I've been pretty lost in life for a while now. I've had OCD since I've been born. It developed into extreme social anxiety after a few trumatic school experiences. As a result of my increasingly isolated life, I developed scoliosis and GERD over the years. Now, I have constant chronic pain both in my back and stomach. And it only magnified my anxiety in general.

I've been trying to get myself back together ever since I got to an age where I understood what was going on. I've read dozens of books, I diet, go the gym. I learned game and social skills even though I barely get to use them.

Pretty sure it's OCD that's causing me to self isolate. It actually shook me pretty deeply when I started reading about the false rape accussations. Now I feel like I'll somehow end up jail after saying hi to a girl.

I meditate, it's the only reason I even got somewhat of a stable mind. I used to uncontrollably eat, waste my time. Now, I try to balance it. Sadly, I can't purely focus on improvement because my OCD takes over without some distraction throughout the day.

I've been to many therapists over the years. I took antidepressants, got off them as meditation got me stable enough. Right now, I gave up on seeking professional support as I've spent over 8 years constantly seeing therapists and psychiatrists, and it never helped. Everything that helped I mostly learned from extensive reading.

Very often I get distraught when I think about how little I've progressed over about 12 years since I started having these issues. I'm 22 right now. I still can't talk to people unless it's in a safe context like at a shop or when someone asks me the time. I feel extremely uneasy even making eye contact, especially with girls. And I realize I need to get out there to meet people, but since I can't initiate conversation or get closer to people, it often ends in my dissapointment no matter how many hours I spend outside.

I'm at wits end here. I always hold the hope that one day I'll somehow get better, meanwhile being terrified that day will never come without my active effort. Which I do give, but often to no avail.

I'm looking for all kinds of support here. You don't have to have had OCD or have any advice for me. I would equally appreciate someone to talk to. I hope you all have a good day.