They want their men to open up and then leave when they don't.
Then they act like that guy has deep routed traumas and problems. They literally have i it in their mind that because men aren't telling them their life stories and problems, that they some how have mental problems.
We all know what happens when telling a woman things. We keep our problems to ourself because it's wise to do so.
Then why do women act like it's the biggest issue in their world? Why are they perpetually unhappy about that?
Do bitches even want to depend on "the rock" Anymore? Whats the matter with them?
Vermillion-Rx Admin 1y ago
Like I said in our DMs, if you are way too closed off you'll get this.
For example i never get hit with this.
Dxmx99 1y ago
I'm not talking about myself in this case. There seems to be a lot of them these days. I don't think a lot of us are necessarily closed off, either. I really think some of them push for more.
I find the whole thing horribly aggravating. Maybe it's just me, but I would prefer woman to sit and stay and stop asking questions.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 1y ago
This is like wishing dogs didn't bark, but do you still like dogs anyway?
Dxmx99 1y ago
A muzzle might be a good idea. They got websites for girls into those kinks, right? There's gotta be way to make that mainstream.
[deleted] 1y ago
Dxmx99 1y ago
The one plate I had that didn't aggravate me was an air head college chick who left the state and I wish she'd come back so I can almost total her car again.
whytehorse2021 1y ago
Look at what they do, not what they say. They wish Chad would open up. But no, he just pumps and dumps them. Since they only date Chads, it IS the biggest issue in their world. There are plenty of nice guys out there they can date and they will open up. Probably even give them a relationship and be faithful.
So imagine being so spoiled and coddled by society that you can go around openly complaining about anything that ever bothered you...
Problematic_Browser 1 1y ago
It's something they do.
They want men to be hard, but constantly shit test them and bait them into being vulnerable. Then they feel revulsion at your vulnerability.
Remember, vulnerability is for your bros.
[deleted] 1y ago
lurkerhasarisen 1 1y ago
This is a good rule of thumb. Granted, you don't want to LTR or marry a woman who will feel revulsion for you when you're vulnerable. No man can be 100% adamantine 100% of the time (nor should you want to be).
I'm a retired military guy, and all the guys I work with are also retired military guys. We have all been to war. The things we talk about amongst ourselves are not the things we talk about with our wives... or at least not in the same way.
MovinCruisin 1y ago
They say this with the expectation that you have nothing to open up about. Basically a shit test to see if you're really an alpha or just pretend to be one.
Durek_The_Bald 1y ago
It's just the 253.477th example of stupid shit women say about what they want, because they don't know what they want.
mattyanon Admin 1y ago
It's to get resources and security. They want beta characteristics. They just aren't attracted to them.
No, they want independence. And by independence I mean "give them everything for free".
[deleted] 1y ago
Dxmx99 1y ago
Agreed hence I say some wild shit like "I saw a bus full of kids catch fire and my life's been wild ever since".
But when is it a shit test when it's women posting about it all over social media, independent of having that man present?
I see it all the time online, reddit specifically, the ranting of the men in their lives being reclusive or too traumatized to talk about their issues.
When I read I just think "This girl just has to be projecting"
[deleted] 1y ago
Sam88 1y ago
First of all,if you are open upto them about your struggles and hardships in life,they can benefitted in their life in this way:- 1)They want to know what's the mystery about this guy. 2)They want to use to use that information to their advantage,when there is argument can happen between you and her in future. 3)They want to use the happy memories and sad memories of your life and use it like a junkie to use in their brains to induce the effect of psychological stimuli back and forth,which sometimes bad boys use that to seduce them , to totally connected to them. 4) let's say you told them all about your life,They move on to another guy,like a junkie move on to other more hard stuff(dr#gs).
Kevin-Logan 1y ago
Is just a shit test