I’m pretty confident in my ability to initiate and build interest with women, I do so pretty easily. My current issue is actually going from “okay I think she’s interested” to actually moving in for the close.
I think my other issue is that I’m not very direct, I can strike up a conversation with a girl in a club and get her laughing, dancing with me but I don’t know how to go from that to okay let’s hook up. It’s definitely a matter of because I’ve been good at it, I’ve never done it/practiced it so I haven’t built up confidence/techniques. Is there any advice/resources I can look into to improve this?
whytehorse2021 10mo ago
Sounds like you've gotten through to open->stack->vibe. Now for invest and then close. This is pretty old but just adapt it to your situation. http://niplav.site/doc/game/beginners_guide_to_daygame_torero_2018.pdf
mattyanon Admin 10mo ago
Sounds like you haven't broken the touch barrier.
Some suggestions:
Minor tips
Understand that all the above will go wrong more often than it goes right. There will be a lot of near misses, flakes, weird female behaviour, etc. etc. This is why it's important not to care.
Hamza99 10mo ago
Her left eye, her right eye, lips. Correct?
iautrptgl 10mo ago
Thanks man, all makes a lot of sense.
In terms of mentality towards it, do you reckon it's best to have some form of set plan (Ala Mystery Method) and adapt/expand it as I use it, or to continue with no real plan, just approaching with now a more conscious focus on breaking touch barrier?
I just think for myself, a set plan (not a fully blown out 66 point step by step what to say, just some sort of hard "if we chat and X happens (IOI, myself being interested etc.) then engage touch/kino by doing Y") would get me to actually practice it more, is that something worth doing or just keep doing what I'm doing, just approaching and talking, with a soft focus on myself to be more assertive in terms of touch barrier?
I feel like I would benefit by some rough step by step or gameplan, but it obviously takes away authenticity and kind of forces you to care more.
mattyanon Admin 10mo ago
I studied MM and hated how rigidly defined it was. That ..... for me..... means it won't work in a lot of situations and for me it killed all fun.
It might work for you. For me it works best if I understand what's going on and plan dynamically.
This doesn't mean "have no plan", it means planning as you go.
The latter ideally..... focus on more touching.
The "If X happens then do Y" approach might work for you if you're sticking.
But as regards touching: aim to touch in some socially acceptable way within 1-2 sentences.
Ok... step by step.....
"Excuse me".... tap on shoulder if facing away.... touch forearm if near you. Make it VERY FLEETING.
"Do you know how to get to X"...... touch on shoulder as you face where you think it is you're trying to get to.
blah blah whatever
"Thanks, you've been awesome, give me a hug".
Engage in conversation, touch her forearm a few times, maybe shoulder.
If she warms to you, she'll step in closer, kinda moving hips to hips... at this point you can touch her above hips, below ribs in a sort of half hug.
How to hug a girl you want to fuck:
Say "Give me a hug" or "Come here"...... and then you hold your arms out to the sides, straight, and slightly down, palms facing her. This is the "hug incoming" gesture that you do to show her what's happening. She then either looks warmly interested or scared and reserved..... if the former, you SLOWLY move towards her and hug her. Point is that she fully knows what's happening at every stage. A sudden grab of her is terrifying for most people, so take it slow.
Then firm squeeze, press your face against side of her neck (don't actually kiss), and then let her go.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 10mo ago
Curious why you say this, girls who cuddle up on me are usually the most ready/wanting to smash. Of course I had some that weren't (but something seemed off about theirs in hindsight and at the time)
Don't get me wrong i don't think the guy should be the one doing it or engaging in it much but my exp is when girls do it they are so ready to smash
mattyanon Admin 10mo ago
This is for girls who are not firmly already wanting to fuck you.
Sure, but you're well calibrated and know the difference. The advice is to avoid guys who get all cuddly with girls and then get nothing else.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 10mo ago
I gotcha that makes a lot sense
Lone_Ranger 2 10mo ago
Correct. When a girl wants to 'joke cuddle' you in social setting (bar, club, uni etc) she is trying to get a feel for your body. When that happens, just tense up your mussels, hug her back but a bit too firmly, and then let go and give your attention to some other chick. It's very important that YOU end the interaction. The extra firm hug gives her a sense of your power and strength.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 10mo ago
This is great advice but what do I say to a HB10 so I can nut on her and then dump her?
Lone_Ranger 2 10mo ago
You need great text game.
Why don't you sign up to my course? 7 hours of video tutorials with case studies and testing. You'll be assigned a texting mentor and you'll get a certificate.
How to Text Like A God, So You Can Slay Pussy Like A Chad
Mod 1: Number hunting for beginners Mod 2: The importance of always texting, all the time Mod 3: The Need for Speed, Never Leave her On Read
Intermediate Text Game Mod 4: War and Peace - give her something to really read Mod 5: Simping for Success
iautrptgl 10mo ago
I think it's fair advice, especially for newbies. When I was BP I would cuddle with girls in university who had no intention of sleeping with me. I think with all things RP, context is key. Rather encourage the extreme that is better (text only for logistics, don't cuddle with girls you aren't actively fucking) and as someone grows they can gage the where and when it's the exception
Vermillion-Rx Admin 10mo ago
Maybe i just know how to milk cuddling but I've smashed so many women out of a cuddle. I get them really turned on from how i cuddle. It's subtle and deadly if done right
iautrptgl 10mo ago
Yeah definitely is a skill that is important to learn. I'm wondering if you got any advice for what I wrote above? Trying to take in as much as possible
Vermillion-Rx Admin 10mo ago
I'll reply to the original post later
Virtual_Chemistry_99 10mo ago
I'm curious to know about the way you cuddle.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 10mo ago
Lmfao are you guys seriously going to get an admin to right a cuddle fuck guide on here?
Virtual_Chemistry_99 10mo ago
Yeah, I woud read that
Vermillion-Rx Admin 10mo ago
Fml lol. Okay I'll do it