We were texting normally. I was trying to setup a dinner date to escalate. So I made a joke, Me: Dinner Wednesday/thur Her:Thur Me: how’s abt that Korean restaurant near ur place Her : it’s a good restaurant l, but they closed down, don’t know why Me: ( trying to make a joke out of it) maybe they’re scared of you Her:( replies after 3 hrs) ? forget it then, not sure what to eat, maybe I’ll stay on a diet Her: I might just get a facial massage (dermatologist) instead
What is this little tantrum ? It’s like she didn’t get my sarcasm and got mad, and now threatening to decline my meet up. I find it funny as if a child a throwing a little tantrum. I was thinking was ignore her tantrum and invite her to another restaurant. Is this the right decision ? Does this count as shit test ? Or should I just ignore her until she clams down?
Vermillion-Rx Admin 1y ago Stickied
That's childish behavior and she sounds like a buzzkill. How old is she?
chad_chan 1y ago Stickied
28 years old
mattyanon Admin 1y ago
Mental age of all women = child.
mattyanon Admin 1y ago
She took your joke too seriously and took it as a rejection.
Right. Shit happens. Women are moody. She's taking a stupid step back, so now you have to take a step back (for a time) to avoid being a loser.
No. She's being dumb and now you're rewarding good behaviour / chasing / accepting her disrespect.
How about "Ok, sounds like you're super busy with your facial".
Doesn't matter what the fuck it is...... it's not good enough so you need to hand out a gentle punishment. Increase delays, accept the none-meeting, act distant. This should trigger more interest from her (if she still likes you) or disinterest from her (if she doesn't) - both are good.
jaytionaryy 1y ago
This is why I rarely try to be sarcastic or make any risky jokes over text, it can easily be misinterpreted. Though in this case this girl is just being childish
Keep texting for logistics only and tease her in person
Vermillion-Rx Admin 1y ago
If you only show this humor over text yeah. If she knows you to be like this in person it's generally safe
MidgetSpinner 1y ago
There are no "risky jokes" when you are a fucking chad. Risk implies you're afraid of losing her. If she is just one of his plates, and not the only one (which technically wouldn't make her a plate), then why does he care? Just go on a date with someone else. I'm willing to bet though that he is in fact one of her plates.
chad_chan 1y ago
Maybe I am. But I also have other plates, but it’s the annoying fact that I rejected another plate so that I can play with this one this week. Didn’t expect her to be this childish
[deleted] 1y ago
redhawkes 2 1y ago
Just text her "remind me to give you extra spanks" and stop taking plates on dinner.
chad_chan 1y ago
Where should I arrange the setup then
redhawkes 2 1y ago
Your place or hers
EurasianChad 1 1y ago
Any threats or ultimatums given to me, I immediately next, downgrade, or ignore. She better have a good reason and apologize. You chasing her or apologizing for doing nothing wrong just puts you in a weak position. She will see you as easily to manipulate, and we all know girls don't respect men they can easily manipulate.
Don't deal with BS. Stop trying to placate to this woman.
If this was a child I'd tell him to shut the fuck up or he will be handled. That's how my dad did it to me. Never threw a tantrum again. But this is a girl, so just ignore, or send a yawning emoji if you must.
chad_chan 1y ago
Im know what game she’s playing haha, she’s trying to act like a cute little angry girl to try and get me to fold, get me to apologise and comfort her. Don’t think I’ll do that. But just confused as to what to do in this situation ? Next her for a bit or ignore the tantrum and continue to move into logistics
EurasianChad 1 1y ago
You trying to continue to set plans just makes you look weaker than my first suggestion. You don't give a little child a lollipop when he misbehaves, otherwise you re-enforce the behaviour. You set it straight (or next, but you cant next your kid lol). Thats my opinion. Others may have a differing opinion.
This is not a business partner where compromises (whilst retaining self respect) must be made. Next her til she apologizes, or if you think I'm being too extreme, you can go "stop being a little girl its a joke. Now lets do drinks instead to cheer you up, daddy will take care of you if you promise to be a good girl."
Also dinner dates are a little more complicated to escalate on, and requires a longer time/money investment. I just do straight drinks but its up to you.
Aox1993 1y ago
She's shit testing you to see if you'll apologise and try and make her feel better by escalating over what you would normally do. Do not reply use those other spinning plates and wait for her to come back to you, once she realises you won't fall for it she'll come back if she really wants to, if she doesn't no great loss
chad_chan 1y ago
Appreciate the advice brother
Lone_Ranger 2 1y ago
YOU MISSED THE CUE! The only acceptable answer to that is;
"I'll be right over to give you your 'facial'"
chad_chan 1y ago
Sorry brother, we were texting in Chinese, (I translated the text for the community) so this doesn’t work :(
coolsocks00 1 1y ago
Lmao. Omg how dare she even imply that
Bro. She didnt get it/you werent actually funny/who gives a fuck. Move it along
You're the one posting an essay about it online.
Fucking hilarious sentence. How about ignore it and invite her over to suck dick, or find another girl who will?
chad_chan 1y ago
Yh ure right. Cheers for the wake up call