Came across this guy that was getting hammered by a girl very near to my home. Her tone was really aggressive. She's telling him stuff like "it's none of your business" and giving him a talking to, while he is completely in her frame, listening, looking bleak. She is making fun of him and doing that passive aggressive laugh/smile. Then she tells him to bounce. Bro started following her, walking behind her as she was going into her apartment building. She told him to leave again. He just stood there for a while, in front of her apartment building, looking at his phone (probably trying to text her or whatever)
I think he should have left her and walked away AS SOON as she caught an attitude. I believe that there was definitely plenty of disrespect prior to this situation. It starts small, then gets bigger and bigger.
How would you react in a similar situation?
You can't get aggressive, she'll just shout and claim abuse. And if you take the disrespect once, you'll get it plenty more. It's a lose-lose situation.
Just walk away and ghost?
What are your thoughts?
[deleted] 1y ago
No-Stress-Cat 1y ago
You left out the part where you go MWAHAHAHA!!! >:D
[deleted] 1y ago
No-Stress-Cat 1y ago
LMAO! Classic.
EurasianChad 1 1y ago
If privately: walk away
If in a situation where getting disrespected = a bad look socially (aka disrespected in front of employees of your business). In public situations you remain calm, hit them with a zinger, then tell them to leave (if you control the variables) or leave yourself.
Always remain calm in the exterior, no matter how emotional you get inside. Always take the road of highest power.