
Can't access shit on my mobile.
whuttupfoo 6y ago
I can’t access it. https://imgur.com/a/z9KUZnE/
Rosace_89 6y ago
i am sub to trp, i can access it
paralyzed-horse 6y ago
I can access it on my laptop fine... that's a real bummer if it's inaccessible from mobile
zestytacoz 6y ago
Correct, mobile doesn't work, only desktop
[deleted] 6y ago
Too bad, RedPill is the most truthfully philosophy I’ve come across. It really does work and you climb the hierarchy. Now I will just focus on what’s most important: My mission. I have the rational male stored in a safe place always ready for some reading, that will be enough after all the hours I’ve put in here, I don’t regret a single of it.
Thank y’all, hope you use RedPill with the right intentions, with knowledge comes power.
blurkiller 6y ago
With great power comes great responsibility.
mr_dyln 6y ago
Can somebody link me the contents of the side bar.
I was partway through rereading and that shit is necessary to all.
HumbleTrees 6y ago
DM me an email address if you'd like. I downloaded the sidebar and the guidebook yesterday. Got them saved to my Google drive.
BadBoyProgrammer 6y ago
Now I will only lift harder. Approach more. And become even more Red Pill.
RPthrowaway123 6y ago
Hey guys, thanks for everything. These subs were there when I needed them, and changed my life for the better. I haven't been on in awhile, but I had to see what was going on and I'm saddened that another man who needs it might not find that help anymore.
So long, and thanks for all the fish.
Stalin_Fergie_Mao 6y ago
Can't believe this is the end of my experience with reddit. It is completely fucked. RIP I learnt a lot of valuable stuff from you Goys
Hectorsheel 6y ago
“When you tear out a man's tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you're only telling the world that you fear what he might say.”
Cartelkeys 6y ago
I guess men aren’t allowed a safe place from women who claim rape for walking past them.
OGAbunai 6y ago
The era of Soy Beans will soon follow.
break1ngbard 6y ago
These past two days have been weird... Like I lost thousands of family members. A moment of silence for theredpill redditors who didnt know to reach AskTrp for clarification and info...
[deleted] 6y ago
Nutman-maddog 6y ago
This isn’t the end of the world, at the end of it the most important thing is men understand the concept of hypergamy and keep on taking action to improve their lives. Once these two concepts are internalized, there isn’t really much need for this sub.
lifeisweirdasfuck 6y ago
TRP is like having a masculine father who gives you life advice every day. Basically our father is now dead.
RedPillBadGuy 6y ago
Very true. We are men. We overcome and conquer. Society has backed us into a corner, and we have no other option. I’ll see y’all on the website and everybody take care. Y’all have forever made me a greater man.
Churningaway 6y ago
Chadster113 6y ago
Damn I have a bunch of stuff saved from there that I really like and now it's all gone.....
Mildly_Sociopathic 6y ago
If you have it bookmarked, copy the link and paste it into archive.is There's probably an archived version of it, but do us a favour if it isn't already.
DzejSiDi 6y ago
Lots of stuff got archived in TRP.RED and other places. If you still cannot access "my oneitis article", just PM a user that still have an access to subreddit and you will get its content.
KilluaKanmuru 6y ago
Damn thanks. I was just going to take hella screenshots. I mean rule of thumb too for anything important that you read: write it down!
[deleted] 6y ago
Jesus a web page is nothing but words. Save as "complete web page" and you can run it in perpetuity. As much as the 1984 memory hole meme is talked about, at the end of the day if you just save the page as is at that time, you have a snapshot of it in history.
[deleted] 6y ago
lookoutitscaleb 6y ago
You have anymore of them word docs?
[deleted] 6y ago
ScumbagPotato 6y ago
You glorious son of a bitch
deinlandel 6y ago
Doesn't open... It says "it seems nothing is here"
CrazyKing 6y ago
Link not working for me :/
NoxK 6y ago
would love to get it my man
GainzdalfTheWhey 6y ago
[deleted] 6y ago
No, they deleted all posts. Even bookmarked posts don't load anything
GainzdalfTheWhey 6y ago
When it's banned, now that it's quarantine still can access
AGameofTrolls 6y ago
Well, this sub reddit has been eye opening to me in a positive way. I do realize that there are some people posting here who are a little rough around the edges, but besides them I still think there is some valuable life lessons that need to be absorbed here. I really hope reddit realizes their error and this is coming from a Progressive guy.
expatriate77 6y ago
Is there an archive of the posts somewhere?
Had so many saved I was gonna go back to.
_Ulan_ 6y ago
expatriate77 6y ago
Preciate it
Andgelyo 6y ago
My absolute favorite sub of all time got banned. Fuck reddit.
[deleted] 6y ago
I can still view it, what's going on?
[deleted] 6y ago
Mobile or desktop?
[deleted] 6y ago
Mobile, but all my saved posts are fucking gone. Oh and it's only in the app
[deleted] 6y ago
Original_Dankster 6y ago
At least Poland controls the media in favour of the Poles. US media is controlled in favour of everybody except Americans.
dwizzle13 6y ago
I feel like I had to listen to them talking about trp not too long ago as well. It's hard when certain issues appear to be only addressed with a bias.
Agrees_withyou 6y ago
You're absolutely correct!
paralyzed-horse 6y ago
for anyone interested in a list of quarantined subreddits https://www.reddit.com/r/reclassified/comments/9jfy0l/list_of_subreddits_quarantined_on_sept_27th/
[deleted] 6y ago
how do we get them to undo it? im confused on what the problem here is
paralyzed-horse 6y ago
you can appeal, but I'd be surprised if that goes anywhere https://www.reddithelp.com/en/categories/rules-reporting/account-and-community-restrictions/quarantined-subreddits
[deleted] 6y ago
methinks a number of factors have contributed to this.
n200518 6y ago
Wtf it came out of no where, no countdown or anything.
MisterInspector 6y ago
Forreal. I wake up out of a powernap, and I first see on r/debatealtright that a few subs I follow just got randomly quarantined/fucked over, and then see a post on asktrp saying that The Red Pill got fucked over as well. I wasn't expecting this :(
tubarao312 6y ago
You don't. TRP.RED is now the new home of TRP
rigbed 6y ago
tubarao312 6y ago
seems like an awful idea.
rigbed 6y ago
Existed for a while.
Original_Dankster 6y ago
Wrong link. You want
PlebDestroyer 6y ago
I hope all of you read the fucking sidebar. It will be gone soon
AshyBoneVR4 6y ago
This slightly annoys me. I got Banned from r/MGTOW for correcting people who were saying new wave feminists have the same goals as the original feminist movement. Now TRP is about to die. I just joined trp.red, but damn reddit, fucking up. All I have left is r/WhereAreAllTheGoodMen and r/pussypassdenied now.
Couer_De_Lion 6y ago
The media class needs to learn there are consequences for their actions.
Once silencing a group of "alpha men" would have had personal consequences for those who did it.
If this hasn't radicalised you you're far from "red pilled"
MisterRoid 6y ago
Lol, as if this is the worst thing that can happen. Still, I endorse the killing of anyone who's spreading left-wing propaganda.
[deleted] 6y ago
Imperator_Red 6y ago
Except they're the ones conquering the world to be honest.
furcryingoutloud 6y ago
I can see why they would want to eliminate TRP. What I can't understand is why Reddit would now begin to turn into a speech control forum. It used to be anything was game. I guess that's what happens when institutional money joins the fray. I can see banning actual hate subs and kiddie porn as well as other illegal content.
Just one more thing to say. If TRP was wrong, it would not be under attack. See you all at trp.red.
10211799107 6y ago
My response to this is, and I suggest you try to view it in this manner too, is "GOOD". Credit to Jocko for giving me this mentality about bad things that happen.
Does it suck? Of course.
Are we shocked? No it was coming.
Is it the end of TRP? Duh' fuck no.
What can you do? Go open/verify your account on trp.red. Wipe your tears off and realize that you've spent countless hours of browsing trp while you sat on the couch and couldve done something productive.
Take this time to get off your cellphone and go practice your communication skills, your hobby and your life. Do what the fuck you want on your terms. trp.red is still there so get rid of that abondonment feeling. You're a man, and you still have your balls.
XT3M3 6y ago
so with the main sub gone. where does that leave this sub. i been here mainly
TitanUcheze 6y ago
Go to TRP.red
XT3M3 6y ago
i know that . but im asking is this sub also in danger as well
TitanUcheze 6y ago
alleyteris 6y ago
Shit ,didnt see that coming, i hope the admins inform us about what is gonna happen next from now on before asktrp gets banned too from that salty feminist motherfuckers
GenghisKoodleKhan 6y ago
Lmao there's a big fiasco about roll20 censorship but not trp? Gotta love the equality :')
diogov9 6y ago
what can we do to reverse this?
immibis 6y ago
Buy out Reddit? Should be only a couple billion dollars!
Batmanforreal2 6y ago
So where are we going now? The fucks wrong with ppl. Are we living in the DDR?
joner888 6y ago
_Tactleneck_ 6y ago
That sub was eye opening. It changed my life and I’d be in a miserable, confused place without it. I am sure there are countless other men that feel that way. Where are the places to explore positive masculinity in 2018?
cheesewindow 6y ago
Make sure that you keep up red pill beliefs brothers. This can be the start of bigger things
keysomea 6y ago
Fuck Reddit
TheStumblingWolf 6y ago
And here I thought Reddit was founded on free speech.
Garathon 6y ago
That was eons ago. There hasn't been free speech on Reddit for many years.
TheStumblingWolf 6y ago
I know, was making a point about the sad state of things.
waynebradysworld 6y ago
You must be new here
rukken 6y ago
You are the new one here. Aaron Swartz founded this website on the back of free speech. Then he """""suicided""""" in 2013 and the place got a 1000 times worse.
waynebradysworld 6y ago
The internet's own child, discovered hidden child porn ring on MIT servers implicating very powerful people, killed via his own belt framed as suicide. I am quite familiar.
smarthmouth123 6y ago
Oh Wow this sucks, Thanks thought police.
wataDs 6y ago
The Jew fears the masculine lifestyle
hommesansnom 6y ago
ok, so, when are they banning r/feminism ?
Draken3000 6y ago
Cant believe this bullshit. I just discovered TRP a few weeks ago, but i’ve already seem improvements in my life by following the guidance there. Absolutely ridiculous.
[deleted] 6y ago
exactly the same for me, helped me get over someone, focus on becoming my best self and beating the many shit tests I am faced with everyday... how the fuck is that something that people 'might' find offensive?
throwawayycheyeah 6y ago
Me too dude so glad I found it before this, gotta keep on keepin' on.
McRoddy 6y ago
I have no reason to have this app on my phone anymore. Men, let this push us to be better so we can discuss our triumph on trp.red
sonnydanger 6y ago
This only proves how strongly effective redpill it. Hilaruous theu did it just before 300k subs aswell, they didnt want redpill going mainstream.
Original_Dankster 6y ago
Well - we all knew it was inevitable.
Another huge red pill out there: Look at what they're banning - pro-masculine content, and pro-right wing content.
If you think you're red-pilled and you're also a leftist, you're wrong about one of those two premises.
Imperator_Red 6y ago
This. It's really time to pick a side. In a sane world these two things would not be connected, but it is quite obvious that anyone who supports the left is supporting tyranny and oppression on a scale we really haven't seen before in this country.
For any lefties having trouble with this concept... you do understand that your friends would disown you if they knew you were a red piller right? You understand that the people you are voting for are literally working behind the scenes to get the things you like on the internet censored? You understand that the people you are voting for would happily see you thrown in prison on an accusation alone? Stop voting for these leftists.
[deleted] 6y ago
I dunno if you guys are coming from an American view on this but I've always been a traditional leftist in Europe, i really despise the Republicans in the USA and the Tories in the UK, but I'm so fucking angry with the 'left' nowadays... perhaps being a good person, wanting everyone to have the same opportunity, to be left alone to live your life, taking care of each other etc, maybe these are now centrist ideals? the 'extreme left' are a bunch of fucking loonies who are actually the most racist, sexist and fascist in our society it seems
if TRP is about being your best self, then I believe it can certainly align with traditional left values (as I perceive them), or 2018 centrist values... thoughts?
[deleted] 6y ago
[deleted] 6y ago
i'm coming from this from within the UK, not the USA, so i'm sure things are different because equal opportunity has only been offered by left wing governments in this country, right wing governments take opportunity away from the majority. I agree that equality of outcome is a terrible idea and is definetly from the far left, or the new left, however you want to define it.
when our private lives are intruded upon, we call it the nanny state, and tbh both sides have done this more and more, though we have had a right wing government for 10 years and more and more personal freedoms are being eroded.
I don't think it's blue pilled to want to be a good person? you can still be strong and not be taken advantage of and be a generally good person, right? I think it's pretty obvious what constitutes a 'good person' and it doesn't mean being a cuck, IMO
finally our right wing government always talks about lowering taxes but generally doesn't, and they always find a way to cut public spending on education, health and services. I would be happy to pay more tax if the roads and public transport were excellent, if schools and hospitals were excellent etc
here, in the UK, the only governments that spend on public services like that have been left wing governments, the Tories (right wing) cut all spending so public services turn to shit
the reason why I identify as left (or centrist now, depending on your definition) is because in my experience the right has been full of hate and racism, xenophobia, and selfishness. in my country they only care about the very top and leave the rest of the country in the shit, whereas the left traditionally gave workers more rights, built our NHS, protected the vulnerable in society, and tried to give everybody a decent chance. btw, i'm certainly no fan of communism or socialism, i fucking hate the SJW movement, and all this bullshit we are seeing lately from the left, if it makes any difference to my argument
cookiemountain18 6y ago
The left have lost their god damn mind. I have time for classic liberals but the censorship shit is getting out of control.
I’m not a hard core RP. But I enjoy the sub and it’s content even if I don’t agree with it. There are many right and left leaning subs where this happens that I follow.
If TRP gets banned I might quit Reddit. This website is so full of soy drinking pussies who aren’t responsible for anything they’ve ever done it’s maddening.
TheTrenTrannyTrain 6y ago
Won't be surprised if they ban T_D before the midterm election because it's a sub of "election meddling".
downvotesanimals 6y ago
I was bred on (and still adhere to) what was once seen as the leftist ideals of individual rights, free speech, equal opportunity, and yes, the value of immigration, access to health care, a strong education system and support for the unemployed and the elderly.
You may think that makes me a left winger and you may be right... though I'd consider myself a centrist. I'm certainly no right winger. And neither am I a fan of the social justice left as it has become today. But I appreciate what you're trying to imply.
Original_Dankster 6y ago
Individual rights are a right wing ideal. Group / collective rights are a leftist ideal.
Free speech is a right wing ideal. Politically correct thought policing and deplatforming is a leftist ideal.
I think you should re-evaluate how you describe your own set of values. It's almost like a meat eater mislabelling himself as a vegetarian because he likes salad with his steak.
brew17 6y ago
Be left wing or right wing based on what benefits you. Not because of an Internet forum / groupthink.
downvotesanimals 6y ago
I suggest you read up on humanist liberalism. The works of Spinoza, Mill, Locke, Paine, Jefferson and the rest.
I'll be the first to admit that leftists have recently overstepped their bounds. I believe I already did so.
You may also be surprised to learn that you are, in fact, a liberal as it was originally defined, and that right wingers over the last few decades have moved to the left just like lefties... only not quite as far.
Original_Dankster 6y ago
Precisely. And no matter what some long-dead dudes said over a century ago, you - downvotesanimals - are now a right winger.
downvotesanimals 6y ago
Original_Dankster, don't sully the noble work of the founders of liberalism by holding the word in such poor regard and using it as a pejorative.
Further, my views on immigration, health care, education and the social safety net could in no way be considered 'right wing.' Not in the way that it currently borrows from liberalism, nor in the way it still holds remnants of traditional conservatism.
Imperator_Red 6y ago
What exactly are your "views on immigration?" That we should not do anything about the people who illegally sneak across an international border into our country? That the President of the United States should ignore his oath of office to faithfully execute federal laws?
downvotesanimals 6y ago
Any other guesses?
Imperator_Red 6y ago
Not really, as this is the position of the democratic party in 2018.
downvotesanimals 6y ago
Wow! A knock-down argument!
Even if I was American, neither the Democratic nor Republican party would perfectly address my views. Which is apparently more than I can say for you given your above implication.
Listen, tool (may I call you that?). The chances of any political party in the world 100% aligning with the views of any random citizen is as close to 0 as can get. So when you suggest that if one has any disagreements with, say, the Republican party, then they are therefore resolved to support the Democratic party, you are demonstrating a lack of critical thinking, no understanding of nuance, and an unsettling willingness to have your feeble mind enthralled by whatever flavor happens to be in fashion.
You are therefore demonstrating that you are not a citizen, not a participant, but a tool of participants. Far from being redpilled, this behavior demonstrates the basic human impulse to follow the leader... as demonstrated by any radical feminist group you can name. And I wish you joy of it. You seem to be enjoying it, in fact.
[deleted] 6y ago
Original_Dankster 6y ago
Barry Goldwater, the greatest president the US never had
Eclipsespirit 6y ago
Is this for real. Seriously Reddit? Of all the other communities out there which spew out bullshit and hatred you seriously decide to quarantine a community which has helped me and countless other individuals to develop as a better person, fuck better, take responsibilities of our own lives, valuing ourselves and see the world for what it really is. Fuck all the bloggers and internet police who were responsible for this. Fuck you Reddit. There’s no more reason to use this crap now.
smarthmouth123 6y ago
Can someone answer this,
Why Did they suggest the site about ‘masculinity’? If they hadn’t I would have thought Okay, its unfortunately the way this site wants to regulate its subs, But this Made it feel like a personal attack, not Made by fair And Logic thinking But someone who was just biased against us. Scary to see the opinions of the Reddit admins decide what is said on their site or not
positiveredpill 6y ago
What the fuck. Well, I'll be deleting Reddit.
Does this mean that any female subs are going to be quarentend???? Or is this another bias play
graffix13 6y ago
What do you think.
mcr00sterdota 6y ago
So sad. TRP has impacted my life in a positive way. No more bending over for women and just focusing on me. So everyone is off to www.trp.red now?
Ronaldo-CR7- 6y ago
BRB Crying
mrthrowaway413 6y ago
Thanks for everything guys. If i ever need real life advice, this subreddit was the way to go.’
I read TRP as a teenager in high-school and 4 years later as s 20 year old college man, I’m a better man because of you guys.
I may not be the best version of myself yet but I know how to get there.
The__Tren__Train 6y ago
it's quarantined because it offends the whamen
ThatCurlBro 6y ago
we need moar respec
[deleted] 6y ago
Did that banning sub actually get it banned?
paralyzed-horse 6y ago
not yet I don't think, but if this isn't a premonition I don't know what is
[deleted] 6y ago
paralyzed-horse 6y ago
already has for just this purpose https://www.forums.red/i/
[deleted] 6y ago
I’m gonna miss all you salty fuckers
BendAndSnap- 6y ago
New site bro
[deleted] 6y ago
zestytacoz 6y ago
Dude trp.red
Auxfite 6y ago
New site
DBOLinouttacontrol 6y ago
Honest question, what reason could they possibly have to ban that sub?
Rosace_89 6y ago
ideologic war
paralyzed-horse 6y ago
exactly, it doesn't fit into the mainstream's worldview... they did it too Alex Jones, then redpill, then probably 4chan at some point
DBOLinouttacontrol 6y ago
I get that that is the motivation, but what justification could they possibly contrive up to actually ban it? What rules can they say are being broken? How is it a bad thing to teach men how to lead?
Imperator_Red 6y ago
TheRiseAndFall 6y ago
Just like YouTube, they have enough wiggle rules in their terms to ban anything they want. Something about "potentially offensive" content. People are so sensitive these days, that anything can offend anyone.
There was a fucking online war once about what does or does not qualify as a grilled cheese sandwich ffs.
immibis 6y ago
"It is dedicated to shocking or highly offensive content."
If TRP shocks or offends you, you should probably re-evaluate your life choices.
[deleted] 6y ago
but if it doesnt violate tos, is there anything we can do?
Rosace_89 6y ago
they're right even if they're wrong
KingSlapFight 6y ago
Where have you been? There's been a ton of subs that don't violate TOS that have been banned.
[deleted] 6y ago
I guess I’m not that into reddit lol
Imperator_Red 6y ago
It's been happening across the internet, not just reddit. Youtube "demonetizes" conservative videos so the content creators can't profit. Twitter bans anyone they disagree with. 90% of the front page news results on google are always leftist. And of course, facebook... goes without saying.
We are seeing a highly concentrated industry that controls the internet use its power to stifle speech. Imagine if the phone company went around disconnecting the number of anyone whose politics offended them. That's basically where we're at.
asdfghjklshi 6y ago
The girl i currently flirt with seems to enjoy redpill knowladge, i assume other females do so aswell. Only sluts and mother hens are being harmed by it.
PS2Errol 6y ago
And ugly women and those who have hit the wall.
asdfghjklshi 6y ago
Ugly women get hot friends, inflate their egos and become mother hens, but overall trp helps them too since we push beta males' bar lower and lower by taking hoter chicks.
The__Tren__Train 6y ago
doesn't really hurt sluts... TRP hurts women who want to get married (slut or non-slut), because it awakens men to the absolute insane joke that modern marriage has become in the west.
iLLprincipLeS 6y ago
TRP doesn't hurt any woman. TRP makes women live up with the consequences of their actions. If a woman rode the cock carousel until she hit the wall, TRP reveals for a possible male victim of that female the true value of that female and the dangers of associating with her. TRP is not anti-female or misogynistic, TRP is a men's liberation tool. Anyone that is against TRP promotes slavery.
pm_me_chuck_hagel 6y ago
Realising/Accepting the consequences of ones actions is one of the most painful things you can do. Pretty sure it's worse than childbirth.
asdfghjklshi 6y ago
Hmm, true actually so only mother hens, men exploiters and feminists (global mother hens). I admit my comment is partially wrong i still wont edit it.
PrettyRP420 6y ago
there are some of us
BendAndSnap- 6y ago
A rp woman that smokes weed... if you live in Louisiana hit me up.
PrettyRP420 6y ago
aw damn, I live in Boston!
Is your username a legally blonde reference?
BendAndSnap- 6y ago
Yes haha. So you a red Sox fan? Give me a reason to hate you
PrettyRP420 6y ago
lol yea I’m a Sox fan, you can’t be from Boston and not be! I’m a bigger Pats fan tho. I don’t think we’re playing the Saints this regular season.
asdfghjklshi 6y ago
Some of us what?
PrettyRP420 6y ago
I’m agreeing that there are some of us women that enjoy it
asdfghjklshi 6y ago
Oh, thanks for confirming me then.
[deleted] 6y ago
Jesus fucking christ, talk about censorship in a country of "freedom of speech". What's this world coming to?
zestytacoz 6y ago
When these companies are located in the bay area, are you surprised?
isteppedinsjw 6y ago
this is what happens when you allow the Left to have control
omega_dawg93 6y ago
there's always one who will politicize things... smmfh.
the word you're looking for is "feminists."
they got what they wanted from the people that control reddit. save your politics for the voting booth.
Imperator_Red 6y ago
How is it not political when one of the political parties is the one attacking us? Are we supposed to just pretend that's not the case even though it's obvious reality? Wake up. If you are a leftie and you also like red pill, understand that your own side literally hates you. Why are they still your side?
omega_dawg93 6y ago
being a man transcends politics.
get past trying to claim masculinity as conservative vs liberal, left vs right.
i'm on the american side... not left or right side.
Imperator_Red 6y ago
Meaningless words.
omega_dawg93 6y ago
masculine = conservative. i understand now. ALL men with conservative values and politics are masculine.
i guess all black guys are hung. all Asians are good at calculus, etc.
take a vacation from politics for your own health.
Imperator_Red 6y ago
Take a grammar and punctuation class for your own health.
omega_dawg93 6y ago
lol. your emotions are showing. pull your skirt down.
salemlax23 6y ago
You can try to keep it non-political, but when something you don't agree with is hate speech, looking at a woman is sexual harassment, we've got black white supremacists, Jewish Nazis, and guilty until proven innocent are the norm, and it's all being pushed by one side...
I read a great quote today, was something along the lines of "if you preach equal rights, than things like women's rights and gay rights are redundant, or you're not actually preaching equal rights"
omega_dawg93 6y ago
how can the law be "pushed by one side?" the law is the damn law. opinions about the law may vary, but if you believe there is "equal justice under law," in this country, you're out of your mind. there's law for rich vs. poor, black vs. white, male vs. female. then, there's a whole new set of laws that apply to celebrities, athletes, politicians, cops, etc.
then, there's the sentencing bullshit after the un-equal law has been applied. there's no gop or democrat associated with any of that... it's about $$$.
Coregod109 6y ago
I hope TRP.red gets going and I get to enjoy allot more content from you guys. Anyway I want to thank you guys if it wasn't for you I would've never been where I am now I'm far from done but you guys gave me the tools to keep growing.
Thank you!
deinlandel 6y ago
The problem with trp.red that it looks... Strange. What is it, just a feed of user comments? It looks hard to extract useful info from it...
MakoShark93 6y ago
I thought that too. It needs some more user-friendly features. Haha, as soon as this shit starts to get more known outside forces try to destroy it. This is amazing smh
Coregod109 6y ago
You're right maybe TRP.red can get a rework there are probably allot of guys in here who have the knowledge to do so
Zarathustraliver 6y ago
Yeah it needs a good website dev it looks ancient
anthaRACKS 6y ago
Amen to that. I could get emotional right now but I’m in such a better place now.
Aarxnw 6y ago
It won’t be the same without the intrusions of the reddit red pill loathing mob
ozylol 6y ago
Censorship at its finest.
waynebradysworld 6y ago
Those fags banned me for speaking honestly, karma?
supremesamurai 6y ago
Fuck these Reddit fags I hope this platform dies off the way digg did.
Auxfite 6y ago
Me too ????
waynebradysworld 6y ago
TRP be like "Oy vey, Wayne is to the right of our comfort zone! Silence him"
TRP also be like "Reddit silenced us for being to the right of their comfort zone! This isn't fair! It's anuddah Shoah!"
TheBadGoy 6y ago
To be fair, TRP is full of boomers so don't expect them to understand this "truth" you speak about
waynebradysworld 6y ago
Boomers won't admit their parents fought and died for the wrong side, hurts too much
Freedom__Fighter 6y ago
Well, this is fucking bullshit
BlueWhiteImposter 6y ago
It's truly a sad state of matters in the world right now. There is no longer shades of gray. It's either black or white, right or wrong. Nothing can be in between, and every lifestyle, idea or group gets judged for its most radical member.
95% of the content on TRP was good mannered stuff aimed at improvement of oneself and at learning the skills that are needed to be a man in this day and age. It was supportive in its core, even if it was an example of some sad git getting fucked over or some harshly worded rant about why you still suck even after lifting because you do not do this. It was locker room content to be taken with locker room mentality.
Then there was the 5% that was misogynistic or angry, for which the whole sub has been judged for in the black and white manner of today, and it's just 5% of the new posts, not the comments. In the comments such rage against women would be ridiculed and discouraged, but does anyone bother to take the time to read any further before getting offended by the content?
In any case, I can honestly say that I don't agree with all the stuff that got thrown around on TRP, but my life has significantly improved for having taken in some of the advice given there. I have no idea where I would be if I hadn't gotten this advice... But I get the feeling I'd be in some darker place with some darker thoughts feeling sorry for myself rather than doing anything about it.
So yeah, good job Reddit for "quarantineing" a self help sub.
Stokestix 6y ago
LMAO! How about you let me decide myself, you little bitches? This site is going shit. Fuck these retards admins.
JakarrSlamson 6y ago
TRP is the one thing that finally motivated me to start loving myself. Got me to work harder, lift, and be more social. I used to be pretty depressed and socially anxious and didn't understand why people didn't like me. The truth that the red pill taught me was that it was because I didn't like myself. TRP didnt teach me to hate women or be "alpha", it taught me to accept that some things are out of my control and to focus on the things that are in my control, the same thing that stoicism teaches.
I've been here for 5 years, and am now 22. Happy to say I graduated with high honors and a double stem major from a top university, have a job that pays 70k per year, have a 4 bed+2 bath house, a brand new car, am in the 1000 club, am on plenty of sports teams with friends, get invited to go out frequently now, have much better success with women, and most importantly that I like who I am now. If I hadn't had the motivation of subs like this to work on myself I might still be taking classes, living at home, getting rejected, and be a skinnyfat loser.
TRP taught me how to be a winner and how to be comfortable being selfish, and I hope it did the same for others.
drsherbert 6y ago
Where we going now? Hopefully someone has it archived
11-Eleven-11 6y ago
anonymau5 6y ago
Mainstream ad revenue
OfficerWade 6y ago
Is this fucking a joke?
[deleted] 6y ago
The silver lining for myself was that it was time to let go of the trp sub. Its time to stop hanging out in the locker room.
TheBunBun54321 6y ago
Never would've started lifting weights if it weren't for TRP. Shame the community got silenced preventing any newbies who are looking for valid ways to improve themselves have lost such an insightful source.
lifeisweirdasfuck 6y ago
this will always be online.
If anyone has archive.org's top posts please share.
keysomea 6y ago
Thanks man
InsideTennis4 6y ago
Brilliant, everyone ensure you download copies for offline backup purposes, they'll never take us down.
evilrabbitL 6y ago
I cannot wait until /pol/ hears about this.
TheRealShafron 6y ago
Hopefully the sub goes back to normal. If anything, I'll be seeing all of you fellas in the other red pill sites. It's been a pleasure.
equilibrium57 6y ago
No fuckin way
crespo_modesto 6y ago
Isn't there a mirror of redpill? Also it's not hard to take Reddit content(put .json at the end of every url) question is... can you?... haha I mean you can read it/store it but making a website from it...(that others visit)
There are also the linked sites like the one guy Rollo or something
It's too bad, I'm that pathetic bitch that cries cuz he's a pussy, meanwhile "the cool guys" you know... ahh oh well least my life is coming together. I'm not free yet(financially) and doing my own thing
lazy way to grab all the links on redpill is to view it, then save page as html, then you can either open it with text pad/ide or just open the local copy on a browser as is, it'll probably look like shit(unless the styles/js are on a cdn that are still working) but the urls are there looks like a good amount lead to a.trp.red
[deleted] 6y ago
I was gonna ask the same question. The internet monopolies strike again
[deleted] 6y ago
Monopoly??? There are literally millions of websites not called "reddit". Reddit is far from being a monopoly.
TheRealShafron 6y ago
Hopefully the sub goes back to normal. If anything, I'll be seeing all of you fellas in the other red pill sites. It's been a pleasure.
MisterInspector 6y ago
This makes me incredibly sad.
rpleo 6y ago
If anyone has Web archives link of the posts, do share it.
sjdfhskdjfh 6y ago
seems like censorship has been taken up a notch in the past couple months, between twitter and youtube and reddit. I wonder why...
AvocadoBathroomTiles 6y ago
WTF, they quarantined TRP as well?
To hell with this site.
sp33dygtx 6y ago
“the rules of the dance” HiFi hahah
Sighters 6y ago
Ridog101 6y ago
Full list of Subs that got Quarantined as of posting this:
backdoorinvestor 6y ago
But r/feminism still alive and well. Fucking BS
FuneralWithAnR 6y ago
Tbh, I am not sad about Braincels.
iqbal002 6y ago
I think its somehow good , too many people knowing about the sub will make it political , now we are the part of a fight club
send_it_for_the_boys 6y ago
Also, you can’t see new posts or post, but if you have a topic you want to read about it a question go on google and type it in such as “holding frame redpill” and it will bring up old posts similar you can read.
IronboundAbyss 6y ago
I don't think it's that big of a deal, I can stop mentally masterbating to other's experiences and go make my own... to masterbate to.... that sounds weird but in sticking with it.