I have this weird thing, sometimes it's easier for me to approach a girl that didn't give me eye contact, or better girls who gave me eye contact whith a smiling facem which happened this saturday, she noticed i was looking at her and had a smiling face, once i approach her reaction was like "i knew you were gonna do it" and was very positive and not bitchy
now there's another petite girl with tattooes i didn't approach, this girl looked at me in several occasions, in the cue outside, while buying drinks, but she was not smiling and i felt approach anxiety and didnt approach
i don't don't whats going on, she wasent smiling but hadn't a bitchy face either, it's not not be super smily and upbeat every weekend
the truth is i'm a pussy in this case because i'm scared if i approach her she will think something like "i knew this dork would approach just because i looked at him", this dosent happened with girls smiling
what do you think?
mattyanon Admin 1y ago Stickied
I think you care too much what other people think and what other people MIGHT think
[deleted] 1y ago
Vermillion-Rx Admin 1y ago
Some girls aren't smiling when they keep looking at you because they are just scanning. Maybe they also have low self esteem
Or they could be staring for another reason.
You won't know till you approach. Non smiling double takes aren't necessarily an IOI. I look at certain people on repeat to people watch some times
I think you're overthinking it and it's not even necessarily an ioi. You won't know till you approach
[deleted] 1y ago