Im 26 and had to move back in with my mother about a year ago due to financial hardship associated with the increased cost of living. This experience here has been an absolute nightmare thanks to my mother’s unchecked narcissism, alcoholism, tendency to yell and scream at me over any perceived indiscretion, and refusal to take accountability of her actions. Growing up, she was a terrible, negligent parent, and because of that we’ve always had a turbulent relationship.
For most of my time here, I’ve been able to somehow not get too bothered by her disrespect - sucking it up to save some money - however over the last few weeks tensions have escalated to new heights. She’s begun to regularly yell and scream me at me over the most trivial of disputes. For instance, the other day she erupted and yelled at me after I politely asked her to clean her dirty dishes after they were left in the sink for hours. I pay $500 per month in rent, walk her dogs regularly and do practically all the cleaning, so it’s not like I was out of line to ask that. My mental health is seriously declining in this type of environment, I feel like I’m in a constant state of flight-or-flight.
If I had more money I would’ve left and permanently excommunicated her long ago, however my savings have dwindled to about $5000 after losing my job 3 months ago. At this point, I’m seriously considering packing up my things and leaving on a whim. I live in an extremely high cost of living area and desperately want to get out. There’s this beautiful, scenic, inexpensive mid-size town in the South that I’ve been eyeing. It would probably take me about three days to complete the drive there. Moving somewhere close to my current location is not an option, as the cost of living here is just ludicrous. Moving in with my dad is also not an option.
Thankfully, despite her ill-will I’m not at risk of being kicked out, which does leave me the opportunity to stay here, look for another job and continue to save up money. Uprooting myself across the country is a huge risk, especially given my unfavorable financial situation and the current economic climate. I have a degree and work experience in my field, but still feel uneasy about not being to promptly land a job in this awful market.
So what would be the best course of action here? Suck it up, try to save more by searching for a new job while enduring the mental torment? Or take a huge leap of faith and hope the risk pays off?
Lone_Ranger 2 1y ago
Sorry to hear your stressful situation.
But here's an angle you don't seem to have thought of: You say that you live in an area with very high costs of living. Why are the costs of living so high in your area? (that's the clue!) - it will always and only be for one reason - because income is high in your area.
This leads me to the next bit: your issue is not the high cost of living, its low wages. have a think about that. Moving to a 'low cost of living' area will result in lower wages. Think about this on a grand scale. The reason why millions of immigrants are leaving the 3rd world and pouring into the 1st world? It's because of higher wages. The cost of living in the 3rd world is very low!
What I would say to you is what I would say to any young person - you need to make a plan and really focus on high wages. Otherwise a life of poverty awaits.
mattyanon Admin 1y ago
No idea whether this is a good deal for you or not........ but if it's a bad deal, why can't you go out and get better somewhere else?
Got a job there or not?
What's the job situation if you were there?
Find a middle ground. Don't leave instantly. Make a plan. There's going to be some risk, but you can make it so that worse case you only lose a bit of time and money. Take some risk, but make it so that the worst case is bearable.... which might be moving back in with your mother. You can tell her "I've got to try this, might see you soon".
Vermillion-Rx Admin 1y ago
Get some decent roommates for a half a year or whatever in a house. Usually ends up splitting costs substantially though you may have to share a bathroom with someone
No-Stress-Cat 1y ago
You have 1 of 2 options:
EnkiTheCreator 1y ago
I do like the idea of disenagaing because every time I try to reason with her or talk logically she just becomes more livid. It’s like talking to a brick wall. I just have to quiet my ego and be ok with the idea of not getting through to someone who’s seeing red.
This taking control thing though sadly won’t work. She’s an absolute bitch who simply will not listen to anyone’s advice or orders under almost any circumstances. As much as I love the idea of just standing my ground, she’s just going to get livid and start yelling as she’s done throughout my entire life.
MrSupreme 1y ago
Hang in there, I know what It is like living in terrible conditions, I lived with about 30ppl on a house for almost two years as an immigrant.It was rough. Best you can do is save some money, learn from the experience as much as you can,it will help you build character. And above all,be careful what you wish for, family life is difficult. Take your time,no rushing
[deleted] 1y ago
EnkiTheCreator 1y ago
I used to have tons of friends and a thriving social scene but have really fallen off since COVID. They’ve all moved on now and I don’t really understand how to make new friends as an adult with no easy outlets to meet new people.