Freshly single for around a week and a half now. Since then I have hooked up with one girl from a house party, took her home and fucked. Also reached out to an old plate at the same university, she only gives head though no sex. I've been doing indirect daytime a lot between classes, in class, and bus stops. I've also been running social circle game which is working a bit too. Just asking simple questions or making observations about the settings we are both in. So far got around 8 numbers from day game and night game.

I find the logistics easier during night game, just ask them to go on a drive and get food then bring them back to my place. However I had a few question about pulling from day game, if you can answer them all that would be great. My current daygame routine is like this, talk -> get number -> text a bit later into the day and have short banter, the same day or the next day I would suggest going on a drive and getting food later at night

  1. Are these logistics good or should I suggest drinks instead? I have a car, that's why I've been suggesting drive and getting food so far, because for drinks we would have to take an Uber there and back which would cost more. One of my friends does drinks for the first date because they can both get tipsy which would give the girls more plausible deniability.

  2. Should I escalate for an F-close on the first date always? Because I was wondering if I try to escalate to F close on the first date and get rejected, will it prevent me from getting a second date/seeing them again?

  3. Is it fine to sit at a different seat at every lecture and just try talking to different people?