LDR came to visit for a week and it was legitimately one of the happiest times I've experienced in a while.
Learned a bunch of stuff from the LDR girl in the past week (how to be effective at sorting and cleaning my place properly, tried a bunch of new foods and experiences I'd never have tried on my own, had literally my first functional experience with PIV (attempted it before in the past with my ex but it didn't work properly on my end as my ex was worsening my anxiety issues)).
So now I feel sad because LDR has flown back. It doesn't help that I caught some type of cold (or maybe dust allergy?) right after she left so I'm doing mealprep instead of gym today.
How do I break myself out of this self-sabotaging loop? I've been stuck in a depressive loop before (unrelated to women back then) but I can totally see this episode spiralling/devolving into something like that, what can I do to address or pre empt it?
mattyanon Admin 11mo ago Stickied
LDR is not a relationship....... you are an option for a future relationship. They don't work.
Find LOCAL girls
redpillschool Admin 11mo ago
What do you call a relationship in which you provide all the commitment but she provides none of the sex?
Vermillion-Rx Admin 11mo ago
Bruh ..........
I almost wanted to stop reading after this. Have you learned almost NOTHING from TRP?
This is your first time fucking a chick PIV
Jesus fuck you have newbitis that's your entire problem
Stop being exclusive with this women wtf dude. She probably has dick on top wherever tf she lives and you're sitting here mentally masturbating and probably literally masturbating over it
Jesus man, have some self respect and find a woman you can bang on the reg. Not this shit. LDRs are imaginary relationships, you're slacking on RP.
redpillschool Admin 11mo ago
Also stop calling it PIV because that's dysfunctional.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 11mo ago
Cause these mofos won't just say sex
That's why other variations of "sex" are announced. Oral sex, etc. it's just redundant to call it vagina sex, it's like they are ashamed to just say sex
Typo-MAGAshiv 2 11mo ago
Or coitus
Vermillion-Rx Admin 11mo ago
I think piv is such a stupid acronym
Typo-MAGAshiv 2 11mo ago
What's wrong with PIV?
Why does PIV bug you two so much?
Would you two prefer if people said "coitus" instead?
CC: @redpillschool
UnhappyAttemptori 11mo ago
Thank you, I needed that sternness. AWALT
I don't know why I keep slipping back into these excess levels of delusion/codependency, it's ridiculous.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 11mo ago
Get options. Always be closing. Game other women
Stagnation is a choice
UnhappyAttemptori 11mo ago
It's more of an opportunity cost than a choice, I'm fully committed to working on career right now and outside of consistent OT there's literally no time for anything outside of gym/sleep/mealprep and even then it's a struggle
I only had time for that mini vacation with LDR girl because it was planned months in advance
What avenues do you guys use for gaming women outside of work when most of your working hours are spent at the office or in commute
Vermillion-Rx Admin 11mo ago
I mean if your commute is that costly for time consider living closer to your work
Increase your efficiency for the tasks you already do like meal prep etc to save more time
Cold approach women on your usual routes. Good that you're focusing on your mission but your LDR is just a long distance plate
Hypergamy will kick in the second s prospect she has is worth losing the relationship
coolsocks00 1 11mo ago
Wtf is lovesick.
Sounds awesome
Nothing wrong with this. As always, be mindful of the dynamic. Even with good intentions, women will unconsciously chip away at boundaries and change the frame of your relationship if you are always passive.
Leading, being assertive and capable of saying no, having fun and shifting between treating her seriously and treating her like a bratty little sister; all these things are important to the dynamic long run.
LDRs suck. For a number of reasons. For long amounts of time you dont fuck, she cant do things for you, she’ll still want your attention, you dont know what she’s up to, etc. There’s no real abundance and the LDR will usually become a net negative over time.
In your case as a young dude with little experience i dont see the big issue with it. What you need to do, is to not stop learning, keep flirting with other women, keep improving your SMV so you’re always in a good spot and pussy is no longer something that can control you.
What self sabotaging episode are you talking about exactly? Most of your post sounds like you’ve had a good time.
Just judging from some of these inputs that dont really matter to anyone but you, you sound like you have something of a woe is me attitude. This is typical for someone with anxiety and depression, but you have to understand that these things go hand in hand.
Catch yourself when you start thinking about negative shit, and make the conscious decision to just stop it. Think of something good instead. Think of your wins, and future wins. This will literally improve your thought patterns, and over time, along with exposure to whatever you’re anxious about, will reduce your anxiety.
UnhappyAttemptori 11mo ago
The dust allergy was more of a 'is this possibly another reason why I feel so sad and miserable right now' type of thing, cuz i genuinely did catch a pretty bad cold lol
I do agree that my outlook is usually 'good thing happened, I don't deserve good thing/it cannot last/it will backfire somehow, I need to disaster prep for the inevitable thunderstorm/fallout', but that has protected me multiple times in my childhood so I doubt I'll let go of it anytime soon
Your reframe was good though, thank you
coolsocks00 1 11mo ago
As in?
ObliviousDuck 11mo ago
I stopped reading at LDR.
There. I said it @vermillon-rx
Vermillion-Rx Admin 11mo ago
Atta boy
First-light 11mo ago
It sounds like you have had a very positive experience. Catching cold from a lover who lives far away is pretty likely as you will both be exposed to very different viruses. Its perfectly natural that you will experience a come down after a period of intense positive emotion and excitement. It will be very unlikely even in a very stable person and if you are someone who experienced anxiety as you described, then it is likely you have more ups and downs than the average person.
Overall I would see it all in context as a big plus and see the come down as being as normal as the come down after a big athletic event, final exams, or even a big work project. Its totally natural.
Its also totally natural that you miss you lady. She made you feel good. Its again just a case of seeing it all in context. LDRs are not easy to manage in perspective. They require greater than average tenacity to sustain -you get less rewards for more waiting. They are also a lot less secure -its easy for both ends of a LDR to be tempted to stray or to abandon the LDR as futile.
So see it all in perspective and use the quiet time to mull over what can be done about the LDR. Is it serious? would it be a serious LTR if you were closer? If so, its worth considering how you can close the gap -who could move? If its not a realistic LTR prospect or neither person would be prepared to move, then its important to see it only as a bit of happiness that will not endure but is best enjoyed without regret.
It is possible to bring a LDR to being a proper close relationship but it demands great commitment and sacrifice on both sides. It is also almost always best to do this sooner not later. The longer you leave it, the staler your love becomes and the freshness of new love is a great help when facing the big sacrifices that are needed to bring a LDR into a real LTR.
Use the quiet to mull, see things in perspective and make whatever plans may be necessary. Try very hard to see her as what she is. Is she likely to be faithful, could you really get on with her and so on. Only you can do this.
[deleted] 11mo ago
redpillschool Admin 11mo ago
LDR = long distance relationship.
and I think PIV. .. is .. sex? like penis-in-vagina?
But man, calling it PIV is maybe part of his dysfunction...
Typo-MAGAshiv 2 11mo ago
Roissy himself used to say "PIV'.
I will too now, just to bug you.
That, and "coitus". Almost no one likes the word "coitus".
whytehorse2021 11mo ago
There's an evolutionary explanation here. Your body thinks it has reproduced and will now form an attachment to the female. This will alter your brain to become territorial, protective, and jealous. The more contact you have, the more it will be reinforced.
The solution is to not become attached. Attachment leads to loss. Loss leads to suffering. Suffering to anger. Anger to hate.
pancakesforbreakfast 11mo ago
How many women have you talked to in the past week?
whytehorse2021 11mo ago
I talk to my wife every day... All the other women I talk to are just random strangers and I don't keep count.
redpillschool Admin 11mo ago
LDR translates to "Saving myself for when I'm dead."
MrSupreme 11mo ago
There's nothing wrong with a LDR if you have other plates and are fucking at least one girl. Then she becomes a plate you fuck when she's in town. Scratch that,don't call her a LDR,she's just a plate when she's in town.