my state launched a program where you could get an associate's degree for free and then get a guaranteed transfer to a 4 year state university. i know a lot of people here suggest going into trades, but i'm in my late 20s and i feel like this is a nice opportunity to at least get some useful education (i currently hold a shit english major bachelor's).

so currently i was looking at the following programs: engineering, nursing, accounting. there's also a computer science program but with the never-ending layoffs i'm not feeling too good about it. nursing is a guaranteed job with an associate's, engineering is always useful. i like accounting the most out of those, because i'm interested in how money and tax works, also business and finance, but i feel like AI will hit the accounting and finance job market really hard.

what do you think? or maybe i shouldn't even bother and it's all a waste of time in the current state of our society?